Rosebud COUnty News, j Vernie Beeman.
« , . ... !
Entered at the post office in rorsttn,
Montana, as second class mail matter j
on March 21st, 1901.
The Eagle Will Scream
Forsyth, July 4, 1902.
Tomorrow the "glorious Fourth" will
be with us and the cannons will he
booming, the horns tooting, the rockets
shooting and the small boy "touching
oil" his crackers or trying his toy pis
tol from Maine to California and from
our northern boundary to the tîulf.
And in all probablity the usual train
of accidents and disaster will follow.
Isn't it a queer way that we have of
showing our joy on Independence Day?
It is about the only holiday on which
the chilli's idea of a good time is not
something to eat. < >n this day it is to
make a noise and create danger. Care
less use of firearms and tire crackers,
reckless sports and foolhardy contests
bring many a mishap. The small boy
owns the day and throws off all re
straints with an utter disregard of con
sequences. To sleep in the band in
the barn, arise on the stroke of the
midnight bell, creep out silently and
assault the slumbering air with any
kind of firearms he can secure, to shoot
off his gun under all unprotected win
dows, to keep the poor woman with
nerves "on the jump" is the ambition
of every small boy.
To throw aside responsibility so
brings about a sort of chaos, which
the individual who is inclined to take
drawing a sigh of relief if he passes
through the day unharmed. Seriously
there is danger everywhere on this na
tional birthday of ours. The rush of
people on excursions, where the cap
acity of car and steamboat is stretched
to the utmost and the usual force is in
sufficient to stand the extra work put
upon them is apt to create accident.
The wornout employe, equal to the
strain, misunderstands the order; the
brake of overloaded car does not work;
in the rush of business some switch is
turned wrong; the mechanism of toy
pistol or old gun is faulty; the cracker
that "would not go off" suddenly ex
plodes in the boy's face; and the "fun"
causes causualties all over the land,
which till tlie next morning's paper.
The dangers of the Fourth are many
-and they will very soon be here. Or
dinary precaution will prevent most of
them and rob our national birthday of
none of its real pleasures.
Helena Herald: The Forsyth Times
jiavs that it "takes a microscope to
discover any republicanism in the
Herald. Well, that depends upon
the view-point and the viewer. If he
be an adulating Carter flunkey, who
views the Herald with the Tom Carter
■eye; if lie make the monstrous assump
tion that Doc. Carter is the republican
party and the Amalgamated company
the party's overseer and controller; if
he believe in the Carter "greatness:"
if he believe that Dr. Carter is any
thing but a curse and detriment to the
party; then lie will see no virtue or
merit in the Herald's republicanism.
Otherwise he will known that it is a
true blue republican paper.
j ,.\V $ i 50
Four Months...............V...... 1 00
Advertising in some form is neces
sary to every business under the skies.
The extent and cost of advertising is
regulated by the ambition of the ad
vertiser. If he be content with the oc
casional customer who drops in by ac
cident, he needs no other advertising
than is involved in a sign. If he should
aspire to a more extensive trade he
must adopt some other means of letting
people know what he has to sell.
Should he be ambitious for the largest
success he must advertise in a reput
able newspaper having a large circu
lation like the Rosebud County News.
After numerous unsuccessful at
tempts by different parties to launch
a newspaper at Bridger, B. A. Harlan
and L. P. Cushman, former publishers
of the Carbon County Sentinel, have
finally succeeded. Although Vol. 1,
No. 1 of The Free Press is not what
its publishers promise, it is a very
commendable sheet and Harlan and
Cushman are to be congratulated.
rile (• rent
Indian Fiülit in Which tlie
laut OITicer anil BOO
Others Fell.
Twenty-six years ago last Wednes
day there was fought on the soil of
Montana the greatest battle with the
Indians in the history of the country.
It was the battle of the Little Big
Horn, in which (Jen. Custer and 600
followers went down before Sitting
Bull and his Sioux and Cheyennes.
Among- the countless battles, great
and small, that the blue-coated troop
ers have had with the Indians who
disputed every foot of the great plains
with the oncoming whites there is
nothing that approaches the battle of
the Little Big Horn, where Maj. Gen.
Custer and his 600 followers went
down to death below the thousands of
warriors under Sitting Bull, Gall and
Crazy Horse. It was the fiercest battle
in the history of the plains, the largest
proportion of fatalities of any battle in
history- for there was not a survivor,
not a prisoner. It stands out as to
give a lurid lie to the once prevalent
belief that the Indian would not fight
i pitched battle; a monument to the
best soldiers in the world, every man
of whom died at the post of duty.
There may be other soldiers who
would have fought as gamely, given
the opportunity; but the fact remains
that these men did do it, and between
the two, the possibility and the realiz
ation, there are countless humiliating
failures. Honor to the man who does
a grand thing, rather than to the man
who might do the same, if the oppor
tunity came.
