Newspaper Page Text
Milk River Valley Vol 1. Get ■ barrel of nut kraut at Barton ’a Mn. R. F. Murray to Avery, was in the city Monday. Al. Shultz of Chinook. *aa a Harlem visitor election day. Robert Day of Chinook spent Tuesday here on buaineea. Finest line of stoves at Barton'a that ever oanse to town. Fred. Brockway, the Avery abeepman spent Monday in Harlem. Geo, Petris of Avsry, was a Harlem visitor the first of the week. The interior of the Presbyterian church is being treated to a new ooat of plaster. 0. H. Phelps, of Duluth, Minn., is here at present visiting his mother and bro thers. Large shipments of hay continue t# leave Harlem every day for eastern and western points. Several care of stock was shipped from this point to the eastern markets during the past week. Pork sausage, mince meat, wienwre. bolonga, sauer kraut, all home made and pure st the City Meat Market of 8. H. Parker. Jno. McAfee, of the John Leslie Paper Company, Minneapolis, waa talking paper to his customers in this city Friday. Several parties attended the election dance here last evening from Malta and Chinook, There was a large crowd pre- _ «nd all aeemed to enjoy them ae-ve? immeuaely. Barton's delivery horse caused con siderable excitement Monday afternoon by celebrating with ote of his periodical yunawaye. No damage was done and the bores was finally caught. The services of the Presbyterian church will be held in Odd Fellows hall next Sunday morning and evening on account of repairs being made at the church at the present time. Do you know that the French Trad ing company have put iu a stock of fine jewelry and tuat the same will be sold by them on commission until Dec. 27th. Go in and examine same. It will please you. Glasgow News: Yesterday afternoon Ed little who was serving a term in the county jail for petty larceny, was seat out tO'donif - pailof slop and be jumped the fence aud run down to the river, cros sed on the dam, and bas not been seen since. Mr. aud Mrs. .1. A. Hutch entertained a small company of ladles and gentle men at progressive whist Friday even iog complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Houston of Chinook. Geo. Stow won (?) tbe prize of an apple. Mrs. Barton captured the booby prize, a clothes pin. Ou Friday night the east bound flyer, No. 4, wan wrecked one mile west of Vandalia, by the endite sinking a steer- The steer went under the engine but did not derail it but when the mail car hit the flier, the cur went up iu the air, turned complelly over and landed clear of the maiu line. The mail elerk, L. W. Patten, Ind itverui ribe brokvn and was injured internally. Dr. Hoyt cressed his wounds and b- was taken to bis home in Larimerum the same traiu. That lhr entire train was not ditched is almoti-.l miraculous, Ilie coupling broke between the mail and the baggage cars aud the passengers all escaped with usbakiug up. The traiu waa delayed about five or six hours. The steam wrecker was sent np from Williston bundny end picked the car up.—Glasgow News. The December Delineator, with its n-^ sago of good cheer aud helpfullnras, wii» be welcome in every home. Tbe fusaiou pages are unusually attractive, illustrat ing and describing the very latest moden in a way to make the construction dtir ing the busy festive Beason u plo. sme instead of a tusk, and tbe literary and pictorial features are of rars exoeHence. A selection of Love Souge from thvW. x ner Operas, rendered into English by Richard de Gnilmune arid benulifmiy illustrate I inoo'oraby J.O. Leyendeoker, occupies a promiuent place, and u chap term the Composeis' Serine, I elating tbe Romance of Wagner mid Cosima, is an intuitetin* eupplimint t< th । lyii'n .i yery clever paper entitled “lb" Couh Circle of the Republic." disordies autne unique phases of Washington e'lciul lite ia from an unmned contributor, aho is said to write from tbe in^er circles cl society. There are ebort atones from tic pens of F. Hopkisa Smith, Robert Grant. Alice Brown, Mary Stewart Gatling m d Elmore Elliot Peake, and such interim ing writers as Julia M rgow M,winder, T. Frank Baum, atm Grace Mau lowan Cook hold 'be atenlion of theo^ilden. Many Christmas suggestions nre give in needlework and the Cokey pagra are redolent of the Chrie'm