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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
MILK RIVER VALLEY NEWS NEWS PUB 00., (incorporated), Publishers. F. N. WILD, Business Manascs. Entered at die t'OsioJicM at 11-uit m, MeaUaa, l* BocOjl CItSS Mail Mutter. SUdCIUPriON BATKS. SNK YKAK *2.00 MIX MONTUN • 1.25 Published Every Wednesday. Issued Weekly WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 1904. UFI'BLII'AV »ATW. 11. T.< HIT For Pretud- nt THEODORE ROOSEVELI of New York. For Vb’« President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indians. REPUBLICAN sTATK TICKET 1 . Presidential Electors —Paul McCor mick of Yellowstone; A. W. Merrifield of Flathead; Thomas Duncan of Madison. Representative in Congress—J. M. Dixon, of Missoula. Governor —William Lindsay of Daw son.' Lieutenant Governor—E. W. King of Gallatin. For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court—Theodore Brandy of Powell county. Secretary of State —A. N. Yoder, of Silver Bow county. State Treasurer —J. H. Rice of Chou teau county. State Auditor—Harry Cunningham of Silver Bow. Attorney General—A. J Galen of Lewis and Clarke. Superintendent of Public Instruction —W. E. Harmon of Gulia'in. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Members of the Legislature—T. M. Everett, Harlem; 0. P. Brigham, Havre, For Sheriff—Frank McDonald. Fort Bente A. For County Treasurer—John C. Sulli van, Fort Benton For Clerk of the Court—C. H. .Boyle, Fort Benton. For Clerk and Recorder —W. R. Li et, Chinook. For County Attorney—o. N. Tray, Fort Benton. For Assessor —A. E. Lewis, Chincok. For County Auditor —B. L. Powers, Fort Benton. For Superintendent of Schools —Mies Agnes Atkinson, Teton. For County Surveyor—N. V. Merri field, Chinook. The automobile fa beating out foot ball In the race sos the Fatality stakes Some efty will yet break the record by getting up an exposition that Is a colossal and unqualified success. A man won a girl nor bls bride by playing to her on a violin. But be shouldn't be blamed for that. It mlglit have been a trombone or an accordeon. The Kaiser has made a major general of Dr. Koch, which seems a little para doxlcal A man who devotes his time to saving life doesn't seem at borne with a military title. President Schwab of the steel trust played golf tor the first time at Glen View the other day. and took thirty strokes to make the first hole. There are other games that Schwab can play bet ter. Sir Thomas Lipton .ays there are “no girls like the American girls.’’ You said It too late. Sir Tom. Since-you de clared you would not marry until you lilted the cup the girls take your com pllwent as i Jolly. Elsewhbbe io this issue of” The News will be found the speech of William Lindsay, republican candidate for gov ernor, delivered in the joint assembly of the legislature of Montana at a time when legislators integrity was ua rare in Montana as the jewel of oonstiteocy is rare generally. The voters of Chootean Bounty should read the address from tbs first line to the last. The address indi cates ths character of the man who made it. There would be no suspicion of un due intlnsnoe against such u man r.a William Liddsay as governor or in any other official capacity, A man who pass ed unscathed through the corruption attendant upon the senatorial election m the legislators of 1899 can be trusted anywhere. You should get one of those washing machines at Barton's. Newest and best ever placed on the market. Use only •bout half the waler that th- oilier ado Dr. J. L. Dio kaon, the Chinook dentist, will visit Harlem Monday of each week prepared to do al) kinds of deotal work. Teeth extracted EZ. Wait for him Order your Buttern-k patterns nod Delineator at Barton's. No charge for postage. The French Trading Co. a e receiving daily new and np to date novelties in the dry goods and notion line. FOR