OCR Interpretation

The Ekalaka eagle. [volume] (Ekalaka, Mont.) 1909-1920, August 12, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053090/1910-08-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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One of the worst forest fires in
the history of the Ekalaka reserve
is racing while we go to press.
The fire started in Stagville gulch
about six miles south of town
where the old Clark sawmill was
in operation years ago, the tim
ber being 1 struck by lightning
Wednesday evening. Several
parties went out that evening
and the fire was reported extin
guished next morning but yes
terday afternoon the blaze again
showed up and this time has got
beyond control. After leaving
this gulch the fire worked its way
south and then with the wind
changing swept westward to
wards Wear's. King's and Burt
James, ranches. It is estimated
that at this time (Friday morning
9 o'clock) the fire has covered an
area of about 35 quare miles with
the fire working its way towards
Reports received almost daily
from different sections of Caster
and Dawson counties chronicling
the disapearance of horses and
cattle forces the conclusion that
"rustling" in this section is more
prevalent today than for years in
this section.
Sam Sanderson this week has
lost eight head of horses, Joe
Dorce three or four, and many
others have been victims of this
seemingly united efforts to rustle
all the surplus stock from the
The cattle part of the enter
prize consists largely of losses
along Powderriver and many are
the stories told of the adaptibility
of that section to successful
"rustling" methods.
It is reported that stock rustled
is being run to the Great North
ern and shiped to points east be
fore the ranchers start in pursuit
but the latest depredations were
discovered within a day or so,
and it is hoped that liberal re
wards offered will bring results.
-Terry Tribune
Alex C ark returned from a
..rip to Beach Wednesday.
JacK Anderson was in town
i h is week from his ranch.
"Dutch" Prell was sojourning
it town Saturday from his farm
Star Dickson was a visitor in
town from O'Fallon creek this
Frank Thompson returned yes
terday morning with a load of
flour for the R. C. Charters Co.
Dr. F. W. J. Johnston of
Knowlton, Montana, will be at
Ekalaka, Mont, on the first of
i every month for the purpose of
treating sick and diseased stock
and doing veterinary, dental r.nd
surgical worK at Mallough's 1 a
ery barn.
Before our next issue it is ex
pected that the new fire engine
will have been orderd.
Mrs. Joe McDonnell and child,
Meli Zink and Jacob Hickman
were visitors in town yesterday
from Coal creek.
John Phalen made proof on his
homestead before M. 0. Tracy
yesterday. His ranch is located
on Box Elder near Gross' place.
I will do sewing for anyone
wishing that kind of work done.
Call at my home. Mrs. W. E.
Sweeney, Ekalaka, Mont. 8-12tm
I guess old Puptown will have
something to do about the cani
datesat the republican conven
tion in Miles on Sept. 14. Ten
delegates ought to have some say.
The board of trustees for the
Ekalaka school distric have ask
ed for a tax levy of 8 mills for
this district this year, 5 of which
will be on bonds and 3 for the
J. F. Yale and mother left
yesterday morning for San An
tonia, Texas. Joe will return in
a few weeks while his mother
expects to remain in her old
home this winter.
The last issue of the Miles City
Independent made its appearance
in the way of a 32 page boom
edition, boosting Custer County
and the state of Montana. The
work of turning out this edition
is a credit to the publishers.
Prof. Remi Deranleau, the
blind piano tuner and violinist of
Rapid City, S. D. will be in Eka
laka some time in September.
Prof, is well known by many in
this country, he having made
several trips here before. Those
wishing their pianos tuned and
repaired should leave word at
this office.
Miss Mary Carter of Miles City
is visiting in town this week.
Miss Carter is seeking the nomi
nation for the office of county
superintendent of schools on the
republican ticket. Her friends
thinking that Miss Mary Lee
Wilson has held the job long e
nough have induced her to try
for the nomination.
James Hunter was in town
Tuesday from M.les City. W T hile
here Mr. Hunter announced that
he would under no circumstances
be a candidate for re-election as
state representative on the re
publican ticket. This bit of news
will be a surprise to his many
friends as it was generally con
ceded that he would again be out
after the nomination.
Chris Ramme returned to Ek
alaka last week after an absence
of over a year, which time
has been spent at his old home
in Germany. Mr. Ramme stop
ped over in Milwaukee, Wis. and
Miles City while on his way home
where he was visiting friends.
In speaking of his trip he said he
had a most enjoyable time and
was glad to get back among his
Montana frends.
Eat at Coonen's. That's all.
Meli Reese made a flying trip
to Baker last weeK.
: James Parks is again back of
the counter in the Postoffiee store.
Wm. Berger is having the out
side of his house sided this weeK.
Lou Arpan was a visitor in
town Tuesday from his ranch on
Box Elder.
June G. Olsen is busy these
days building his new house west
of Wm. Freese's.
