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CITY AND STATE. From Wednesday's Daily. It is reported from Havre that the office of the Havre Press, owned by N. C. Wescott, was destroyed by fire last night. The loss was about$1,400, partly covered by insurance. Several ranchmen in the Gallatin valley have recently made cattle ship ments to Pacific coast markets., and are said to have received better re turnes than others who shipped to Chicago. According to figures prepared by Secretary J. U. Sanders of the State Pioneers' society, 120 members died during the year ending at the last meeting in Great Falls, and during that time 67 new members were re ceived. Major Monteath, of the Blackfeet reservation, has issued a statement denying the charges made by Miss Helen Clarke and others, who allege that the Indians have been robbed and abused by the agency officials. Major Monteath has requested the federal authorities to investigate the matter. The Cascade county authorities have exhumed the body of Albert Falk, whose death is alleged to have been due to poison, and a chemical analy sis will be made under the direction of the coroner. The widow of the de ceased, who is now in Missouri, has been placed under arrest pending the result of the investigation. Jailor Coatsworth informs us that only three persons are in his care at the present time, the smallest number in about seven years. Two of them are awaiting tria! in the district court, and the other, Ed Gosselin, is serving' time for gambling. The records of the county jail show that the largest number of guests at any one time was twenty-seven. There was a quiet home wedding at noon today, at the residence of Judge aud Mrs. Jno. W. Tattan, the con tracting parties being their daughter Mary, and Mr. Chas. W. Morrison of this city. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Father Pauwelyn, of Great Falls, and was witnessed by a small party of relatives and friends. The newly married couple left today for a short trip west, and on their re turn will be at home in the Harper residence on Main street. Prom Thursday's Daily. Mrs. F. N. Mclntire, of Helena, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. K. Stranahan, of this city. John Ward and William Sullivan left tod ay on a business trip south of the Missouri river, in the interest of T. C. Power & Uro. A. E. Lewis is erecting a coal shed Oll Main street on the lots where the stable was burned. Mr. Lewis will also build a coal warehouse at the de pot. The Sun River Roundup association finds that the lack of water on its range is a serious proposition, and it has decided to build lifteen or more reservoirs to provide watering places for the ft >ck. J. W. Woodcock closed a deal with Geo. W. Sample last evening, secur ing the latter's sheep interests at what is said to be a bargain figure. The outfit consists of about 2,^00 ewes of various ages, and 50U yearlings aud lambs. According to reports from Miles City, most of the wolf hunters in that part of Montana have decided to quit the business. They claim that the re duction of the coyote bounty to three dollars has made their occupation un profitable. It is reported from Havre that a man named Charles Miller, who was stealing a ride on the Great Northern eastbouud passenger, had his right leg badly crushed at Chester, lie was taken to Havre to receive treatment for the injury. Marshal Bickle, of Havre, arrived this morning with two persons who will serve terms in the county jail Geo. V. Gustiu is under sentence of thirty days for petit larceny; aud Charles Thompson, colored, will serve ninety days for cruelty to animals. The several parties of government engineers who have been making sur veys for the. St. Mary irrigation pro ject have concluded work for the sea sou, and several of them have left for the east, it is understood that the surveys in the Milk river country have I been completed. Parties who arrived on the delayed eastbouud passenger train last even ing report a narrow escape from a. | serious accident about live miles west j of the stockyards. The driving rod on the left side ol the locomotive broke loose and pouuded into the ties and damaged the spokes in one of the wheels, aud it took about two hours to make temporary repairs, it is re ported that