RENT—Six large rooms in desir able portion of oily. Plenty of room for one or two families. Inquire at hotel. W. J. But. The finest line of fancy pickles that ever came to Harlem are on the shelves at the French Trading 00. Concluded from First Page. that the republican contingency of this house will remain true x to their constitueiitH; twie to the honor and integrity of the great common w alth of Montana. ‘lf we are to judge by the words or claims and counter claims that have bren bandied from mouth in the hotel corridors and upon the streets, the 15 members of the re party in this body have been looked upon as many pieces of clay, to be fashioned into shape and voted the will of some political broker; but, gentlemen, I want to to say to yon that when the end of this contest has been reached the 15 members will be found as 15 blocks of granite bearing aloft the platform of the republican party. ‘Bully. Bully,! Great applause, which rests the eternal principles of republicanism, and from its flag staff shall float the proud banner of the republican party as spotless^ and unsullied as when our consti tuants gave it to our keeping. “Mr. President, I desire to cast my vote for Cornelius Hedges.” Great applause. A voice, ‘ Thank God.” If you haven't the cash to buy your goods your jaw bone is welcome at Bar ton’s. He knows is it not possible to al ways have be caeu, but you must have something to eat and wear. LODGE POLE NOTES. Doings of Landusly, Zcrtman and the a, Agencv Recordeu tiere. The rapidity of growth in the little oily of Zortmsu is simply wonderful in the last year. Chief White Head of Saiut Pauls Mis sion was a Lodge Pole visitor the other day. The engagement of The Mun-Afraid-of bis Wife to Miss Mud-in the Barrel is announced. James W. Perry Industrial teacher at Fort Belknap was a mountain visitor on Sunday. The remains of Charles Walker who died in Ihe Columbus hospilal at Great F. Us arrived at the mountains on the 14th and was buried thr same day. Mr. Walker was a gentleman of sterling qualities aud n true friend. He was loved by all who had the pleasure of meeting his acquaintance. Peace to his ashes. Dau Kuhnehan returned from Harlem with supplies on the 15 th. The threshing machine and engine passed through here on its way to the Phillips ranch on Saturday. Walter E. French Harlem’s popular merchant, purchased a carload of horses from Jack Brown last week. The TL outfit was rounding up on Lodge Pole last week. Dog Running Away, an Indian, killed a fine big black tail buck in the moun tains this week. George Heath the Zortman merchant, is some on the shoot himself he killed a deer near the oily last week. New York eating apples at Ite de partment store. For bale—Thirty Plymouth Rock chickens. Enquire at Sadler's livery barn. Do you know that the French Trad ing company have put in a slock of fine jewelry and that the same will be sold by them on commission until Dec. 27ih. Go in and examine same. It will please you. Did you read the apple talk in the ad vertisement of the French Trading Co? If you did not, do so al. pnee as it will be money iu your pocket. for Sale Cheap. Owing to my family moving to Kalis pell for the winter I will sell six dosen of the finest bared Plymouth Rock chickens in the Milk River valley. Ad drees, Ham Les, Dodson, Mont. NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF TIME FOR REGISTRATION Registry district, No. 1, Chouteau county. Montana. Notice is hereby given that the time for Ihe registration of the names of qualified electors in registry district No. 1, in ihe county of Cbontean, and State of Montana, prior to the election to be h»ld on Tins lay, the Bth day of No vember, A. D. 1904, for the said oounty of Cbonlean, will expire at 9 p. m. on Hie 29th day of October, 1904. The names of the several praoinote embraced in said registration district No. 1, are