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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL JEWS K> New coon in town. ■f Fishing is good at the dam. B. Cohen, the Butte traveling man MBs here Monday. ■ B. F Stevens and wife of Dodson, were Ma the city Monday. ■ EC. Gillespie of Chinook, spent Sat ■utday here on business. ■ Irrigation on the hay lamia is about ■ompleted for this year. ■^Mra. Ed. Fox ia visiting Mr. and Mra. ^Everett Sadler thia week. 9 I’he next thing in order will be the ■ urge and festive mosquito. ■ County Surveyor Merrifield was in the yesterday on official business. ■ Dr. Dickson, of Chinook, spent Mon- Bay in Harlem on professional business. 9 Al. Wiegend and wife of Dodson, were ■he guests of G. J. Ringwald and wife on ■tonday. 9 Game Warden Phi! Buckley went to ■Williston Saturday on business con ■ected with his office. ■ The Beet Beer in the city is Lorelei, a ■l^ntnna production, at the Club Saloon, ■’ry it and bo convinced. ■ The exterior of the Club saloon and ■lapis resturant was treated to a coat of ■aint Monday afternoon. ■ Large quantities ot hay are being ■ hipped to western points this week by ■rencli 4 Sndtb, the big hay contractors. B W. S. Hatch of Waterloo, lowa, ar ■iyed in Harlem last week and will spend ■lie summer with his brother. J. A. Hatch. ■1 Be sure and turn out at the school ■lection next Tuesday and vote for ■jMds for the erection of a new school good Hereford bull, one team of ■■^■<l work h< ik , ami on,, (ive-year ^^^■mire. Inquire at livery burn of E^Bik A- Hatch, Harlem. Margarets Episcopal Mission,’ Odd Hall. ‘2nd Sunday in each month. ^■ny Eucharist, 11 a. m. Evensong, 7:30 ^■m. R. 8. Stiungfellow, Mtssionor. B Dr. .1. L. Dickson, the Chinook dentist, ■rill visit Harlem Mondays of each week ■repared to do all kinds of dental work, ■ext visit May 10th. Wait for him. 9 A dispatch from Butte says the Butte ■naconda 4 Pacific railroad will soon ■ld a numb,-I of new passenger roaches ■ > its trains, and these will run over the ■ rent Northern between Anaconda and ■avre. The old Great Northern coaches ■il| be sent to the shops for repairs, ■he new coaches will be larger than the ■see now in use and will have every ■odern conveneince. BIG- DEPARTMENT sto THE BANNER BRAND IS THE BEST / — ! - X ^hw‘ | I ■W; ; .| 7 A ! M » a '\ /’iJA i ‘ M " '■■■-' ' J ' SPECIAL FOR CASH SATURDAY ARBUCKLE'S ARIOSO COFFEE- 121-iCK.m C. H. BARTON, Harlem, Hontana. AlonM Smith spent Monday in Havre. The French Trading Company has made a number of improvements in the front ot their store during the past few days. John McConnell on Monday drove Mr. and Mrs. Christenson to the Woody Island ranch of Frank Murray, in one of J. A. Sadler’s stylish livery rigs. During the past few days a large gang of wiremen have been working in Har lem. They are stripgmg an extra tele graph wire along Jim Hill’s right-of way. L, R. Brewer, of Helena, Bishop of the Episcopal church, visited Harlem Tues day aud while here held services in the Presbyterian church. He was assisted by Rev. R. 8. Stringfellow, of Chinook. William, the nine-year-old son of L. Minngh, was violently thrown from a saddle Horse near the barber shop Tues day evening and for a few minutes was unconscious. He was earned home aud Dr. Rooney dressed his wounds, which were of a slight nature. A large number of the business men of the city took a day off yesterday and went fishing near the large dam at the Agency, They were well supplied with fishing tackle and bait of all kinds. Some excellent catches were reported, while many amusing incidents occurred. W. J. Hannah, publisher of the Yel lowstone Leader, has just paid 810,000 for the 1,000-acre Pope rpnch, near Big Timber. The question suggests itself: “Did the gentleman make all of this money in the ministry, in the army, in the newspaper business or in the legisla ture?”—Red Lodge Picket. E. L. Vineyard, of Great' Falls, who has had charge of the irrigation plant at the Fox ranch for the past two months, finished bis labors there .Saturday and has returned home. Mr. Vineyard is a gasoline engine expert ot the highest quality, and his works in this vicinity speak for themselves. Surveyor Merrifield killed the first rattlesnake of the season the other day near Rocky Point, some six miles from Harlem. It was a monster for this time of the year as his snakeship measured three feet in length and two inches in diameter. Ten well formed rattles were taken from the end of its tail and are now used as a pocket-piece by Mr. Merri field. Tom Kelly, the genial boniface of Dod son, whose premature death was reported last week, returned from Boulder Hot Springs last week and was somewhat surprised to learn of his demise. He reports th at at the present time he has no idea ot “cashing in” ns yet, and his ruddy appearance certainly gives weight to his words. A marriage license was issued the other day to Lee G. Self and Martha E. Dilliard of Zortman. The latter is the divorced wife of a man named Dilliard, who about three years ago was married to Mr. Self under her maiden name, M artba E. Dobbs. As this may have been a little irregular from a legal stand point, a second ceremony will be per formed to remove any technical defects in the matrimonal partnership.