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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
CHUBOH DIBIOrOBY. . PREBBYTERIAN. A. H. Morkibom, Pastor. Horning Services nt.... lt:OOa. in. evening Sorvinos nt HHJQ p. in. Sunday School at 12:00 Young Peoples’ Meeting at 7.00 p. m: Choir Practice Thursday A H.OO p. m. Ladice’ Aid Thursday at 2^o p. m. fit. Margarets Episcopal S. Htring fellow, Mimiioner. meets in Odd Hallow*’ Hall second Sunday in each month. Holy Eucharist 11:00 a. rn Evening aervice 7:30. f 'local news" j Mrs. W. M. Williams is visiting Mrs. Bert Heath at Landnsky this week. For Sale:—Ten pigs, nine weeks old; $5 apiecf. Inquire of Harlem Mercan tile Company. For Sale—Two full lots on corner of Second street and Bradley avenge, for sale cheap for cash. Inquire at this office. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. McGhnnn, Tuesday, July 5, a son. Grant is con sequently stepping high and handing out the cigar*. Henry Norton will leave Saturday for his old home in Maine. He will go by Dp'.nth and the great lakes and will be gone for a couple of months. Dr.^J. L. Dickson, the Chinook dentist, vill visit Harlem Monday of each week pre pared to do all kinds of dental work. Teeth extracted EZ. Wait for him. Beef, home made pork sau sage, home made bologna, together with ‘home made corn beef nr. d homo ten dercd lard at the City Meat Mark • of s. H. Parker. J. C. Elder and family and W. D. Dodge and family will leave the last of the week for the Little^ocky mountains where they will camp for a week or two. Dr.C. A. McNulty has returned to Har lem and has opened an office in the New England hotel. During his absence he has taken a post graduate course in one of the large medical schools of Chicago and is now better fitted than ever to look after the ills of the human race. C. W Phelps, the blacksmith, has recently made an application for employ ment in the Indian Service and expects soon to go to Shoshone, Wyo„ where he will be stationed on the reservation there. He expects to leave here about Aug. Ist for that place. Mrs. Phelps and sons vill remair. hero for seme time yet. MSm Maude Richardson of Helena, ie vimting relatives here at present. * The summer solstice commenced yesterday and daring last week the days have been longer than at any lime of the year. From now on they will com mence gradually lo grow shorter as the sun proceeds on its southward jourdey, reaching ibeir shortest period abont the 21st of December, after which Old Sul will start buck on his friendly visit to the northern climes. Hereatter no horses will be permitted to cross into Canada by the authorities there unless valued at SWI per head, and the appriiism»6t will be made by Oannek officials. Any horse not con sidered worth 850 will bo refused ad mission into the Dominion. The object appears to ba to admit ouly a high grade of horses, hoping thereby to^ improve the standing of the animals in the future. B. T. Gladding, prominent citizen of New York state and who is said to be a manufacturer of fishing tackle and a millionaire, and who is also well known in this section of the state, was arrested at Hamilton, Ravalli county, the other day, on a charge of shooting deer out of season. He brnyged about his exploit and war taken into custody by Deputy Gftmo Warden Arthur E. Higgins. Up to the present bis trial has not come off ns it is understood that he will put up a vigorous fight. Advices from Zortman to the effect that John Dillard ie in that city have been Tecened by Mrs. Dillard, says the Glasgow, News. When Dillard look his departure be left n letter of about ton pages for his wife and repeated oyer and over that he Was going in search of work, as he did not wish to live in Glas gow again. But it is said that be reached Zortman the next evening after le iviug. The girl’s name with whom Dillard is infatuated in Bertie Self and sho 1. a daughter of Dillard's etopfatbor and she ' was here to sea him the 2G'h of April, I and immediately afterwards Dillard went up there and remained a month,' but came' Lome and promise ! to bo i good. Tbie it seems was to get poses-1 eion of a bunch of horses which be had i near here but this was frustrated by his : wife. When he went this lust time he: took a horse and saddle belonging to bis . father and now refuses to answer bis father's letters concerning the property, i Mr. Dillard, Sr , is broken in health and this is a Revere blow to him. He has the respect and sympathy of every one here. Mra Dillard, Jr., has been a resident of this city for the past 12 years and has the respect and friendship of every one. It is her intention after making a visit at Hinsdale to keep house for the old gentleman on bis ranch. GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL MAX SKLOWER, Pbopbibtob Best Appointed Hotel Between St. Paul and the Coast Headquarters for Traveling Men r. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY- AND UP First-class Sample Rooms and Bar in Connection MALTA, MONT. BLA.CKSMITHING- On Credit. LUMBER- For Cash Only! A. i^llis. R.H. MCGINN ESS Drugs, Patent Medicines. Toilet boaps, Per fumery, Cloth. Hair and T joth Brushes, Fea ther Dusters, Stationery. Tobaccos, Cigars. Snuff 1 Elc. w u—mms v.s in m ■ ■—saeem in u- - ~ T ~ ■” * ' ataewim«Usi«»R* Physicians Prescriptions* Carefully Co.-npounded. R. M. TRAFTON, President GEO. L. RAMSEY, Vice Presides r • ELIJAH SMlTH,'Gutter The First State Bank MALTA, - - MONTANA A Oeneral Banking Businoss Transxotad ■Safe Deposit Deposit Bixes in a ste-I !« contained inn fire-proof vault for the storage and safe keeping of d'cnoeats of .ill kinds at u rental of Five DoUars per annum. A Savings Department in which sums o!»Oie Dollar and upwards 0U be deposited, drawing interest at five percent per annum, compounded semiannually. Write us for further .inform itiou. We carry burglar insurance ngainst nny loss that might occur from ti daylight holdup or robbery at night. Wo solicit your business and will give it our very beat attention. There are one or two fellows that I took Jaw Bone from who have forgotten that was not all there was to it. I hope chat you fellows that have not forgotten will “show me.” t C. H. BARTON. Strayed. From Chonleau Coaler one light bay weighs 10*25 pounds, branded on left shoulder, $5 reward for ESI information lending to re covery. Address, Peter Choubrott, Harlem, Mont. I Strayed. I Horse branded UX. $5 re |E?^. I ward if left at Dodge A- Hatcb’aH^ I livery barn. Chas. Kolbe r n After July 15. the New England Hotel • and bar will be run on a Cash Basis. Wm. J. Hart, Prop. the Delnionieo Restaurant MKS. X COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOL : northside. HARLEM MONT. Stephen Carver, President, E« 8. Swept. Vice President Chas. E. Owiar, Cashier. First National Bank, GHINOpK. MONTANA- Paiil I'p C'lpihiiyituel. $60,000. : bis 1> uk is irsuied by tl । A- Ina li n. nmity Co . and will be reinibnisei 1 f< log by burglary or hold-up. Wo offer to depositors, absolute security, pi n , and eur .-ful attention ai d 11 • A t liberal uoatuieut coi siatei witli sale and profitable banking. Issue drafts on all prin cipal .cities hf tin' world and pay interest on , time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS I RANBAOTED. CORRESPONDENCE I SOLICITED. - Watch this Space for an announcement of ftrfii’s Patent SH It Will Appear Here Shortly.