as follows: Harlem. Dodson, Savoy and Avery. L. MINU Hi, Registration Agent, District No 1. Harlem’s BIG a C. B. BABTON, PROP. La* W! We will buy your Lambs provided you are prepared to win ter same. T. G. POWER 4 BRO, LID FOBT BENTON, MONT. A. P. ROONEY, M. D. Office over Barton’s Store, HAHLEM. MONTANA M. Gem! Contractor. Plana and Specifications Furnished. Shop in Rear of Dwelling South of Town Chinook, - Montana. SHIP CATTLE AND SHEEP TO THE VAN DUSEN HARRINGTON CO., SOUTH ST. PAUL, MIIN. Write for Market Report*. GO TO ST. LOUIS Via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE AND CHICAGO FOUR FINK FAST TRAINS DAILY MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL TO CHICAGO ::::::::: Direct nonnootions at Chicago with 12 trains for St. Louis. STOPOVERALLOWEDATCHICAGO For ratee and other infornDa tion regarding Worlds Fair address A. M FENTOM, General Agent, Helena, Montana. —OB— T. W. TEASDALE, Gen’l Pabewnger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. ■STOCKMEN-. Insure Highest Market Prices Far Tatar Cattle Sheep Ar MMMZgnSng fhaat fa Clay, Robinson & Company Uva 9taa^ Oaatatfaafaa CHICASO SOUTH OMANI SIOUX CITY XANiAXCITY tO ST.mKRJ IwtD.kmw w h,t ] ,• exiwl fuahip ami we , [ ; ~u lonwed on lb« markwa ’ ” U l "' IR. H. MCCINNESS, I | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chest Protectors, Thermometers, Cut- i ; lery, Tobaccos, Cigars, Candies, School Supplies, Tab- T | lets, Inks, Pens, Pencils, Toilet Supplies, Etc. | । Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. | J. A. SADDER, 4- Livery and Feed Stable New Rigs. Gentle Horses. Stage leaves thia stable for Avery every Friday returning Saturday. North Side. HARLEM. MONT. MEW We will have One BRICK Million Brick for Sale __ next Spring. Brick are all of THE VERY BEST QUALITY And are Fully Guaranteed. Yards are at Harlem, Montana, and are close to the Great Northern Railway sidetracks. For information of any kind, address E. LEES, Prop. : : Harlem, Mont. THE ELITE RESTAURANT • MRS. M B. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Good Table Board $5 per week. Everything neat and clean. We solicit a share of your business. Send No Money ONLT TOUB NAMB AND ADDRJCBB Fer JampXw •/ Cloth, Eto. $14.50 lift Medal Tailor* se-n Tiurt m. Mlmt, PU*m mantle* this papas. Cranberries at Barton’s. Those knowing themselves indebted to me are invited to call and settle. G. J. Rinowald. ra"BH»»BBBBBB|BBHBMBB«M TRAFTON, President GEO. L. RAMSEY, Viaa President B I ELIJAH SMITH, Oas hire ~ The First State Bank I MALTA, - - MONTANA I -A. Genera: Ba.nJting Business Transacted B Safe Deposit Deposit Boxes in a steel safe contained in a fire-proof JB I vault for the storage and safekeeping of documents of all kinds at a rental of Five Dollars per annum. O A Savings Department in which sums of One Dollar and upwards can B be deposited, drawing interest at five per cent per annum, compounded B semi annually. Write us for further information. M We carry burglar insurance against any loss that might occur from a B daylight holdup or robbery at night. ■ LWe solicit your business and will give it our very beet attention. B > BBBMBBBIBBHBBBBBMBBB ® fIJ LOUISIANA PURCHASE ...EXPOSITION... ST. LOUIS MAY I TO DECEMBER I, 1904 THLARQBT AND QRADEBT EXPOSITION EVER MELD THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Will sell exenrsi'"! tickets us fa vursblo rater, with'• nitable lim its. For further purucu.are rw yonr local agent of Oreat North ern Railway, or address F. I. WHITNEy, Gen’l I’ass'r and Ticket Agout, St. P s ul, 12 it». FOR SALE. 800 head of Wash ington Traub Ran: bouillet Bucks. Cal. on or address GEORGE COWAN Harlem, Mont. MsO’Krt Attorneys-at-Law. Office in Williams Building. Chinook, - Montana. CHAIS. PEMBER, TONBORIAL ARTIST. Het 825 C'd BatJs Emy ' Saturday Agent for Great Falls Steam Lanndrj HARLEM, MONT.