Bobby Yates returned* from
Baker Monday evening with an
eight-horse load of freight.
M. A. McLean was in town
from his ranch on Box Elder
Tuesday on a business trip.
L. F. Kennedy, the road sup
ervisor is repairing the bridges
around Ekalaka this week.
C. M. Peabody and A. T.
Sprague were visitors in town
Tuesday from their ranches.
The republican primaries will
be held on September 3rd and
the convention in Miles City on
the 14th.
John Hefrin of Baker was vis
iting in town Sunday between
the arrival and departure of the
County attorney SharplrsS
Walker was in town on a short
business trip last week from '
Miles City.
The Ekalaka precint will have
ten representatives at the repub
lican county convention in Miles
on Sept 14th.
C. K, Putnam returned Sunday
from a business trip to BaKer.
where he was looking up freight
shipments for the R. C. Char
ters Co.
H. M. Lewis, deputy county
surveyor returned to Miles City
Friday after spending a week in
this part of the coui. ty viewing
new roads.
Dr. G. A. BaKer moved his
household goods out on his ranch
this weeK. His mother and sis
ter will reside there this winter
in company with the Doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hughes
were presented with a bouncing
baby girl Monday. Mother and
child are well and Charley is
wearing the smile that won't
come off.
By reason of the increase in
the tax list of Custer County
this year, the county is now in
the third class order, and there
fore the office of County Auditor
will be created at the next elect
It was reported in town this
week that Elijah Mulkey who
has the old 101 ranch on Beaver
Creek was kicked by a horse
causing seven ribs to be broken.
A doctor was called from Mar
marth and Mr. Mulkey is now on
the fair way to recovery.
At a special meeting held Tues
day evening by the members of
the Commercial club the dates
for the fair this fall were decided
on- September 22nd and 23rd
being the days. The program
committee made th mselves busy
and arranged a program which
will be found on another page in
this issue. The committee on
subscriptions reported getting
$412.00 the first day and expect
to increas this amount before the
end of the week. Arrangments
are being made for many other
attractions not on the program
at this time, and also to secure
the band to furnish the music.
Keep posted on the preparations
being made for this big event
and paste the date in your hat.
The wrestling match that was
held in the Bank Hall Tuesday
evening between Dr. Baker and
Billy Sherrard ex-welter weight
champion of Iowa; was won by
the former, who secured the last
two falls. Sherrard got the first
fall in eighteen minutes, but the
local man came back strong and
pinned the Iowa man to the mat
in three minutes. The last fall
went twenty-eight minutes dur
ing which time both men put up
a pood exhibition of the game
with Baker working on the of
fensive side. The local artist
outweighed Sherrard and had far
the best endurance Qualities,
though the latter was well scien
ced. H. C, Well of Miles City
refereed the match and his de
cisions m;>i the approval of the
large autii'-mce present.—Bow
man Couefy News.
Lost c. rayed or Stolen —One
bay hors» •• years old with strip
in fact . iTended on left shoul
der. tV-".dollars reward will be
paio • 1 I return to Mallough's
liver;, or.rn or information lead
ing ;• hk recovery. L. Hatlett.
Josh Billings
&àys "ine best time to set a hen is
when the hen is ready". We say "The
best time to buy fruits, soft drinks,
candy, etc. is when you want it,"
Wilson & Olsen.
The residents on Box Elder re
port a heavy rain in that section
last Friday. The water holes
are reported pretty well filled up
and prospects for winter feed
slightly better.
James Hunter is down from
Miles City visiting at his ranch
on Beaver CreeK this week. Mr
Hunter is accompanied by Capt
Howard of Ft. Keogh Remount
Station who is out on a business
We received a subscription this
week that goes to AlasKa. Now
when it comes to the "birds'
flying north at this 'time of the
year there is nothing to expec.
but a very mild winter. Some
of our residents seem so certair
about the weather that they pro
pose puiling off a sweet pea car
nival on New Years day.
O. A. Dahl and H. L. Cory re
turned Friday evening from a
weeks trip in the Powder river
country. They report a shortage
of all kinds of crops in that part
of the county and found every
body busy getting up what hay
they could, to pull them through
the winter. Live stock has nev
er looked better and with an op
en winter the stockmen will
come out in the spring with a
very small loss.
J. H. Booth returned from a
trip to the county seat Monday.
Mr. Booth went in to be present
at the "kickers" meeting that
was held at the court house last
Friday and Saturday for those
who had complaints to make a
gainst the recent increase in the
assestment list of the county.
The amount of the increase was
$3,418,490.00, most of which was
on the value of real estate. Near
ly all of the heavy property own
ers in the county were present
among them being the represent
atives of the Northern Pacific
railroad company, which concern
was assest in the sum $1,553,933.
The meeting adjourned with the
private owners agreeing to stand
for the raise providing the rail
roads "came through".

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