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MILK RIVER VALLEY NEWS NEWS PUB CO:, (Incorporated), Puoilshers F. N. WILD. Buainua ' Entered at* the Poatoffico at Harlem, Montana, as Second Clast Mail Matter. HUSCHIPTION ra.tics. JWE YEAR *2.00 NIX MONTHS • 1.25 Fubliwhed Every Wodaewday. Ixuytl Weekly WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 1904. HKI»l ULMAX MTIOStr TH KET For President THEODORE ROOSEVELI of New York. ForVu-o Preßid«q CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indinnn KKHI BIdCAX STATE TICKET Presidential Electors —Fuul McCor mick of Yellowstone; A. W. Merrifield of Fiatliead; rhomus Duucun of Madison. Representative in Congress —J. M. Dixon, of Missoula. Governor —William Ijindsay of Daw eon Lieutenant Gov rnor —E. W, King of Gallatin. For Chief Jnsuce of the Supreme Court—Theodore Brantly of Powell county. Secretary of State—A. N. Yoder, of Silver Bow county. State Treasurer—J. H. Rice of Chou teau county. State Auditor— Harry Cunningham of Silver Bow. Attorney General—A. J. Galen of Lewie and Clarke. Superintendent of Public Instruction —W. E. Harmon of Gallatin. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Members of the Legislature— T. M. Everett, Harlem; O P. Brigham, Havre. For Jaenff—Frank McDonald, Fort Ben tor, Fo. County Treasurer—John C. Sulli- •vsn, Fort Benton. For Clerk of the Court—C. H. Boyle, Fort Benton. For Clerk and Recorder —W. R. Leet Chinook. For County Attorney—C. N. 1 ray, Fort Benton. . For as eesor —A. E. Lewis, Chinook. For County Auditor —B. L. Powers, Fort B-nton. For Superintendent of Schools—Miss Agnee Atkinson, Teton. For County Surveyor -A. >V. Merri field, Chinook . A Quiet Campaign. The political campaign of 1904 prom ises to be a record breaker tor its peace and quiet. The press everywhere report a lack of efith usiam in politics, and it is als > true in this county. Even the most prominent politicians in the county fail to inspire the people with enthnsiam while second and third rates are hardly recognized at all. It is expected that politics will be enlivened a little toward the close of the campaign, yet no old fashioned political tallies arc looked tor this yeaß. ' This apathy is attributed to the lack of a real live issue between the two great partiee. The free silver issue which made the last two campaigns famous lias been abandored and the two side issues, the tariff and imperialism, are too stale to enthuse the people. The tariff is a necessity and can lie called an issue, and if educating and civilizing the Phili pinoe is imperialism that is necessary, too, in onr scheme of government, for it is admitted that the Philippines are not fitted for self government and, there fore. cannot be abandoned by Uncle Sam. Tub Bulletin if) the latest journalistic venture in Chouteau county. It >b pnb- Babed Hl Chinook ana is edited by Geo. y McPherson an eaeteru mam The first number is Well printed nod the paper promieee to become newsier as it grow, o-der. We wish it success. The Boer war has demonstrated thr. th* notion of military affairs In Eng land 1* wrung and that of warfare obsolete If we may trust report the tomed armies of Germany and France a** not ordered on a much better un 4*r*tandlug. The old- European lura at massive formation, of automatic pre J ■tolnn in drill, of parade excellence, ■till answers the Ideal. Armies, bow •MW large, made up In this way cat. ■Mk* little Impression on the lir»» for motion, accurate Individual marksman *lp ■nd Individual Initiative that char 1 Mtarlzes the Boer army, if on* may their commandoes by the um* of The m&erlence of Buffalo la dlacour • those who are planning similar ■■dartaklngs aiaawber*. But great ex MMtiosushould never be projected with may M«a of Immediate profit. Th* Cen tsaaial did not pay tar itaelf, yet it was aw of th* vary beat tnve*un«nta that Fhlladelpbiana rear made and of local amaM* benefit to th* wbol* aattoa. No Mb can pretend to Mtimate the anivar ■■l gain from th* groat Columbian fair. ■ *aly In th* aaathetlc Interoat It Mrakaned. and Chicago has profited **m it largely, although It moat have •bbaivod at th* tlm* a heavy Ananda! Mb* in that community. The rata* of * aablbltten la aat to b* m*aauMfi by * tooalpta and axpasiaea. hot by Ms ■fcgtoeter and tngoaaao. DEATH OF A. A. CECIL. Well known old timer dies suddenly after a short illness. A. A. Cecil, one es the beet known of the o>a m a.vis of nos community, uied at his home, near Fort Belknap last Tuesday idlernuori, alter u short niuese. The body wuh brought to the oily the next day and on Thursday was laid to rest lu llie cemetery, a ujlie or bo weal of the city. Pneumonia being the cause of dealt). Mr. Cecil came to Montana in 1885 as foreman of Ibu H.c-v came outfit ol Texas, and from here he went to Canada, where Ue looked nite.- mat company's interests for a year or so. He then re moved lo Wayne, wber:< lie engaged iu the saloon business, bought horses, buff alo bones and traded with Ilie Luuiane. During that period John Forgey and D. A. Ring wen, pariuers of his al differ ent lim s. He later engaged iu the livery and feed business with .1. 11. Dorriiy us a partner, and at that time the firm had a contract, to carry ihe mail to 8t Paul’u mission In the spring of J 897 he sold his sa loon business here to W. J. Hart, and Inter started a hotel and restaurant, which was known as the hotel Cecil, with W. E. French us a partner. Mr. Cecil has held various positions of trust and wan elected several times to the position of school trustee aud constable. Hu was married to his pros ent wife in 1888 and two daughters aud one eon survive him. Shortly after the railroad came through here he located an 80 acre tract of ground, where Harlem now stands and be has been appropriately called the “Father of Harlem.” Services were held at the Presbyterian church Thursday afterneon, Rev. A. N. Coe, officiating. J. C. Cronk was in ^he city Monday. A Congressman is not necessarily rich when he has his pocket full of hills. The nightingale is no mors Interest ing than the uildnlght cat to the man who wants to sleep. The latest fad In methods of walking is called the gracile glide.. You fade up the street lu a way that makes the foi>l klller fairly perspire. An enterprising Kansan now comes to the front with a machine to com press grasshoppers into bricks to be sold for poultry food. Next. The children are now abducting one another aud demanding ransom. Our country has its future Pat Crowes as well as Us future Presidents. A surgeoil la Lyons, France, has sup plied a rubber larynx and glottis for a patient that works perfectly. The rub ber neck now has a distinct and assured standing in the world of medicine. Notice for Publication. Department of th** Interior, Ijand Office at Great E .Ils. Monta m Oct. X, IWU Notice is hereby given that the so lowing named sett er h^ hied notice of his intention t< make final proof in support of nis claim ami that said proof will be made before John < . Elder. U. s < omnii*Bioner. at his office In Her lem. Montana, on November 14th, 19’4, viz: Al fn»d Watkins, who made homestead entry n . Itmt), for the be quarter, sec. 18, tB2 n , r 22 E Hu names the following wltneeeea to prove hi> continuous residence upon and c Itivatlon • f s od land- viz: John Yelland, Everett Sadler, William J. Hart, Ezra Hoyt, a’l of Harlem. Montana. J. M BUHLINGAME, Regif-ter First publication Oct. 5. 1904. Desert Land. Final Proof—Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. United States Laud < Itfice, Groat Falla. Mont.. Oct. 8. IWM. Notice ia hereby given ihut Deleie Broo a, assignee of Eeiix A. Porlx*. of Dodaon. Montana, han tiled notice ot iuuntion to make proof on her deeerl land claim no. 5328. for the n** quait r nw quarter, lota 1,2, 3. I, w quarter hw quurh^r “ec. 31 t3l north, r 27 • a*>t before John (’. Elder. U.S. 'ommiKMiouio at hw office iu Harlem. Montan \ on Saturday, the 12th day of Noyem her 1904 She nnmee the following witneese* to prove the complete irrigation aud reclamation of auid land: Aaron Greenman, Ulrich Nadeau, 'l'homM Hedy, J. W. ('rHwford, all of Dodaon. Montana. J M. BUKUNGAME, Kegiater. First publication Uct. 5, 1904. Desert Land, Final proof. Notice for publication. United HtGtvb Land Office. Great Fai Im MdauOot H, HMM. Notion hereby givsn that Ida C. LgrtHUof Harlem, Montm.a, ha* tiled notice 6f intention to • ake proof on her desert-land claim no 6121 for the n half hw quarter, lot B.'sec 23. tol n., r 25 6« before JohnC Ehlwr, U. 8. ( ommißwioner at hitt office in Harlem, Mt>ntana, on Friday, the 11th day of Novemlier 1904. Khe name® tb- following witneeseß to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Kiley