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SOCIETY WRECKED HER LIFE. ^irsjßn n. in Society. A woman in society is obliged to keep late hours. She must attend receptions and balls. She seldom allows herself a quiet evening at home. Her whole time Is tlaken up in keeping engagements or entertaining in her own home. Her system becomes completely run dohvn as a consequence. She soon finds heJrself in a condition known as sys te/mic catarrh. This has also been called <‘*atarrhal nervousness. If every society woman could know the value of Peruna at such a time, if * they could realize the invigorating, strengthening effect that Peruna would have, how much misery could be avoided. Letters from society women all over the United States testify to the fact that Peruna is the tonic for a run down, depleted nervous system. ■ Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. Il H THE FAMILY’S FAVORITE MEDICINE » g Dnx«iiti H BEST FOR THE BOWELS J The FREE Homestead Lands of ■WESTERN CANADA^. Star Attractions for 1904 Million! of acres of magnificent Grain I JB| I and Grating Lande to be had am a free gif', OF by purchase from Hallway Companion, I a.nd Corporations, etc. The Great Attractions PfK Good Crapi, delightful ellmwte. splendid school ay at cm, perfect ' f' aoclml condition!, exceptional *t railway advantages, and wealth ““d affluence acquired easily. D /MT- The population of WESTERN I jUL. CANADA increased IM.OOO by ImmL A/JTf gratlon during the past year, over 60,000 being American!. fl if Write to the nearest authorised JAH Canadian Government Agent for Cana. 'dian Atlas and other information; of > addmaa SUPERINTENDENT IMMIQRA* TION, Ottawa .Canada. tT. Huhns*. 811 Jackson Rt , Rt. Paul, Minn.: W. IT. gerw. Box 119 Watertown, South Dakota; W. v. Ben nett, 801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb. Tk TOWER‘S JL POMMEL A SLICKER IS A• U W HAS MEN ADVERTISED lISJ VTA *ND SOLD FOR A MvKh k QUARTER of a century AA le\ I LIKE all *. i322^,WATERPROOf W& «« CLOTHING. Yd It Is msde of the best Vk n&tenals. in blsckorjclow. full/ guaranteed, and sold by W_ reliable dealers erenwhere Xfi STICK TO THE SIGN or THE FISH • SSOO Alabastlne dealer for particular! and fr*>« cample card of D*Rtroy!diaraac tfrrmaand Tennin. Never rube or scales. You can apply it—mix w ith sold water. Beautiful effrcie in while and delicate tints. Not a dUeaae.breeding, out ofdate hot *ater glue ^reparation. Buy Alabaatinn In 6 lb. packages, properly la bel led, of paint, hardware and drug dealers "Hint* on Deooratias. ' and our Arlie la’ ideaa tree. iUICIIM (0, hud kagiO, Iki, yr IIS Water SU LT Groat Training Schoo!. Blobbs—So he’s in the diplomatic corps, eh? Well, he’s eminently fitted for it. Slobbs—How so? Blobbs—He used to be stage uianagvr for an amateur dramatic club. —Philadel- phia Record. Mr*. Wlwa low’s ModWiw Ino foe Oh fl daw Saathiugi eoftaaa the nn», reduces laflammaUoa. al htga gala, earaa wiei ealka. S imw a bottle. Tired, Nervous, Aching, Trem bling, Sleepless, Bloodless. Pe-ru-na, Renovates, Regulates, Restores. A Pretty New York Woman’s ' Recovery the Talk of tier Numerous Friends. Mrs. J. E. Finn 83 East High street. Buffalo, N. Y., writes: Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus. Ohio. Gentlemen:— U A few years ago I Had to g ive up social life entirely, as my health was completely broken down. r J'he doctor advised a com plete rest for a year. As this was out of the question for a time, J be gan to look for some other means of restoring my health. "J had often heard of Peruna as an excellent tonic, so J bought a bot tle to see what it would do for me, and it certainly took hold of my system and rejuvenated me, and in less than two months 1 was in per fect health, and now when I feel worn out or tired a dose or two of Peruna is all that I need."—Mrs. If. E. Finn. Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Elkton, Ohio, writes: - "I owe my health and life to i’ernnn. We rarely call in n physicinn. in fact it lias been years since 1 have taken any drher medicine tlinn yours, I am afraid of drugs, and although I have been sick many times I have taken only your medicines. They are wonderful indeed. We have a very large house and enter tain a great deal, and I do all my own work, thanks to Peruna.”—Mrs. 3. W. Reynolds. Free Treatment for Women. Any woman wishing to be placed on the list of Dr. Hartman's patients for free home treatment and advice should immediately send name mid symptoms, duration of disease and treatment already tried. Directions for the first month’s treatment will be promptly mailed free of charge. No free medicine will be supplied by the doctor, but all necessary directions will be furnished. Read what the above ladies have to say of Peruna as a cure for these cases. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tlie Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Declining; Faith. “In my young days,’’ said the Moro chief, bitterly, “everybody believed that a man who fell in battle had a passport to heaven.” “And is it not so now?” “Evidently not. I have Keen heretics skulking behind rocks anti throwing away first-class chances of getting shot.” —Puck.x Overheard on the Pike. Mr. Easy—Why should people visit ing The Exposition at night use more Allen’s root-Ease than in daytime? Miss Foote —Because under the bril liant illumination of the grounds every foot becomes an acre! Mr. Easy—Fair, Only fair! Pray, conduct me to the . nearest drug store and I promise never to accept a substi tute for you or for Allen’s Foot-Ease. • * FOOT NOTE.—The twain will be macle one in June. Good Advice. An estimable old gentleman, at all times worth listening to, though occa sionally his grammar is scarcely per fect, was dining with the local squire, when, much to the disgust of his wor thy host, a trifling error on the old gentleman’s part was pounced upon and loudly repeated by the son and heir of the house. There was a pain ful silence, broken at length by the host. “My son,” he remarked quietly to the young fellow, “there are times, I ad mit, when our old friend's speech is a little peculiar. At such times you might be of mutual assistance to each other.” “In what way, sir?” asked the son. “Welly? was the Revere rejoinder, “you -might give Mr. X—- a lesson or two In grammar. In return for which I’ve no doubt he would assist you patch up the boles In your manner.” Ask Your Dealer far Alien** Foot Ease. A powder to shake into your shoes. It fCfITS the feet, Cures Corns, Bunion*. Swollen, Hore, Hot. Callous, Aching, Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nalls. Allen's Foot Kase makes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The Local Fad. “Down East,” said the Now Yorker, “the Indies have a new fad. It is to carry a cane." “Out here,” observed the Kansan, “they have the same old fad us raiding it.***—Baltimore American. We are never without a bottle of Plso's Cure for Consumption in our house.— Mra. E. M. Swayae, Wakita, Okla., April 17, 1901. Last year there were circulated In Japan 138,000 copies of the scriptures. Until thirty years ago the printing and distributing of Bibles was prohibited. CRUELTY OF FASHION. Competition I. Always the Power that Rule, the World. Fashion sat on her throne and called her slaves to give her orders for the coming season. Those first to come came out of fear; they pressed In throngs of thousands, hungry-looklng, dingy, eager-eyed. And Fashion said; "Go, now, to work! Haste In the mak ing of winter clothes. Work day nnd night, in crowded tenements. Work, everj one, us fur as strength will let you. Work without light nnd work for little wages. But haste, that the fall styles may be ready for the shops." These slaves passed out. New thousands stood before the ty rant on her throne. To these she said: “For days you must be hurried In the selling of ’new things.’ The crowd will push dose to your counter, bunt ing bargains, lookliig for novelties"and new fall styles. Go, stand and work and draw your weekly wages.” These slaves passed out. New thousands stood before the ty rant on her throne. To these she said: “For days you must be hurried in the selling of ’new things.’ The crowd will push close to your counter, hunt ing bargains, looking for novelties and new fall styles. Go, stand and work nnd draw your weekly wages.” These slaves passed out New thousands stood before great Fashion, worshipful. On these she smiled, and said: “Go, now, and buy. See In the shops the things you never knew you wanted, frail things made to last for a day, useless things, ex pensive things, garments overtrimuied and ugly. But go and buy. And know, this, slaves, that if you fall behind in style the world will think you have grown poor. Wives, dress to show your husbands’ status! Girls, dress to show you get good wages—though you do not! Men, dress to keep your Jobs and get them! Go now and buy!” These slaves passed out Then came the master of Fashion. He crept from underneath the throne and the throne fell. He stood and Jeer ed at Fashion, humbled her and mock ed her ways and words, and said: "Thy slaves have gone, and little do they guess how weak thy power. They work to make the things to sell. They work to buy the things. And In all se riousness they work, nor dream that fashions change nt my will, that Fash ion's throne rests on me. I own their lives, tlielr happiness, and few know of my power. Bow down to me, thou painted slave." And Fashion knelt before her lord and master, Competition. — Atlanta Journal. FOREST FIRES. Warning Issued by the General Land Office at Washington. Every summer and autumn large areas of public and private forests are devastated by fire. This destruction is a universal Injury. It not only de stroys a valuable asset In the list of the country's resources, but Is pro ductive of Hoods. The forest is the most effective means of preventing floods nnd producing a more regular flow of water for Irrigation and other useful purposes. To prevent the mischievous forest fires Congress has enacted a law which forbids setting fire to the woods, and forbids leaving fires (camp fires and others) without first extinguishing the same. The law provides 11 maximum fine of $5,000, or imprisonment for tw’o years, or lioth, if the fire is set mali ciously, and a tine of SI,OOO, or impris onment for one year, if the fire is due to carelessness. It also provides that the money from these fines goes to the school funds of the county in which the offense is committed. Commissioner W. A. Richards of the general land office has issued circu lars, warning the public against care lessness, Inasmuch as many fires start from neglected camp fires, and makes the following requests: 1. Do not build a larger fire than you need. 2. Do not build your fires In dense masses of pine leaves, duff and other combustible material, where the fire is sure to spread. 3. Do not build your fire against large logs, especially rotten logs, where It requires much more work and time to put the fire out than you are willing to expend, and where you are rarely quite certain that the fire is really and completely extinguished. 4. In windy weather and in danger ous places dig a fire hole and clear off a place to secure your fire. You will save wood and trouble. 5. Every ramp fire should be com pletely. put out before leaving the camp. 6. Do not build fires to clear off land and for other similar purposes without Informing the nearest ranger or the 1 supervisor, so that he may assist you. I As hunters, fishers and campers will soon haunt the woods and streams, it Is hoped that newspapers everywhere ' will circulate tills warning ahi InfOT mation. German Soldiers as Swimmers. All German soldiers must loam to swim. Some of them are so expert that, with their clothing on their heads ! wd carrying guns and ammunition, they can swim streams several hun dred yards wide. Tuxe< in Germany. Gorman imperial authorities have se cured a fine of $12,000 from the heirs of a German manufacturer on the ground of his having understated bls income, and so paid too low a tax dur ing the several years of his lifetime. Ever notice bow’ people reach over the preserves after the pickles? And how they ipslst on passing pickles In- I stead of preserves to others? 1 MB / /' / / / Mb / $1 F ! U F To be a successful wife, to retain the love ■ and admiration of her husband should be a woman’s constant study. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit of all wives and mothers. “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham : —Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged through nine years of miserable existence, worn out with pain and weariness. I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful results she had had from your Vegetable Compound, and decided to try what it would do for me, and used it for three months. At the end of that time I was a different woman, the neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in love with me all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suf fering with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that and built up my entire system, till I was indeed like a new woman. — Sincerely yours, Mrs. Chas. F. Bbown, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark.. Vice President Mothers’ Club.” Suffering women should not fnil to profit by Mrs. Brown’s ex periences ; just ns surely as she wns cured of the troubles enumer ated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration. Read the story of Mrs. Potts to all mothers: — t” Dear Mrs. Pinkham : — During the early part of my married life I was very delicate in health. I had two miscarriages, and both my liu .band mid 1 .‘cltwry badly as we were anxious to have children. A neighbor who had been using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound advised me to try it, and I decided to do so. I soon felt that my appetite was increasing, the headaches gradually decreased and finally disappeared, and my general health improved. I felt as if new blood coursed through my veins, the sluggish tired feeling disappeared, and I be came strong and well. “ Within a year after I became the mother of a strong healthy child, the joy of our home. You certainly have a splendid remedy, and I wish every mother knew of it. — Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anna Potts, 510 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark.” If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced, write to Mrs. Pink ham, Lynn, Mass., and you will be advised free of charge. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has cured arid is curing thousands of cases of female troubles — curing them inexpensively anti absolutely. Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN Is our name for the patent Separating Grate and Check Plate in the famous RED RIVER SPECIAL THRESHER. It has the Bls Cylinder, with lots of concave and open grate service. It has the Man Behind the Gun, that does most of the separating right at the cylinder. Besides these, it has all the separat ing capacity of other machines. The average old-style small cylinder thresher wastes enough grain and time to pay your thresh bill. Why not save the grain ordinarily put ihto the straw stack? Why not save the time which the ordinary threshing outfit wastes for you. This can be done by employing the RED RIVER SPECIAL. It runs right along, saving your grain and saving time, regardless of conditions. NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO., Builders of Threshers and Engines. Battle Creek, Mich 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS. BRANCH HCUSES AKO AGENTS fVTRYW ERF. I H | Luncheons * iNIB k Libby’s Natural Flavor Foods are U. S. * ITbAL Government inspected, jierfectly packed 4 _ canned foods, and are ready to servo at ♦ a momcnt a notice. « Veal loaf, Vienna Sausage, Ham Loaf. Boneless Chicken, Ox Tongues Are Amoag the Many Tempting Luncheon Meats. Aik Your Grocer for Them. * ' Send for our booklet "How to Make Good Thins* to Ext.”- Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago As the modern self-binder is ahead of the old reaper of forty years ago, so is the Big Cylinder and Man Behind the Gun ahead of the small cylinder old style thresher. The old-style thresher with its small cylinder and limited separatingcapac ity, has stood for years without much improvement. The RED RIVER SPECIAL is th crowning improvement in threshing machinery. It is built for modern, up-to-date work; to thresh well; to thresh fast, to save time and grain and money for the thresherman and farmer. It does it. There are reasons why. Send foi our new book on threshing, it give them and it is free. 1 he RED RIVER SPECIAL is the or’ machine that has the Man Behind thi Gun, and b will save enough ext grain and time to pay your thresh bill FOR WOMEN Especially Mothers The Sanative, Antiseptic, Cleansing, Purifying, and Beautifying Properties of fiiticiira Assisted by CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, are of Priceless Value. For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of fall ing hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes and cha fings, in the form of baths for an noying irritations, ulcerations, and inflammations of women, and many sanative, antiseptic pur poses which readily suggest them selves, as well as for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, CUTICURA Soap and CUTI CURA Ointment are priceless. Sold thronfhout the world. Cutknra Soap. 23c.. Oint ment, 30c., Reeoirrul, 40c. (in form of Chocolate < < e’.ed PHle, 23c. per vial of O>. Denote: I^ndon, 27 Ct artcr house Sq.; Parte. 3 Rue de la Pala ;Ro it on. 137 Columba* Are. Potter Drug * Chem. Corp., Sole Proprietor* 9T Send for “ How to Preeerve. Purify, and Beautify." FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtlneToilet Antiseptic tPaxtlno U In powde# Tomi to dissolve M' water — non-poisonouM* and far superior to I sutd antiseotica containing alcohol which irritated inflamed surfaces, nnd has c no cleansing 7 rop ertie!. The contents oi every box in a Red more Antiseptic Solu tion — lasts longer— goes further—has mors ums In the family and' doe* mo re good thana nV antiseptic preperulloa you can huy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used vrfth great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxt’ineis invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challenge Aho world to produce its equal for tborougnnoM. It is a revelation in cle&r.slng and healing power; it kills all germs which cause hiHammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Paxtine; price, 000. a box; if yours dous not, seed to us for it. Don’t take a »nl»>tituto— there is nothing like Paxtine. Writefortha Free Box oCl'axtine to-day. R. PAXTON CO., 6 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mass. A SKIN OP BEAUTY IS A JOV FOREVHR, DB. T. Fl I.IX GOI UAUD'H OKIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIED ju __ Removes Tan, Pirnples.Freckle< ® 33 Moth Patches. lU*b. and Skffl JO) diseases, and every blamiaft C .* * - XJrX-^IFX beauty, ini V^T>/ ■*( X^f’lJleflesdeterMnn. "I ? stood the t- •< Pi fig r years, and IC FT I .«#so liar m 1 exs 2o Kn ] PT txito uto be sura j —/ It Is properly made. _ 7 I Accept no counter- S 11 feit of similar <rr \ nan,e - D r - b. A. AX 77’ \ Ba J rr ® to a el \ la<ry of the haut yrpTlz—lai \t°n (a patient): J ‘Ae you ladles Ri T us * them, I / | s% 1. recommend ‘Gouraud's Cream’ U the least harmful of all the skin preparations.'* For sale by all Druggiila imd Fancy Goods Dealers In the U. 8., Canadas, and Europe. FERD. I. HOPKINS, Propr, 37 Great Jcrtes St, N. X. Rip ma . r ti 'i * atw the b»»g| XUCJhk dysi* wdierne ever mode. / A huiiilrfd.iuilb'. J4j.xif UujdJiuvs » L H single year. Conslipan. n, h'-artburn. sick heula-to . dizzi nets, bad breath, sore throat ntMl every other illne'S arising fr■•m a i«> r<!< r -<4 stomach ire relieved or cured I v Ilipaos Tubules. One will generally give relief within tw'-nty minutes. The nva^ent package is emittf®* for ordinary occasions. All druggists sell them. TTrnER WRITING TO ADVERTISERS IT please say you saw Uis advertiseuxsnt to thia paper. 8. O. N. U. • - No. 22^-1004 BEGGS’BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach.