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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
RINGWALD’S CLUBSALDON Finest Wines and Liquors Constantly on hand Ev oryone welcome, Cour eons treatment to all. NORTH SIDE. HARLEM. MONT. Y t ARLEM LODGE. I. O O. F. mrrte evep r 1 Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows hall, in / lie French building. Visiting members always welcome. H. HARDAWAY, N. G. J. L. RESSLER. Becre'ary. $50.00 REWARD! We will pay the above reward for the arrest and conviction of any party or parties breaking into our shearing plant on Wayne Creek anti remov ing property therefrom. M. Repknbaok. NOTICE. From an> time from now on 1 wilt rnn a Book Band. Parties wishing to make arrnngomento with me for the Reason should address HENRY M H' MAN. Harlem, Mont- Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior: Land Office at Greet Falls. Montana, May 23, 1904. Notice i? herebv given that the foHowiug «med H-ttler has til'll notice of hi* intention to ^mk<* final proof in support of his claim, and that said poa>l ^iil lw made before Thomas M Everett, U S Commissioner, nt hia office in Harlem. Montana Juh 2. UMM.v’Z: Alfred Wat kins who made homestead ( ntry No IWI6O for the rM section 13, township 3'2 n, range 22 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his •ontinous residence upon and cultivation of mid land William J. Hart, John Tegen. Ezra Hoyt,John Pelland, all of Harlem. M< n’ana. J. M. BURLINGAME. Register. First Publication May 25.HM1. Desert Land Final ^jeef—Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Great Falls, Mi mt., June 13, IWM, Notice is hereby given that John McDaniel, of Harlem. Montana, has filed notice of inten ion to rank- pn of on his desert 'mid claim No. 7512, for the N half 8W quarter SW quarter SW4 Sec. 8 NW quarter NW quarter S««< 17. T 31 N . R 25 E before Thomas M. Everett I’. S. Commiaaloner, at his office in Harlem. Montana, on Wednesday, the 20th day of July. 1901 Also that Polly Gates, of Harlem. Montana. ha* filed notice of intention to make proof on h< r dewrCland claim No. 7330. for the mW quar ter sw quarter, snc. 1. se quarter ho quarter, see. 5. ne quarter ne quarter sec 8. w half nw quarter ae quarter nw quarter, nw quarter ne quarter. Bec. 9, t 81 N.. R 25 e. » Also Charles Gates, of Harlem. Montana, has lilt'd notice of intention to make proof on hia desert-land claim No. 6771, for the a half n w quarter. lota 1 and 2. • 17, t3ln,r 25 e. They name the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: John C. Elder, Bernard Ellers, Vernon Butler, en Bateman, all of Harh m. Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME. Register. I First publication June 15. 1104 HARLEM MERCANTILE COMPANY W’e are progressing nicely with our Cash System. New customers coming to our store every day- Old customers won't go anywhere else. That means that they are satisfied here Satisfaction goes with everything you buy at this store. We have been for the past month getting our goods marked down to the Cash Price and we will in the course of the next week get our price lists out to the trade. We wish to call your attention to these prices and ask that you com pare them with the old jaw bone proposition. You will find that you can save from 15 to 25 per cent on everything that you buy from us. Sheepmen Attention ! We are selling Sheep Paint $1 per Gallon. Heath. & Milli gan Sheep marking Ink. One Gallon of the Ink will brand 1,500 head of sheep and last longer than paint. We have 2 3k Studebaker Wagons on hand which we will sell ata bargain. These wagons are too heavy for general use and consequently do not sell readily. We will dispose of these cheap to make room for other goods. Buy the Izzer Buggy and get a rig that will last. Don't overlook our Hamess Department and Harness Repair Shop. We have the largest and best stock of Harness, Saddles. Bridles Bits. Spurs and Strap Work in Harlem. We are equipped to do all kinds of work in this de partment. HARLEM MERCANTILE COMPANY.. HARLFiVI. MONnTAIVA. . * > ■ IT ROOM M D. Office over Barton’s Store HAKLEM. MONTANA CHAS. PEMBER, TONSORIAL ARTIST. Hol and Goli Balis Every Saturday Agent for Great Falls Steam Laundry HARLEM, MONT. Desert Land. Final Proof—Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. United States Laud Office, Great Falls. Mont., June 20. 