The River Press. Vol. XXIII. Fort Benton, Montana, Wednesday, November 19, 1902. No. 4. MINERS STATE TUEIR CASE. The Strike Commission Listens to Address By President Mitchell. SCRANTON, Pa., Nov., 14. —The commission appointed by President Roosevelt to arbitrate the difficulties existing between the anthracite mine workers and their employers today began the hearing of the miners side of the case. After the workmen have concluded their case the operators will make their statement. About two weeks will be taken up in hearing both sides. The proceedings opened shortly af ter 10 o'clock, when Judge Gray an nounced that the commission would h»ar the reports of the ininers first. Mr. Mitchell said he would file a fur* iher statement on Monday in answer to some of the allegations of the oper* ators. John L. Lenahan, of Wilkes* barre, on behalf of the non-union men, inquired of the commission what course the proceedings would take with respect to them. Judge Gray answered that that was a ques tion which would have to be con sidered. President Mitchell prefaced his state ment with the hope that the commis sion "would succeed in establishing a relationship between the operators and miners that will insure peace and stability in the industry for an in definite period." Afte.i reciting the demands for increased pay for the miner, a shorter work day for the la borer, the weighing of the coal and an industrial agreement, the refusal of which led to the strike, Mr. Mitch ell spoke on the question of higher wages. He said the eight hour day is the standard working day iu the tnin inj,' industry. Eight hours constitutes a day's work in the coal mines of Great Britain, iu all the silver, gold ana copper mines and in the bitumin ous coal mines iu the states of Ar kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Kentucky, western Pennsylvania and the Indian Terri tory. Defending the demand that coal shall be weighed and paid for by weight and that 2,240 pounds shall constitute a ton, Mr. Mitchell declared the present method of measuring the coal produced by the miners in the Lackawanna, Wyoming and Lehigh regions lias "been the source of more discontent than any other of the many injustices imposed upon the miners and there can be no contentment among those workers until an honest system has been established. Paying for coal by the ton weighing from 2,(40 to 3,190 pounds is a ilagrant in justice. The cars have been large; more topping is required and there has been no corresponding increases in tiie amount paid per car or per ton. The miners have been forced to pro duce a constantly increasing amount of coal for which they receive no ad ditional compensation. "Ilie miner should be paid for every pound of coa! he mines that is suld by the operators. If 2,240 pounds cou stitute a ton when coal is sold to the consumer and when the railroad com panies are paid for transporting coal to market, what justice can there"be in nuai jusiiuu uau mere oe m • denying the miner the right to be paid for his labor upon the same basis." i Narrow Escape Prora Death. Buffalo , N. Y., Nov. 13.—Mrs. Helen Costello, of Buffalo, was res cued on the brink of the American falls today by employes of the state reservation This afternoon word was received atj the reservation office that a woman had attempted to commit suicide and was floating down stream toward the falls ID , falls. Superintendent Perry secured a quantity of rope and hurried j to the bridge which connects Green island with Goat island. A woman was seen clinging to a submerged log at a point a few feet below the bridge. A noose was titted about the body of John Marshall, a reservation employe, and he was lowered into the rushing wa ters. He succecded in reaching the woman's side and placed the rope about her waist. The two were then umsTuisttr ENGINEER'S OVERALLS SAN FRANCISCO, 6*1. Official Election Returns of Choteau County, 1903. OFFICES AND CANDIDATES For Ht'prt'Sfiit itive in Conjjrt'ns: Jneepli M. Ilixon (reti). •lohn M. Evans — 1 OoorgeB. Spronlo (soi 'j. .. ... . Martin Dw (lubor) Martin Dee (people's party) For Associate Justice of Supreme Court : William L. Ilolloway (rep) Jere B. I.eslie (dem) \V. D. Cameron (*oc) W I,. Ilolloway (lubor) W. L. Ilolloway (people's party). For State Senator: (■eorge B. Bourne (rep) B. F. O'Neal (dem) For Kepresentatives in State Legislature: •lames H. Hire (rep) Tliomti« M. Everett (rep).. C. D. Crutclier (dem) James E. Fox (dem) For Jndue of the District Con rt : JolinW.'" Tattsn (dem) For Sheriff: Charles D. Howell (rep) John Buckley (dem) For Treasurer: John C. Sullivan (rep) For Clerk and Recorder: E. Frank Say re (rep) D. N. Luse (dem) For Assessor: Arthur E. Lewis (rep) Jas. T. Moran (dem) For County Attorney: Charte» N. Pray (rep) L. I*. Evaiis (dein) For County Superintendent of Schools May G. Flanagan (rep) For Public Administrator: John Neilbert (dein) For Coroner: \V. B. Pyper frep) For County Surveyor: A. W. Merrifleld (rep) For the Amendment Against the Amendment T otai. N cmiikk ok B allots IS 1«3 155 4 « i irr r. its s : is« ti 15!) a i un 2 i l iO 11 ^ 380 4 331» 8 i 13« s ! r.t; !l ! 191 3 123 10 ! 138 3 31T 5 A 13 87 ♦50 38 31 m ■4 I u m 53 I 844 484 9 10 787 834 808 500 4M 06« 433 787 «73 toot 394 10M 467 977 loho 337 145 1541 Proceedings of the Board of Can vassers. of canvassing the results of the gen eral election held November 4, l!>02. j Present, Geo. F. Lewis, chairman of Fort Benton, Mont., Nov. 13, 1!K*2. the board of county commissioners: Board met at 10 o'clock a. m, as a ! A. H. Reser, commissioner; 1). G. board of canvassers for the purpose i Lockwood, county treasurer, and the lowly hauled to the stone abutment of the bridge. A ladder was lowered and the wotuau was landed safely. To Suppress l.njronisni, M anila , Nov. 13.—The United States commission has passed an act to assist the suppression of ladronism. It makes highway robbery committed by three or more persons a capital of fense. A conviction does not require proof of the actual commission of the crime, the existence of a baud of brig ands under arms being sufficient. Se vere penalties are prescribed for those assisting ladrones in the commission of crimes. The commission has also passed a veeping vagrancy act, drawn up so as to reach both dissolute natives and foreigners and it has enacted a law re quiring officials to warn the people of tiie impending danger of famine and to urge the raising of crops of quick growing food stuffs. The government furnishing seeds and will use public 'funds for this purpose World's Coal Supply and Trade" is ttie u monograph just issued ^.V the treasury of statistics. It shows t,ljU t,le United States not only leads World's Coal Production. Washington , Nov. 13. ^ u wi, v âv,, » uo the world production, but has advanced from third place to the head of the list since 1880. In the United States produced one 0 ' , aoA 4U , _ - siuce while that of the remainder °(. lh t WOl ' ld haS D ° l quite doubled ' Tl ? e lh, 'f ffreat coal-producing coun ' plM ° 7 *° rId , are lhe United ^tes, ^nted Kingdom and Germany, Ihese three countries produce prac that year aflh of the coal of the world. Last year its production was one third of the to tal of the world. The coal productiou of the United States has quadrupled _ »__ «OAA « .. .. tically coal. 80 per cent, of the world's Increased Postal lieccipts. Washington , Nov. 13.—Statistics of the gross postal receipts of the government for last month, as com pared with October, 11)01, at fifty of the largest in the country, show a totai of $0,580,">90, an increase of thirteen per cent. The increase at New York was eleven percent, and at Chicago nineteen percent, the receipts being $1,183,588 and $804,884, respec tively. The largest increase was thir ty-six percent at Los Angeles, closely pressed by thirty-three percent at Mil waukee. The largest decrease was eleven percent at Buffalo. In Honor of McKinley. Washington, Nov. 13.— By direc tion of the President the following order has been issued : The new mili tary post to be constructed in the vicinity of Manila, Philippine islands, will be knowu as Fort William Me Kinley, iu honor of the late President of the United States. j Another Vulcanic Disastci is of San Francisco, Nov . 13.—Fully 1,000 persons perished iu the eruption of the volcano Santa Maria, in north ern Guatemala, on October 25, accord ing to advices brought by the Pacific mail steamer, which arrived today from Central America, horses, cattle and other perished. The rich eolïee distrie the republic are reported ruined. It tated that the loss of the new crop îolïee will amount to 15,000 tens. Thou -ands of animals also Many plantations are virtually de stroyed. lloads and bridges leading inland from Cbamperico were ruined »•lit of ashes, mud and by the stones. Cham per ico, during the Newport's visit, was covered by a heavy cloak of white ashes resembling a fall of snow, and Die shower of ashes that still cou tinned and covered the steamer's decks made breathing difficult. The ashes thrown from the volcano still lav over the plantations and towns U a depth of si.\ or seven feet and houses have been crushed by the weight of mud, si ones and debris. r i j ; lie Lived Iu Three Centuries, H arrodsburq I Ky., Nov. 13.— Uncle Lige Bledsoe, believed by those who knew him to have been the oldest . , ™ an 111 tl:e Wül ia « died here yesterday, ^ nc ' e Li£ e w 'us a colored man, and c ^ a ' me ^ to have attained the remark able age of 133 years He often re coun ' e| i incidents taking place during " le wa1 ' °' 1812, which could only be known him from personal observa t ' OU| and told many interesting stories SlKllllt fuir .riitü mun K n A !... _i about famous men he had known and served. He acted as a servant for Lafayette when he visited this place in 1824, and also served Aaron Bur after he came to Harrodsburg. Chip a ran w .v fi t.. , , ^ i , ..." ' * ' , hundred and fifty employes of the Mechanical Rubber company went on strike today ,i , , luua >» lhe worker. .„erUnjr that the com. pa»)- Is control«! bjr th. "rubhor trust" and is at present fillin" orders ' that under ordinary circumstance would go to the Morgan & company. The walkout was ordered otueiea Kubbcr Workers on Strike. last night, and when the employes of the company reached the plant this morning they found it guarded by over a hundred pickets from the Mor gan iS: Wright factory. Uryan Kcpudiates Hill. Lincoln , Neb. Nov. 14 —The idea that David B. Hill is the democratic presidential candidate in 1004 is vio lently opposed by William J. Bryan. Iu the Commoner yesterday, Bryan says: Hill is not available as a candi* date. Not because his state failed to • MHVU IV so democratic this year, but because Bill himself has not gone democratic for several years. He is credited with the authorship of the principle 4 I am a democrat,' but he borrowed it from county clerk. In the absence of Com missioner French, the county treas urer acted in his stead as a member of the board of canvassers, as provid ed by law. The results of the canvass were Cleveland, and neither could prove title to it before an impartial jury. '•There is not a single issue upon which the party could make a tight under Hill's leadership. He mails a record in the senate which would be a millstone about his neck in any race before the people. It' he were a new ; tuani be might steal a march on ['voters, but lie has been before the the public so long that his words and his acts are familiar to all." \ Kcptiblictin Senate. W ashington . Nov. there will be a number o the senate iu the fifty-eigl the republicans will -till 14. — While changes in th congress, control that bouy by a strt years to come, results in stati. i^ majority regardless that may I for ome .'lection oubtful in the next two congressional cam-1 païens, i he republicans will have a| majority of at least twenty in the next senate. There will be as a result of r the elections several changes, some of i which will bring former senators of »the democratic puny back into the j upper house of congress. Notable ; among these is Arthur i'ue Gorman, , of Mar viand, already elected to sue i ceed Senator Wellington, whose term expires on the 4th of next March Charged With Klectiou I ruud> New \oiîk , Nov. 14.—Two district captains in the Ninth assembly dis trict have been held by Magistrate Barley in bouds of $4,500 each to au swer a charge of violating the election law. The evidence in the case was procured by six young collegians who volunteered their services to the su perintendent of elections, Disguised as tramps, they were ac costed by workers who, after becom ing acquainted with thetu, disposed of them in various rooms. On election day, they say, they were provided with slips bearing the names of meu who had registered in good faith, but w | i(J had been called away. Iu this manner thev siv th«. ../» . »• * many times apiece and for each ballot al L, e „4 r „, iïeJ ™' lot h ; ve amoö " th' i-.- • . u ,. among me P °1 118 d,strlcl - the ofti WriSt^ ***?}*»*'* adtnil ^ t