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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
CHUBCH DIHECTOBY. ** PRESBYTERIAN. A. H. Mobuibon, Pastor. Mornitig Services at 11X>J a. m. tirawing Service* at B^o p. m. Bunday Bchoot at. „ 12s00 Voting People*’ Meeting at 7:00 p. m: , Choir Practice Thursday 8.00 p. m. Ladiett'Aid Thursday »4.. . 2dW p. nu _ ' ** 8L Margarefc’h Episcopal Mission, R. 8. String fellow, Missioner, meetH in Odd Follows’ H dl second Sunday in each month. Holy Euchaiist. H.Wa.m. Evening, 7:30 p. m. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Ike Neibauer of Dodson was here Mon day. George Cowan spent Friday in Chi nook on business. W. D. Dodge, Ihe liveryman, was a Saco visitor Monday. Dr. A. P. Rooney was h Great Falls visitor Friday and Saturday. Parties deairing first class and artistic printing should become patrons of the News. Mrs. J. E. Fox. who has been on the sick list for sornu time, ie reported ae convalescent. The Best Beer in the city is Lorelei, a Montana production, ar the Club Saloon. Try it and be Qonvinced. John Nordam, the gonial mixologist, of the New Englund hotel, was h Chinook visitor last week for a few days. Harry Bridget, Dudley Jones and Clarence Brockw«y, all nf Dodson, were here last Saturday on hind business. Dr. J. L. Dickson, the Chinook dentist, will visit Harlem Monday of each w« k prepared to do all kinds of uenta! work. Teeth extracted EZ. Wait for him J. F. Ohamberluiu of Landusky was in Harlem for a few days last week look ing after his business interests. Lie is the gani al proprietor of the Landusky stage line and reports things as flourish ing in hie vicinity. Hamilton Lee of Dodson was in Hie city Saturday, ani while here proved up on his claim before United Slates Com missioner T. M. Everett. Mr. L«o re ports that the blue joint hey in Li- vi oinity is growing rapidly, and that the acreage this year wilybe larger than thar. of last year, and that Qb? rnrrmndi; g country is generally pr-s.'^.-nuH. /Lid News is in receipt an invite tion from the M aoh Commission of the Louisiana Pmcba e Exposition to attend the dedi Hon of the Montana state building the World’s Fair grounds in St. Lmis, oi. I uesd-.. oi«r noon, June 14 • d . li.»nIi.»n of i|.h magnificent buikhnc u*j L. honored by a large number f .. aus. but » o account of othe m -os :he editor of The News ui «• ( recent, hence our i egrets. -v 1 * in SST^^Li^FaM ^NT S nz s o «xa -.. , c.Ai.fl> j: •---Tr-- ufcoa ra&i’a u^ihaD nlzs Kta/ e.; /u^L.; xtZrxH nc ext's l^‘•'ls ß ^ ;, rx-.-uw ' . EBE'* Paints and- V 7 © I. 7■ • ”*• "’• '■ ■' IUT r /Xi V »r>, ■ ^va'^.-■ ' ■■ w«* -Ty ' ‘AL. "V'- ' ‘ 1 ■ WB Li ■« M■■ I£M ill KJIttIHE Wl "ll.w *iwwßfw r«iffW ■' - \wsßjb<r . . I >. ." . Vv&i FOR ALL KINDS OF GOOD PAINTING,- —J r H. BARTON, Harlem, nontana Mrs. Wynne Cooper and children were in town Monday. ' Dr. J. T. Dickson and wife of Chinook were in the city Monday. R. Churchill of Culbertson has arrived in the city and will shortly open up a first-class saloon in the new Willeta’ building. He expects his bar fixtures in a few days. A great need in Harlem today is the building of some new houses—a number of them, indeed—judging from the pres ent demand. There is a good chance for practical men, experienced in building, to invest their surplus money. The stockholders of the News Pub lishing company will hold their annual meeting next Saturday evening at the News office at 7 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the year and trans acting such other business as will come before them at that time. The citizens of Billings are determined to run down the miscreant who, within the past few weeks, has been responsible for the poisoning of more than a score of dogs. A subscription paper was started Wednesday, and within a short time $165 bad been subscribed toward a reward for the apprehension of the dog poisoner. It is proposod to raise the re ward to SSOO. Some complaint has been made con cerning the Harlem weather, but it ap pears that the conditions prevailing here bay© been first-class compared with those in the East. A gentleman who ar rived here from New York two or three days ago states that he had to wear an overcoat in Buffalo before starting. He says that the first snow fell in that lo cality on the day before Thanksgiving and tho last on the 15th of May. Crops are very poor through New York and Michigan ana do not begin to look good until one reaches Illinois coming west ward. Tbecourts of Grout Falls have a quaint idea of jus* lev. the other day a man uppeuod before a jungt chuiged with invading a • biekeu house, and there de- I liberally sin king thirteen eggs which i Hi for a d» z n dr»'s been in pruee** of batching. '1 h« proof againct the man was conclusive. And yet the judge dis | charged the printer with the under ^t.G dii.g that be le.»ve the. city. Should a man go unpunished who has been ! found guilty of sucking thirteen half ! batched eggs? Are such unsafe charac ters to be permitted to roam the country pillaging the chicken houses of this fair land and threatening the very existence l of the poultry industry? A man with an * pp» tit.