Newspaper Page Text
w. b, sands; Attorney-at- Law. Office in Williams Building. Chinook, - Montana. u Mm Wal Contractor. Plans and Specifications Furnished. Shop in Rear of Dwelling South of Town Chinook, - Montana. Desert Land, Final proof—Notice for publication, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Great Faile, May 2, 1904. Notice is hereby given that Fogarty Stuck Co., aeeignee, of Matthew Adame, of Sand Cliffs, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. W2O, for lots 1,2, Sec. 4, T2BN.R 22 E (surveyed) SKB E* Sec. 82. lot 4, sec. 88, T 29 N., R 22 E (unsurveyed) before W. B. Hands, C S CommiMMipner, at his office in Chinook, Montana, on Friday, the tilth, day of June, 1904. , Notice ia hereby given that Fogarty Stock Co,, assignee of Lulu 3. Julmstun of Band Cliffs, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Sroof on his desert claim No. 5520. for the S' W BE quarter, 8 half S W quarter hoc. 20, S E quarter 8 E quarter seo. 19 T 29 N.. R 22 K L He names the following fwitneseea toprove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Greger Gislesen. Max Rost, of Sand Cliffs, Montana. Rudolph Reimon and Thomas McDon ald, of ('leveland, Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME. Register. First publication May 4, 1904. Desert Land Final Proof—Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Laud Office, Great Falls. Mont.. April 18 1904, Notice ia hereby given that Hamilton Lee. of Dodson, Montana, has filed notice of int»n ion to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 5752. for the WMi 8W * 4 Sec. J. lota 1 and 2, Sec. 10. T 80 N.. R 27 E before Thomae M. Everett, 1 . s. Commissioner, at Harlem, Montana, on Satur day, the 4th day of June 1904. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation ano reclamation of said land: Harry Bridges, Dudley Jones. Clarence Brock way, all of Dodson, Montana, and John C. Elder, of Harlem, Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME, Register. First publication April 2G, 1901 Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, •Land Office at Great Falls, Montana. . . . . April 13.1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made liefore Thomas M. Everett, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Har lem. Montana, on May 26th, 1904. viz: Benjamin R. Bain, who made homestead entry No 10098. for the SWL NW*., W'.SWL SFL SW»4, Sec. 2fi.Twn. 83N., R. 23 E. * He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sajd land, viz: Alonzo Q mith. Kmil J0n...,, Ihouiolnnd Howard Redding, all of Harlem. Montana. J. M. BI 'RIJNGAME, Register. [First Publication, April 20th. IWM.| HARLEM MERCANTILE COMPANY IXIOTICE: .1 On and after the first clay of May we are going to change our system and sell for Cash only. We do this after five years experience with the credit business, 'which has shown us to be unprofitable both to the consumer and storekeeper. On and after the first day of May we are going to put our goods out at a Cash price and we will demonstrate to the trade that ours as a Cash Store. We will continue to carry the complete and up-to-date line which we have always kept in stock, and we respectfully solicit your patronage under the new system. All of our goods arc guaranteed standard in quality or better and before purchasing supplies you will do well to get our price list, which will be issued by the first of May. After the first of May, every day will be Bargain Day at the Harlem Mercantile Company. r Are For Studebaker Wagons and Carriages, Deering Harvest ing Machinery, Heath and Milligan Paints. Friend Bros. Clothing, Ready Made. H M Marks & Co ,’ Made to Order. Gordon Hats, North Star Shoes, Pendleton Blankets, O.W. Richardson Car pets, Cut and Sewed. THE HARLEM MERCANTILE COMPANY, MOTVTAIV IT ARLEM CAMP, NO. 6687. M. W. A. meets 1 1 in the 1.0. O. F Hall the Second and Fourth Fridays in each month. Visiting Neighbors always wolome. J. A. HATCH, V. C E V. GRAYBEAL, Clerk. NOTICE, From anytime from now on I will run a Buck Band. Partiet, wishing to make arrangements with me for the season should address HENRY SUREMAN, Harlem. Mont. Desert Land, Final Proof—Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Great Falls, Mont., May 2, 1904. Notice is hereby given that Jennie Parsons, of Dodson, Montana, has tiled notice of intention to make proof on tier desert-land claim No. 5588, for the NM BE\, SEU BEJ<. lot 4. sec. 11, T3O N., R 27 E. tiefore Thomas M. Everett, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office in Harlem. Montana, on Saturday, the 25th day of Jone, 1904. She names the following witness to prove the complete irrigation And reclamation of said land: Ismic Neibaur, Benjamin F. Stevens, Edward Erickson and John Erickson, all of Dodson, Montana. J M. BURLINGAME, Register. First publication May 4, 1904. Found—A bunch of keys. Owner can have satue by paying for thia notice. In quire at the New. office. Alias Summons. State of Montana. COiintv of Chouteau, ss. In Justice Court. Harlem Township, before Geo. W Vennum, Justice of the Peace Geo. J. Ringwald plaintiff, vs. John Lune berg, defendant. Summons The State of Montana sends Greeting to the alxive named defendant: Yon are hereby summoned to api>ear and an. Hwer before me. Geo. W. Venhum. a Justice of the Peace, in and for the County of Chouteau, at my office in Harlem, oa the 7th day of May, A. D 1904, at 10 o’clock a. m. of said day to an swer to a complaint of Geo. J. Ringwald. the above named plaintiff in a civil action to re cover the sum of ninety-two and twenty-five one-hundredths. 192.26. and the costs of this action, for merchandise and cash furnished you between the dates October 19, 1901, and July 27, 1903. at your request, and If you fall to appear and answer Hh shove required, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de manded In the complaint. Given under my hand this 9th day of April, A. D. UMM. GEO. W. VENNUM. Justice of the Peace. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior. I'aiid Office at Great Falls. Montana, April 4. 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named bettier has till'd notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. and that said proof will be made before Thomas M. Everett, U- H- Commissioner, at his otVce in Harlem. Montana. May 14. 1904. viz: Abram l>it mars Gill, who madehomc'tead Entry No 1U731 for the south east quarter northwest quarter, north east quarter south we-1 quarter. we-t half south east quarter, section 11. township 24 north, range 24 east Also Abram Ditmars Gill, one of the heirs of James Winter, deceased, who made homestead entry number 10732 for the we-t half north east quarter, south east quarter north east quarter, northeast quarter south east quarter, section 14, township 21 north, ranpe 24 east Also that Abram Ditmars Gill, of Lniidaaky, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make pi oof on his deeert^aiid claim N<> 5260, for the south eart quarter smith west quarter section 14. north half north west quarter section 23. north east quarter north east quarter section 22, town ship 24 north, range 24 east. Ho names th'- following witnesses to prove his continons residence upon and cultivation of said homestead and the complete irrignti n and reclariationof said desert land: John Brown.of ^ortman. Montana: Ezra Hoyt, of Harlem, Montana; JohnO. Hanson ami Henry F Warren, of Landuaky. Montana. .1 M. BURLINGAME. UoKi<t.r First Publication April U. 1904. Notion ! Office of New Harlem Irrigation Co., Harlem. Montana, April 12,1904. You are hereby notified that an assessment of I*< per cent, has been levied by the Di rooters of this company, due and payable in cash, at the office of J. A. Hatch, Treasurer, at Harlem. Mont ,on the 12thday of May 1904. IfthisaMess inent ia not paid on above date, your stock will bo Advertised to bo sold Blay 30, 1904. I ws J- A. Hatch, Secy. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE $25 and S3O. DON’T OVERLOOK THIS Chas. Smith. LIVERYFEEDANDSALE STABLE. DODGE A HATCH. Proprietors. JLettiToriclge and JSTelsom Coal—Cash. Hay and Oats for Sale SOUTH SIDE. HARLEM, MONTANA. | TELE | I NEW ENGLAND HOTEL | I MRS. T. MURRAY, proprietress. | 2 Finest Hotel in Northern Montana. ! I Steam Heat and. all Modern I I Conveniences. I I Rates, $2.00 per day. I | HARLEM, - MONTANA. | Prices on the above and other i lines we will have sorAething to | say about after May Ist, which 1 will interest you. Goods not car | ried in stock will be cheerfully sent for and on special orders of || this kind we will make close priced y on. Bring ybur largo and small B orders to this store. T I ABLEM LODGE. I. O. O. F. meeU otmt FT Tue-da. weeing at /Md Fellow, hall. In the French banding. Visiting member, always w.lcome. H. HARDAWAY, N. G. .1. L. HESSLER, Secretary. $50.00 BEWABD! We will pay the above reward for the arrest and conviction of any party or parties breaking into oar shearing plant on Wayne Creek and remov ing property therefrom. M. Rbdmbaot. J. A. BADLW? Livery and Feed Stable New Rias* Centle Horses. Stage leave* this etable for Avery every Friday returning Saturday. North Side. HARLEM, MONT. It’s Up to You to get a good bargain and save money. G-et your Blacksmithing work at C. W. Fhelps’ Shop and save the profit the credit man adds for his poor accounts. “Live and Let Live” is our Motto and it’s making us lots of friends. We are pleased to know that so many are willing to pay cash for good work. 'W * ""T — * Three Horse Hitcher made to o> der- Orders taken io*- mower and Reaper sec tions, G-uards^ Cheap for cash. Horseshoing and plow repairing. All kinds of iron work skillfully done. C. PHELPS, Pit M... R -, 77,-1 W Lai Then come and file * 10 ao 21 2:1 2;i si 'I before —__ - I । — THOS M. EVERETT ffiSgifl TJ S. Commissioner. ' — l-1 - I I • | aoLTir All kinds of land work attended to. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE, - HARLEM, MONTANA. Sole Agents For somebody said "painted floors KIDD DISEASE GEUMS SAVE EABORAND THENTHEWnOEEWORED - aXMMENCEDPAINW ■ THE MOST PERFECT OF FLOOR PAINTS ' Wcv rs \ ' The Surest Germ-Killer and Labor-Saver ' g Ever Produced fl READY FOR USE YOU CAN APPLY IT 1 by fl PUT UP IN QUART, HAL^GALLON, GALLON CANS I