Newspaper Page Text
Alt Plan. "Ye*, my liusbaiMl has almost given Jp smoking.’* "Indeed! It must linve been a hard struggle." “It was. Rut every time the craving grew too strong for him l let him have on of those bargain cigars I bought for him Christmas and he promptly sworP off again.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Reflex 3lnmakr. “Mrs. Joins, was that trained nurse 1 sent you helpful ?” “Oh, yes. doctor; Mr. Jones gets mud at her so often that his circulation is improving right along.”—Detroit Free Press. How to Keep tfouefe. With all the luxuries and pleasure* of this life. Its big enjoyments and its smaller comforts, there is an offset or antithesis which wa. have to con tend with In the form of aches and pal ns. In some way and by some means avery one has a touch of them in sejaa form at some time. Trilling a* so am sf thsui may be, the risk is that they will grow to something givat * #r and rack the system with constant torture. There is nothing, 'therefore, of this kind that we have a right to trifle with. Taken in time, the worst forms of pains and aches are easily subdued and cured by the free use of St. Jacobs Oil. No well regulated household should be without a bottle of this great remedy for pain. It is the specific virtue of penetration in St. Jacobs Oil that carries it right to '• the pain spot and effects a prompt cure even in the most painful cases of Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Lumbago, Scirtfcn. You want It also in the house at all time* for hurts, cuts and wounds, and the house that always has it keeps up a sort of insurance ngainst pain. iKLotber club woman, Mrs. Haule, of Edgerton, Wis., tells bow she was cured of irregulari ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: — A while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered that my mother had used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound on many oc casions for irregularities and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could not harm me at any rate to give it a “ I was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in the back and side were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not have nearly as serious a time as heretofore, 80 I continued its use for two months, and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life, have not had a sick Jieadache gjtfee, and weigh 20 pounds more than I evlr did, sS I un hesitatingly recommend your medi cine.”— Mrs. May Hauls, Edgerton, Wis., Pres. Household Economics Club. — fSOOO forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineneis cannot be produced. nSTjASTORIA r ” M lor Infant? and Children. AVegelable PreparalionforAs- 19 slmilatingllicFoodandßegula- jB g UngthcStouiachsandßowelsof H JjGcirS # a , Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuL « Signature ness and Rest Contains neither [M f gi jf * J Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. ■ 01 /|\ *1 IT NotNabcotic. M # W' nJ/Kafoun-sAMUELPtrua/t M . V* ,w- ■ If 1 Jlx.Smv* * 1 H ■ Mk w issi*. 1 1(\ »jt»’ In i/4 f 1 it Qp Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- ■ f U A/ * UOU lion,SourStomach,Diarrhoea [HI I|K Worms .(Convulsions,Feverish- [HI f ft JJA „ ness ami Losh OF Sleep. M \_J* rQ r Uy P r Facsimile Signature of Un I Thirty Years ®*™|nilCTnDU EXACT COPY OF WWAPPEIR. 811 ■■ 11111 IMM mm HRTMM BMMNI. MCW TOMS OITV. Noises that Attract Snakes. It Is a noiseless fact that there ara certain kinds of noises which attract snakes. For Instance, the whirr of tbo moving machine, instead of scaring these reptiles, as might be supposed, seems both to allure them and enrage them, and they almost. Invariably dart toward it, rearing themselves in front of the machine, which, of course, promptly chops off heads. In six months so many as 120 cobras alone have thus been slaughtered on a farm in India. Told In California. Helping the k kidneys is helping the . whole body, for is the kidneys that remove the i )olHons n nd waste t h. Learning simple J llflS 111 all (> HBHP in an y dirk I men and wu men well. Judge A. J. Felter of 318 So. E St., Sau Bernar dino, Cal., says: “For 18 years my kid neys were not performing their func tion:; properly. There was some back ache. and the kidney secretions were profuse, containing also considerable sediment. Finally the doctors said I had diabetes. Doan’s Kidney Pills wrought a great change in my condi tion and now I sleep and feel well again.” A FREE TUf AL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Judge Fel ter will he mailed to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all