Newspaper Page Text
CHRiISI' SENTENCE OF DEATH. An Alleged Copy of the Most Memorable Judicial Sentence Ever Pronounced. The following is a copy of the most me morable judicial sentence which has ever been pronounced in the annals of the world, namely, that of death against the Savior, with the remarks which the Journal LeDroit has collected, and the knowledge of which must be interesting in the highest degree to every Christian. It is word for word as fol lows : Sentence pronounced by Pontius Pilate, intendant of the Lower Province of Galilee, that Jesus of Nazareth shall suffer death by the cross. In the,;sventeenth year of the reign of the Emleror Tiberius, and on the twenty fourth day of the month of March, in the most holy City of Jerusalem, during the pon tificate of Annas and Caiaphas. Pontius Pilate, intendant of the Province of Lower Galilee, sitting to judgement in the Presidential seat of the Praetors, sen tences Jesus of Nazareth to death on a cross between two robbers, as the numerous and notorious testimonials of the people prove. 1. Jesus is a misleader. 2. He has excited the people to sedition. :3 He is an enemy to the law. 4. He calls himself son of God. 5. He calls himself, falsely, the King of Israel. ti He went into the temple followed by a multitude carrying palms in their hands. Orders from the first centurion, Quirrillis Cornelius, to bring him to the place of ex ecution. Forbids all persons, rich or poor, to prevent the execution of Jesus. The witnesses who have signed the execu tion of Jesus are : I. Daniel Robani, Pharisee. 2. Jo)hn Zorababel. ., Raphael Robani. 4. Capet. Je us Is to be taken out of Jerusalem through the gates of Tournes. This sentence is engraved on a plate of brass, in the Hebrew language, and on its side are the following words: "A similar plate hias been sent to each tribe," It was discovered in the year of 1280, in the City of Aquilia, in the Kindom of Naples, by a search for Roman antiquities, and remained there until it was found by a Commission ot Arts in the French army in Italy. Up to t e time of the campaign in Southern Italy it wrs reserved in the sacristy of the Carthusians, near Naples, where it was kept in a box of ebony. Since then the relic has been kept in the Chapel of Casert. The Carthusian·, obtained, by their petitions, that the plate might be kept by them, which was an ac knowledgement of the sacrifices which they made for the French army. The French translation was made literally by members of the Commission of Arts. Dennon had a fac simile of the plate engraved, which was bought by Lord Howard, on the sale of his Cal iuet, for 2,890 francs. There seem to be no historical doubts as to the authenticity of this. The reasons of the sentence corres pond exactly with those of the Gospel. ------------,ml---I ~QI) lslt.--4mm.. the Electric Light in Deep Water. [Baltimore American.] Mysterious flashes of lights, far-reaching and brilliant, from the direction of the har bor, over the city and against its most lofty buildings, and again down along the water in one direction or another, excited no little comment Thursday night. The startling il luminations were simply the result of one of a number of proposea experiments with the electric light in a new direction. It is be lieved by several scientific gentlemen of the city, chief among whom in this matter is Mr. R. S. Jennings, that eventually electric il lumination may be made most valuable in deep water investigations. The theory has not been practically demonstrated, for the experimentation is as yet yet in infancy; but it is thought that under proper conditions, the electric light can be so applied as to bril liantly light up the bottom of a body of water, even though the depth be one hun dred feet. To test the question, a Brush (l1c tric light machine was mounted upon a scow with an eight-horse power steam-engine to run it, and a tug was employed to tow the scow about the harbor. The gentlemen in terested in the experiment were accompanied by a number of iriends. The results were not fully satisfactory, owing principally to the roughness of the water, but the trip was a most interesting one, and the power of the electric light was strikingly manifested. A movable parabolical reflector was used back of the light, which was again and again thrown against vessels from two to two and a half miles distant, bringing them out in clear, full view, and enabling their names to be read with the aid of a glass. When the light was thrown upon the dome of the City Hall, it leaped out of the darkness and stood up against the dark sky as if suspended in mid-air. One of the curious features of this part of the display was that to persons in the city the shadows of steamers and other ves sels passing at this time between the light and the City Hall dome were distinctly pro trayed against the white background. It may well be imagined what a sensation was created by this par orama. If, as is believed, I the idea is a feasible one, its workings will be of great importance in the search of lost treasures, for drowned persons, the raising of wrecks, the removal of torpedoes, &c. Denmoralization In Politics. [N. Y. Sun.] It is a painful commentary on the prevail ine demoralization in politics that the recent alleged attempt at bribery in the Legislature at Albany has generally been treated as a joke. The Republicans seemingly have taken no other view of it. They appear to regard it as wearing no serious aspect whatever. And even the Democrats have sadly fallen short of the duty devolved upon them by such an occurrence. Even the'patriotic Gen. Spinola-strictly honest as he is said to be has fallen far short of doing his duty in the premises. He should have roused a storm that could not be quelled. He of all men should have seen in this no occasion for a joke. If anything in this world can be seri ous, the attempt to corrupt, to weaken, to destroy republican government by bribery is serious. Erastus Brooks has arisen more nearly equal to the occasion than any one else. But · what has even Mr. Brooks done compared to what he ought to do ? On this subject a man cannot go so fai that he will not be sustained by the people Ifipublic offices, especially of a legislativ( character, are to be bought and sold, ther the people are at once reduced to the condi. tion of serfs-of cattle and swine. If what Mr. Bradley says is false, he ih one of the greatest criminals of the age. Ii what Mr. Bradley says is true, then Mr. Ses sions has no proper mate but the serpent the serpent that entered the Garden of Eden. Hardened, debauched, habitually corrupt legislators may laugh over the matter. The honest, plain people of the country will never laugh at the idea of public offices being sold, because full well they understand that it is in effect bartering away the people's rights and liberties. The crimes of the Czar were but the con summation of corruption in the Government of Russia. The people desire no Czar, either single headed or many-head, in this country. We warn the legislators at Albany, of all parties, that they cannot possibly over-e sti mate the importance and the gravity of this charge by a Republican Assemblyman against a Republican State Senator of an attempt at bribery, and of the actual payment of two thousand dollars in furtherance of that at tempt. W. J. MINAR, -AN D Pharmacist, FRONT STREET, FT. BENTON, - - -ONTANA. DEALER IN Paints, Oils and Varnish, Keeps always on hand a full and most complete stock of fine STATIONARY, Perfumery, Toilet A rticles. AND NOTIONS. FINE CICARS Of the Choicest and Most Popular Brands, are kept constantly in stock. 1881. 1881. ALL ABOARD! Benton P Line - ~ ARE RUNNING THE Fastest and Best Boats ON THE MISSOURI RIVER DURING THIS SEASON. The old Reliable River Route--Away Ahead on (heap Rates--Fast Time and Comfortable Riding, During high water (until August 15th) passen ?ers can leave Helena, via Fort Benton, and reach St. aul in six days. Leave Fort Benton on Saturday and dine in Chicago or St. Louis the following Friday, and have a glorious time dashing down the Mighty Missouri in Comfortable Passenger Steamers running on regular time and carrying the United States Mail from Helena to Bismarck, Stages leave Helena daily, connecting with boats at Bentou. - BOATS WILL LEAVE Bismarck every Saturday for Fort Benton, and leave Fort Benton every Saturday for Bismarck, with regu larity, fast time, and sure connections. FACTS WELL TO KNOW--COMPARATIVE RATES TO CHICAGO OR ST. PAUL. FIRST CLASS. Helena to Chicago, BENTON LINE ......$ 71 00 Via Ogden and Union Pacific.............. 115 30 Benton to St. Paul, BENTON LINE...... 42 00 Via Ogden and Union Pacific.................. 120 00 SECOND CLASS. Helena to Chicago, BEN'TON LINE.......$52 00 Via Ogden arnd Union Pacific.......... ..... 88 00 Benton to St. Paul, BENE'ON LIN E....... 27 00 Via Ogden and Union Pacific................... 69 00 Rates to all points East and South, in proportion to the above. Distance by stage-Helena to Fort Benton, 140 mils. Time, only thirty hours. A pleasant ride through the magnificent Prickly Pear Canyon, and over a beauti ful country. R emember via Fort Benton and Missouri river, in addition to low rates, meals and staterooms are included on boats to irst c!ass passengers. Baggage allowed from Benton, on river and rafl, 150 pounds. Second classa passengers on above rates, have first class accommodations on stages going from Helena. Through Tickets Good on any Line. Send for a "Folder" giving full details and rates East and West bound, and also freight rates to T. C. POWER & CO.. Helena, Montana. T. C. POWER & BRO., Benton, Montana. T. S. RATTLE, 60 Clark street, Chicago. J. P. BAKER, Keokluk Northern Line Packet Co.'s office, St. Louis. ILSAAC P. BAKER, General Agent, Bismarck. NORTHERN PACIFIC office, St. Paul, Minn. IULWaUKEE & ST. PAUL office, Chicago. T.C. POWER, Manager, Helena. ont ana. Throngh tickets can be obtained at theabove offices and rates on woot, Benton and Martinsdal STACE LINE. Carries the United States mail to all points on th, Line. Passengers and express taken through to the SMITH RIVER and the YELLOWSTONI Tri- Weekly Trips! Leaves Benton Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 o'clock and arrives on Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays. The Only Route To the Judith Basin & Ft. Mafinni W. S. WEt'ELL, Benton Agent. JOHN ATCHJISON Agent at Fort i3Va. ginnis. SPENCER BROH , Agent at White Sttlphur Springs, I. IH. ClAENDEN IN, Agent at nMar tinadale. (&c A cEommatio.ns fr Tra yE d1s Along the entire ine. W. A. OLDEN, GREAT BlRLINGTON ROUTE! c. B. & Q. H. R. The People's FAVORITE ROUTE, is acknowledged by the Press and ihe traveling public. on account of its superior equipments, smooth steel laid track, iron bridges, and obliging train olftcials, to be the moat de sirable route from MONTANA And the Great Northwest to CHICACO And the East via Omaha. This is the only line run ning the 16-whee, P rllman Paiace 81ep1in Cars. Palace Diiing Cars, Luxurious Day Coaches, rnrough froum Omaha to Chicago without Change. This popular route makes a specialty of carrying their second class and emigrant passengers on fastex press trains, inwell ventilaetd and cushioned coaches, equal to cars used for first class passengers on other roads. Emigrant pas nrersare carried through from Omaha to Chicago an '3. Louis without delay. The Chicago Burlington & Quincy BR RI, Is the Best and Quickest Route fromn Omnaha to St. Louis and South. ern Points. Pullman Sleeping Cars are run through from Omaha to St. Louis without change, arriving in St. Louis one h our in advance of trains by competing lines. Tickets by this popular route for sa'e at all the offices in the Northwest to Chicago and St. Louis, and to all points East and South. Ask for your tickets by the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad. All information about rates of fare, sleeping car ac commodations, time tables, etc. will be cheerfully given by applying to JAMES R. WOOD, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. T'. J. POTTER General Manager Chicago. GO EAST -VIA THE- Chicago& North Western RAIL WAY. 'Ž,890 MILES OF ROAD. The SURE, SHOR? and Sia- route between St.Paul, Fort Pierre, --A ND CHIICAGO AllD IILWALUKIE. And all'points East and North, also Council Bluffs and Chicago. In addition to PULLMAN HOTEL CARS, and to please all classes of travelers, it gives FIRST-CLASS MEALS at its Eating Stations, at 50 cents each. Its Track is Steel Rail! Its Coaches are the Finest ! Ite Equipments First-Class! Its Trains are all equipped with Air Brakes! llttler's (ouptlers! and all Modemrn Improve ments, all of which, combined, permit the FASTEST SPEED. SURE AND CLOSE CONNECTIONS, and everything a passenger can desire to make a journey Quick. Pleasant and Comfortable. .'PULLiIAN SLEEPERS ON ALL NIGHT 'I RAINS. It is the PEOPLE'S FAVORITE ROUTE. Regular connections with the N~orthern Pacific to Bismarck and the Upper Missouri River. At Council Bluffs the Through Trains of the Chi cago & North-Western and the Union Pacific Rail ways depart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot., If you wish the Best Traveling Accomodations you will buy your tickets by this Route W~" AND WILL TAKE NO OTHER. Ail Ticket Agents can sell you Throng, Tickets via this road and Cheek usual Baggage Free of Caharge. Omalba Ticket OIees-1824 Farnam Street, Cor. 14th, and at Union Depot. Couneil Bluffe Ticket Oflicee-Cor. Broad way and Pearl Street, C. & N.-W. Railway Depot, and Union Pacifice Transfer Depot. For information, folders, maps, etc., not obtainable at Home Ticket Offce, address any agent of the Com pany, or Marvin Hughitt, W. H. Stennett, Gen'l Manager, Gen' Pass Agent. Cauaeno, IL. T. C. Power & Bro., agents, Benton. 4 C ý " " lWT/I e o Y J .. tA BLE Fort Benton, ) ontana. Wei Caes a PastrC oos Will always receive promp- attention. BENTON KIE A il & TANILE Y. SC ESE Sso Ston e sk We will alfo contract for all kinds of short notice. Also all sizes of GRINDSFTONES. OUR PRIBES AIE THE LOWEST. Cor. Power and Franklin Streets, . turningF out the BEST BREAD IN BETONTANA. cus tomers can always rely upon etting A SPECIALTY. Fresh Bread at all timer. have employed the baest wood Pstworkmen in the Terri toWill alwnd can guaranteeive good workompt and ttentionre Propl Sietasor. CEIL secIlNTYRE, Dealer in FORT BENTON. Ladies' and isses Shoes UDENTS WSLITING MHAOER, STOMAE iBOTg E & A HOE S Employs none but the very best workmen and can o oguar antee a lsre .t every time. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We are now rafting lumber From Stickney Creek to the Falls, And wil deliver lumber to order at any point along the banks of the Missouri from Stickney Creek to Benton. HOLTER & ELLS. Care W,1. IMOORE, Benton tRoad. JOHN SCHWARTZ, Dealer in Fine Cigars, Confections FRUITS, TOBACCO, CIGARETTES, Nuts, Toilet Articles. , And a full line of SMOKERS' ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. NEXT DOO r0 TTO IE POT 4F'ri:. FRAN 'S NEWS DE POT, TOBACCO AND CIGARS CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, "CAN7DIES, Fruits of all Descriptions. CUTLERY, PLAYING CARDS Perfumery and Fancy Soaps. Full Line of Smokers' Articles, Seaide Libraries, Novels of all d" scriptions, and all the Illu.tra: ed Papers. C. M. LANNING, --DEALER IN Watches, CIocksJewelry ST. JOHN STREET, Fort Benton, 1Montana. General Repairer of Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Etc. All kinds of work done in a workmanlike manner. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO FElRY ! FERRY! LYNCH & FLINT Have completed their new boat and it is now making reg.ular tnps. The boatisthe Largest and Best on the upper river and is absolutely safe. Travellers wil find us on hand at all hours of the day and night. CHLARGES REASONABLE. Proprietor. This popular Sample Room is stocked with the finest kinds of Wines, Liquors & Oigars. None but the Purest Whisk'es sold over the Bar. PETER SMITH, COFFIN MAKER, General Undertaker, HEAD OF BOYD STRt.ET, FT. BENTON, - IIONTANA. FURNITURE REPAIRINC A SPECIALTY. FRED L. KING, House, Sin anl Ornamental Painter, Orders for work of all kinds promptly executed at lowest rates. Orders by Mail will receive Prompt attention. Every kind and size of Glazed Sash kcpt for sale Rates given on application. SHOP ON LOWEIR MAIN STREET, e_%skna, M. T. Want~E o & Tr~e. BENTON REAL E$TATE FOR LIVE STOCK ? The undersigned has quite a number of choice bu siness and residencelots in the town of Benton, a few ofwhiehhe will tradefor dairy cows, stock cattle or horses WM. H. TODD AH SING, Benton Wash House, 00K. MAIN AND ST. JOHN STREETS. WASlHING AND IRONING Done with neatness and dispatch. FAMILY WASHING SOLICITED.