1904. Notice is her* by given that Agnes Maloney, assignee <>i Grant McGahnn of Harlem, has filed notice of intention to make proof on her desert laud claim. No. 5900 for 160 acres unsnrveyed land. In Chouteau county Mot tana. viz. Be ginning ut a point on Horseshoe lake at the HW prong of said lake running thence 8 thu e-qaar ters of a mile thence E one-uoarter mile: thence N one-half mile: th-nre E one-fourth mile; thenceN almut one-fourth iriie to said lake, thence W along said lake t,n place of beginning, about T 35 N.. Range 28 E. before Thomas M. Everett. V. S. Commissioner at his office in Harlem. Montana, on Saturday,‘the 30th day of July 11104. Sp# names the following witness to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land la Sidney Triggs. Gabriel Parente. Berten E. Hemphill. Andrew Swanson, all of Harlem, Montana. J M. BURLINGAME. Register. First publication June 22, 1904 Desert Land, Final pioof—Nctioe for publication. I ’'-partH-ent of the Interior, I'nitid Stater Xind Office, <»resf Falls, Jnne 20. 1 9tM. Notice is hereby gßen that F rank E. Benedict. । assignee <J Matilda Rud. of Helena, Montana.: has filed notice of inter ti* n to make proof on 1 hir di'serljai d claim No. LVU6. f<» the E' NW , W', N E-, Sec 11. T32N. R 22 E bufore i I •qua- M. Everett, I . s. C<.;- ( nibsiuner. nt his office in I Harlem. Montana, < n Wednesday. the 27ih day July 1904. He nanu s the followii g witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclaim .tion of said ; land: Peter l^rFon, Climlps SoderMrom,.l£zrn Hoyt. ' John (', Ehler, all of Harlem. Montana. J. M BURLINGAME, Register, j First publication Juin* 22. 1904. maverick! saloon. : H C TURNER, PROPRIETOR J , 'T —DEALER * * * WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 5 * * < Only the Very Best Grades Handled in all Lines. 3 t: 1 Pool and Billiard Rooms. * t AGENT FOR | jHOF’FJVLJLJNT ^FtTJE RYE I <- Guaranteed 12 years old. Fino for medicinal purposes. J : The Best Peer to be Had in the City. J J Old Friends Always Welcome, while the Latch String J J is Always Out to Now Ones. While in town drop in > J and see Grant. J LIVERYFEEDANDSALE STABLE. DODGE & HATCH. Proprietors. Lettfloricige and. INTelsom Coal- Cash. Hay and Oats for Sale SOUTH SIDE. HARLEM MONTANA. • OB «■■■■■ • • «■■■■• OB • I NEW ENGLAND HOTEL I I MRS. T. MURRAY, proprietress. | I* Finest Hotel in Northern Montana. * Steam Heat and a 1 ■ M - -ch rr; & Conveniences. a Rates. $2.00 per clay. g | HARLEM, - MONTANA, j • * OOMS • OBMBKS • IKMBHMB • Get your Harness Fixed up in shape for the Summer’s Work. f Charges Reasonable. BAxclcw a.■ ■ yy. f >w w-a a AT'- 1 1 lliiiiifell PAINT your roofs and barns You May Not Have the Price for New Ones IXL ROOF AND BARN PAINT 4 MAKES H OLD ROOFS LOOK LIKE NEW I wUTcIrTH I ? fl PROTECTS NEW ROOPS I PI 1 1 11 H' 1 PREVENTS LEAKS \ U ADDS MUCH TO THE APPEARANCE I J. A, SADLEK, Livery and Feed Stable New Ri^g. Gentle Horses. Stage leaves thia stable tor Avery every Friday returning Saturday. North Side. HARLEM, MON T. hanchmen OIKI Eb A RJVIE> RS ■A K 5 MA I M J* H 11 Ii I / A I i'-H I IB? \ Ie • ± Ibeyi arranged with the largest manufacturers of M.,wer Kniv, 3 sud Har vester Sickle Sections, and am prepared to take your order f,.i all kinds of Sec tions and Guard Plates at the lowest prices. Orders placed now will be given im mediate attention. Will fill your knives with first-class seel -i s. ’•ms. C. O. D. Order early and avoid the rush. C, W. F^HEXP'S, Pict 11L Yin Laid Then ct me and file before THOS M. EVERETT XT s. Commissioner. All kinds of land work attendedto. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE, - HARLEM, MONTANA Township Range County NOllTir 0 y 5 .- 4 3 2 L 1 ■ -i. 1 —l—i ;- 1 ’ i 1 ; 1 ■ ■■ „ p- 1 -IJ ■ ■-T- Hqh" <rr" Vr -yU-f- : : : : :* ; **i . • : , I 18 17 10 15 14 13 — |lO 20 21 22 :23 24 : Pao 29 88 27 26 »5 • 3 ! • : .-..i..... ।3l 32 33 34 35 r 36 south: 3