Newspaper Page Text
MILK RIVER VALLEY NEWS NEWS PUJ CO., (Incorporated!, Puoilsners. F. N. WILD, Business Manages* Entered at tho I’osiodioo at ilarloia, Montana, us itstter. 2 | _____ .»nox ;i\rH3.s . 9li: VK4K **.oo H X JIOXTHM » 1 ■ ** l*nl>linlied Every Wcdm-Nilay. Imhuhl Weekly. WEDNESDAY', < X I'OBER 19, ltX'l. ■KPIIBUOIV\*TI«SAIi rteUKT For PrMidi-ut, \. THEODORE ROOSHV'OfA of Now York. ' For Vice IV.- .lout OHAKLEH W, FAHUUNK'i, of Jadiuun KKI'I UlilCA\ HT.tTK TICKET Presidential Elect .r -Paul McCor nit'k of Yellowstone; A W. Mernfield of Flat bead; Thomas Uutican of Madison. in Congress J. M. Dixon, of Missoula. Governor—William Liudsay of Duw » * son. * .Lieutenant Govern r—L. W• King of GallaLiu. For Cbi-f Jusli-o of the Supreme Court—-Theodore Bractiy of Powell •ounty. ' Secretary or'Htate—A. N. Yoder, of Silver Bow county. State Treasurer —J. H. B’"e of Chou teau county. State Auditor—Harry Cunningham of Silver Bow. Attorney General -A. J Galen of Lewn and Clarke. Superintendent of Public Instruction —W. E. Harmon of Gallatin. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Members of the Legislature—T. M. Everett, Harlem; 0 P Brigham, Havre. Eg- »3aeriff—Frank McDonald, Fort Bento ~ For County Treasurer —John C. Sulli van, tort Benton. For Gleik of the Court-C, H. Boyle, Fort Benton. For Clerk and Recorder —W. R- Deet, Chinook. For 'County Attorney—C. N. Pra} , Fort Benton. For Assessor A. E. Lewis, Chincok. For County Auditor—B. V. Powerp, Fort Bmton. ~ For Superint* ndeut of Schools— Misß Agnes Atkinsou, Teton. For Oouuty Surve/rr- -A. W. Merri fteld, Chinook. According to all reports a detective eon id earn a f«ir salary in this city by guarding the back doors of some of the business houses from would be sneak thieves, who are too oowurdly to operate rn the day time. We aek every reudar of tbii paper to carefully read and study the republican platform which appears ia this paper. If you will do that we have no fViir of you voting for any oilier candidate otuer than those appearing cn the republican ticket. Registration began on thfe 17th and closes on tne 29t.1i. Don’t overlook it! Register at once a.d get every good republican to do the same. Howev r, il may be that you don’t need to register this fall. If you have not changed your voting precinct since last election you are all right. If you have changed, you mußl get a irausfer. If you are u new voter in the Lnd you muifc legiHter. W. G. Conhad hue bought the Greut Fails Tribune, and it is generally under stood it is iu order that he may have a personal organ in his campaign for the •enaturship. I that is the case W. G. has bought the biggest gold brick he h»s •ver had any experience with. A news paper that a candidate for office owns is absolutely worthless to him, end it may easily be u decided injury. If Mr. Gon lad wants to he United States Senator from Montana, iu case the democrats •any the legislature, he would belter give that newspaper away. W. F. Mkybk, candidate for state sen ator on the republican ticket from Car bon counlv, bo the dispatches say, at •aipted to kiss a beautiful young wo ■aan on the streets of lied Lodge not long ago. She resisted and it is said thut he got the kiss anyway, hld the matter is now the only subject of con versation there at the present time. it m inferable from the young ladies alti tude that she is not exclaiming with Fatima in leunyson’s poem: “O love! O tire! he drew with oue long kite my whole soul through my lips, us sunlight sfrinketh dew.” It is also evident thut t did not take any appreciable amoiii t of shine off the celebrated smack tin t Don Juan g.*ve Haidee iu the s.coi.d canto- thut “long, long kies, a kiss of youth and love, und beauty, all concen trating like rays into one focus kindleo from above; 6tich kisses as belong to the early days, where heart, and so .1, and ■, in concert move, and th* blood's lavn, and the pulse ablaze ” break Away, there, Burton’s department store has a big line of warm goods. REPUBLICAN CLUB IS FORMED Holds Smakea Saturday Evening and Mem bers listen to red hot speeches. Friday evqiuug a number of the leads iug republicans of Harlem and vicinity met nt ihk New* office nud formed a Roosevelt and F.orbanks republican club with a large membership. The followingofficeis we.