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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
OHOTOH DnUOTOBT. PREKBYTEKIAN. A. H. Mobbisob, Pastor. Morning WerrioM at 1100 a. m . Evening Services at 800 p. in. Sunday Sebooi at. 1200 Young Peoples' Meeting at. 700 p. m: Choir Practice Thursday 800 p. m. Ladies' Aid Thursday at 2JO p. in. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Dr. Dickson, the Chinook dentist, wan a Harlem visitor Monday. Stock Inspector Geo^e Hall, of Havre was a Harlem visitor several days lest week. Bejamin Jeremiah,, of the Great Faile Tribune, spent several days here on business. Prof. Graybeal, wife and family, drove io Chinook one day last week returning the next day. Matt O’Farrell, of the Agency store of the French Trading Company, spent Sunday with friends in Havre. Dr. J. L. Dickson, the Chinook dentist, will visit Harlem Monday of each week prepared to do all kinds of dental work. Teeth extracted EZ. Wait for him. W. J. Hart has redently purchased the Willets block, erected some time ago and at the present occupied by Church hill & Jarvis. The consideration being’ ♦1,700. Mrs. Geo. Pease died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Dorrity last Wednesday of hemorrhage. The remains were laid to rest in a oemetry near the Dorrity ranch. Beef, home mode pork sau sage, home made bologna, together with home made corn beef and home ren dered lard at the City Meat Market of 8. H. Parker. Stephen Carver, the Chinook banker, accompanied by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Sweet, of the same plade, were Har lem visitors Thursday. They drove down and back the same day. D. H. McDonald of Helena has opened up a paint shop in the old printing office next to the room recently vacated by R. H. McGiness. He does all kinds of house painting, paper hanging and decorating and respectfully solicits a share of your patronage. See his ad vertisement in another column. James Minugb, the ten-year old son of L. Minugh, had the misfortune to“be thrown from a horse Sunday afternoon, near the foothills north of town. He sustained a fracture of the left arm, which was set by Dr. Rooney and at the present time he is carrying his arm in a sling, but is as happy as ever. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE SEE THAT ....SHOE.... That is the best you ever saw FOR KICKING. If you hear of a man (or woman, either) that is a kicker, look at their Shoe. You will see it is a FOOT SCHULTZ. WE SELL THEM. C. H. BARTON, Harlem, ZhZEont. Ntw Mao! Hotel J' O’MH. Proprietor. L 111® Rates $2 per Day up. ' First Class Bar in Connection. HARLEM, MONT. Desert Land. Final Proof--Notice for Publication Department of Interior. Unitea Elates Laud Office. Great Falla, Mont., Auguat 15, 1904. Notice is hereby given that Lenore M. Elder, of Harlem, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make proof on her desert-land claim No. 5919, for the NW quarter 8 w quarter, S half SW quar ter section 2, SE quarter SE quarter section 3, T 32 N R 27 E, unsurveved. before Thomas M. Everett. U. 8. Commissioner at his office in Harlem, Montana, on Saturday, the 24th day of September, 1901. Also that John C. Elder of Harlem. Montara, has filed notice of intention to make proof on hie desert-land claim No. 5929. for the S‘£ N W 1 1. SW^ NE»i. N»4 NE I *. section 9. NW*4, NW NE*a. section 10. T 32 N. R 27 E, unsurveywi. They name the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said Albert Klecker, Silas Gamble, Joseph L. Sipple, all of Coburg. Montana, and Charles C Tubbs, of Avery, Montana. J M. BURLINGAME. Register. First publication Aug. 17, 1904. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Great Falls. Montana. August 15 1904. Notice is hereby given that the fodowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Thomas M. Everett, U. S. Commi : sioner, nt his office In Har lem. Montana, on September 21st. l^U. viz: Peter Ijarson. who made homestead entry No 9253. for the SE quarter NE quarter section 10. 8 half NW quarter. NE quarter SW quarter section 11. tp. 32 north, range 22 east. Also that Peter Larson, of Harlem, Montana, has tiled notice of intention to make proof on his desert lend claim No. 6006. for the SE quarter 8W quarter section 11, tp, 32 north, range 22 east. He names the following witnesses to prove nic continuous residence upon and c ltivatlou of said homestead aud the complete irrigation and reclamation of said desert claim: Charles Sodentrom, August Nystrom, Gustaf P. Abelin and John C. Elder, all of Harlem, Mon tana. J. M. BURLINGAME, Register. First publication Aug. 17. 1904. TTARLEM CAMP, NO. 6587. MW. A. meets 1 1 in the 1.0. O. F Hall the Second and Fourth Fridays in each month. Visiting Neighbors always welome. J. A. HATCH, V. C. E. V. GRAYBEAL. Clerk. C. A. McNulty, M.D Physician and Surgeon. Office in the New England Hotel. HARLEM, - - MONTANA. R. H. MCGIN N ESS Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Per fumery, Cloth. Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fea ther Dusters, Stationery, Tobaccos, Cigars, Snuff, Elc. z Physicians Prescriptions* Carefully Compounded.* r® OBMHBB IOMHHB MBBBi • M| . TRAFTON, President GEO. L. RAMSEY, Vice Prbhidbxt | I ELIJAH SMITH, Cashier a The First State Bank I MALTA, - - MONTANA • | —=r— | 2 vault for the storage and safekeeping of docaments of all kinds at a rental B of Five Dollars per annum. B H A Savings Department in which snme of Oue Dollar and upwards can K B be deposited, drawing interest at five per cent per annum, compounded B B semi annually. Write us for further information. B B We carry burglar insurance against any loss that might occur from a B B daylight holdup or robbery at night. Q LWe solicit your business and will give it our very beat attention. B >eMBBM|«BBMMBBMt BH* EiJA.oKj3i^rrEmsrG- On Credit. LUMBER- For Cash Only! A. ELLIS. the Dclmonieo , <• b Restaurant MRS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOURS northiside. HARLEM MONT. Stephen Carver, President. E. S. Sweet, Vice President Chas. E. Owens, Cashier. First National Bank, ghinook, Montana- Paid Up Capital Stock, $60,00P This bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co., and will be reimbaraec 3 fc r lose by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, absolute security, prompt and careful attention and the most liberal treatment consistent with safe and profitable banking. Issue drafts on all prin cipal cities of the world and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Watch this Space for an announcement of Mmial Fatal Sha Stt It Will Appear Hare t