CITY AND VJ CINITY. TL;rirdaV'a daily. 1 a'al-tllta are a drug in the Sin Ohver. Ed. Levis wad at Stl River onsl atturI4 :1. "t Sis wel~l ad~valuc l:. t~UL, A i n c.A] '.r a s c a n b e a s ce rti li nlW ' , J u iu T, IPuw\Vir ii marrieud. Da)ve ('1 u rub il ha x3chlrgr t i ii c ±r0..I iard at Siurgllid. John iL4rg'l± buas dlico erF'r .:1 Il #,udy 1(-'. Xt hq if a IWPV Coal f .1"11r ' 1 l j n itc II10 Il t eli d t . !''rt.; + fLi te ! I il~-ul) 01n the 5(1111'. { i;t ? n UIti II- lu 1u (111 o the ut Vr l Ilt C' I1tL'It'l ltl(_ l on at' . l. il 4, it(" l iter QVU r 1'!i ttt X 'it~i~y e peti ed.: '111t 6 11 Of May i. thie [linc.!. .j.' !c- i;IiateI (41.,"I lit'-nut rulnn~l-liP andt their itcta2 , a:r' r-i "T hteat Bentoni. (t41 IAr .; l`t'1I i a paid $2(t() ft p lLll far diitr Ut,ý (1 ii 1i 10 hi- hotel. A lit. raic 'jj#. Win's 1 VI!! e 4l th tc,-1 thai n 1 ; 'i ` .Ii I ul !.r r the ( jijillia;n I >t jib rail a *ýv IThe'itISiX ill efjfort that if : 5).OOlO Iý C,1t-ie lionil the Suili RIive I"iiiltl Wil !he 111 li ttt itili lUO111 lilt. ltl'~ti 1, +rtirt' i he (11t1tO(11i11 'I. t I t i-1ib (ti . ti le I t a ti' '\tt , ;l "+ :I t f i t+ \ L ' ll ' I tl . (I t' ;t t ;. : l It. It U 1 lip rv htitiI t Ii' '1. V 1' - 1 1 ilL - '" i ( .. v . l: < 41 . ..^ ý 1 4 y 1 .'!ý ,i} ý ('ý 1 ! 1v o ": 'p ~ , 1 . t If '1 i V 1 t lll- i: I·I:t 'it- 01101 tig~j, x l :i . I It ii:ii ;itLt Il'I T' = Ti- lilul t o'. IN t' 1'(? fllfllO 011 Ii Ii i i., ii Ii i'j'ri~:· ·.. : j l .' t-h Nip wi ll 11100 0i'' 1-t4 I ;l'''' k'' II I - I: it Wh im Jjltti[ - i I 1~-<'tit 1; ''i'lII : '."! i\ ' , W o in g :i` I I cetl ? ; of Ire Sun River Stock Grow ers Association. t 'iTh qun Itiver Stock Growers' Associa tif,,t held their annual meeting in Murray O I,:1, ii this place, on Saturday, the 3d A li the ra:i;es in this section was repre 'E.t d .,', ex:-iCpt Cl;:stnut. The meeting was ey .iarmlonious tad all the memberspre [ -. a 4t 1 p re tIl svei tish'A with the re n na eriingt to ,their ' efits from the UTi fllo.,viiki g officers and committees , (ele'e;I ir tl he ensuing year: i. J. IlI t tu(, of Fi Crence, Pres. ilm. i .rnll, of Sun River, Vice-Pres. S.: Ford, of Sun River, See. ;eo. Steele, of Sun River, Treas. I-XE( F;iVE CUMIMI'fTEE. a \tlV11. Rf I1toll. (Cioteia. o .. ..1 El:is, Sun River. 1 ."n. Wyatt, Sun "v"r. 0 i n uni y, Ciioitu. I \ I ....l , Siu River. x:i iliniA1NO COMMIITTEE. 1 :I : I:urt1, ulChoteau. e 'iTnas (..ary, Sun River. IB rin Strong, Sun River. Tl T'lh;as IDunn, Sun River. Wal\t','e Taylor, Choteau. it was a:greedi that the time of holding o!(- ail: m-et itig s' oull be changed r I 1 ,I F Ir.tarx 22:1 to tIe livsr Saturday in t 1e ., , eh i ytar. nA 4.t,.io, ";rt c(arrietl to the effect that tu riie !procel:"- 1ft the saie 01 hides be turned ' r t t) t, i' : t.t -" of the association for ii .ym in ( l o te: -tla diln debts. 'i i.e x.(.tii e mtIlltnittee wvere instructed 'to I ('eie. -wii a d vent all hides. It was t'0 jie Ltj .I mpiloy a detective this Lt lret ,r, , that tile citair appoiint 1 i..! . i t-.e a, t a!:eriiates to re'pI e'r elnt ;. :-- tto! at; the Te.rritorital conveln , ,n , , ,vne in licli:., July 28th, 1884. i xi x si I, at l t (, i ,hyates anid altern Ii J, AAi:T E:s. .ise 'I l, l:r. J. 4. Ford and R. P. ` , ,lker. A Li EINAtl.-. Sawn l1unt, lI:,n l.'ta eree, and Ucorge It S ! i ( 11 . i::A ve : ::! v e " 'l} l Ch : CoU1ni- h l' s'Žs a `+ 0 .'., . . t!he H i a ij 1 thei a ' 1 . {. 11; . iv je t :if +ti,_ nt sir s thea red !' li i!l Shonktt in .ar at 111 t S. t a. s -it.e a f-at for i1 i ti ly ' om it, ti to ri. C ~i " t. n l "r, "(i e c.r 1 , it of t-tr, K' nu iVm hofu b u I. ~t f f ( it 1 , :. ,, j- il,:.) r, td to tIeo cc trr l':ct ',,1' { th t[!,.: .?.tn { ,.,::" !i Hootu e. "TV I I O'NiuL at BInioI at fourl o,'- ,'t hiI.: ati.,ln.( . anid was grcetedt by a '_,m,:i Li".nol and flags fluttering Ur ,.:' T. I '. w , ,r' & Brotheri- store ,:id Si:;i:n :I t pl 0 " ,to floati troln A :o'lok i ii s morningll ini the old I.,,igot n ui1, a bold and successfulrob ei y :. It p etrated by which the cor I..x lost about IO) pounds ot amnalgam v.~at'ud at $000. ViWhen the pans in the mill Ie chrged a td,_uw -oteam arises so that a ',:n above the o,, cannot see the set 0 t i's. It "xns vliiho the, pans were being c']:u irgeid ]oi lik''!y that the robbery took 1h1'.',. and it i u'vidcItt that two men in Ssome way t.flectedI :I1 entrance during that time and exec-'t't ld tlheir! pIrpose, carrying ofl a kettle filledt witn amaalgamnl. So far thtre is I1,O 'hUe t to Ut robber'.--jinIr. S(: d, itO if Stit Al NQ s {,1 on' the Teton mini'rs ilnVstigtl ion. It was lirst stated :!: 1 the il L' idit i"l"lite 1 the wound a,:t it I n ha:ads of the father: alaterre loIt, at' lint : 0to th' (;ol]in's organ. says th::i t,. I -i t iel :l was held by the boy. 'at the ,) w:,, i lell by the knife which I !e f:r "l: :i t{' l' i. .! S 'e ms conclusive. L: t; w '0 , 1'tiher tl. t Wier, who is said to ha', , Ih t t.. i n--tvatit,. a horse at the time, or theI boy o' tthe htorse did the killing is not certain. It occurns to us that this is a i .Nj"tesjttiln for Ihe unusually intelligent r:'ail juriies i h t sscnmloi e in this county' to decide'. T'ile other day our reporter met Mr.'d ( ray, :ite'it ot the Northern Pa 'cit' Rlc!igeratur Car company, who is in t1.:t0e pIrts 1on thie somewhiat surprising ,I nn Nf scllin (;hicagob'eef. It is well k]o, it ,r'e that tlhre are no corn fed beef ,.:0!i i' iiont: dt.:uul at this se:son of the o o,.utr but,,he.s (,:tutlnot get " ood beef. 't', thte "utply.X'. and H-s a re-ul - : than :- iu. R n I.: : , i;,tS 1' ,,.. twith articles ,.f plothice to be sold at Ben Manifes by tae oPas tngr List of the HelIen a. KPASSENGERS.tie P. Kuiz, tl by t we late Catllen Nixon andy, who ife, J. B. Stocking, hvve be Owen Stocking, John Terry, E. 1. An drkilled by the twholenet, A. Adams, A. D. li Lathfor boa stes, aGit bbons, . D. Graham, fll Morris O'Brien. c FREIGHT LIST. au. T. C. Power S Bro., 1,820 packages gro- aY 300 pkgs beerf , 157 kgs dry goods 20 pkgs go - statio, er, 300 pkgs coattl oil, SO pkgs hides all o teand furs, 1 car galvanizes ld iron cornices, c Sof Bentgon. Ceaptain lra ie t F1 ne bOpening of Navigation.tio f The r:steamer ab Helena of the Power linetir arrived] at the Coal Banks last night at 11 o'clock anid is expected i, B(_-!: til to-day. - ' tThis renlnable steamner has d011e good] work 1tf in past years and is to-day the best boat of her tonnage on the upper river. She was'h built in 18766 under the supervision of the late Captain M, arry, then one of the proprietors of the Power Line, and she was c, constructed with a view to lightness, Ca pacity and strength, at tihe same time amf 1"I sfording ample a fccow modatiot for passe-dets :gers. Nearly a:ll the old boats, and la rfe of those built in the same year as the - ena, were ui.ted.d for freight only. T'he General M,''-:-me. for exapl . e, was little more than the hull of a steamboat; air P Sany man, not to mention ladies, was indeed ti Iout of hick when he took passage on this r cheaiiy and foolishly constructed hulk. left .ivur. But there were others that dese-er t yequal h l condemnation. Hardly a boat belonging ii to the Kountz line was fit to . t travel in, and even as freight boats they were so unpopu thl that mnet.i of those Nthat came to Bei ralilro:ul in 1'q0(l: 000. ,.'-+ liui thi:t fiv,. tars later, o iged to cole et their co letions t. with artlitl tn (fdace to be sold at iBen-o ton ib y othe O"yit'rs pAthe vtel. ti' m( K!i,,ti . of t ie rl+, . c n e beli( ve I by that let Ca ttill imaie , who is s id o with thatbee iof ITd, vy i the InWholesome food I [iientol rfolro boat pstojest fallst one t e brou gt a h. cargot (ra Ots~, calm ied goc~k ei >Imoi s, ov~a m-K ,;.'. e, "... :ini iltutel~, a mld sold~ threm ,,lt Or thre Ic v ee to th hoI telhs :tmill private hmouse, 0! o B7ello). (pltaiii l 1l'ltrta incre (1n irhe It 'n ilne b o at n ul i(' ~ d ado ~ a l i l t o l o fl i ' v r a b y h f ii i: 'xl m t i~ l t r ti i at!1 01 It 3 e tii 1n ; +t o. ?'t li ct1 Ill 1')1 - - 1I p'ti ): . I,' j , + tt l " TRhe SparritW .x:hibition. tlhe glove contest at ;-tocking's h:ill on Saturday evening last was quite a stecess, considering that it was iumlromlptu andi about the first of' the kind that has ever oc- I cilrred in Benton. Both imen s owed ,reat gameness, strength and skill. McDonald seemed muich the heavier of the two, but claims in a coniunnication published in Sto-day's issue that lhe has but seVenteen lpoundis the advantage in weight. It was a fair and squale light. at :li evelts, and a npjority of the audience were probably better please. with the referee's decision thanl if the light had been given to either Of the men. A Correction. 'To the i l' i u r of the jltvcord: Will you have the kindness to correct the statement made in tiunday morning's Press regarding the sparring match be tween Symons and myself. There was but one foul or accidental blow stuck and that was not called by the referee. I am but seventeen pounds heavier thanii Symons, instead of thirty as stated. I may have got in lly work by main strength, but tile absurdity of whipping my mall through awkwardness is too apparent to require co(!trad iction. J. MIcDoxALD. 'V ANTS TO FIGHT AGAIN. iChallenge fronml cDoiaid to Synioels I h:ereby give notice that I have de positel in tho hand- t i' , :i. "tard.?o 1'rietor o( thle Overland o.-e1. tio stu {f fifty . r t.o the i.= , i ltn y fri(en,{ I tr"s , V ( i: t up ti, i !lOOlleV at (t il.'. Conventio.s Ended. ta the The Bozeman Republican convention, ltn which ended its labors yesterday, was in every respect a representative b: dy of that Fra party-although we presume his Excel hlncy, Governor Crosby, thinks otherwise; ;o for in all the ballotings tie highest vote cast for an Arrhur delegate was seven; dci and Sanders, who conducted the fight against the Governor and his methods, goes to Chicago as a Blaine delegate, while aft Mantle, before the balloting, had to de- T* dlare hiaself an Edmunds iman.-Indepen- Ro dent. Cr any From Monday's Daily. the Torm Devarnion has severed his connec tion with the MOadisculan. int The paymnaster's esxoi t returned fron. th4 the Twenty-Eight-Mile Springs at 3:30 stc to-day. Ti The Independent states that corn-fed evi hief is arriving in Telelnii from the States. in; What must eastern people, acquainted It with this fact, think of Montana as a stock (1do country ? ev bo "Tomfelicia" is the name of a new per- b fume recently iintroduced-. Benton dealers should be careful not to invest too heavily ml in the article. Felicia is good, but we have our suspicions about the Tom. tot The smart Alex of the Itter Mountain th publishes the followiwg, probably copied al from the morning honeysuckle: to A few d(lays ago the first bet s ever im- in ported into Montana were delivered at Benton. the nighl afterwarlds all the tu I honey in the hives was stolen and the bees lit have scattered all over the Lord's creation. We are indebted to our old friend John bt Glass for copies of the (ceur d' Alene ft` Pioneer and other papters published in his re vicainiry. John w:as foi ier!y located at N t Bent oli lnl - till holds sen.e of the most th v;aluable property in this town, also in se SDer Ledge. He writes us that he is mak- th in monel(y and that the mi ties are promis- th iig. m A (I'hlilnam:tn wa killel coming iupl from m Silver RBow Junlclion lon the 27th tilt. The I 1iner '31 s: The (hitnanin l resented a r gaia, y a tplearaclle, his I~read being inash- f IdI aluli every ounce of tbrain- knocked out .f it. Two or ithree dollars in silver was ti f;, ,rl in (ione i ket and a vial containing ' i (r l filu " .r '-nlin. was tak( bi S·:i; her. An opium piil e w:ts also 0 .1 ia IA ': oltp oithit whlichl he c:rrirned vitli him. 'ITi. stUup''sition i- the China Ilan wa dtlen or sO `t!tupilhcl with op)ium n lthl; he teiilat r heard( the ruinbl)ling of the t tra;in ar til; scretch of the whistle. lie I i :faliiU't warniting to have imoved sate- t !V ir.d-t thi tIa'k h:ul he heeded it. Ili- p ; a t'-lits ,re buried 3"cAtel,.day 1y t'unlel' a!t ! ,:+:" ;:;:ýitiry al,,c,+ m .+, M-r. +'+[tr+,hv, ;, i 1t vie\we this afternoo' n re:ai'din I. rce;it co:0t di couvery. It l! hi be Itt l v curtaini l).t'ties that the tquality ofit tihe coal was 1mch infl':ior to to the bei itait i:has yet been found in Montana, but knowiniii that no one, I't di.isccoverer of coturse excepte(d, has !halt an ol)uorttnity t. t. xinine the mine, we were not inclined to aiccept their assertions as facts. We regret to say that our interview with Mr. ºMurphy i has not produced facts of much greater implorttnce than have already been published; yet it is proper to state that this mine, if located cn this side of the river and within fifteen miles of Benton, :and proves to contain as good coal as any yet discovered, it will unquestionably be a greater benefit to Benton and prove more remuneratiye than any mine yet known to the residents of our city. The foilowing are the replies to questions ask ed Mr. Murphy by our reporter this after Inoon : "Mr. Murpllhy, at what time did you dis cover this mine?" "Well, (hesitatingly) I think about last January.'' "Were you in search of coal mines when you came upon this particular deposit ?" "No! (with emphasis) Certainly not. i We came upon it accidentally." "\Vas it visible to an accidental traveler." "Hey ?" \Vas the mine so conspicuous that any one traveling that way was likely to be at tracted by it?'" "Oh! beg pardon; no, ,thoughtfully) we came upon it accidentally. You see,we were obliged to dismount, and while en gagred in other business we found the coal." '-Vhat other business?" 'Well, I decline to state.'' "The public would really like to know." "Well, the country was covered with snow and we were looking for the road." "Did you find it?" ".'What ?"'' "The road." "Oh, I thought you meant the coal." At this point the reporter feeling that Mr. Murphy did not desire to give any in formation regarding the location of mine, said: "THE RECORD is not interested in the matter farther than to furnish any in formation y"ou wish to have convveyed to the public. . b"' i not ' nwil2'iig to give .Iv iinfrl a tion r1 artiln the ii-ality of tlhe coal or i it t . to ' e Ion.. I 1'- U" 1 ,. e ' ' 7 i. ' ( º. ,[il s.tat+ futher th.. tie .. - miie :s- bt nc i diil xer l an i: Xki~i heltroo 1. 'it' tn 1r t I ; I',1: i 111111-I he sad lt't:('-.,". A \Cat ai ht ` 11 d , (',.";: t - I , " 01 IN Iltt'i I ll I he t 'ci~ ' to 1' 111 t" i 4l was 110-'1 of ; wa . 1'HI i'~- '' 1fi , a I 11 i a ' h im il ~ 1 "I ni I ter:i.i'W .0:,1oo , 1 !IU ti r' 1 and h1 b~~~ei Iliat 1t jtiV 1( t the H Iti.' ("1 tt ,.- . '1 "' t 'p i :ii t('li Vtýa'i ct I `,' !;, .tjl~t 1"+ ll ' It tIe sade against the w-ifC-s tt,1e,-'. aittl 1eti1 the sufferizig but reitt ellions wivts to vic tory, says Clara Beflt in a ret tint letter'. The only cinsiderat:in thit Iiac- dtieter' lt' is selfish anmid iunWoithlt, and(1 :i Sittldi'I wonder if I overcamrte ii mvhmow. It is the dagtleirI that, nort loie;; vet wi I . blt day, a~ meV'iaeint oft -t4, or itnll --'itt 'l en flit forever imu-ligibht In 2a1it ii t ?i' il ft-1 laintV- lin v~1kiullu mli fa2iitit' 1 :tc. l"' vcrsnl buclldozingttio "15 t % W-, t' of, :u ttsitetO-- t'i ( it m pubIIe plztt't=, 1 fe I A to ft r, that if itm c V If.' be Vl1 to :'iit 1 i'22 V m t- . -A , ~tli' tlle aW 111'1r 1' Ut-u!1 ¢I w - in1'er l v.ii.ýIc r li e] itI Iilt i' dlI: e +iit: 1i11 1C ' i *ih1f' 'Ot('t\ r 14,4 !vi"' 1' lf. " f 44 11 l l1tv c2 v 1 -)lit i I- tl ; 1-i the a -lr ; l 1.t :: '' t ) i1 . 4 0. .. n . -