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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
MILK RIVER VALLEY NEWS NEWS PUB CO ~ (Incorporated), Publishers F N. WILD. 3ubinc«» M*WAQt«. Aupllcatlon ho n m&dn to th ' Pjof uflL- * oIH luU for transmission lhrou»h the malls a* Se cod(l Class Mattor, ht Pustotlioe Harlem. Montana. : : : 7 r-U ' lisit 'l2 11 ’TIO.N RATES. OSK HUII MX HD.XTUU .... * 1 J’nliM'lH il Hvcry Wi (lrf«ln.v tHKiti'd Weekly. W MDNEriDAV, MARCH !!(>, lOu t Citizens of Montana residing in the valley of Milk river are gravely con cerned over the proposed extensive .di version of the waters of that stream in Canada, nod nro importuning th' gov ernment to intervene in order that their prior rights to the water may ba pro tected. The government itself is con cerned in this matter, ns it has con structed an irrigation sy t»*m at Fort Belknap, which i« a prL. ipproprhytiort to that of the Canadians. .<Citizens of the lower Milk Rivf-r Valiev fear that th ■* C n:.'bans’ work will exhaust the i,. rm.d How of tin river, leaving wither water dr.r ing tho low stages f that stream. Cn fortm .tely for the Montanans the gov ernment’s work «>f • instructing an ex tensive irrigation system combining large storage it avoirs in St. Marv’t lake wiib many mi lei of canals lias been delayed owing tot unfavorable pliy sicnl features whi -h were the engineers, a.,*i to other bstacles in the shape of p- .'or rights and .1 Hi ?uTtTes in securing riglit of way. The govern meat project is divided into: tw 1 ‘i 'nP *he storage of liood wat er? : r,j ti : n catchment area of Sr. Mary’.: rr.-er and the ntiliz uion of 1 the oc ;h irrigable lauds of the j lower Milk Kiv *r Valley. The en waeer- \ ing »>■ veys in the St. Mary ’s bu in are praali dly completed, bnt tho best | best m hod of bringing this water to the ’ow^>-lands b‘.3 not yet b*err found. ! Tin' impl* plan of permuting the stored ! water.- t > How down the stream through j Car . tin the natural stream has been aba:-u -oed, curing to -tha-in-lUmotia-nal couip i ations, and the alternate plan of util Zf.g Cut bank creek and Marias river ■ - receiving careful consideration. 8o far as can be ascertained from tho somewhat imperfect maps of the region, IS POSITIVE PROOF THAT “WE LEAD & OTHERS FOLLOW” W — HAVE lOU lOTIGED The Effect that ouT' Saturday Specials has had? WHO LEADS? ■— i — i—— —— — akiKßaanzt j* WRAPPERS, OVERSKIRTS, >,* * DRESS PATTERNS, > SUITINGS, BELTS, LIN'NGS, „ a SHIRT WAISTS, UNDERSHIRTS; V' ; WASH SILKS, CASHMERES. New Goods Constantly Arriving COMPLETESTOCK of Wagons, Plows, Harrows, Discs, Har-’ ness, Seeders. »bo drainage r»r*n of Milk River above the point of diversion of the Canadian ditch is approximately 1,050 square miles. This catchment area is not mountainous, bnt on the contrary con sis'. s of undulating or rolling gravel i3h. from which the mu-off is not not ab y great. Iu comparison will* this the drainage area of the Milk River above Malta, contributory wholly to the How of tho stream iu the United States, is 10,044 square miles. It is recogniz°d that any diversion of Milk River in Canada is detrimental i,p I a large degree to this portion of ifton- I tana, but at tho s »mo time consider* |at ion must bo had as to the magnitude of the diversion. Assuming that the ordinary rules of priority of apprnpria i tion apply to the waters of St. Mary’s 1 River and to those of Miik liver, it is | evident that by priority of survey uud of construction the Canadians have already ( acquired right to the use of water for considerable areas of land. Their sur > veys were made some years ago and con tjTrtHJtrmTrr* been initiated, while the Milk River has been used for years by the early settlers for the same purposes, aud their locations \v*Tß made in the early days. e The matter is of great moment to the thousands f raucher.s in Northern Mon tana, who irrigate their farms from that historic stream, and it is hoped llmt the mu Ter will Boon be settled" for the benefit of the American farmeri Fkom the president and secretary of the Montana Frees association comes the news that the annual outiug of the men ■of the pencil und shears ,will take place next mouth and that a trip to S'.. Louie i-» included nt *e entertainment. This e:frly date has been selected on account of 1904 being a campaign year, when the greater pardon of the newspaper men of 'JfZL jPiL.' *jil ' YCrXJ» JED 4FREMCH .TRADING COMPANY,!* HARLEM.MOM T. th« atmta will m kepi pretty close to their links. This being the case, unles s the editors of Montana attend the e*pi - ■ilion at so early date, they will have Iff forego the pleasure. Later every one will be iu the midst of a* political fight and the ordinary editor has each a love for a political scrup that he will givo up almost any pleasure in order to partici pate in the contest. From May lfi to the 21st, ihe world’s press associatio n will be in session in St. Lmis and the members of the Montana organization will have an opportunity to brush up with the grey matter behind the leading pens of the country, and we do not think this state will suffer any by com - parisoQjfor Montana has some of the. brightest and- most progressive news paper men of the country. A lurge number of the ranchers in the vicinity of Harlem will grow all kinds of fruit during the coming summer months for the purpose of placing tho different articles on exhibition at the Montana State Fair, which is lo bo bold in Hel ena, the later purt of the year, and in so doing will compete with the other farm ers of the state for theorizes to be offer ed at that time. It is needles? to say that the ranchers of the Great Milk River^V alley will return home from the big show with nil kinds of blue ribbons pinned on their breasta, for nowhere iu any part of the great State of Montana can be raised such fruits as are grown in the vicinity of Harlem. The object i 6 a worthy one and from now on until the crops are harvested the rme hers of thik portion of Montauu will bend their best endeavors in an effort to capture all the blue ribbons there is in sight when the big fair opens. The editorial page of the Butte Miner should be issued as a supplement-of the Butte Reville. Both pipers are of the same stripe in that they are both crooked politically aud otherwise. Oxs good indication for Montana.go ing republican this fall is that both the Butte Miner aud Helena Independent, two Clark sheets, are howling at every republican in the state. That is certain ly strength enough to win. I )on’t F orget Ihe Voting Contest in Favor of the most Popular Young Lady in. Town. Contest Closes July 4th, 1904. mj su» mo <»i tco (V <an ttr: a* T*> (■» ho ««o om mo u» i» a» c«» o« ■» «■ • ■*» as* Fay Stockings gw The Best Stocking jgjjjx Jbl Made for Wk LADIES, 9-p If MISSES, W II CHILDREN If Oldt<JbfllUtt^ea3(VMoeW>flilWlflki9(BlEl3lSUi ATTESTMSEEEPMI: We Want to Furnish you With Lambing Supplies. Our Stock is very Complete. Prices Unapprochable. ' WIDDHT& BILLS BINS- Happy lUrriage is Celebrated Here Monday Night. On Monday evening, the home of Mr and Mrs. P. M. Bosley, was the scene of h brilliant gathering. The iug the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ella, to Judson F. Sharpies, of Chiuook. The house was beautifully decorated with festoons of flowers. The groom was - ably supported by Roy Colgrove, while Miss Gertie Bosley acted as bridesmaid. While the strains of the wedding niaroh, played by Mr. and Miss Ellis, llonled through the room the byidal party entered. The bride wa3 tastefully attirid in blue cashmere, while the groom Voro tho conventional black After Nie ceremony, best wishes ilr.d cougratuSitlonb were extended to Mr. and Mrs.yShurples by tho numerous friends amrgeuete. A reception followed and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Reverend D. Hutchison, of tho Pres byterian church, tied the nuptial knot. Among those presortt from Chinook wore Newt and Frank Sharpies, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cook and Mr. and Mr . Morris, of Paradise Valley, together with Mrs. Rose Perkins and Charles Sharps less of Malta. A list of present?, which were re ceived too late for publication this week, will be printed uext week. ~ , <>t .» • Building Notes. During the next few days a large number of carpenters will to put to work on a one-story business block, that is being erected east of the New Eng* land hotel, by H. C. Wdiets, of this city* It will be 28x55 feet in siz?, with » large cellar nndernoath, and when completed will be rented to Chas. Jarvis, of Cul berteon, who will embark in ihe saloon business hero. • M. Montgomery, the Chinook con tractor, is in town with a large of men and the finishing work is being completed on the'residenco of W. D. Dodge^ W. E. French is erecting a large ware house in tlie rear of the store, which will be completed soon. Cowan Brothers, the butchers, are erecting a large ice house, in the rear of their shop. For Sale. ) One good Hereford bull, one team of general work horses and one five-year old mare. Inquire at livery barn of Dodge & Hatch, Harlem. — 1 — For Sale. One number nine range and two other stoves. Inquire at this office for prices. Onr shirt waists and ladies belts are out of sight. French Trading Company. RINGWALD’S « BLUB SALOON Finest Wines and Liquors Constantly on hand. Ev- .eryone welcome. Cour- A A fiSO'JF' teous treatment to all. ' S 3 IMfflV A NORTH SIDE. HARLEM, MONT. | Q Thoroughred Poultry BARREL PLYMOUTH ROCKS WHITE WYANDOTTES ROSE COMB BROWNXEGHORNS EGGSSI.SO PER SITTING , Orders taken now lor Spring Fnllefa an l Cockerels delivered July or August. fr ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER WILL Bt FOR SALE. ,W. M. Williams, HARLEM. - MONTANA- WlAVEfljjfU WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS I BILLIARD AN 3 POOL TABLES. { «p AGEIMT FOR f HOFFMAN FIITE f | Guaraud 12 years old. Fine for medicinal purposes. | 2 The Sesi Bear >:o be Had in ihe City. £ Old Friends Always Welcome, while the Latch String v I is Always Out to New Once. While iu town drop in It , , ♦ urant. wm»WW*WWW«WWWWWiW»’ m ijSJMUi Uubllu W ' {aims SEALW S\9i >872 h°)> H ind Ip Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Footwear in the “Gold Seal” line. The' best in the World. an ~«a < -vy ;•: 4 OSLirij 9 OT».Tj *.tac.l2 WET WEATHER GOODS Mackintoshes, I flicker Coats, - Slicker Jackets, Slicker Pants, Slicker Hats. Anything You Want.