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B. V. GRAYHEAL, CUrk. *50.00 BIWABB! We will pay the above reward for the arreet and eon vietion of any party or partita breaking into our shearing plant on Wayne Creek and remov ng property therefrom. M. Rkdkhback. SIOO Eeward. I will pay SIOO reward for information leading to the conviction of party or parties removing timber from cabins on Woody Island on laud owned by me. This include® all trespatwere, and all will bo treated alike Chris Malonky Notice For Publication, Department of die Interior, Land Office at Great Fall*. Montana. September 19. 1904. Notice le hereby given that tbe following named settler has bled notice of hie intention to make final proof in support of hie claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. panda. U. 8- Commireioner. at hia office in <Wiook, Montana, dnKoVembef Ist. 1904, viz: Martin K. Luke, who made homestead en try number 9603 for the E half SE quarter sec 26. w half SWquarter sec. 25, T 82 north., range 21 He namoa the following witnesses to prove his continous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Dick Anderson, Charles Olson, Mosee Ander son, John Stahl, all of Chinook. Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME, Register. First publication Sept. 21. 1904. Notice of Forfeiture. To William D. McKenzie, his heirs or asaigns: You are hereby n<rtigf*d that 1 have expended during the year IMB. one hundred and forty 0140) dollars in labor and improvements uj>on the Big Chief, Mary Kuby and twilight quartz lode mining claims, situated in IJttle Rockioe, (unorganiz<-d) mining district, Chouteau county. Montana, a more particular description of said claims is found in the location notices of said lodes, recorded in the office of the county re corder of Chouteau county. Montana. That said labor was jierformed and the improvements were made for the purpose of holding said claims under the provisions of section 2324, revised statutes of the United Mates, and the amend ments thereof concernlag annual labor on min ing claims, for the year ending Dec. 31st. 1903. and to make the amount expended on the said three claims, three hundred ($800) dollars.. If within ninety days after the publication of this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as a co-owner, your interest in mid claims, will become the property of the subscriber, one of your co-own ers. who has made the required expenditure, ac cording to the terms of the said section. T. 8. CARTER, Dated Sept. 21, 1904. First publication Sept. 21,1901. FOR SALE 65 Cunningham De lano Bucks. 110 Mixed, all grades and all ages. Henry Sureman, Savoy, Mont. 1 A FULL LINE OF < * Ai X. PENDLETON, ORE., BLANKETS ZSSZ bD >< must be closed out regardless of cost ?is we must have the room they fl 110 w OCCU Py for our \\ New Fai! & Winter Goods s o O Don’t overlook these 1$ I! - HauX THEV MUST :! y i:§d» n n z \ 9^ f !■ O/Z^^Zo.etlee* the o f T , oM Heatins; Stoves ^l^rZ^SZ \ ' n o MBn - "MTAWT \ Rj X YOUK TRADE V ttarfll waattt. Int, on. boor. i< 1“*?* wKtttvilldomd lt»U.hMlt. UnviMtod^ Uy. Catalan, tn*. A^ou wan***- . Lada. Pola Sappl, Co . Col. Hialay. Maoaav. ■ara, Mnatna. Notice for Publication. Department of the Intenor, Land OSoa at Great Falls, Montana. Sept 7, lto4. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before John C. Elder, U. S. Commiasioner, at his office in Bar lem, Montana, on October 20th. 1904. viz:- Conrad Peters who made homestead entry No. 10640 for the SE quarter HE quarter, lot 12, sec. 1, N half N E quarter sec 12, T. 31 N-, R 24 B. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George W. Cowan. Henry Suremen, Jacob A. Gambon, ail of Harlem. Montana, and Alfa Wolary, of Coburg, Montana. J. M. BURLINGAMS Register. [First Publication. Sept. 14th. 1904.] Desert Land, Final proof—Notice for publication. Department of the Intenor, United State* Land Office, Great Falls. MonUAug. 22, HMM. Notice is hereby given that Newton T. Lease, assignee of Ahn ma Bliss, of Great Falls, Mont., has filed notice of intention to make proof on nis desert-land claim No. 6093. for the W half NW parter. W half BWqnarter. NE quarter BW quarter section 5, N half SB quarter section fl, NW quarter NW quarter section 8, twp. 31 north, range 22 east, uneurveyed. before W. B. Sands. U. 8. Commissioner, at his office in Chinook, Montana, on Saturday, the 15th day of October, 1904. Also that Thomas C. Richards, of Chinook, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 6098, for the NE quarter 8E quarter section 1, twp. 31 north, range 21 east, lot 1. E half SW qnarter section 6, two 31 north, range 22 east. They name th* following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said ItllU ' Charles Olson, Hans A. Hanson, Henry P Austin and William BaufmaU. all of Chinook; Montana, J. M. BURLINGAME, Register. First publication August 24, 1904. Application for Patent, No. 5. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Great Falls. Montana, August 1, 1904. Notice is hereby given that John Brown, whose postoffice addrew is Zortman, Chouteau county, Montana, has this day filed application for a patent for 19.35 acres of the Warm Number placer mining c’Bim, situated in Little Rocky aountains, unorganized, mining district, Chou eau county. Montana, designated as survey No. 269, and comprises the south half of the north/ •ast Quarter of the southeast quarter of unsifr 'eyeo section 17, township 25 north, range\2s east. Montana Principal Meridian, which claim Is recorded in the recorder’s office of Chouteau county, at Fort Benton, in Book No. 3 ot Lodes, page 609. records of Chouteau county. Montana, and being more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at corner No. 1 (1). from which the Quarter corner in west line of section 16, town snip 25 north, range 25 east, bears north 0 deg. 01 m. west 6W feet; thence so nth 0 deg. 01 m. east 655 feet to corner No. 2. which is alzo corner No. 2, survey No. 7216; thence north 89 deg. 58 m. west 1820 feet to corner No. 8; thence north 0 deg. 01 m. west 655 feet to comer No. 4; thence south 89 deg. 58 m. east 1320 feet to corner No. 1 (1), the place of bemnnin^, embracing an area of 19.85 acres, upon which a pkt and notice of ap plication for patent was posted on the 25th day of June. 1904. Adjoining claims on the south, survey No. 7216. Pleasant View placer claim. There are no conflicting claims. All persons bolding adverse claims thereto are required to present the tamo bofore this office within sixty clays from the first day of publics tion hereof, or thev will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. J. M.- BURLINGAME. Register. First publication Aug. a, 1904. MUGBLD'S CLUBSALOON WP Finest Wines and Liquors Constantly on hand. Ev X eryone welcome. Cour teous treatment to all. / NORTH SIDE. HARLEM. MONT. Gro to Livery Stable —o W. I). DODGE, Fine Teams Furziislieci on Stiort JSTotioe. Hay and Oats for Sale SOUTHSIDE. HARLEM MONTANA. MAVERICK! SALOON. | H. C. TURNER, PROPRIETOR. 5 —DEALEB IN — J 8 . WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ; ♦ Only the Very Best Grades Handled in all Lines. * I* Pool and Billiard Rooms. ; AGENT FOR | hoffm jlu pure rye l Guaranteed 12 years old. Fine for medicinal purposes. J The Best Heer to be Had in the City. % Old Friends Always Welcome, while the Latch String J is Always Out to New Oues. While in town drop in | and see us. ♦ SILVER DOLLAR SALOON jaivis & ciroraiii, non. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. SGHLITZ BEEFt A SEEOIAL.TY — HEAR THE MUSIC BOX Opposite Dodge’s Livery Barn. Harlem, Montana. M M 1... Iml Land Then come and file before J. O. ELDER TJ S 3. Commissioner. All kinds of land work attended to. THE NEWS FOR GOOD JOB WORK. Township. Range County . . 1 1 /rpm I■, । ITT ■ I I •' . 8 i-ppaioi.. . 18 17 lef- IS; r4--‘lb!~ fc f - 16 20 21 22 423 - <24’- —Mis ■lsoi -■■ 2 : 9“ "'2 : B 2i ■ -lab!-i-asi- 4314 is’at 334 •43^' -iiS isk’l ^^”’l ; -i I ir" t? j ; Li4,i n | aou th: