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Northwest News SEEM WRONG ONLY IN PRINT Stephenson Manager's Philosophy as to Thin&s Commop to Every Political Campaign. Madison, Wis.. May 6. — E. A. Ed monds, Republican state chairman and manager of United States Sena 1or Isaac Stephenson's primary cam pais», was on the stand before the senatorial invest igating committee most of the time yesterday, the most important developments brought out being to the effect that he spent a .little over $1,900 during the United States senatorial contest in the legis lature between .Ian. 20 and March 4. Ko statement of this expenditure has been filed with the secretary of state. The witness said he had no knowl edge of any inducements being held out to members of the legislature to influence their votes in the senatorial contest. A most searching examination brought out the admission that Sena tor Stephenson contributed $2,000 to the Republican state central commit tee. In answer to another question the witness said he thought there were things done in every campaign, which are not wrong in themselves, but which are misjudged and miscon strued by the public if printed in the papers. However, he did not wish to say that he had arything to con ceal in relation to Stephenson's cam paign. HANG PROFESSOR IN EFFIGY. Students of Lawrence University La be! Vice President "Abdul Hamid." Appleton. Wis., May 0.—Charles W. Treat, vice president of Lawrence eol ]f 'je and instructor in physics, was last iiii'lit hanged in effigy on a trolley •wire on the city's main thoroughfare in fiont of the college campus. The effigy was labeled "Abdul Hamid Treat." Vire President Treat has expelled four of 1 he most popular fraternity men in the college during I wo weeks in which President Plant z has been out < f the city. Two of those expell ed are members of the Glee club, and the entire thirty-six members of this oiganiz'ition now threaten to leave the college. SIX HIGH SCHOOLS GET AID. Offer Course in Agriculture, Domestic Science and Manual Training. St. Paul, May 6. — Six high schools wer« selected by the state high school 1.1.aid yesterday in a meeting at the < :■ pitol to receive the $2,500 state «twai'd allowed under the Putnam Mil. passed at the last session, for Hie maintenance of a course of agri culture, domestic science and manual 1 raining at (he direction of the state officers. Albeit Lea, Alexandria, Cokato, Hinckley. Lewiston and Red Wing vête (liostn. Cando, Glencoe, Mcln 1o;-h and Wells were selected at a pre vious meeting of the board, making 1 « ii in all that will receive the award. ARRESTED AS CAR BREAKER. Man Locked Up at New Richmond Refuses to Give His Name. New Richmond. Wis., May 6.—The i poli ce have under arrest a man charg- j od with breaking into a. Soo line j freight car between Abbotsford and j this city. He stole a quantity of ci- ! gars and other light merchandise. ; Some of the cigars were sold in this I city. He broke into a caboose and ! stole a pocket book and other valua- j hies belonging to the conductor. The fellow put in a few very busy hours in town until arrested. He re lus« d to tell his name or where he hails from. j I ! ' j t ! I ! SMILE COMES OFF QUICKLY. Eau Claire, Wis., May 6.—Charles F. Rurkett, alias Fred Hurkett, alias. Fred Lemare, awaiting a hearing on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, had a triumphant grin on ifts face yesterday when the judge dismissed the prisoner on the ground of a lack of evidence. But his iry v as short lived, for Chief O'Brien immediately arrested him for deser tion iroiii the United States army. HUNT PUBLIC MONEY LEAK. Superior, Wis., May 6.—A Business Mi'n's association was formed yester < ay for the purpose of investigating ihe expenditures of public funds in ti e city, county and towns of the county. The investigation will cover i\ period including the past two years. expenditures of money by 1 lit load and bridges committee of 1 f canity board and in the town of <_ c: con aie alleged. three days after arrest. Defaulting Cashier of Minneapolis Bank Faces Formal Charge. Minneapolis, May 5.—Embezzlement of $20,000 from the First National Rank of Minneapolis is the charge brought against Ellis W. Niles, former teller of the bank, by its president, Frank M. Prince, yesterday. Though the sum actually stolen was about $37,000, the complaint was made to read "$20,000 on Nov. 1." Though Niles has been under sur veillance in the house of Detective Colwell since his apprehension, and attempted suicide in the bank lobby Friday, he was not formally locked up until yesterday. Then he was taken to the city lockup at noon, and after half an hour of sweating, locked up with only "held" against his name. Late in the afternoon Mr. Prince went to the county attorney's office and made a formal complaint against his former teller. CAN'T GET PENSION. Involuntary Service in Confederate Army Bar. Minneapolis, May 5. — Recause he resorted to a feigned allegiance to the Confederacy in order to effect his es cape from Andersonville prison, George Day of Excelsior, Lake Min netonka, is unable