another breakdown oc curred after the train left here, and it was finally hauled to Havre by a freight engine. From Friday's Daily Two carloads of horses for sale. In quire of Johu H. Green. * Gordon à Ferguson's guaranteed fur coats at lowest prices, at Green Bros. * If you have trouble with your face, 40 of of of of I j feet or hair, read E. Speck's adver tisement. * Gold Seal overshoes and rubbers are the best made. We sell 'em. Green Bros. * John McCauley has been added to the list of county patients. He was taken to St. Clare hospital last even ing, suffering from consumption. Geo. W. Sample, who recently leased his ranch and disposed of his sheep, departed this morning for Chi cago, where he will make his home this winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Price, who have been visiting with their son, Howard, at Maple Creek, returned home last evening. Ihey were accom panied by Howard, who will visit here for a short time. A portion of Montana's farm pro ducts is finding a market east. A Big Timber dealer is buying potatoes at 40 to 50 cents per cwt. and shipping them to St. Paul: and several carloads of Gallatin county oats have recently been shipped to New York. A number of friends were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Lockwood. Whist was the principle amusement, and A. E. McLeish and Mrs. R. Culbertson were awarded the prizes. Dainty refresh ments were served during the evening. Among the contests filed in the land office at Great Falls is that of (I Bar rett against the homestead of J. R. Tomaldson on Milk river, east of Big Sandy creek. It is said that Tomald son has lived on the land for several years past, but neglected to make the filing required by law. II. B. Ferrati is on trial in the dis trict court of Cascade county, on a charge of obtaining property under false pretenses. He secured a carload of horses from S. M. Dodd, of Log ging Creek, shipped them east aud failed to pay for them. He was ar rested in Nevada a few weeks ago. Mrs. Hannah Hall, mother-in-law of the late Albert Falk, is under ar rest at Great Falls on a charge of murder, the father of Falk alleging that she administered poison to his son. The accused denies the allega tion. and says she was not in the house during the sickness of the de ceased. ' The Great Northern officials have been notified that Thomas Allen, one of the men recently arrested on a charge of robbing box cars, has es caped from jail at Miuot, N. D. The fugitive is said to be a member of a gang that has robbed the Great Nor thern of goods valued at thousands of dollars. County Attorney Pray leaves tomor row to attend the preliminary hearing of Jack Fly on in Justice Frey's court at Chinook. The defendant is charged with stealing a horse owned by Alfred McKay, who found the animal in the possession of Alon/.o Smith, at Har lem. The latter bought the horse from James Talbot, who claims to have purchased the animal from Flynu. The accused is said to deny any knowl dge of the transaction. Penalty Is Inadequate. I | j Helena , Oct. 21.—The inadequacy of the punishment for the persons who are seeking to blackmail the Northern Pacific railroad out of a large sum of money under threat of blowing up trains will probably result iu meas ures being introduced in the next ses sion of the legislature making train wrecking a crime on a par with min der. There are only two charges that can be preferred against Isaac Gra velle, the suspect under arrest. He can be prosecuted for writing a threat ening letter seeking to extort money and if convicted can be sent to the penitentiary for live years. He can also be prosecuted for obstructing a railroad, for which the maximum pun ishment is five years. In many states train-wrecking is punishable by a life sentence in the penitentiary, and iu some states is a capital offense. D kkk LoixiE, Oct. 21. Isaac lira velle, who was captured near Helena and who is believed to be one of the ringleaders of the traug of blackmail ers who have been dynamiting' the Northern Pacific tracks, served two terms in the state penitentiary. He received a three-year sentence in Fer gus county fiir burglary and was placed in the state prison on May l.">, 18SI1, and was released on Dec. 11, 1H03. He was convicted in Jefferson county of the crime of grand larceny and served a nine-year sentence and began serving his term on Oct. 17, IS!