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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
VfeMWton almn w^ome. I. A. HATCH, V. C. JL V. QBATBKAL. Chrk. * 160.00 BEWABD! We will pay the above reward for the arrest and •oovictioa of any party or partiea breaking into MU* •hearing plant on Wayne Creek and remov ng property therefron . M. Hktknbaok. 1100 Beward. 1 will pay f 100 reward for infonnat'.on leading to the conviction of party or parties removing timber from cabins on Woody Island on land <, owned by me. This includes all trespaeeore, and all will be treated alike Chub Maloney Notice For Publication. Departniontof die Inb-Air. Land Office at Great Falk, Montana. September IV. 1904 Notice is hereby given that tho x following homed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hie claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Hands, U. 8- Commivsioaer nt his office in Chinook, Montana, on Novemlx*r Ist. 1904, viz: Martin K. Lake, who made homestead en try number IWOS for the E half HE quarter sec 26, w half SWquarter sec. 25, T 82 north., range 21 east. He name* the following witnesses to prove his oontinous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Dick Anderson, Charles O'son. Moses Ander bod, John Stahl, all of Chinook, Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME, Register. First publication Sept. 21. 1004. Notice of Forfeiture. T.> WilHam D. McKenzie, his heirs or assigns: You are hereby notiged that I have expended during the year 1903, one hundred and forty (9140) dollars in labor and improvements upon the Big Chief, Mary Kuby ana Twilight quarts lode mining oiaima, situated in Little Rookies, (unorganised) mining district, Chouteau county. Montan.. a more particular description of said I claims is fwund in the location notices of said lodes, recorded is the office of the county re. Border of Chouteau county. Montana. That said labor was performed and the imprevocseafa were made for the purpose of holding said dafthe under ths provisions of section MU, revised statutes of Che United States, and the amend manta thereof concerning annual labor on mla. iteK etaiam. for taejir^*Kag Dao. Slat. MM and to main the amount expanded on the said throe claims, three hundred (|SOO| dollar*. If within ninety days after tile publication of this notice you fail or rotneo to contribute your proportion of such expenditure ae a o<M>wner, your interest in said claims, will become the property of tho subeoriber, one of your 00-own ers, who has made the required expenditure, ac cording to the terms of the said eectkjo, T. S. CARTER. Dated Sept. M, 1964. First publication Sept. 21,1904. FOR SALE 65 Cunningham De lano Bucks. 110 Mixed, all grades arid all ages. Henry Sureman. % Savoy, Mont. A FULL LINE OF t X. PENDLETON, ORE., BLANKETS must be closed out regardless of cost mus ^ Lave the room they U 5 no w occupy for our y ^ 3 |1 x^ New Fa!H & Winter Goods |o ( । \Don’t overlook tl^ese/< Q^< IS It ©1 \ THFYMH.U S<X\s ! ^ h I•§i • * xJ H T v u S 2 *S^Hlr-r? fin We have the largest stock of ®l I'l^/#< OVERSHOES ® r ® a s .©^(LO * w ™ <3 5 A 3“ >< V/< anda r# 9 elWUeni2op€«cantl«sthan ? wT § ? JP S K other merchants Q * ® 3 Come lr®. eeui-d £ > 2 seu 0-2 X, WATMT X. Xyour trade\ Frweh Trading 00. handle th. beat Um of rubber* .nd overshoe, that are made in the United Btatee, they coat more than the other* but the American mtizeo know, that the beat ia the cheap **t It* the gold Seal Laue. DON’T BE HARD OP-Ton will mla t*. beet chance you ever had to make money feat if you do not write at once. Every day's delay is money lost. Biggest snap on earth Money coming In doily A perfect gem for every home. -They all want it. Every one buys it. Youshow what It will do and it sells itself. Unwise to de* lay. ('atalogue free. Agent* wanted. Address Lodge Pole Supply Co., Col. Healey, Manager, Hays, Montana Notice for Publication. Department of the Intenor, Land Office at Great Falla, Montana. , Oct. 3. 1904. Notice in hereby given tliat the following named better baa hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before John C. Elder, L T . S. Commissioner, nt his office In Bar -1 m Montana, on November Uth. ISOL viz: Al fred Watkin>. who mad* homestead entry no. 10060, for these quarter, sec. 18. t 32 n., r 22 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and o"ltivatlon of said land, viz: John Yelland, Everett Sadler, William J. Hart, Ezra Hoyt, all of Harlem, Montana. J. M BURLINGAME, Register. First publication Oct. 6. 1904. Desert Land. Final Proof—Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. United States Laud Office, Great Falls. Mont, Oct. 3, 1904. Notice is hereby given that Delcie Broods, assignee of Felix A. Forbes.of Dodson, Montana, has filed notice of Intention to make proof on her desert land claim no. 5328, for tbe ne quart r nw quarter, lota 1, 2,3, 4, se quarter sw quarter sec. 91 t 31 north, r 27 east, before John C. Elder, U. 8. Commissioner at hie office in Harlem. Montana, on Saturday, the 12th day of Novem ber. 1904 She Dames the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of eaid land: Aaron Greenman. Ulrich Nadeau. Thomas Kelly. Job W. Crawford, all of Dodson, Montana. J M. BURLINGAME. Register. First publication Oct. 5, 1904. 's Dmrt Load, Mnsl proof Notioo for publication. United State. Lad OOm, Great Falla. Mont.. Oct 9,19&4. Notice ia hereby given that Ida C. Tureen, of Hariem, Montana, baa filed notioo of intention to b ake proof on her desert-1 and claim no 6114, for the n half sw quarter, lot 1. eeo M, 4 M n^ r Me. before John C. Elder. U. 8. Commissioner at his office in Harlem, Montana, on Friday, the 11th day of November. 1904. She names th* following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land. Riley Brooks of Dodson, Mont., John C. Cronk and Joseph F. Sipple, of Coburg, Mont . and C. Cooper Lynn, of Harlem, Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME. Register. First publication Got. 5, 1904. .1 JI LI .r«»VW WUM W ■ ■»*■—UlU W-' DESERT LAHG, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . United States I And Office, Great Falls. Mont., Oct 3, 1904. Notice is hereby given that Georg* E. H«ath, of Harlem. Mont., has filed notice of intention to make proof on his deserbland claim no 62-2, for AuN F. (L 3 se quarter ne quarter sec. 34. lots 3, 4, sec. 85 t 32 n . r 23 east, before John C. Elder, u. 8. Commissioner at his office in Harlem. Montana, on Saturday, the 12th day of Novem ber, 19(M. He names the following witneeses to prove the ^mplete irrigation and reclamation of said Willinn Johnson. Louden Min ugh, William J. mS Oc '“. Wiiltam 11. Untear. all o? Har lem. Montana. u BUItIJNOAME Fir«t Oct ’> 18 0»- RINGWS tik CLUBSALODN Finest Wines and. Liquors Constantly on hand. Ev eryone welcome. Cour teous treatment to all. NORTH SIDE. HARLEM. MONT. Gro to tiye== Livery Stable W. 1). DODOE>, Fine Teams Furnished on Stvort Notice. Hay and Oats for Sale SOUTH SIDE. HARLEM MONTANA. • MAVERICK SALOON. H. C. TURNER, PROPRIETOR. I —DEALER IN— WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ! i ; Only the Very Beet Grades Handled in all Lines. j J Pool ill illiard Rooms. — AGENT FOR j PURERYE : Guaranteed 12 years old. Fine for medicinal purposes. J The Best Peer to be Had in the City. Old Friends Always Welcome, while the Latch String is Always Out to New Oues W’hile in town drep in $ and see us. SILVER DOLLAR SALOON JJUMS & cmauu, PROPS. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. SCHLITZ A SPECIALTY — HEAR THE MUSIC BOX Opposite Dodge’s Livery Barn. Harlem, Montana. Notice. 5C 0 homesteads on va cant Government land on the Big Flat 16 miles north of Harlem. G-ood water can be obtained at a depth of from 16 to 30 feet. A Rood crop of oats and flax raised this year without irrigation. Pick out your homestead and file before «TOHm O. ELDER, United State* Commiamoaer. - HARLEM, MONTANA THE NEWS FOR GOOD JOB WORK.