‘ that craves partially inou* hated chickens is a menace to society. How the Grep’ Falls culprit escaped a long term in jail is past comprehension. I m y he h • ! ■ d a high social position, and Lad h pull. A large number of sheep ahearera arct dow in town. Annual Stockholders fleeting. There will be a meeting of th® irtockholdera of the New Harlem Irrigation company. June 7, 1904, at 8 o clock p. m. at the ©nice of T. M. Everett, for thf purpose of electing directors and. transacting such other bum Does as Bay come up at that time. c. H. BARTON, PwHidcnt. Unclaimed Letters. Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick. Miss Grace Kea mala, C. W. Murray, C. S. Boegers, O. V. Vasson (2), W. 0. Vol turn, C. H. Barton. Harlem, Mont, June 1, 1904. BLACKSMITHING- On Credit. LUMBER- For Cash Only! R.H. MCGINNESS^° g ~^ Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toiiet Soaps, Per fumery, Cloth. Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fea ther Dusters, Stationery, Tobaccos, Cigars, Bsiuff, Etc. Physicians Prescriptions* Carefully Compounded.* S BMHMM O . TRAETON, Phesident GEO. RAMSEY, Vice Phesiuent I I ELIJAH SMI TH, Cashier £ The First State, Bank I MALTA, - - MONTANA ■ | u ■=““ | I vault for the storage and safekeeping of documents of all kinds at a rental of Five Dollars per annum. A Savings Department in which r.ums of One Dollar and upwards can H be deposited, drawing interest at five per c«nt per annum, compounded H semi-annually. Write us for further information. tj We carry burglar insurance against any loss that might occur from a B daylight holdup or.robbery at night. B ja| We solicit your business and will give it our very beet attention. |- ><^ „ .wt-. H.. £^*a. uaaj^. J For a Varnish Gloss T I on porch and lawn furniture, radiators, buggies, etc., |TB fU The Sherwin-Williams Buggy Paint J/} * ■ is the paint to use. It’s a gloss paint of great dur- ■ / \ ■ ability and splendid covering capacity. Made ■ B \ originally for painting buggies, BB \ X ’ 4a* but has prove itself exception- Bg iiitt,ji'4-aL. ally adaptable i r surfaces where g ‘ g°°d strong colors and a gloss ■ " Y?F paint to star ' severe outside ■ W BUJrM , 1 , , B ■ tMBfelL exposure arc wanted. ■ E Spreads ou easily under the ■ ■ ®E»SsI(S i brush and is easy to a: ply. 1 K r ^SkbEowl I By far the longest wearing, most fl gmgl 1 satisfactory, and eco mical paint of u ■ wkF^®^g?3LL— its kind. Color are clear and ■ &• bright in tone. ut up. in con- I k lenient sized tins, ready to use, al- ■ K&h r y 1 ways full measure. S fl ”s^^ . ? \ Fev touching up li'try H a *• — a<2\_ BJ '- ,X VHCfnalcd. Free! -:- Free! SATURDAY We will give you with every Cash purchase for One Dollar or more OBW PUT FAMILY PAINT ANY COLOR Now is your chance to ■ PAINT UP YOUR OLD PD»E IT ABLER CAMP, NO. 6537. m. W A. meet* J* U V° ° F ll,dl *h« S«OTd »nd Fourth Fndap In each month Visiting Nel«hbor« always welome. E. V. OBAYBEAL l ui/' 11 ^' V °' Sale of Delinquent Stock. '‘niTOao* *° th. bydaw, and ron.tilution of tho New Harlem Irrigation vomifany, the following *tock which has become <b lm, ^ent on the aiw**- m<it levied by the Paine company on May 16 1001, Him never been paid and *aid stock will b® sold at public auction on Juno 18. 1904. at 2 o’clockp. m. in front us the store of C. H. Bar ton to the highest bidder fur ca*h in liand: lOUsharea. of the par valm* of |i i>er share, la sued to E E. .Mclntosh. Chinook. Montana, upon which tiie said nss t-mont amount* to $1.26 and which la unpaid. C H. BARTON, J. A. HATCH, Secretary. President. TH^ ONLY EASTERN BEER in town is at the NEW ENGLAND SALOON ^“Quarts or Pints.-^T See that,Schlitz is on every bottle. <J. HART. the Re t cxiLT jnrf MRS. N. COONS, Propri' r MEALS AT ALL HOURS " northside. HARLEM -MONT. ——■nimiawm fT ~ - - -! ■■■■■■ “tiiiw~ • - ■■ . uar -a— Stepuen Carver, President. E. S. b»Ki:r, Vice President Chah. E. Owens, Cashier. First National Bank, ghinook, Montana- Paid Up Capital Slock, $60,000. This bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co . ur d^ill be reimbursed for losa by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, Absolute security, prompt and careful attention and the most liberal treatment consistent with safe and profitable banking. Issue drafts on all prin cipal cities of the world pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OORREBPONDENOE SOLICITED. THE HARLEM. MEAT MARKET GUS SWANBERG, Prop. FRESH AND SAL 1- MEATS, GAME& FISH INSEASON FRUIT AND:-: VEGETABLES. Shop opposite School house. 3 House-Cleaning Time is L JTI House Painting Time | The Sherwin-Williams M' * % I Family Paint is made particu- B \ I larly to lighten house-cleaning gBST . * labors. ■ It is an oil paint and can be V'* I washed and scrubbed. It brush es out easily—doesn’t drag or ~ tire you to apply it; the girls f’] can put it on. Made in 24 (f t i ' good colors. Use it this Jr ATTa-SvS year on your cupboards, >SlEi| pantry shelves, base boards, 1/I etc., and you’ll have less ft J, j work next year. KA > 3“ Get color cards — they tell more about Family k. Paint. I : BEST PAINT VALUE' Covers ^^st Most — Econom- V b<EMAMS Z ical I bB^B 9 Looks I ds? n I wnLaf _ « Fu n Best I sS^. 357 I 4 ~ I !1 4 Measure I nr II ',l. \ s. Wears ik.g lil Always I Longest ~ === == ^^J^ Uniform I fe • ARUW A ii I®?- i--•A' ! K ■ P ; ' .J - J . A.-