dealers; price 50 cents per box. Isluml of Wreck* Newfoundland is t lie island of wrecks, more than 100 having oc curred on the Ferryland peninsula alone during the past forty years. Some years as many ns eleven large ocean steamers have gone ashore. The Islanders do a good business In selling the old iron, copper, lend and portions of machinery which they re cover from the bottom of the sea. To locate the wreck deposits a sort of sea telescope Is used—a long tin fun nel with a glass bottom, which is employed to ascertain the where abouts of shoals of fish. With these instruments it is possible to exam ine the bottom of the sen In shoal water. The business Is being ex tended this year and the quantity of material to be recovered is practi cally inexhaustible. “hflto Shore” Summer Tours. Where are you going to spend this year’s vacation? The Lake Shore Rail way’s hook of "Summer Tours to Mountains, Lakes and Seashores” will help you to decide. It will be sent on application to C. F. Daly, Chief Asst. Pass. Agt., Chicago. An Experienced Parson. Groom—How much do I owe you? Clergyman— Urn —er —whatever you think your wife is worth. Groom—Oh, that’s so many millions, I would have to go on owing it to you. Clergyman—Well, call around again in a few years. Perhaps the estimate will then l>e within your reach. —New York Weekly. I cannot praise Piso’s Cure enough for the wonder* it has worked in curing me. —R. 11. Seidel, 2206 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo., April 15, 1901. As Others See Us. Spacer—Poor Hnwkins! It’s too bad that he is reduced to the necessity of ped dling chestnuts for a living. Liner —Is it possible he has come to that? Spacer—Yes; I saw him going the rounds of the newspaper offices yesterday with a lot of alleged humor. The bamboo has beeu kijown to grow ttfo feet In twenty-four hours. Alaska has paid for Its cost to th« government twenty times over. There are over ten million people In Itnly who cannot rend or write. Every squnre mile of sen is estimat ed to contain some 1ii0,000,000 fish. The great hulk of chalk Is composed of eight different species of tiny shells. The wings of the house fly vibrate 335 times n second; those of the houey bee 440. All the cork used In the world In s year weighs u little over one thou sand tons. To form a rainbow the sun must not he more than forty-two degrees above the horizon. A rifle bullet Is traveling at its greatest speed not ns it leaves the muzzle, hut nt about ten feet list front of the muzzle. It Is often snld thnt there are sev enty thousand known criminals In London. The whole records of Scot land Yard do not contain In nil so many numes, and many of these linve been dead for years. It Is estimated that the Eskimo pop ulation of Alaska. Labrador and Greenland has declined from thirty thousand to fifteen thousand In twenty years, owing to the thinning out of seal, hear and walrus. Statistics have been completed re cently which state that the average life of an English express locomotive Is twenty-five years, of a local pas senger engine twenty-live years, of a freight locomotive twenty-six years and of a switching engine twenty seven years. The total mileage of an express passenger engine was fixed at from seven hundred thousand to one million miles, and the other classes of engines a mileage of live hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand. There Is a group of Islands to the south of New Zealand called the Sis ters, or Seven Sisters, widen are re puted to he subjected to a practically constant rainfall. The same may he said of the island and mainland of Tierra del Fuego, save for the differ ence that the rain often takes the form of sleet and snow. On a line running round the world from four to eight or nine degrees, there are patches over which rala seldom ceases to fall. This is called the "zone of constant pre cipitation,” hut at the same time there are several localities along with It with very little rainfall. OUR AMERICAN HUSBAND. Some Obacroatinns ua to ilia Alleged Churacterlatica by u Londoner. An American young mun does uot, ns a rule, look forward to marriage nor prepare for it by saving any con siderable portion of Ids ante-nuptial Income. When he marries it Is usu ally on short notice and because he has fallen very desperately lu love with some one and cunnot Uud It In his heurt to wait until cold caution de clares the venture advisable. Even when un engagement Is a long one he usually squanders so much on gifts and entirtalnments for Ills fiancee that there Is only a very moderate amount to begin housekeeping on. Thus be fore Ids marriage the young American of the middle class begins to give evi dence of what Is to be lilsi chief na tional characteristic as a husband — his unfailing, unselfish and almost Im provident generosity. The middle class husband In Amer ica rarely Interferes with the affairs of the household. He hardly knows the cost of staple articles of food. As a rule he does not make his wife a regular allowance either for household or personal expense*, hut gives her as much as he can spare freely, but with a lack of system that Is not con ducive to the best outlay of their In come. The young Amerlenu husband Is also very Indulgent to his wife’s fondness of flue .clothes. He would far rathet have tin extravagant wife than a dow dy one, and although he grumbles oc casionally at a millinery bill. In real ity he glories in the resplendent ap pearance or his wife In her line feath ers. The American husband Is raro who docs not concede Ids wife’s right to expend a much larger sum with her dressmaker than he does with Ills tailor. Indeed, he often leaves his tail or altogether and cheerfully repairs to the ready-made clothing house In order that ills wife may have more money for extravagant linery,—London Tele graph. Acquiring a Specimen. Mrs. Franklin had always spoken her mind, and she luteded to do It as long as the gift of speech was spared her. Her children and grandchildren knew her Imblt, and found It not al ways cheering. “I'd like to have you tell me whnt Induced I-ldlth to fall In love with that young limn I saw last night tor the tirst time,” said the old lady to one of her daughters. ”1 think she was attracted to him at first because lie's such an athletic fellow and such a splendid swimmer,” the mother of Edith ventured feebly, after a moment's casting about In bet mlml for a satisfactory answer. “Humph!” snorted Mrs. Frapklln. “Which does she propose to keep him after she's married him-—a gymnasium or an aquarium?” If adversity docs not crush a inti prosperity will not spoil him. CATARRH IS THE CAUSE OF MOST KIDNEY DISEASES. PE-RU-NA CURES CATARRH. ■ 9mHhßkßsb& - < UuKskSHY *s IHHImK- A IHMSIHBI JM'■ GspsspsE^gg^ Samuel R Sprecher, Junior Beadle Court Angelina, * 3,422, I. 0. 0. F., 205 New High St., Los Angeles, Cal., 1 writes: •*I came here a few years ago suffering with catarrh of the kidneys, in search of health. 1 .bought the climate would cure me, but / found I was mistaken. But what the climate could not do Peruna could and did do. Seven weeks’ trial convinced me that I had the right medicine, and I was then a well man. I know of at least twenty friends and members of the lodge to which I belong who have been cured of catarrh, bladder and kidney trouble through the use of Peruna, and It has a host of friends In th/s city. ” SAMUEL P. SPPF.CHFR. Catarrh of (he Kidneys a Common Dis ease—Kidney Trouble Often Fails to Be Regarded as Catarrh by Physi cians. Catarrh of the kidneys is very com mon indeed. . It is a pity this fact is not better known to the physicians as well ns the people. People have kidney disease. They take some diuretic, hoping to get better. They never once think of catarrh. Kid ney disease and catarrh are seldom associated in the minda of the people, and, alas, it is not very often associated in the minds of the phj'sicians. Too few physicians recognize catarrh of the kidneys. They doctor for something Advantages In Roth. Bachelor —Ten dollars for this room? Isn’t that rather high? Mrs. Brlckrow —But. sir, tills Is n front room and you have a view way up and down the street. “Ah. yen. Whnt Is the price of that little room at the farther end of the hull?” “Twelve dollars.” "Eh? Outrageous!” “But. sir. that Is a bnck room and tho electric lights don’t drive you crazy when you want to sleep.”—New York Weekly. Do Tour Foot Ache nnd linrn? Shake Into jour ahooi Allen's l-’oot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Eaaj. Cures Coma, Bun ions, Swollen. Hot nnd Sweating Feet. At all IlruKulata and Shoe Store., 2oe. Sample sent KKEH. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Is- Boj, N. T. Indians Who Live oil Clover. There- »re some Indians In Mendo clno tint .may not live "in clover,” us we understand the -plirnse, but It Is eOrtnln that they live on It. Strange to say. they make It a regular article of food, going out Into the fields and pulling up the plant nnd eating It by handfuls — leaves, stems. flower heads and all. These snme Indians use many plants that white men find no value In, among them seaweeds, fuiJgl, lichens, ferns nnd conifers. ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE For Hot, Tired, Aching, Bwollen Feet. \r\ alliSvTVv '' , v SHAKE V INTO YOUR SHOES '0 Allen’* Foot-Eiwo, a powder. It cures painful . Hiinirting, nervous feet and ingrow ing nail*, and instantly takes the sting out of corn* bunions. It’s the greatest com fort discovery of tho age. Makes tight or now shoes eaay. A certain cure for sweating, callous » U< l hot, tired, aching feet. 30,000 testimonies. Try it 10-day. Hold by all Drug gists sod Shoe stores, *260. Don't aertpt a tubstituU. Trial package FREE. Address, grains bsafs abort slguatora / U- A* " - ■ CAI T/.IN ,_UI-!hS L DF.MF3EY. else. They try this remedy and thnt remedy. The trouble may be catarrh all the time. A few bottles of Peruna Mould cure them. Pe-ru-na Removes the Cause of the Kidney Trouble. Perunn strikes nt the very center of tin difficulty, by eradicating the catarrh from the kidneys. Catarrh is the cause of kidney difficulty. Remove the cause and you remove the effect. With unerring accuracy Peruna goes right to the spot. The kidneys are soon doing their work with perfect regularity. Thousands of Testimonials. Thousands of testimonials from people who have had kidney disease which had An Kxplanatlon. Mrs. Hix—Wasn’t Dr. Thirdly’* ser mon tedious this morning? 1 thought he uever would finish. Mrs. Wix—On the contrary, I thought It was the shortest sermon I ever listened to. Note—Mrs. Ilix wore her old r*onnet to church, while Mrs. Wix wore a new $19.08 top piece for the first time. BIG DROP IN BINDER TWINE. We a-o soiling the highest grade standard binder twine niude. shipping it to any ad dress In any quantity and nt n much lower price than dealers can buy In enrlond lots. For our sperlnl Inside price, our guarantee nnd money refund offer, for our Insurance proposition ngnlnst hall or storm, for the lowest price, the most liberal binder twine offer that will be made this senson, cut this notice out nnd mall to un to day and yon will hear from ns by return mall. Address BEAUS, ROEBUCK A CO.. Chicago. 111. v- Among the many Libbr delicaoi*'*' are I toneless Chicken. Melrose Patei VsaJ I»af. Peerless Wafer-Sliced Pried Itec-f. Potted Ham and Corned Bee* Bash, etc.- wholesome loud*- that are as dainty as they are good — Uaß as substantial as they are appetizing. Ask ywur Grocer tor I.lbby's. Libby,-McNeill & Libby Chicago ■ Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear^B ■ the FAMILY’S FAVORITE MEDICINE I H CANDY CATHARTIC^^^ Ibestforthebowelsl Captain James L. Dempsey, Captain 2d Precinct Trov I’oliee Force, writes from 198 Ferry St., Trow N. Y„ as follows: ' A - , 4 •From my personal experience with Peruna # am satisfied it Is a very fine remedy for catarrhal affections, whether of the head, lungs, stomach or pelvic organs. It cures colds quickly, and a few doses taken after undue exposure prevent i Illness. "Some of the patrolmen under me have also found great relief from Peruna. It has cured chronic cases of kidney and bladder troubleah restored men suffering from Indigestion and rhea• matlsm, and / am fully persuaded that It Is an honest, reliable medicine, hence I fully endorse and recommend It. ” JAMES L. DEMPSEY. Officer A. C. Swanson writes from 007 Ilnrrisod St.. Council Bluffs, lit., as follows: "As my duties compelled me to be out in all kinds of weather I contracted a severe cold from time tb time, which settled in the kidneys, causing sever# pain* and trouble in the pelvic organs. "I am now like u new man, am in splendid \ health and give all praise to Perunn.”—A. 0« * Swanson. gone beyond the control of the phy sician ure received by Dr. Hartman every year, giving Peruna the whole praise for marvelous cures. Pe-ru-na Cures Kidney Disease. Peruna cures kidney disease. The reason it cures kidney disease is becausa it cures < stflirrh. Catarrh of the kidneys is the cnw&e of most kidney disease, Peruna cures catarrh wherever it Iwip penn to be located. It rarely fails. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write nt once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and lie will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The TTnrtmnn Sanitarium, Columbus. 0. Moderation la the silken string run | nlng through the pearl chain of all vir- I tues. —liighop Hall. Mrs. Winslow’s Boonnio Srstrr foe OblMrsa 1 tssthlng; softs ns tbs cams, rsdaess lnflsiamsUuo. si Isrs pain, cares wind 00110. V seats s bottia «o!i"Ft d, !.«Tlionipson’sEyßWater i. ’ 1 8. O. N. U. - - No. 21—1004 BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh ol the stomach.