© elected: President—Alodzo Smith. Fire Vice President—C. H. Barton. Secoud Vice President —W. E. French. Treasurer - C. A. Smith. Secretary— F. N. Wild. A , smoker was held at the school bouse the nevt evening which was argoly attended. Cigars were passed around and everybody smoked uuu talked lepublicamsm until Hon. Chas. N. Pray, the present ooiiuiv attorney was introduced. He oiadu the best »ff hand speech t ver hoard iu Harlem or any other pluce and for twenty minutes held the large audience spell bound wilh eloquent oratory, during which he was often caused to wait by the thunders of .applause which on more than one oc casion greeted him. He was followed by Hon. T. M. Everett, republican candidate for the legislature, who confined his remarks morn to county and state affairs and who was also often applauded. The meeting was a great success and it is the purpose of the club to hold other gatherings of a similar nature be fore the camgaign is ended. Cold weather has been coming for several days, and every day brings a little bit more chill, and y-sterday the overcoat was not 100 heuvy for comfort. 1 h*‘ sky was coven d with murky clouds und the atmosphere was crimpy as the teamster says. The clothing merchants put out their hruyy goods and these attracted attention, especially among those who have nothing in the way to show for their summer’s work. The dealers in heating stoves are busy these dayp. and generally the people are making ready for the reception of the winter season. The forecast from weath<*r headquarters indicates a cold spell, and sometimes these forecasts are correct. Business in ail lines of mer ohandine is said to be good and the out look tor a prospeious fall and winter trade was never better iu Harlem nt this time of the year. For Sale Cheap. Owing to my family moving to Kalis pell for the winter I will sell six dozen of the finest bared Plymouth ltock chickens in the Milk River valley. Ad dreso, Ham Lee, Dodson, Mont. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office ut Groat F<tlls. Montana, Oct 8, 1901. Notice 1h hereby given that the following named nett er hns filed notice of hin intention to make final pro if in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Irefore John C. Klder, H; s.« ommi-sion«>r. at his office in Har lem. Montafia, on Novein‘>er 14th, lIM4, viz: Al fred Watkin*. who made homestead entry no. 10600, for these quarter, sec. 18. 132 n., r 22 E. He n tines the following witnesses to prove nie continuous residence upon and o'ltivation of s id laud, viz: John Yellaml, Everett Sadler, William J. Hart, Ezra Hoyt, ad of Harlem, Montana. I. M BUHL!NGAME, Register. First publication Oct. 6. 1904. Desert Land. Final Proof-Notice for Publication. Dejiartnient of the Interior, United States Land Office, Great Fulls, Mont., Oct. 8, 1904. Notice is hereby given ihat Delate Brooks, a-signee of Ke ix A. roibes. of Dodson, Montana, has filed notice of lnt» ntion to make proof on her desert land claim no. 5828, for the ne quart r liw q arter. lots 1,2, 8, 4, ho quarter hw quarter sec. 31 t 81 north, r 27 east before John 0. Elder, U. S. < ommWinner at his office in Harlem. Montann, on Saturday, the 12th day of Novem ber 1904 She names the following witnesses to provo the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Aaron Greonm&n, Ulrich Nadeau, Thomas Kelly, J. W. Crawford, all of Dodson. Montana. J M. BI'KLINGAME, Register. First publication Uot. 5, 1904. Desert Land, Final proof. Notice for publication. United States Land Office. Great Kalln Mont, Oct 3,1904 Notice is hereby givon that Ida C. Larsen, of Harlem, Montana, has filed notice of intention to • ake prOftf on her desert 'and claim no 6124 for the u half hw quarter, lot 8. sec 28, t 31 n., r 26 e. before Jol|n C Elder, U. S. Commissioner at his ->ffice in Harlem, Montana, on Friday, the Uth day of November. 1901. She names th* following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Kiley Brooks of Dodfmn, Mont., John C. 1 rtink and Joset h F. Sipple, of Coborg, Mont. and ('. Cooper Lynn, of iltrlctu, Montaua. J. M. BURLINGAME, HegisUr. First publication Got. 6, 1904. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Groat Falls. Mont., Oct 8. 