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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS Base Ball Dance, Friday April 22. John Fogey of Savoy, was hero yester day. A. A. Powell was up from Dodson Monday. C. L. Cook of Dodson, was in the city Monday. A. J. Cowan was a Chinook visitor Saturday. Thomas Murray was a Havre visitor last week. Mies Thea Bosh, of Chinook, visited Harlem friends Sunday. Mrs. Paul Steensen of Chinook, visited Harlem friends Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Hankey of Chinook, spent Saturday here on business. J. B. Ramstr-ad and wife were regis tered at the New England Sunday. Elmer L. Vineyard of Great Falla, wrh a Harlem visitor Friday. Major Logan of the Agency, went to Helena Monday night on business. Be sure and read Department Store ad. this week. tf:4 Erank Murray of Woody Island, was a Harlem visitor the first of the week. Mrs. Jqbn Kelly and son of Billings, were Harlem visitors Friday. N. B. Holden, a nursery man of Hel ena, was h Harlem visitor Monday. v Miss Grace Ilammell has gone to Chinook where she has accepted a position at the Montana hotel. \ Thomas Murray Spencer, the poet drummer, who ‘nails from Portland, was in the city Sunday and Monday. Joseph Hirshherg, a large .ranch and sheep owner in thi^ vL ’nity, was here from Helena Thiirsday looking after his interests. Mr. and J. L. Moody of Ells worth, Wisconsin, are visiting with Mr. anu Mrs. C. 11. B irton. Toy <ro on their way Lome from the winter spent in California. , Under the new ruling of the Pension office, rlniman s for pension who are over 62 years old ab^ll be considered as disabled one half in ability^to perform manual lnb «r and shaP be rr.tit.ed ro 86 n month; mer 65 year-, in $8; over G 8 yems, to 310. and hvt 70 years SI?, the n^ual allowance* for hi h^r rates oou tinning for dioubili i s oh r .Lan n^e. This order in io effect April 23, and is not retroactive. Of course-it only ap plies to old soldiers who apply for in valid pensions, and its only effect is that he do«s not have to prove that he is an invalid if over 62 years old. ■i »dGHT BOWER BARGAINS For Next Saturday. Ginghams, 50 patterns to select from, 10 cents per yard. Hardware, 4 quart G-erman Blue Granite Tea Pot, 55 cents. 4 Qtiart German Blue Coffee Pot, 55 cents. 2 quart German Blue Coffee Pot 40 cents. \ 2 quart German Blue Granits Tea ot, 4o cents. MSB CSI3aZTJ.' , XJ G.*SQBXBHBe CmSMD OBMBBBB 3BHNMHBBB OHBBBBB BBHULBJOBBI <■■■■■■■* CWEJKMBBB® BMSOMU •U&IMdV. U^RSJUSHi OOBBHBB BMKMQBL kXBBBaBr ' G. M- BAHTOI*/ Bc.'> airwjx^s® • n —r ■i n □»■■■■■• ■■■■■■• •■■■■■• ommmbb aanKova amss^aoa sbelub ombmbb For Wall Paper go to McGinn ess’ Drugstore. Found—A bunch of keys. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. In - quire at the News office. Rev. Thomas Jones, who has been un der the doctor’s care for the past week, is now convalescent. Hay is beginning to move again and st the present time is being shipped to all parts of the country. Water was turned on in the new irri gating ditch the first of the week, and the many ranchers along its route are now correspondingly happy. County Commissioner French went to Havre Sunday evening to attend a meet ing of the county fathers there Monday to fix up some road matters in that vi cinity. As a result of the great depletion in the rural school teachers of central Illi nois. heartless school directors are begin ning to execute iron-clad contracts which read as follows: “I hereby declare that I will not get married during the term for which I am engaged to teach this school. Failing to keep this provision I hereby agree to forfeit the sum of $50.” Re cently nt Dixon twu teachers resigned in one day and the board had no ois to take their places. Arbor Day Proclamation. In a proclamation issued Friday, Gov. Joseph K. Toole, formally announces Tuesday, May do, us Arbor Day, and the executive urges the people of the state to observe it by the planting of trees and shrubs, pointingout the good that will result, from ih^ esthetic as well ns the pecuniary point of view. The text of the proclamation follows: “Tuesday, May 10, is declared by law to be Arbor Day. “I earnestly request the people of the state to observe the day by planting trees, vines and shrubs. “Aside from the pleasure which it will afford in adding beauty and comfort to our homes, it will pay dividends in the years to come, in tho increased value of our properly. “Older commonwealths that have systematically observed the custom testify to the splendid results accomp lished, and without exception urge the universal observance. “In uit.nees whereof, I have hereunto set my baud and'eansed the great seal of the state of Montana to be affixed Done at the city o ? Helena, rhe Is»h day of April, A. D., one thousand nine hun dred and four, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-eight. (“Seal.) J. K. Toole, “By the Governor. “Geo. M. Hayh, Seretary of State.” HARLEM’S DEPARTMENT STORE- SEE THOSE SHOE>S! We have a complete stock of ’em. There is no better Shoe made than Foot-Schulze & Go’s make. We are now prepared to do all kinds of Shoe and other Repairing at v^y Reasonable Prices at all tames. BLACKSMITHING r On Credit. LTJJVEBEB.- * 'X For Cash Only! A. For Wall Paper go to McGinnets’ Drug Store. Prof. E. V. Graybeal’s baby, who ha^ been bothered with an infiamation of the ear is now on the high road to recovery. Milk River has been very high during the past week or so. but the recent cold weather had the effect of lowering the water several feet. *< R. J. Gibson, a recent arrival from New Mexico, who has been laid up with malarial fever for some time, is now re ported as convalescent. Arthur Magner, of Magner Bros. & Johnson, was in the city Monday from Woody Island. He came in*to consult a physician and at the present time is under the care of Dr. Rooney. A. E. Place, who has charge of the stream measurements being conducted by the geological survey, was in the city Monday. Mr. Place took the measure men Is of Milk river here and left for Great Falls to take measurements of the Missouri river at that point. The fishing season is now on in good style and some excellent catches are be ing reported at the dam near the agency. Thomas Murray came into town Monday evening with a large as sortment of pike and catfish. He caught over 100 in a few hours. Other parties report good luck also. Handsome posters scattered around the city last week announce the fact that a grand ball will be given at the New England hall Friday evening of this week by the new base bill club re cently organized here. Lhe proceeds of the dance will be used to purchase the necessary outfit needed. An elaborate midnight supper will be served at the hotel by Mrs. Murray. Tickets for sup per and dance $2 per couple. Turn out and help the boys out. R. H. MCGINN ESS Drugs, Chsm c tis, Patent Medicines, Fiower Seeds, Mixed Paints, Paint Brushe , Dead, Oil, Turpentine, Wall Conors and Wall Paper. EVERYTHING TO MEET THf WISHES O I THE PEOPLE. ^2 YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED. FT. FZEoGririraess, Harlem. Tlie ATo^it of Our Ini vo arrived. Onion 15c Lb 9 We have Mercer Corn at 4 cents per pound. Bromo-Inermis 15 cents per pound. Alfalfa Seed at 20 cents per pound Something new in the Department Store ad. this week. tf:l Base Ball Dance. New England Hall, Friday evening, April 22. 0. A. Smith, T. M. Everett and Alonzo Smith are making preparations to start a brick yard in the 0. A. Smith addition to Harlem. It is understood that the first burn will be a large one, hr they ex pect to turn out 400,000 brick of a first class quality. Employment will be given to several men at the yards during the coming months. Birdwell Nessler, a ranchman, near town, had an experience the other day that he will not care to duplicate soon. Some time ago he purchased what was supposed to bo a can of kerosene, and not making a careful investigation of the oil proceeded to fill a lantern. When he be had occasion to use it he was sur prised to see part of the lantern detach itself •nd go Heating through the air. The smell of the oil told him of the mis take and be Jost no time in making the necessary change,* He is nlore careful of such matters now. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the base ball sports of the city was held at the harness shop last Wednesday evening at which time it was decided to organize a team to play with the neigh boring towns. Eighteen names were added to the roll of honor and a first and second nine will be organized shortly. Phil Forbes was unanimously elected as manager of the first nine and a complete outfit has been ordered from the east. The first game of the season will be played at the ball grounds next Sunday astern. < n between the local club and a picked nine from the Agency. Turn out and watch the boys do some expert ball tossing. Other officers will be elected shortly. THE ONLY ? . EASTERN BEER in town is at the NEW ENGLAND SALOON, ^Quarts or Pints. See that Schiitz is on every bottle. w. ar. the Delnionieo Restaurant MBS. N. COONS, Proprieiri -b. MEALS AT ALL HOURS northside. HARLEM, MONT. Stephen Cabvek, President. E. S. Swear, Vice President ■ Chas. E. Owens, Cashier. First National Bank, GHINOOK. MONTANA- Paid Up Capital Slock, $60,000. This bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co, and will ba reimbursed for lost by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, ab^ohi’e Bounty, prompt, and careful attention and the most liberal treatuien’ rm s slent with safe anti profitable banking. Issue drafts on all priti cipal cities of the world and pay mu n-st on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HARLEM MEAT MARKET CHAS. A. OLSON, Prop. FRESH AND SAL r MEATS, GAME & FISH INSEASON * FRUIT AND-: VEGETABLES. Shop opposite School house. LEFT BOWER BARGAINS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK I Fancy and Plain Flower ?o s ALL KINDS OF CROCKERY. 100 piece fancy blue dinner set $ 17 6 piece Chamber Set - $3 y 10 piece Chamber Set - ' .» ^q. 12 Piece Chamber Set - q" J. U -' ’ I? W -. J V & ? A I A // I a ■ '^Sr