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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
QBUIOB 9IS9OTOSI. puamiiu. A. H. loumn, Prater. HoralMHtrrioMat ifwntim Hw ,iora it 8:00 p. m. Sunday SehOo l « 12410 Toons Paoplra' Meeting *t- 7 .00 p. m: Choir PractiselTanday 8 00 p. in. Ladies’ Aid Tim radar ft 2*l p m. LOCAL NEWS Mr. O’Hanlon of Chinook, spent kin day in Harlem. Sheriff Buckley was in town summoning witnesses and jury / eD I" 1 " th“ August term of court at tty oounty ■Sit. Dr. J. Li. Dickson, the ChiMlMenriAt will visit Harlem Monday ( week prepared to do all kinds ofi eD^ft i work. Teeth extracted EZ. Wp f° r him. Beef, home made P or h sau sage, home made bologr* together with home made corn bee home ren derad lard at the City®® 6B *' Market of S. H. Parker. The final report H* Barton, ad ministrator of the Jatate °I Luke O Hays, deceased, hfheen filed in the diß triot court. Thr 3 P or ®' otates that the net proceeds fro 1 the estate, amounting to' $2,71695, * TS been distributed among the heir 11 the deoeased. -River Press. Fred MoO 0 ® 11 nt Butte, brother of Will and J D > Bto PP°<l here several days last w* while on hie way to the World’s Ft Bt Louis. He resided in the vqf' 80m8 ten or twelve years ago and 8 surprised to see so many changes* I " lo * ‘hat time. He left for the eas/ tnr<^a y and will join his wife in Cbv°- was caused in Butte by the jonnoement made for the firs: time 81 week > that William A. Clark of ntuua married, three years ago, MiA nna La Ohapelle, his ward, aud w j-he announcement of tbe marriage of the tidings that it had been blese gy the birth of a girl, now unite two rs old. this year witnesses the opening of 100,000 additional acree of land to omee tenders, and the reclaiming of billions more by the operation of the irrigation laws. The Republican party is the author of the two measures that nave been of the greatest importune to tb* American home owners, the highest type of the world’s citizenry. BIGr DEPARTMENT STORE — ——■— —— r~*“ r»fl BBMi ■lMllr HBI '™itß«^ ff - *t iHMBW A large number of sportmen wilt leave here Monday to hunt grouse in the foot hills. / Last Thursday morning while C. W. Phelps, the blacksmith, waß melting the bottoms oqt of a number of gasoline cans an explosion ocourred that rather startled that sedate gentleman. He hi d not examined the cans very clobely as he supposed that they were empty, nut fonud that he was badly mistaken. The explosion Bigned his eye bruws and whiskers and he considers himself ln. ky that it was no worse. Nearly everybody knows now how old Ann is and the next problem to solve j e what kind of a gait site trav-ls. A lit,He figuring from the following pointeis story: “If Ann walks to tbe railro d station she is 10 minutes late; if she rides sbe is twenty minutes parly; Bbe can walk at the rate of three miles per hour, and can ride three times ns fast ns nhe can walk. How far does Ann live from tbe station?” Homestead filings were made in Chouteau county during the year on 31,140 acres and desert filings on 47 890 acrer; limber nr.d stone entries an l isolated tracts, 609, acres; state seise tions, 920 acres; total appropriated, 83.459 acres. There were 19,047 acres cancelbd and relinquished, leaving a total , f 63,- 412 acres taken during the year from the public domain in Chouteau county. The public domain in Chouteau county consisted on the start df 8,838,246 acres, of whiok bnt 1,308,754 acres or a trifle over one-ninth, has been ‘ appropriated from tbe start. R. H. MCGINNESS.t Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Per iumery, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fea ther Dusters, Stationery, Tobaccos, Cigars, Snuff, Etc. Physicians Prescriptions'*" Carefully Conpounded.'*" rmmmKammmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TRAFTON, Pbesident GEO. L. RAMSEY, Vice Piiesident J I ELIJAH SMITH, Oaruieb a The First State Bank! MALTA, - - MONTANA 1 | —EEr— | I vault, for th“ s'orage and safe keeping of documents of all kiods at a rental of Five Dollars per annum. H A Savings D-partment in which sums of One Dollar nnd upwards can H be d-posited. drawing interest at five percent per annum, compounded H semiannually. Write ns for further information. I Wecarrv burglar insnranoe against any loss that might occur from a H daylight holdup or rohbery at night. Q solicit your bnsiness and will give it our very beet attention. J a long time ago there was a man killed with tne J aw Bone of an Ass. I have been hit a couple of times, but am not dead yet. ring on your Jaw BONE. 0 H. BARTON. New EDilaoi Hotel W. J. H\RT, - Proprietor. Rates $2 per Day Up. First Class Bar in Connection. HARLEM, MONT. BLACKSUmUNGL On Credit. LUMBER- For Cash Only! A. Elytis. the Delmonico Restaurant MRS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOURS north side. HARLEM MONT. , * \ *m 4 Stephen Carver, President. E. S., Vioe President Chas. E. Owens, Cashier. First National Bank, CHINOOK, MONTANA- Paid Up Capital Slock, $60,000. This bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co., aud will be reimhnrsed fer loss by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, absolute security, pi >m,it and careful attention and the most liberal treatment cot sistei i with safe and profitable hanking. lasne drafts on all prin cipal cities of the world and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Watch this Space for an announcement of Iriii’s Pali Step Ms It Will Appear Here Shortly.