Brook* of Dodson. Mont., John C. * Fonk and Joeei h F. Sipple, of Coburg. Mont . and C. Cooper Lynn, of lurlem, Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME, Register. Fir*t publication Oct 6, 1904. DESERT LAHO, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR FUMIGATION. Unitefl Ruu* Land Office, ws. • . <’r*«t Falla. Mont, Oct I, 1904. Notice 1H hereby given that George E. Heath, of Harlem. Moot., hae filed notice of intention to make proof on hie deeerUiand claim Do (12*2, for lota 1, fl. 7, mo quarter no quarter aee. 84. lota H, Ji •jo- » tB2 n . r 23eeRt. before John (’ RM-r »■. n < Omn'ls'l'’ -r , j], M.» Un oa suiumsy. the Ihh da, of Nov-w ber, 1904 Ha Damee the fol'onlng witneeaea to proto the complete Irrigation and reclamation of aaid land: i W'SXfr louden Minugh. Wil iam tMm H ’ l^nfear, all of Har . ' GAME. Beg later. Firet publication Oct 8, 1904. Harlem’s BIG -M a C. B. BARTON, PROP. Ms Wi I We will buy your Lambs provided you are prepared to win ter same. T. G. POWER 4 BRO., LM FORT BENTON, MONT. A. P. ROONEY, M. D. Office over’ Barton’s Store, HABLE 91. MONTAXA M. IMOBff General Contractor. Plans and,Furnished. k * / Shop in Rear of Dwellingßoath of Town Chinook, - Montana. SHIP CATTLE AND SHEEP TO THE VAN GOSEN HARRINGTON OR, SOUTH ST. PAIL, MUI. Write for Market Heports. GO TO st/ louis Via . -Mr. t THE NORTHWESTERN LINE AND CHICAGO FOCH FINE FAST TRAINS DAILY MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL TO CHICAGO ::::::::: Direct connections at' Chicago with 12 trains for St. Louis. STOPOVER ALLOWED AT CHICAGO For rates and other infor na tion regarding Worlds Fair address A. M FENTON, General Agent, Helena, Montana. —OK- T. W. TEASDALE, Gen’l Pa*~ nger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. -STOCKMEN-, Insure Highest Market Prices F<w Your Cattle ANO Sheep Ay «•**/*■<»* r*Ms f* Clay, Robinson a Company L>n Moe* Ooesasfsafcgs HICAGO SOUTH OMAHA tIOUX CITY AbSASCITY SO. ST. IMBhl » JIVM "• know whar row ■ . Unp and w, W.. 1 wtll lw _ : ■ « • -n ihc market*. s. o.wßteKtr | R. H. MCGIHMESS, JT™; A Drugs, Patept Medicines, Chest Protectors, Thermometers, Cut- J lery, Tobaccos, Cigars, Candies, School Supplies, Tab s lets, Clerk's Pens, Pencils, Toilet Supplies, Etc. I Phyßioians Presorlptions Carefully Compounded. J. A Livery and Feed Stable New Rigs. Gentle Horses. Stage leaves this stable for Avery every Friday returning Saturday. North Side. HARLEM. MONT. IVEW We will have One BRICK Million Brick for Sale __. _ next Spring. Brick aku areallof THE VERY BEST QUALITY And are Fully Guaranteed. Yards are tit Harlem, Montana, and are close to the Great Northern Railway sidetracks. For information of any kind, address E. LEES, Prop. : : Harlem, Mont. THE ELITE RESTAURANT' MRS. M B. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Good Table Board $5 per week. Everything neat and clean. We solicit a share of your business. Send No Money ONLY TOUB MAMB AND ADDIUUW For Sample of Cloth, Etc. $14.50 1E« Medal Tailors CO-TL ThM BL O«k Please mention thia paper. For Sale. Team of work h rsv s, geldings, 4 and 6 years old, weigh 19300l 9 300 apiene. Inquire <»f W. D. Dodge. | 1.. M. IRAt ION, President GEO. L. RAMSEY, Vice President I I ELIJAH SMITH, Cashier The First State Bank I MALTA, - - MONTANA 1 I —— I M Safe Deposit Deposit B xes in a steel safe contained in h tire-proof ■ I vault, for the storage ard ■ nf»keeping of documents of all kinds at a rental J? of Five Dollars per annum. 9 A Savings Depar'nu n' in which sums of One Dollar and upwards can ■ be depositee, drawing u ie at five percent per annum, compounded ■ semi annualh. Writ* us for fnr'her information. B Wo carry burglar in- rance against aoy loss that might occur from a S daylight brddnp or rmbery at night. H B We solicit your business and will give it our very best attention. B LGJiSb PUFCHU ...EXPOSniON. ST. LOUIS IV* O DECEMBER ' 04 THE LARGEST AND G a* Pt ■* EVER HF l w THE GREAT MP W’’ vorable re ■ its. Fo- fur I ~onr 1o l ',l i ern Railwaj,< ' F I. " G*d’> Pw'r । FOR SALE. 800 head of Wash ington Traub' Ran bouillet Bucks. Cal. on or address GEORGE COWAN Harlem, Mont. Ws&QMt Attorneys-at-Law. Office in Williams Building. Chinook, - Montana. CHAa. PEMBER, ONSORIAL ARTIST. -■* ’ll fnlil Whs Eypry wo ? reat Fh)I»» Htonm Launder HAHLEM, MON' | .