>7, and was released on July 1 ti, 1903. Shortly after his release in July the officials of the Northern Pacific received the blackmailing let ters. Higher Kates for Western Travel. t'lUi-AUO, Oct. \1'1.—At a meeting of passenger representatives of the West ern lines, held here, yesterday, it was decided that a rate of $.">0 from Ohiea iSO to the Pacific should not be made again for any convention or gather ing, and a minimum rate of $t>2.50 was agreed upon. Sraz CURE Best Cou in tl BS aBBEBIEHCEIa ■ CURES WHEHt ALL ELSE FAILS. I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. U| H In time. Sold bv drußtilsts. BagHHgaaaEial WITHDRAWN FROM ENTRY. A Large Tract North of Great Falls Is Added to Irrigation Reserve. Great Falls Tribune. By an order received at the Great Falls land office yesterday from the sreneral land office at Washington, 31 townships, containing 714,240 acres of land have been withdrawn from entry in any form. The land embraces all that contained in an irrigation scheme under consideration by the govern ment for some time, and with its revi val itis undoubtedly the purpose of the government to build a number of huge reservoirs to be fed from the waters of the north fork of Sun river. The principal canal is to be con structed from reservoirs located near the source of the north fork of the Sun river, by which thousands of acres are to be watered, and if the old plans are to be followed, Benton Lake, situ ated about 10 miles northwest of Great Falls, will also be converted into a reservoir for the storage of water for the irrigation of the lands in that neighborhood. Nearly all of the land is bench land, easy for irrigation, and sloping gradually to Sun river. The laud withdrawn lies north of Sun river and west of the Missouri river, commencing a few miles east of the Boston & Montana smelter and extending north from the river for a distance of 18 miles, thence west for a distance of 72 miles to the west edge of Teton county and on the Lewis and Clark forest reserve, thence south along the boundary of Lewis and Clarke county and east to the Fort Shaw Indian reservation and to the Missouri river to the point of begin ning. It is impossible a', the present time to estimate the actual amount of land withdrawn, for the reason that thous ands of acres have already been taken up under the homestead and other land acts and title conveyed by the government. Itelievc They Have Dynamiter. Helena , Oct. 20. —The web that is being woven around Isaac Gravelle, arrested Sunday on the charge of be ing at the head of the dynamiters that are seeking to blackmail the Northern Pacific out of a fortune, appears to be tightening. The most important link in the chain of evidence against the accused was forged today when he was positively identified as the man seen eating his breakfast by the hay stack near Townsend in which 59 pounds of dynamite were concealed and who left hurriedly when found. Another important piece of evidence against Gravelle is that the horse he had tied nearby at the time has been identified and is now in his possession. The spur found near the dynamite has been found to be a mate to the one tied upon Gravelle's saddle when he was arrested near Priest's Pass. All of these circumstances lead the detec tives to think that they have a clear case against the accused aud that it will be very hard for him to establish an alibi. Deer Lodue , Oct. 20.— No one is particularly surprised here over the arrest of Isaac Gravelle, the dyna mite suspect at Helena. He served a term in the penitentiary, and was a companion cellmate to L. 1. Fleming, alias McArthur, who was hanged for being implicated in the Dotson mur der. Relay Riders Rewarded. Helena , Oct. 20. -Secretary John W. Pace of the state fair today an nounced that the executive committee had gone on record as being iu touch with the general feeling to the effect that the ladies' relay race at the re cent fail- was one of the banner at tractions aud to this end the board had instructed the secretary to send to each of the three ladies participa ting a check for #100. This is iu ad dition to the regular purse which the young ladies received. Including the purses hung up by the fair management at the opening of the fair the ladies participating in the relay race received the following amounts: Miss Mclvee, $4">0: Miss Getts, $200, and Miss Parker, $1.">0. I.To InvestiKate ilrafters. t 'lUCAiiO, Oct. 20. —An appropria tion ot SC>,000 was voted by the council last evening to pay the expenses of uncovering rascality around the city hall. This action was taken when Al derman Herrmann told the council thai his committee investigating "graft" would be able to accomplish great things if it only had some money to work with. He said the committee wauted to look into the grave abuses in administrative methods as well as specific charges of miseouduet. Snvi'« Two l-'rom Heath. ' i >ni- little daughter had au almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. \Y. K. llavi land, of Annonk, N V., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Or. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in tin advanced s! a ire, ;• 1 used this won derful medieiue and today she i> per fectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. Ivtig's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. infallible for Coughs and Colds "i0c and *1.00 bottles guaran teed by D. «.;. Loekwood. Trial bot tier- tree. Montana Odd Fellows Meet. Helena , Oct. 21.—D. J. Charles of Butte was elected grand master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Montana at the second day's session of the arr and lodge. The other officers elected were: R. W. Kemp of Missou la, deputy district grand master: Geo. Ii. Milburn of Miles City, grand war den; A. J. White of Butte, grand sec retary: Jacob Loeb of Helena, grand treasurer; R. W. Nickol of Hamilton, grand representative for two years. Butte was chosen as the next place of meeting by the grand lodge by ac clamation. The recommendation of the committee that the grand lodge adopt no official organ at this time was adopted. On the recommendation of the committee on Odd Fellows' home the grand lodge decided to cake no steps at the present time to secure a site for the institution. Monument to X. Jteidlcr Helena , Oct. 22.—The remains of John X. Beidler, which for the past few years have reposed in a grave in the old Benton avenue cemetery, were yesterday disinterred and taken to Forestvale cemetery, where the body of the famous pioneer and vigi lante was buried. The monument which is being erected over the grave of the pioneer will be about twelve feet high, and of fine granite. On it will be a bronze tablet provided for at the recent meeting of the society of pioneers in Great Falls, which will bear the following inscription: '•John X. Beidler, died June 22, 190u, aged fifty-eight years; 3 -7 -77. Public benefactor, brave pioneer, to true occasion true. Erected by the Society of Montana Pioneers." The figures "3 7-77" were used by the vigi lantes in early days as a form of sig nature and soon became the symbol of that famous organization. Alleged Smuggler Arrested. New York . Oct. 22 —What officials of the custom house declare to be the largest seizure of smuggled goods ever made from an incoming passen ger was made today when diamonds and other jewels, valued at $25,000, were taken from Captain S. Gel at, a retired captain of the French marine service. Captain Gelat was a passen ger on the Teutonic. He was arrested and the jewels were sent to a public store. He insisted he was not a smug 1er, but that he was bringing the stuff here for friends. In his declaration to the customs inspector he said he had nothing dutiable. If tlie Ktnliy is Teeth, Be eure and use that old aud well-tried remedy, M rs . W in slow *8 S oothing S yrup for children teething. It soothes the child, eottens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Residence Property for Sale. A five-room brick house ou lower Franklin street, with four lots, barn and outhouses. For particulars inquire of J. M. SENIEUR, Fort Bsnton Horses for Sale. 1 have for sale, at all prices, a bunch of saddle and work horses, all well broken. Come and see them. NICK MICHAELS, Fort. Kenton. Notice to Taxpayers. O ffick of T rkasurkk of C hoi tea i' Co., F ort B entox , Mont., Oct. s, liH):]. State and county taxes, and those levied by the cities of Fort Benton, Havre and Chinook, for year 1903 are now due and payable at the ollice of the county treasurer, at the court house in Fort. Benton, Mont. If not paid on or before fi p. m. Monday, November :»0 11K)3, a penalty of 10 per cent will be added as required by law, and all property upon which taxes are then unpaid will he immediately advertised and sold for said taxes and costs. Ollice hours !♦ a. in. to 5 p. in. JNO. C. SULLIVAN, Treasurer Chouteau County, Mont. Cattle to Winter. Wanted, two hundred head of cattle to winter. Address JNÜ. M. CONNELLY, Fort Kenton, Mont. For Sale. Fine grade yearling rams, bred from thoroiiL'h bred Ohio Hams. Prices reasonable. K. K. LYTI.K, Lytie, MoM. Bucks for Sale. About fifty two-year-olds from registered Ham bonillet bucks and high irrade Merino ewes, prio $S per head. Also fifty head four-year-old ]»:ir* bred Uambouillets. Address WM. GUAY, Hiu'Uwood, Mont. Estray. One brown work ni ir cd living V on left sin 1 wiil pay $5 reward leading to her recovery ranch on the Marias. t i,e lis. brand mider ar.ii 3 on left .-title for any 4- information oi for the l«-turn to mv W. A. Ft > W( t E V, ' .'Vvrs, Moat. Buc^s for Sale. elainc merino buck: tlv t-> LKii F::LD r. W\\i Sandy, Mont. Estrayed. l the >>ight U'OO lhs.. \ "nniar idea J S X on right thitrh. Will p.r, Q information which will lei erv, or I will pay $i: t'ii near Fort lîenton, M F KHI). LABAKKK , r. Ht 1 ! * IV» W ! • :i left tili.;! iilit>r:i:ly to il Ii>hiI to lu>r re >r lu'r return to m Gasoline E ng i ne for Sale. A four horse power gasoline engine, nearly new and in good condition. Suitable for working irrigation pump or other machinery. For partic ulars apply to the River Frese. Notice to Creditors. Kstate of «lacob A Notice is hereby nunistrator of the deceased, to the ere ing claims against them wit n the net months after the fi to the saiiî adn: inis house, in Fort He tana Administrator of i nouse, deceased. Dated October Mh, 1H03. First p*:î hcation Kanonse, deceased. given by the undersigned ad estate ot «);icor»A. Kanouse iitors of and all persons nu\ the said deceased, to cxkibi pssary vouchers within fou ■st publication of thi" police s ollice at the court ;tean countv. Mon i hoy i .E. of Jacob A. itor st ! LIAS T. C. Power & Bro. LIMITED). Fall 1 Winter Clothing Another large shipment of the KUPPENHEIMER GUARANTEED CLOTHING Just received. Positively better fitting and more stylish in appearance than the majority of made to-order clothes. All styles, double breast, single breast, square=cut sack, cutaway sack, and frock coats, at prices ranging from $10 to $23 the suit. Overcoats, ulsters, watersheds, from $6.50 up to $22.50. Boys' and children's' two and three piece suits from $1.50 up. Boys' and youths' long pants suits in greater variety and better values than ever before shown you. 5TORM COAT Made and Guaran teed by B. Kuppen heimer & Co. America's Reading Clothes £ Maker«. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR WATERSHEDS? A raincoat and over coat combined, a very dressy coat, warranted absolutely waterproof. ....FUR COATS.... Not many stores in Hontana carry as large and varied a stock of fur coats as we do. We bought before the raise, and in quantity to suit inside prices, enabling us to sell them as cheap as some of our com pet tors can buy them. Coon, Kangaroo, Wombat, Domestic Call, Russian Calf, Russian Lamb, Iceland Buffalo, Black Dogskin, plain and reversible. ... DON'T FORGET.... That we are the only deniers in Fort Benton who sell the Gordon & Ferguson Coat with their name as a guarantee appearing on inside lining of coat, and the only line of fur coats with patent inside leather vest. Headquarters for Harness and Saddlery T. C. POWER & BRO. (LIMITED). JOS. SULLIVAN, Saddle « Harness Mann facturer. Agent for the Celebrated MITCHELL MOUNTAIN WAGONS McCormick Mowers, Reapers and Steel Rakes? Rinding Twin» W anon Sheets, Stockmen's Bed Sheets, Tarpaulins. üülery Goods of every description una ara t • Best Lin- of Will manufacture any nil !_ r oocls in my line ou short notice. Mailorder» eceive prompt attention. JOS. SULLIVAN FRONT ST., FORT BENTON. BRIGHT'S MERCANTILE AGENCY Reporting, Collecting, Publishing and Rating in the United States or Canada. DULUTH, MAIN OFFICE, 90«) TOKREY ltVILOIXG MINNESOTA Reference: First National Bank, Duluth