to secure a pension for services rendered and wounds re ceived in the Union cause. On applying for a pension Mr. Day made no effort to conceal his brief and involuntary service in the Confed erate army. To his surprise he was informed that no pensions could be paid to one who had served against the Union. Only a special act of con gress could save bis case. Mr. Day has just succeeded in en listing the aid of Congressman Frank Nye of Minneapolis in his affairs. DULUTH STOCK EXCHANGE. Cole-Ryan Interests Predominate in Reorganization. Duluth, May 5. — The Cole-Ryan tcrests predominate in the Duluth stock exchange, which was reorganiz ed yesterday. The president is J. R. Cotton, vice president of the Cananea Central, Giroux and other corpora tions in which the Cole-Ryan people are interested. The vice president is S. E. Smith and the treasurer is D. R. Fairchild. The secretary will be chosen later. All of the strong cop per interests in which Duluth men are interested are represented. The exchange was formed in 1S92, but practically went out of existence in 1894. POPCORN WAGON EXPLODES. Accident on Business Street Causes Great Excitement. Waterloo, Iowa. May 5.—Windows ! in the First National bank. Grismar's : clothing store, Ames' printing estab lishment and numerous offices were j shattered and O. H. Green seriously injured last night when his popcorn ! wagon exploded on the main business j street here. It is thought that the I gasoline tank ignited, blowing the ma ! chine to atoms. Flying missiles were ' hurled a block, but fortunately no one j • xcept Proprietor Green was hit. : j j j ! ; I ! j STARTS BRIDGE SUIT. Great Northern Sues Boat Owners fo> Wrecking Draw. Superior, Wis., May 5.—The Great t Northern railroad, which owns the in ! terstate draw bridge between Duluth and Superior, yesterday started an I action against the owners of the ! steamer Troy, seeking to recover dam nges for the wrecking of the bridge in August, 1906. The suit was started through the Duluth-Superior Bridge company, which is a subsidiary corporation. COLLISION VICTIM RETURNS. Mrs. M. F. Murphy, Who Was on the Fated Republic, Returns Home. Grand Forks, N. D., May 5.—Mrs. M. F. Murphy has returned from New York, where she has been since the steamer Republic was sunk the latter part of January. For a time it was feared lier injuries would prove fatal. She has nearly recovered. Light Term at Belle Fourche. Belle Fourche, S. D., May 5. — The spring term of the ci.cuit court, which will open here today, will be a lieht one. Jud^e Rice will hear the applications for citizenship of a score of foreigners, and the petit jury will report for duty May 5. So far there are but a dozen cases on the calendar. Five of these are suits for divorce. Only one criminal case is to be heard that of the state against Joe Couch, charged with assault and battery. DISASTER SWEEPS THE GREAT LAKES Three Vessels Lost and Fourth Craft Found Deserted—Crew of Seven Lost. 200 ARE KILLED IN SOUTH Appalling Lo^s of Life as Result of Terrible Storm—Property Loss Many Millions. Detroit, May 4.—Three vessels lost, one of them with her crew of seven men, and a fourth crafty found float- i I ing deserted on Lake Michigan, with the fate of her crew unknown, is the day's summary of disaster from storm and ice on the Great Lakes. On the rocky shores of Huron Isl and the schooner George Nester of Detroit was torn to pieces by the gale that swept over Lake Superior. All of her crew of seven were lost. Goes to the Bottom. On Lake Huron, lashed by the same gale, the package freighter Russia of 1 Port Huron succumbed to the waves | after her cargo had shifted, and went to the bottom. The Russia's crew of j twenty-two men succeaded in safely | putting off in their small boats and j escaping. On Lake Michigan the Ann Arbor j railway car lorry No. 1 picked up, j nineteen mi: s south of Fox Island, j the big ste^i L^ater Batavia, desei ted < by her crew and with no positive evi dence as to whether they perished or were taken off the lighter of the steamer which is believed to have been towing her. Face Great Perils. To ihese fresh stories of marine disaster with the arrival at Sault Ste. Marie of the crew of the steamer Aurania. there was added the first story of how the Aurania was crushed by the ice and sank, and how the crew made a perilous way over nearly four ! miles of ice floe to the steamer J. H. Bartow. Few days in the history of naviga tion on the inland lakes have brought such tales of death and disaster. 200 Dead in South. Memphis, Tonn., May 4.—Th? latest reports from the storm-swept districts in the South place the number of dead at 200 and the number of injured at over 700. Complete statistics will probably show a death list of 250, with nearly 1,000 persons injured. At least forty towns have been devas tated. The property loss will amount to many million dollars. Some sections in the pathway of the storm have not yet been heard from, and they will, in all probability, add their quota to the list of casualties and of property loss. Tennessee bore : the brunt of the storm, and the cas ualties in that state are very heavy. FOUR LIONS ARE BAGGED. Roosevelt Brings Down Three and His Son One. Nairobi, East Africa, May 4.—Four lions are trophies of former President Roosevelt's camp in the Mau hills, and the two hundred or more native followers are joining with the Ameri can party in the ecelebration of the unsually good luck. The lions were bagged Saturday, and Col. Roosevelt's mighty gun brought three of them to earth, each on the first shot. Thus one of the ex-president's fond est ambitions has been realized, and he is proud, too. that the fourth of the jungle kings fell before the rifle of his son, Kermit, who, however, took three shots to kill his quarry. Miners Have Close Call. Pittsburg, May 4.—Twenty-five men were at work in the Forest Hill mine of the Pittsburg Coal company at Smithdale, twenty-three miles from here yesterday, when fire broke out between them and the mouth of the mine. Rescue parties were formed, but were driven back by the flames. The imprisoned men escaped through a rear entry, opened as an emergency exit. No one was injured. "Bat" Has Two Fights On. Chicago, May 4. — Battling Nelson announced last night that he would fight "Fighting Dick" Kyiand and "Cy clone Johnny" Thompson before meet ing Packey McFarland. The matches will take place as follows, according to Nelson: Hyland at Colma, Cal., May 29, forty-five rounds, 133 pounds at ringside; Thompson, at Colma, Cal., July 1, 133 pounds at ringside. Seven Killed in Fight. Vladikavkaz, Russia, May 4. — A company of infantry and half a divi sion of Cossacks have been mobilized to exterminate robbers who are in festing Ciscaucasia. In a fight with a band of five yesterday all the robbers were killed, and two Cossacks were killed and two wounded. MONTANA NEWS JUSTICE DENIED, HE SAYS. i an( j impartial or fearless jury in Rütte Copper Corporation Supreme, Avers Counsel for Damage Suit Plaintiff. In a sensational affidavit filed at Rütte in the United States court, H. Lowndes Maury, counsel for plaintiff in the damage suit of Northam against the Rost on & Montana company of the Amalgamated Copper corporations, protested against the removal of the case fiom Helena to Hutte, averring that it is impossible for anyone to se cure a fair trial in Hutte in any action involving the Amalgamated Copper company, because of the dominance of Amalgamated over the affairs of the city. In his affidavit Maury names a score of well known Rütte citizens whom he says he heard express the opinion that under the present laws I of Montana as to the selection of juries it is impossible to obtain a fair where the issues involved affect the big copper company. Among the names given in the affi davit is that of William Scallon, for mcr president of the Amalgamated Copper company. The affidavit also accuses the four Rütte newspapers of suppressing details in connection with mining accidents. LEFT ESTATE OF HALF MILLION. Joseph Francis Bjck, a Pioneer of Montana, Dies at Butte. Joseph Francis Reck, aged seventy five, one of the most prominent of ♦he early pioneers of Montana, died ß U tte of Bright's disease. He came t D Montana in the early '60s, being at tracted to Butte by the gold discover j es j n ravines and below the city, and was the first deputy county recorder for the county. Later he became tne first marshal nf Rütte, when a municipality was formed. Mr. Reck figured prominent ly in politics, and was a charter mem ber of several fraternal organizations. He leaves an estate valued at about $500,000, his really holdings in Hutte being extensive. He also was heavily interested in mining. He was one of the first men to work claims in Hutte. "SMOKE" CASE DISMISSED. Litigation Brought Against Smelter Ended After Three Years. Judge William H. Hunt, in the fed- 1 pral court at Butte, dismissed the bill 1 in the action brought in the name of i Fred J. Bliss against the Anaconda and Washington companies to close j down the large smelting plant at An- ' aconda. Each side will pay its own costs, j which are said to aggregate about half a million dollars. This order disposes of the famous 'smoke" case, begun three years ago by farmers of Deer Lodge valley, who declared that they were being dam aged by fumes from the smelter and demanded that the smelter be closed. I ; j ! I j \ ACCUSED BY SPOUSE. ïpent Butte Woman Says Husband $20,000 of Her Money. Tn a little over four years of wedded life, according to a sensational divorce complaint filed at Butte, George Woll man took more than $20,000 from his wife, Rosalie \\ oilman, forged her name to notes and mortgages, lost her several thousands of dollars which she had coming from her father's es tate, and kept her in constant fear of prosecution for fraud. The plaintiff says she is now dependent upon her relatives for support. Wollman, it is alleged, forged his wife's name to two notes, one for $.100 and the other for $1,200, which she was compelled to pay to save him from imprisonment. $S,CC0 BLAZE AT BOZEMAN. Benepe-Berglund company, were de Fire, Probably of Incendiary Origin, Destroys Two Warehouses. A fire at Rozeman resulted in a loss of $8,000, with