1904. Notice is hereby given that George E. Heath, of Harlem. M. nt , has filed notice of intention to niaks proof o 4 his desert land claim no 82*2, for "ts 1, rt. 7, je qu-iroM- -ii* quarter sec. 84. lots 8, 4, MW. :i6 t 32 u r 23 e »*t. Irefora Jol.n (J. Elder • • s. ( 0m miss loner at his office in Harlem MonUnn/on s atnnlay, the 12th day of Novrin r, 1984 . He naniPH the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: WilUam Johnson, Louden Minugh, William J. McCornell, William 11. lAnfear, all o* Har lem, Montana. N •» M. HULLING A ME. Keister. First publication Oct. B, 1904. Harlem’s BIG D f: r T JVI A m IV mb. T S T O R IE Cl BAM, F»ROJE». We will buy your Lambs provided you are prepared to win ter same. f a POWER 4888, LU PORT BENTON, MONT. IP.ROOM, M.D. Office over Barton’s Store, HAUIaF.II. - MOAT A* A 1. iutkiin General Contractor. Plans ar.d Fprctfieafitjrn Famished. 3hop in Rear of Dwelling South of Town Ohmook, - Montana. SHIP CATTLE AND SHEEP TO THE VAN DDSEN kARMGTGI CG, .S ;UTH ST. PAUL, MM. * '• Vs') Write for Market ICeportN. , GO TO ST. LOUIS Via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE AND CHICAGO FOUR FINE FAST TRAINS DAILY MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL TO CHICAGO ::::::::: Direct connections at Chicago with 12 trains for St. Louis. STOPOVER ALLOWED AT CHICAGO For rates nnd other informa tion regarding Worlds Fair address A. It KKNTOV (it-noral Agent, Helens, Montana. —OB— T. W. TEASDALE, Gen'l Agent, Bt. Paul, Minn. rSTDCXMfN-i Bnsure Highest ! Market Prices For Four Cattle Sheep by oonwlgnlng them In Clay, Robinson & Company Llvm Stock Oommlnmlnn CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY KANSAS CITY SO. ST. JOSE.’I 0 . IVER M Innw wh.l VM !»/•• 1 • you expert to .hip nnd ~ wL.I m well in formed on the markets. R H MCGINNESS ”~1 j 11. 11. ITIUUIIIIIUW, HARLEM. MONT, j k Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chest Protectors, Thermometers, Cut- | J lery, Tobaocos, Cigars, Candies, School Supplies, Tab- I f lets. Inks, PeiiS, Pencils, Toilet Supplies, Etc. | \ —— | j Phyaoians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. | ~ — — — — — J. A BADLEH. Livery and Feed Stable New Gentle Horses. Stage leaves this stable for Avtryevery Friday returning Saturday. North Side. / HARLEM, MONT. ]\T Jfci We will have One ]gzj Million Brick for Sale 2M IT" Mina next s P rin ?- Brick * are all of THE VERY BEST QUALITY And are Fully Guaranteed. Yards are at Harlem, Montana, and are close to the Great Northern Railway sidetracks. For information erf any kind, address E. LEES, Prop. : : Harlem, Mont. THE ELITE ■ RESTAURANT MRS. M B. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Good Table Board $5 per week. Everything neat and clean. We solicit a share of your business. Send No Money ONX.F TOCm KAMI AND ADDRESS For Smmplot of Cloth, Ate. I LL-WOI. £ 1 A Pf\ MARE TO dim •«•£* TR Medal Tailors •On Thlx4 BA IllSiM, •*. Please mentlo* this pap«r. For Sale. Team of work b' geldings. 4 and 0 years old, weigh 1,300 apiece. Inquire of W. D. Dodge. K. M. TRAFTON, President GEO. L. RAMSEY, Vice President ELIJAH SMITH, Cashier The First State Bank MALTA, - - MONTANA .A. Ctenei-e.l Banking Business Transaoted ■e Safe Deposit Deposit Boxes in a steel side contnined in a tire-proof vsnlt for the storage and safekeeping of documents of nil kinds at u rental of Five Dollars per annum. A Savings Department iu which sums of One Dollar nnd upwards can be deposited, druwieg interest s'five percent per annum, compounded semi HEUllblly. Write tie for further information. We carry burglar insurance Bgninst any lose that might oocur from a daylight holdup or robbery at night. We solicit your business and will give it our very best attention. L 0 j ISIA H M PURCHASE ...EXPOSITiaN ST. LOUIS WAY I O DECEMBER I, S'*'? THLARQ6T ANDORADreT i EVER HELD THE GREAT KOIP '' ; W 111 tell ( M 1 i h vombif* rat**- . itß. For forth* your tocnl flg< r i i ern HRilwH\,or i cM s N FT. God*) Paae’r iin H. I .t , . FOR SALE. 800 head of Wash ington Traub Ran: v bouillet Bucks. Oal. on or address GEORGE COWAN Harlem, Mont. Attorney s-at- Law. Office in Williams Building. Chinook, - Montana. —r —■ — CJb'Aa. PEMBER, TONSORIAL ARTIST. t C;P fl :!! Sc!IS Ml Hrlfirfloy / U-UhLi— ■i'i l Ki.llfl Sioiirr. LunnCry 'i' l F\l, HK-HsT. I . a.