—River Press. WRAPPERS $1.25 AIVD _ | w EACH . I «■> 4^ u g ■ i On Credit. LUMBER- For Cash Only! A. ELKIS. Mrs- J. C. Elder and children are visit ing relatives at Coberg this week. W. E. Wells of Hays, was in the city Sunday. Bring your “Jaw Bone” to the Depart ment Store and if it is good we will take it. Parties desiring first class and artistic printing should become patrons of the News. 4 Miss Anna Albion, the popular school teacher, spent Sunday with Chinook friends. Watch the Department Store ad. Your “Jaw Bone” good for anything except Saturday Special Bales. Mrs. R. L. Fiske and son accompanied by her mother, arrived from Helena Sun day and went out to Landusky Monday morning on the stage. The April report of State Treasurer A. H. Barret shows cash on hand in the different state funds aggregating 5506,- 483.49. The balance on hand in the gen eral fund is 890,93’2.58. At the election held nt Forsyth Mon-' day on the proposition ot whether or not Forsyth should incorporate, the plan carried by two votes. Incorporation had seventy-nine friends and seventy-seven enemies. The first wool sales of the Beason were made this week at Casper, when eastern buyers purchased 900.000 pounds at a price ranging from 12J£ to 14% cents. Fully one half the wool sold is at present on the sheep’s backs. Cattle losses for the winter in north ern Montana have been grea’ly exagger ated by certain newspapers. The fact is that the losses outside of exceptional instances are far below Inst year and not such as to cause the stockmen any un easiness whatever. R- H. MCGINNESS Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toiiet Soaps, Per fumery, Cloth. Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fea ther Dusters, Stationery, Tobaccos, Cigars, Snuff, Etc. Physicians Prescriptions* Carefully Compounded.* > & 4 A v‘7M A A ; ' : 1 ' ■% / \ A > CHILDRENS DRESSES / ■.' ¥ Like this only Q< ’■ : r.^lp K $1.50 The minstrel show Wednesday night was largely attended and as usual some of the jokes were of the vintage of 1863 and had hair on them. The singing, how ever, ^us about medium. Just at present there is said to be con siderable excitement among the passenger conductors on the Great Northern rail way system, twenty-seven, having been reported as “canned” daring the past two weeks. The men discharged are from every division on the main line, and include some of the oldest employes in the service. S. H. Parker, the St. Paul mau who recently purchased the Cowan Brothers butcher shop here arrived from the east the other night with bis family and will move into the vacant building west of the. French Trading Store some time this week. He will conduct a bakery with the butcher shop and will furnish large quantities ot toothsome dainties for the people of Harlem. Mr. Parker will also make numerous improvements in his shop and when all of these are completed will carry everything found in an up-to date meat market. State Superintendent Welch has sent out suggestive programs tor the obser vance ot Pioneer Day, May *27, in the public schools of the slate. The sub ject of the essays to be prepared in com petition for the prizes offered by the state board of education will be: “Ex plorations of Lewis aud Clarke in the territory now embraced by the state of Montana.” The essays from schools all over the state wit! be forwarded to the county supenutendenta, who will select the best one and forward the same to secretary of the slate board of educa tion, together with six copies of the same. The presidents of the various state educational institutions will then select the prize winners. , - I J I jy^ « K ® u' 1 /to T 4 - ~ ’ ■* V THE ONLY EASTERN BEER in town is at the NEW ENGLAND SALOON, HF Quarts or Pints..^l See that Schlitz is on every bottle. AAZ. J, HART. the Delmonieo Restmii’tiiit MRS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ..nohthsiol HARLEM, MONT. Stephen Cabvbb, President. E. 8. Sweet, Vice President Chas. E. Owens, Cashier. First National Bank, ghinook, MONTANA- Paid Up Capita! Slock, 960,000. This bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co., and will be reimbursed for loss by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, absolute security, prompt and careful attention and the most liberal treatment consistent with safe and profitable banking. Issue drafts on all prin cipal cities of the world and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THE HARLEM MEAT MARKET CHAS. A. OLSON, Prop. FRESH AND SALT MEATS, GAME& FISH INSEASON FRUIT AND - VEGETABLES. Shop opposite School house.. DRESS SKIRTS - - AIVD - - mom ■- x - 75c to $ 1 0. HR SUITS $ 1.40 $2.50 $3.00 AND $3.25 WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Xl« / . ' I We Have \ . : | 33 Styles. I' This One I 5 $2.00 Km A —■ >-" At* $ I ■ .A - a f .^1 -