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THE IRON LANTERN E t H. BEDFORD-JONES {Copyright, by Dally Story Pub. Co.) Trie note read: "To the Hon. Sir Gladwin, savior ■of the unworthy life of his slave, Ka i ®a -?chi, greeting. "I return to-day to the Land of a ■Thousand Delights; and returning I «end the thanks of one saved from de •truc tion, and also the gift of his grateful spirit. May your ancestors preserve! KAGA-ICHI." Then I remembered. Some months before I had saved a Japanese from the fury of a gang of roughs during one of the periodic anti-Japanese out breaks which took place along the Pa cific coast. The man had thanked me, In perfect English, and disappeared; iiere was the testimonial of his grati Hude. I turned to the box which had come with the letter, when my serv ant announced Harold Varnim, 1 hailed him with delight, for he was an au thority on things oriental, having but recently returned from many years •spent in the east. He entered, a big, handsome, full ilooded man. and 1 showed him the letter. His ruddy face paled a trifle, I thought, as he read; but he merely remarked: "Let us see what the box contains, have heard the name of Kaga-Ichi be ere and any gift from him will be of some value." Opening the box. 1 found, wrapped •i:i many layers of thin paper and rice • raw, a queer iron object and a small box. Then 1 saw that the former was a. lantern, but unlike any that I had ; wer seen. It was a square of wrought iron, with overhanging roof, and sides ( of delicate openwork. The body of the lantern was covered with very thin •traceries of copper; and inside were ;i 11 w. im .ill-Li^ VC s Éaâlèl . iB&mr vu SK S! • V Sr-srt: WS « S7//A. 'Hast Thou Come for Expiation, Brother?" hung curtains of fine crimson silk, jroidered lightly with gold. :iut I had barely glanced at it when Varnim seized the lantern and cried .ii amazement: "Why, man, you have a treasure! This is one of the sacred temple lan terns, hundreds of years old; and I '.i&ve rarely seen so beautiful a one. J.ook at these copper characters, and this silk! It is a jewel—you have something here that no money could ~3uy. Look at this!" and he took up ■the chain attached to the peak of the iron roof, showing me a series of marvelous cloisonne characters inlaid :c silver, and seemingly embedded in the solid iron links. Varnim was in -ecstasies, and even I could appreciate the wonderful workmanship. For half an hour we raved over the lantern be fore I thought of the smaller box. «Mien it was opened Varnim's amaze •aient was complete. "Sacred candles!" he exclaimed; look at the shape of them!" There were three candles, oval at top, and about two inches in v.idth, narrowing down to a small remind base. Their color was a dark jgreen. Varnim was very excited. He seized :i candle, throwing open the door of the lantern, and inserted it in the high socket, large end up; then he drew "back and gazed at it. Gladwin," he said, "you are the •only man who ever owned one of these lanterns. I tried for three years once to get a candle, and I only got a stub then." He seemed so unlike his usual fe'r.nial self that 1 tried to get the thought of days oriental from his T^iind. "If you will stay for dinner," I said, "'■We can while away the evening be fore a coal fire and try the lantern." He accepted eagerly enough, yet :th an air that I could not recall in saiy acquaintance with him. Together -we suspended the lantern in a corner of the study and I promptly forgot it. After dining we returned to a com fortable grate fire, and as Varnim lit a cigarette I asked: "Shall we try the lantern now?" Ii« nodded; and I thought his haul «hook * little I .«truck a match and lit the candle wick, than switched off the electric lights. Varnim sank back Into a big chair before the fire, while I occupied my desk chair; the lantern hung in the opposite corner. A warm crimson glow emanated from the silken side curtains; a radi ance of shimmering, mysterious flames seemed to wrap the lantern in its folds. I was fascinated by the transformation of the cold metal to this wonderful mass of color; in the semi darkness the copper traceries seemed almost to phosphoresce, and then— Varnim and I were mounting the st eps of a great temple approach. All about us were giant trees, of that pe culiar growth one finds only in the ages-cultivated gardens of old Japan. Through the trees we could glimpse a trickling silver cascade, leaping down the hillside, from terrace to terrace. Suddenly Varnim gripped my arm; he seemed all atremble. Descending to ward us was a priest, and as he drew near I saw that his face was the face of Kaga-Ichi. Greeting me with a slight smile, he then addressed Varnim in the most fluent English. "Hast thou come for expiation, brother?" "For expiation, brother," echoed Varnim, dully. His face was drawn and gray. Turning, the priest led the way. We mounted the foot-worn stone steps in silence, and at the top found a long avenue. This terminated in one of those ridiculously small shrines which are the central point of miles of ap proach. terrace, and wonderful scen ery. Behind the shrine was a low stone building, and this, it seemed, was our goal. We entered in silence unbroken. The place was shrouded in heavy cur tains, and the small room was filled with a clear, bright lantern light. The priest led Varnim just beneath an image of bronze, facing the door. 1 was unable to recognize the god, but it was one of great antiquity, and held a bronze knife in its outstretched right hand. The priest addressed the image, still speaking in perfect Eng lish. "Most Holy One, thou hast com mauded that thy servants shed no blood. It is well. Ten years ago thy servant Kaga-Ichi had a sister. When a foreigner one day would have pro faned thy temple, thy servant's sister saved his life from the fuVy of many men. But this stranger lived in the land, and he acquired our customs and became thy servant; also he married thy servant's sister. When he had served in thy house for the space of three years and thy servant's sister had borne him a manchild one day there came a letter and he disap peared. "Most Holy One, it was well if it pleased thee that thy servant's sister should die of grief, and her babe with her; but it was not well that thy mysteries should be profaned and thy servant forget them in other lands. We may shed no blood nor life; so here Most Holy One, thy penitent yields him to thy justice." The priest ceased and knelt on the floor, his head bovred. Varnim seemed as one stupefied, but his eyes filled with an awful horror. I followed his gaze—and then I saw. The hand of the bronze image had risen! It poised in air an instant, then fell swiftly. The knife struck Varnim, but he remained standing, only giving a low moan. I was par alyzed with horror. Then the aim was raised again, slowly, remorselessly. But as it was about to fall, 1 came to my senses. Seizing a dish of rice from the offer ing table 1 hurled it into the bronze eyes: there was a crash— And with a cry I switched on the electricity. My brass cigar ligTiter had crashed into the lantern and extinguished the candle. Varnim lay by the fire, his coat dabbled with blood, and by his side a queer bronze knife. He was only slightly hurt. Over a oip of coffee he laughed at the whole matter, although I saw that his voice was not natural. "We were both rather nervous," he marked: "you were hypnotized into seeing that vision, and I was playing with m> knife when it slipped and cut rue and 1 fainted. I would not use that lantern much, if 1 were you; you seem rather susceptible to its influ enee." He was so evidently shaken that I I did not say that the knife in his hand ! and that held by the image were the same. Next morning I took one of the candles to a chemist for immediate analysis; he could give me none. Opium, and some other drugs, he found; but there were substances that could not be named. As I was return ing home a paper was thrust into my I hand. Glancing at it, I saw headlines ' of the strange suicide of Harold Var I nim the night before at. his apart ; mcnts. No cause for the act was I known. I am still wondering whether Ka~a ! lchi's gift was one of gratitude, or— ! purpose. Some day 1 am going to burn another candle. ! I : NOW COLLEGE GIRL MISS HELEN TAFT STILL PURSU. ING HER STUDIES. Will Have Little Time for the Frivoli ties of Washington Society— College Customs to Rule at White House. rent mu miTTiiTini When Miss Helen Taft, Bryn Mawr college for women, 1912, watched the inauguration o f her father as pres ident of the United States, the college girl came into her own indeed, into the highest social position in Amer ica. For the next four years, at least, the college girl will be fea tured in White House life. The college girl of to-day is distinctive. And certainly Miss Helen Taft is just a little differ ent from any other president's daugh ter who has gathered young friends around her in the capital's first, man sion. The college girl is bookish yet not a bookworm or blue-stocking. The col lege girl is grammatical in speech, but she has the jolliest, chummist jargon of slang that ever rolled from under a pink tongue. The college girl is a tremendous reader, keeping right in touch with all the movements of the day, yet she never neglects outdoor sports. The college girl is a social creature, but she uses society and does not allow society to use her. And above all things she dresses simply and does not marcel her hair. All these things is Miss Helen Taft —and more, and there is no doubt that she means to establish college customs and entertain at the White House. Just IS is the new daughter of the ! White House, and she will spend com paratively little time in Washington, I for she is now in her sophomore year at Bryn Mawr and will have only such holidays as fall to the lot of other stu dents. Incidentally, Bryn Mawr is not the sort of college where a girl can shirk work or skip classes or lectures, so Miss Helen Taft's iri.)s to Washing ton will be infrequent and brief. This daughter of the new president is five feet, eight inches in height, : with her mother's slenderness of fig ure and her father's dimpled chin. She has clear, rather deep blue eyes and a trick of looking right through you with them. Blue is her favorite color, dark blue for street wear, dainty pale colorings for house and evening frocks, and just a touch of blue somewhere i' her gown be white. If Miss Taft has her own way, thq tennis court;-, will not depart fror.: the White House grounds with the passina of the Roosevelt regime, for she is ar ardent tennis player. She also swims and rides horseback, nnd keeps up s good pare when walking with brotht i •>r father. Sne inherits her father's keen sense, of humor, and his philosophic disposi tion, which is extremely for'rnate in e young woman who. as the president's daughter, must face many trying situ:; tion- and, perhaps, some ui'tv e, s;; — % and unjust criticisms. From h"i mother she inherit ; extremely gco-1 taste in di" ss, and the fastidious w!!l never be offended by see ing l er ap pear in garish color combinations, wearing jewelry and ornately drossln'; her hair, as many girls of the day <! Despite the far' Hat the Tafts 1 ::r c ilways be< n well to do. Miss Ht Jen was ta V:gilt by her mother to cook ■ nd to sew. Her domestic accomplishments ;ire no' limited to making fudge and Welsh rabbit in a college study, nut she could s'ep into her mother's sh-'es in an em••rgencv and run the Taff menage without, a hitch. Unquestionably Washington 's young er set. will gnin much by the acquisi I tion of Miss Taft. Congressicna! Committeemen Strsnç« Illustrating the magnitude of the house of representatives, and the i ever-Increasing whirl of business in which its 391 members are engaged. Congressman Rodenberg of Illinois tells how, on a recent journey, he in troduced two gentlemen, who on be coming acquainted, were surprised to discover that they were members of the same congress. In the course of conversation, one asked the other: "On what committee do you serve?" "Railways and canals." "The deuce you do!—why, I'm a meuiber of that committee, and 1 tic not remember you." Now, congressmen are proposing tr, have come kind of social function at whicli members of the several com j mittees may meet each other before the regular work of the session be gins. All agree that it is surprising j how few men they become acquainted ; with during a session.— Joe Mitchell j Chappie, "Affairs at Washington," Na ; tional Magazine. Castles in Spain would be delightful i If one only could keep them from Up pling over.—Sunday Magazine. DOLLAR WHEAT HAS COME TO STAY IN LESS THAN FIVE YEARS CEN TRAL CANADA WILL BE CALLED UPON TO SUPPLY THE UNITED STATES. A couple or years ago, when the an nouncement was made in these col umns that "dollar wheat" had come to stay, and that the time was not far distant when the central provinces of Canada—Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta—would be called upon to sup ply a large part of the wheat con sumption in the United States, there were many who laughed at the predic tions and ridiculed the idea of wheat reaching the dollar point and staying there. Both of these predictions have come to pass. Dollar wheat is here— and it is not only here, but is here to stay; and at the same time, whatever unpleasant sensations it may arouse in the super-sensitive American. Cen tral Canada is already being (tailed upon to help keep up the bread sup ply, and within the next five years will, as James J. Hill says, literally ' become the bread-basket of our in creasing millions " There are few men in the United States better acquainted with the wheat situation than Mr. Hill, and there are lew men, if any, who are in clined to be more conservative in their expressed views. Yet it was this greatest ot the world's railroad men who said a few days ago that "the price of wheat will never be substan tially lower than it Is today —and when it is taken into consideration that at that time wheat had soared to' $1.20, well abave the dollar mark, the statement is jeculiariy significant, and doubly significant is tlie tact that in this country the population is in creased at the ratio ot 6"> per cent., while the yield of wheat and other products is increasing at the rate of only 25 per cent. For several years past the cost of living has been stead ily increasing in the United States,'; and this wide difference in production 1 and consumption is the reason This difference must be supplied by the vast and fertile grain regions of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. There is now absolutely no doubt of this. Even the press of the country concedes the fact. Results have shown that no other country in the world can ever hope to equal those provinces as wheat producers, r ind r hat no other country can produce as hard or as good wheat. Said a great grain man recently, "If United States wheat main tains the dollar mark, Canada wheat will be well above a dollar a bushel, for in every way it is superior to our home-grown grain. ' With these facts steadily Impinging their truth upon our rapidly growing population, it is interesting to note just what possibilities as a "wheat grower" our Northern neighbor pos sesses. While the United States will never surrender her prestige in any manufacturing or commercial line, she must very soon acknowledge, and with as much grace as she can, that she i3 bound to be beaten as a grain pro ducer. It must be conceded that a great deal of the actual truth about the richness of Canada's grain produc ing area has been "kept out of sight," as Mr. Hill says, by the strenuous ef forts of our newspapers and maga zines to stem the exodus of our best American farmers into those regions. It is a fact that up to the present time, although Canada has already achieved the front rank in the world's grain producers, the fertile prairies of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al berta have as yet scarcely been scratched. Millions of acres, free for the taking, still await our American farmers; and when these millions are gone there are other millions in re gions not yet opened up to immigra tion. A few years ago the writer, who has been through those wheat prov inces several times, laughed with oth ers of our people at the broad statement that Canada was bound to become "John Bull's Bread Basket." Now, after a last trip (and though he is a stanch American) he frankly be lieves that not only will Canada be come John Bull's bread-basket, but it will within the next decade at least BECOME THE BREAD-BASKET OF THE UNITED STATES. Perhaps this may be a hard truth for Aemricans to swallow, but it Is a truth, neverthe less. And It is at least a partial com pensation to know that hundreds of thousands of our farmers are profit ing by the fact by becoming producers' In this new country. 1 The papers of this country have nat urally made the most of the brief pe riod of depression which swept over Canada, but now there is not a sign of it left from Winnipeg to the coast. Never have the three groat wheat rais mg provinces been more prosperous. Capital is coming into the country from all quarter.?, taking the form of cash for investment, industrial con cerns seeking locations, and, best of all, substantial and sturdy immig.anfs come to help populate the prairies Towns are booi"'^" «eo-es- ->• ><e elevators are springing up; railroad.' are sending out their branch lines in all directions; thousands of prosper ous farmers are leaving their prairie shelters for new and modern homes— "built by wheat:" everywhere Is a growing happiness and contentment— happiness and contentment built by wheat—the "dollar wheat," which has come to stay. Notwithstanding this, the Canadian Government is still giv ing away its homesteads and selling pre-emptions at $3.00 an acre, and the Railway and Land Companies are dis posing of their lands at what may be considered nominal figures. A Definition. "Father, what are wrinkles?" "Fretwork, my boy, fretwork.' RASH