Custer had in all about 600 men
when he started up the Rosebud river
on June June 22. to followed an Indian
trail that Major Reno hail found in his
scouting. The trail was followed for
three days, when it turned into the
valley of the Little Big Horn. The
little army went for some 12 or 14
miles up the river, where a division
was made into four detachments: Cap
tain Benton took three troops, lot) men,
scouting to the south west ward: Major
Reno with the same force was sent to
attack the Indian village that had
been located across the river, Captain
McDougall took one troop to guard the
pack train and the reserve ammuni
tion, while Custer himself planned the
swing lower down the river, attack the
Indian village from that side, and
complete the work begun by Reno.
The scouting must have been faulty,
for it was reported that there were
only about 1.200 warriors; instead of
that, there were near 5,000 of them, the
wild, untamed, undefeated Sioux, with
the prestige of victory over their every
foe; and Cheyennes, not a whit less
warlike. They were led by Gall,
Black Moon and Crazy Horse, noted
lighting men, with a host of lesser but
not insignificant chiefs. It was prob
ably the greatest Indian army that
was ever gathered on this continent.
Major Reno began the attack at the
north end of the valley. It was not a
tierce onslaught, the only kind that
could have won; indeed, it is not as
sured that the whole of Custer's com
mand, moving in a sold thunderbolt of
hoofs and flying sabres, would have
won the day against the Indian army,
even with the advantage of a surprise.
As a rule the Indians did not stand a
charge well; but then, it was not be
lieved that thej« would fight as they
did when Custer fell, and perhaps the
white valor would have been as vain
when combined as when divided. Even
with all his force, Custer could have
mustered but one man to eight of the
fierce warriors.
When Reno made his attack the In
dians were surprised, but not dismay
ed. Rallying quickly they stood their
ground and Reno was forced to retreat
losing many men as they fled to cover
under the steep banks of the river.
The Indians did not cross the river in
pursuit, but then turned their atten
tion to Custer, who came up the lower
end of the valley.
There has been much question
whether Reno really knew of the fierce
onslaught on Custer. The Indian vil
lage had been so large that what oc
curred at one end might be unknown
to those at the other end. It did not
require great force to beat Reno's half
hearted attack, and drive him across
the river, where he was beseiged for
two days in a more or less desultory
fashion. Even had he known Custer's
plight, and attempted to come to his
rescue, it is doubtful whether a man
would have survived the hazardous
ride. That he did not act the dare
devil bravery usual in the fighting
Seventh cavalry, or indeed in any reg
iment of the frontier soldiers is unde
niable; but that his attempt to rescue
his leader would have ended in more
useless slaughter, is also probable.
With the closing in of the Indian
hordes around Custer and his little
band, all authentic history of the bat
tle is lost. Not a whiteman escaped.
The duration of the battle is not known;
according to the Indian reports it var
ied all the way from 20 minutes to a
half a day. Part of the history can
be read in the beautifully aligned rows
of white monuments now marking the
crest of the hill, each stone cover
ing the remains of a soldier who
stood his ground. Only one solitary
stone was found over the whole battle
ground; that of a trooper who may
have tried to escape in a panic, or per
haps may have been a courier sent in
forlorn hope to bring help that was
sure to come too late, if at all. All the
bodies were horribly mutilated when
found, save that of Custer himself; the
savages respected the gallant leader
even in death, and his was the only
body that was not scalped. Rain-in
the-Face, a villainous Sioux, who had
been put in the guard house of one of
the pioneer posts by Lieutenant Tom
Custer, for some offense, had sworn
that he would eat the gallant lieuten
ant's heart and he made good his sav
age threat on the field.
Don't forget
the Fourth.
Forsyth will celebrate
The Best lananicnt For Strains.
Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at
Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y., says:
"I always recommend Chamberlain's
Pain Balm as the best linament for
strains. I used it last winter for a
severe lameness in the side, resulting
from a strain, and was greatly pleased
with the quick relief and cure it
effected. '
Drug Co.
For sale by the Forsvth
yaW gnorW ehT
iOr|-T HE wrong way to buy
printing is the cheap way.
If printing is to build bus
^ iness, it must be good
printing. Good enough or pretty
fair won't do. The best only is
good enough. (We do the best
If you strain at a dollar and
swallow an inferior job some
do—your advertising cannot be
bringing the best results, nor
will you be satisfied with your
Good money pays for good work
we do the best work. We know
how. We mix brains with the
ink the printer's ink.
Booklets arè trade-fetchers.
Leaflets, folders, or circulars,
are money-makers. We estimate
if you ask us—and you might
better ask us.
NEWS Job Dep't.
GAY HUIT, Jeweler
Complete Stock of
Jewelry and Silverware
Tobacco and Cigars
All Kinds of Pruit cit Lowest Prices
HAVING Bought the
Stock of Harness and Sad
dlery of H. H. Fletcher &
Co., We Will Carry a Com
plete Line of^ - -
U I Harness,
Repair Work Attended to
Promptly. Give Us a Call,
Poultry, Pish auci
Game i r i Seasson.
Clioioest Cuts A1»
ways i l a Stock.....
Prioessi and T'reat*
ment Right.....
I ^
For Spring and Summer g
§ • §
5) Ladies' Tailor-Made Costumse 5)
æ i
S3 Men's Custom-Made Clothing
I i
I Katzenstein Clothing Co