practically no insur ance. Two large warehouses, owned by Forrestell & Heilman and the j st roved. It is believed the fire was of incendiary origin, and a reward of $500 is offered for the conviction of the firebug. j Coal Mines to Reopen. A report says the coal mines at ; Storrs, about thirty miles from Boze- | man, will soon reopen. These are : among the larger coal mines of Mon- j tana and have been closed some time. | Edmund Bartl, former superintendent ! of tiie Montana Coke and Coal com pany at Electric, has just leased the ; mines from the Amalgamated compa ny. and intends to operate them on a large scale. Judge Overrules Demurrer. j I The demurrer filed in behalf of the Coram-Welch Drug company in the case perding in Wallace for an al leged infraction cf the city ordinance j prohibiting the sale of liquor on Su*i day, was overruled by Judge Wallace aI)( j t he caze will come up fcr trial, new strength for old BACKS. No Need to Suffer Every Day from Backache. Mrs. Joannah Straw, 628 North Rroadway, Canton, S. D., says: "For three years i sufr f e r e d everything with rheumatism la my limbs and a dull, ceaseless aching la my back. I was weak, languid, broken with head aches and dizzy spells, and the kid ney secretions wer« thick with solids. i was really In a crit ical condition when I began with Doan's Kidney Pills, and they certain ly did wonders for me. Though I am 81 yearfe old, I am as well as the avef age woman of 50. I work well, eat well and sleep well." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Ruffalo, N. Y. VU T &Zbr ; "Lawd, He'p de Animiles!" He gwine ter de canibal country wid bullets—piles on piles! De gun "Crack!" De lion on his back! —Lawd, he'p he animiles! De elephant layin' law now, an* de word de giraffe riles; De tiger give a holler, an' de 'gator change his collar— Lawd, he'p de animiles! PATENTS. List of Patents Issued Last Week to Northwestern Inventors. Reported by Lothrop & Johnson, patent lawyers, 910 Pioneer Press building, St. Paul, Minn.: T. C. Ahl brecht, Hector, Minn., loading appa ratus: H. S. Cleveland, Faribault, Minn., cooking stove; C. A. Eidsmoe, Heresford, S. D., gate; G. B. Frank forter, Minneapolis, Minn., extracting turpentine and resinous matter from wood ; W. O. Johnson, Blunt, S. D., attachment for combination locks; A. V. Lindquist, Alexandria, Minn., reel; C. K. Mayer, Mankato, Minn., copy holder for linotype machines. i j ' j INDIAN GIRL AND HER TRAVELS. As a Government Ward She Is Pro tected on Long Journey. Under the watchful paternal eye ot the United States government Miss Matilda Hancorne, a shapely and beautiful Indian girl whose home is at Orick, Humboldt county, completed a wearisome journey across the conti nent Sunday. Miss Hancorne has been a student at the United States Indian school at I Carlisle, Pa., and when she decided to return to her California mountains Supt. M. Friedman at once began to ; pave the way for a safe and pleasant j journey for his charge. ElizabetJ ! Howell, another student, was coming I West as far as Elko, Nev., and Fried man put the two girls on the train armed with all manner of letters and j credentials. In the meantime he had \ sent letters ahead of the girls to as sure their accommodations on the way. Aside from her inexperience in trav eling there was little need of the fed eral government taking such precau tions regarding Miss Hancorne's jour ney, for she is a bright, wideawake girl, who speaks English perfectly and bears herself with an independent carriage. If there is anything about ^er attract, attention in a crowd it is her striking beauty and the perfect taste with which she dresses. The girl sailed for Eureka on Tues day. She will have to stage it thirty five miles over rough roads. OLD SOAKERS Get Saturated with Caffeine. When a person has used coffee for a number of years and gradually de clined in health, it is time the coffea should be left off in order to see wlieth er or not that has been the cause ot the trouble. A lady in Huntsville, Ala., says she used coffee for about 40 years, and for the past 20 years was troubled with stomach trouble. "I have been treated by many physi cians but all in vain. Everything failed to perfect a cure. I was prostrated for j some time, and came near dying. When j recovered sufficiently to partake of food and drink I tried coffee again and j it soured my stomach. I finally concluded coffee was th& ; cause of my troubles and stopped us | ing it. I tried tea and milk in its : place, but neither agreed with me, then j I commenced using Postum. I had it | properly made and it was very pleas ! Ing to the taste. "I have now used it four months, and ; my health is so greatly improved that I can eat almost anything I want and can sleep well, whereas, before, I suf j fered for years with insomnia. I "I have fouud the cause of my trou bles and a way to get rid of them You can depend upon it I appreciate Postum." "There's » Reason." Read "The Roa I j t Q Wellvill«." in pkgs. Ever read the above letter f A m **v ob e appear* from time to iiiue. TWv are genuine, true, und full aï huiiua Interest.