ALL OVER BOY'S BODY. Awful, Crusted, Weeping Eczema or Little Sufferer—A Score of Treat ments Prove Dismal Failures. Cure Achieved by Cuticura. "My little boy had an awful rash all over his body and the doctor said il was eczema. It was terrible, and used to water awfully. Any place the water went it would form another sore and it would become crusted. A score oi more physicians failed utterly and dis : tally in their efforts to remove tht 3 trouble. Then I was told to use the Cuticura Remedies. I got a cake ol Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura Oint ment and a bottle of Cuticura Re solvent, and before we had used hall the Resolvent I could see a change in him. In about two months lie was en tirely well. George F. Lambert, 13£ West Centre St., Mahanoy City, Pa, Sept. 20 and Nov. 4, 1007." Potter Dru j !<. t'he:u, Corp., Solo Props., Huston Mitigating Feature. Kathryn—Don't you hate the smell of a < igar? Phyllis—Ye-es, of course—but it al ways makes me think of Harry. Eyes Are Relieved By Murine when 1 iritall it by Chalk ami Kyi •Strain, iueident to the average School liouni. A ri/' i-nt Census ol' .Sew \ oi'K City reveals the fact that in that Ciiv alone- U.üis H iiool Children nev.i-.l Ky« Care. Why nut try .Murine Eye Uemeily for liivl, WeaK, \V< >ry, Watery Eyes. Granulation, 1'ink Eye and Kyi? Strain? Murin«' l>oesii't Smart: Snoth<\< Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physi cians: ( ontains no Injurious or Prohibit ed Iirugj. Try Murine l'or Your Eve Troubles ; You Will I.ike Murine. Try It in Haby's Eves for Se.ily Evellds. Drui: îîîs's S' 1! Murine at ".He The Murine Evo ItemedV Co , Chiea'.'O, Will Send You III t cresting Eye Books Free. As It Appears. "A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the best of men." So from these lines it woud appear That those who at all nonsense sneer And curl the lip. no matter when. Are plainly not the liest of men. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOK1A a safe and stire remedy for infauis aud children, and see that it Bears the Signature of( In Use For Over .'JO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Matter of Shape. Mrs. Youngwi d — I want three pounds of ste-al*. please. Butcher—Yes, ma'am. Round steak? Mrs Youngwed—Oil, I don't care whether it is round or square, just so it's nice and tender. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by loral application*, as they cannot reach the dis eased portion ot tlic car. I here is only one way to cure deafness, ami that is by constitutional remedies. Ifeafness is caused by :;n inflamed condition of tiio mucous lininer of the Mustachim Tube. When this lube Is Inflamed you have a rumblln; sound or im perfect heaivis, and v.-hen it Is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the reselt. and unless the inflnnimatlon can hi taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion. hearing will !)<• d 'siroyed forever: nine cases out of t.-n are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflimed condition of liie mucous surfaces. We will five ejrie Hundred Dollars for any case of iDeafness fcauiPd bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sei 1 for circulars, free. r. J. CHK.NEY & CO., 1 Oludo, O. Sold bv Dru'.'eists, 75c. 'lake Hail's Family l'ills for constipation. One way to convince a woman is to let her think that she is convincing you. A Rare Good Thing. "Am using A KEEN'S E« JOT-EASE, and can truly say 1 would not have been with out it so long, had 1 known the relief it would give my aehing feet. 1 think it a rare good thine; for anyone having sora or tired feet.—Mrs. Matilda Holtwert, Providence, K. 1." Sold by ull Druggists, 25c. Aslt to-day. When a mother says her boy is full of mischief the neighbors realize that it means trouble for them. Kill the Flies Now before they multiply. A DAISY FLY K11.1. KU kills thousands. Lasts I lie sea son. Ask your dealer, or *end 20c to II. Soniers, 14!) De Ivalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Self-love keeps the life tramping around in a circle. DR. J. H. RINDLAUB (Specialist), Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Fargo, N. D. No man comes to himself until he knows that he belongs to his world. Take Garfield Tei ! Made of Herbs, it is pure, potent, health-giving—the most ra tional rem.'dy for eoiistinntiou, liver and kidney diseases. At ail drug stored. In ?our ve sicn of the story the other f'll o.v mikes a po .ir showing. Hot b.a ^uiis jr.,1 Canada Sa» s .tut»