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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Alpha Wolary, of Coberg, waa in the city Monday on business. The new Presbyterian parson age is nearing completion rapidly. A number of young people from Chinook spent Sunday in this city. M. H. Rico, the “Nompareil” whiskey man, came in from St. Paul Inst Thursday. Miss Polly Watkins has r signed her position as compositor in this office and is succeeded by Oral Bathbone. Large quantities of hay still continue to leave thi- place every day for Shelby Great Fall- and other western points. Frank McDonald, the next sher iff of this county, was in the city Monday making a final round up of the republican votes here. We’d like to live outdoors a spell; to own a farm and flowing vyell, a large frame house and grove of pine, some speckled cows and long tailed swine—and get away from politics—where every prospect pleases. Work on the new brick school is progressing rapidly and the bri n k masons are now above th? second stoiy, It is the intention of the contractors to have the buildiiig tinder roof before enow flies, if possible. W. E. French, G W. 'Vehnum, J. C. Elder, L. Minugh, W. .1. Hart, A. Smith. .1. E. Fox, A. E. Smith, W. M. Williams, Hon. T. M. Everett, F. N. Wild and several other.-, from this city attended the big republican meeting in Havre Wednesday. While in Havre Wednesday afternoon the editor of this paper was introduced to several as Con gressman Joe Dixon. We have been stepping rather high sinee then and while the Congressman does things at Washington we are here in Harlem with the goods also. Thank you. Sunday evening the gasoline cook stove in the residence of Fred Brockway took a funny no tion and for a while it looked as though the' Brockway residence would be wiped off of the earth. Word w.s sent io the church jusi as evening services Legau, and the entire congregation undertook to put out the bl >zo, leaving the preacher for a time without an audience. No damage was done and the crowd soon filed back to the church where the services were resumed without any further dis turbance. TRADIIMQ. COWIPAIMY,^ HASULEM. MOR T T. I '. I •■ ■’’■'f nniWT arawwßwwrw^. awmuaif awx- i.'aaaßßSßßHktfHSii i:.. <it ■*aK ^^‘X9KJ!T^s9!^--33KnmsFiBniaafmsKaiKiKaiaHUKBiiKsnaM Z> 1Q» g H H» IWL * sL - ^Tk Joi—— 4 JBL. • We have ordered a carload of apples. They are to be as good as those we had last year. We will accept orders from now until the car arrives and we quoce the price at $1.50 par box, same to be delivered from the car. After they are un loaded and stored in opr cellar the price will be $1.75. See that your order is placed now- : : : : : : PBiiinsalar Wss mi Heaters * are the best that can be made. They are sold under a guarantee bond and are of the high est grade of work and material. If you see a man that is always cheerful you can bet that his house is heated with a Peninsular heater and his wife cooks on Peninsular range. We Keep Them I OUR PRICES AND GOODS WILL HOLD YOUR TRADE TIE to EBDi 10 Hotel ?• " J- HART, IToprietor. 31 C S ~ PC r Dll ' up. ! ind Class Bar in Conn ti n. ’ HARLEM, MONT. New York eating apples at iLo de partment store. M. O’Farrell, the bookkeeper at the Agency store left Thursday for points in Canada, where ho will visit friends and relatives for some time. He was accompanied by Vernou Smith of this city. The young people of the city enjoyed themsdves hugely Friday evening at a Hallow’een party. A large uumb"r of whom visited the different homes in the city where tricks of various kinds were played on the unsuspecting. A merry time was reported by all. Just because this or that demo crat is a “nice* fellow" is no excuse for any republican voting for h m. The men on the republican ticket are nice feliows too, and they have been regularly nominat'd and de serve your support. The most that you can win by supporting a demo cratic nominee is the ‘ horselaugh.” Let, us see how many straight re publican votes we can pile up this fall. The Helena Independent alone has drawn thousands of d 11 r from the state treasury, and it is alleged that the paper has coll eted for p per and other material not in sight If the accusation lie true, and the scores of other demo cratic barnacl s have p ofitted likewise, it would b j well for the voters to eiqi the Toole regime. No other way can be utilized to chop off the grafters, and tn find just how much state money- Ims been squandered. Mrs E. S. Pool returned Wed nesday from her eastern trip It was snowing when she left St. Paul anl she glad to get back to the sunshine of the famous Milk River \ .11 \ . What’s the Mattar with These? What’s the matter with Lind say? He’s all right? What’s the matter with Dixon? He’s all right? What’s the matter with Everett and Brigham? They’re tdl right? What’s the matter with Pray, Boyle, Sullivan, Leet, McDonald, Merrifield, Miss .Atkinson and Lewis ? There're all right? Who- Lindsay, Dixon, Everett, Brigham— And the whole push! T hey’re all right! Take n look nt the underwear at Bur ton's department otore. A new line ot ladies wrappers at French Trading Co’s. Cast your ballots foi James Rnnuel and Emil Nelson for constables ot this township. The Best Beer in the city is Lorelei, a Montana production, at the Club Saloon. Try it. For Bale—Thirty Plymouth Kook chickens. Enquire nt Sadler's livery barn. Communion services will be held at the Presbyterian church Saturday raorn ing at 11 p ic. PiGKLES AND PRESERVES If you want something to re vive your appetite take home an assortment of Cupid Brand pickles, relishes, preserves or any thing in that line you may fancy. We have the finest assortment i i the city. THEY ARE THE BEST . -»-* ~ J You can get rock salt at the depart ment, store. Yom cash brings you u benefit at Bar. ton’s in the way of a cash discount. Everybody in Harlem is convinced that the Lorelei keg and bottled beer is the l»on the mirket. Bold at the Club side on. Trv it. -— — «--.•» - Did you read the Apple talk in the ad vorlisement of the French Trading Co? If yomdid not, do so at once ns it will be nionby in your pocket. * . . “* Notice csam: rr.VSEVBMBBUHBHHBaHHHHIM Kuykendall & , Gregory TRAVELING FLnuyß Will be in Harlem for a short time only. rnm . rwr w iTrr.a«JMP You a^e cordially in vited to call and in spect our work. BL^OK.SMITEZIJSTG \ ~ _ On Credit. LUMBER- For Cash Only! TV. EkMS. the Delmoiiieo Restaurant MBS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOUR. northbide. HARLEM MONK Stephen Cakvkk, President. E. 8. Sweet, Vice President Chas. E. Owen . Cashier. First National Bank, ghinook, Montana- Paid Up Capital Slock, $60,000. This bank is insured by the Aetij i Ii Jemnity Co, and wilPbe reimbursed for loss by burglary or bold-ti •>. Wo offer to depositors, absolute security, prompt and careful attention and Ibe most Tibernl treatment consistent with Rafe and profitable hanking. Ishuh drafts on all prin cipal cities of th© world and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Watch this Space lor an announcement of Mon’s W M Mi It W^i .Appear H c re Shortly Underwear we are prepared to surprise you with our prices. We have made a big cut, and when you see the goods we feel confident you will take advantage of the big bargains we offer in ladies underwear. Children's Underwear our lines are full and our prices the lowest. I