H tear I hi addition, there are the icguiar dep..r'- ments of the magazire, with m my tpe-i I articles on topics relating to womi.nV Inters!a within and wiihout the bom.. DNVOTBD TO THR GMAT AGRICULTURAL, STOCK AND IRRIGATION INTERESTS OF THE MILK RIVER V? I l 1 Y Cranberries at Barton's. Waa the ballot big enough tor you? Miaa Viola Cooil baa gone to Fort Shaw where abe will attend school. Generally the wont thing about an election u that the legislature meats two months afterwards. Miss Carrie Proeser of Chinook, epent aeveral daye here thia week the gueet of MiaaNhllw Buckley. The Inset lino of fancy pickles that ever Mae to Harlem are on tbs shelves of the French Trading Co. ^ek saueage, mince meat, wiernore, bolooga, saner kraut, all home made ^nd pure at the City Meat Market rfH H. Parker. B you haven’t the eaah to buy your goods your jaw bone is welcome at Bar ton's. He knows is it not possible to al ways have be cash, but you must have something to eat and wear. Order your custom made clothing from the French Trading Co. their enite are as good as those bought from the travel ing salesman and 20 per cent cheaper. We have a nice line of samples and we guarantee a fit. Prof. 0. B. Newton, the noted Cali fornia Humorist and entertainer, will give one of his recitals here in the Odd Fellows ball, Nov. 14tb. The gentleman hss a wide record as an entertainer and will no doubt be greeted here with a large audience. According to all reports some of the local sbeep meu have been offered and a number have reused twenty cents per pound for their next years Clio of wool. The market seems to be extraordinary high at the present time and promises to continue so for some time to come. Yon may talk about heating stoves but you cannot get anything better than The Peninsular. The French Trading Co. have a very large and varied assort ment in their furniture department. We will guarantee every stove. For fuel savers, they are the beet and most eoocmecal. Miss Mary McDonald, the matron of the Fort Belknap Indian school, has been transferred to Tnecon, Arizona, and will leave for that place some time this week. During her stay m this vicinity Mies McDonald has made many friends who will regret to lose her frtßnehip and Harlem’s loss will be Tnecon,a gain. 1 Vickers, Bone & Maxim have produced in the 2,000-ton Manxman the fastest turbine-driver merchant steamship afloat. She completed. Sept. 24, a two ■ ays’ trial in the Firth of Clyde, in which ehe attained a maximum speed of 23t^ knots, which la about one and one bait knots faster than any turthne-driver merchant vessel yet constructed. L Minngh has been nutting in all nf his spare time during the last two or thrAA days organizing a pinochle club and up tu tbe prerent time be has bad good snooesa. The club will meet at the N<»w England hotel parlors once a week and while the dues are rather high most, all nf tbe business men of the city have joined and are now in good standing. I he initial m°e'ing will he held shortly when 1 he matter will be more t horoughly explained to one and all. Picket Cooper, the two and one half yenr old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Cooper met with an accident Monday afternoou that will Jay that youngster up for some tin oto com*. It seems that th« little fellow had been playing around tbe stable and in some manner got under nne of the borses heels, when that animal Im cam excited and kicked at tbe little | fellow, striking him u glancing blow on the tnn ’f the bead and laying tbe skin open fnr two or three inches. fie wns brought tn town ne quickly ns possible where medical attendance was given. If tbe little fellow bad teen a couple ot inches taller ho would undoubtedly have been killed instantly. The friends of Fred Brockway are bav ir.g considerable fun at the gentleman’s ♦ftp* use at the present time. It seems tbaUbe was down to Malta a few days ago and frem there he took the lata train for 11 ir point. Mr. Brockway was rather tired i v I rood dropped oft it a doze. Jmd an tbe Iniin stopped nt CoEErg be 1 w. ko up and bnrridely asked if Harlem bid been reached. He was told that he W.e l! ere ami togrther with another man both hnrriodlr picked np their bdongirgi and swung themselves from 'he mov ng train. Before either one of them roil’d colleM their thoughts the ram wan nnd-r way and nearly out of They then locked aronnd for "me familiar eights and finding rone i they did ih* next licet thing and started Itowa'kt" Harlan), lomn sixteen miles "way. Bolh arched here in the early ' morning h "m. Tlidtlory would proh- I ..lily hirer Imre been k>own, but the j "tber fellow thought it was to good to ’ Veep and tol.l some of Fred's friends I about it and henro all of this joshing. Harlem, Montana, Wednesday, November 9, 1904. Notice the naws department at Bar ton’s. All the latent magazines. Look tbs line of stoves st tbs de partment store. The campaign orator can now take bis voice to tbs repair shop. A large assortment of art squarea and ruga at French Trading Co’s. If yoy have lost any cigars cn too election, let your wife buy them. Go to the meat market of Olaon A Dorrity for all of your meats, both fresh and salt. Go into the store of the French Trad ing oom pan y and ask for one of their 1906 calendars. Olson A Dorrity carry the finest Une of meate in the city. They will have on band freeh meets of all kinds and solicit share a of your patronage. Contract with the French Trading Co for your apples delivered at your homo when they arrive at $1.60 per box. They will be first class io quality. The long spell of fine weather bee served the school dristrict a good purpose. The work of constructing the new school bouse has gone along without interap tion, and if this g od weat her continues tor a few weeks longer, the new building will be under roof. The second story walls are np and tbe joists will be on this evening. Bnperintendening Architect Lntz says IJiM the building will be finished Ibis winter. " Slowly and very gently the summer is folding and pntting away its robes be fore the sdvancmg autumn. Tbe Indian haze is on the sky, now and then a real storm tone comes in the wind; tbe advance aid of winter, the frost is turning tbe leaves to crimson and gold; Ibe migra tory birds have gathered their broods and taken flight for the south-land, but tbe days are still warm and full of peace, tbe flowers are still growing om of dor r-, the late summer hm-h broods tbe world as a mother bird does her jonng, and the world itsself, surrounded by a divine calm Berms waiting, like a tired old man whose sole is at peace, for its white night robe and its long sleep To run a newspaper says an Oklahoma editor, "all a fellow has to do is to Ise able to write pomes, discuss tbe tariff and money question, umpire'a ball game, reporta wedding, saw wood, ds scribe a fire so that readers u ill shed their wraps, make one dollar do tbe work of ten, shine at a dance, measure calico, abuse tbe liquor habit, teat wbinkey. subscribe to charity, go witont meals attack free silver, defend bimetaliam, sneer at si.ole bery, wear diamonds, invent advertise moots, overlook scandal, appraise babies, d- light punipkiu riiiser-, minister to tbe afflicted, heal ibe disgruntled, fight to a finish, set type, mould opinions, sweep the office, speak nt prayer meeting, aland in with every body and everything.” E. W. Judd, now a resident of Everett, Wash , claims that it was io Ills p trior, near Rip. n. Wig, tbrl tbe formation of the republican party was decided upon. Mr. Judd is nowa prohibit io nut. In 18'4 lie was a free Boiler. ‘I be question came up that year of b iw to rid Wisconsin of tbe ram in power, a preliminary meeting was held in the sch'Mtlbonse, but Judd s support as a lending free soiler was desired. He was vi-ited by a oon.mithe and signed the cull for n convention. The movement was outlined in bis parlor. (The call de^red sguioet tbe father extension of slavery. It was pub ielied hi anti-slavery papers and in the New York Tribune. In answer to Horace Greely’e query as to Ibe name of the new organization one of tbe leaders dubbed it tbe republican party In tbe palace of agriculture at tbe world’s fair is a log cabin associated with tbe name of another distinguished president—Theodore Roosevelt. This structure b* s been brongbt from tb* ; lama of North was President It. "r veil’s home during UMI-Sd, when, s < kmg the open prairies m e^aicb of be.dib, lie settled down ns a cattle rancher ou the bucks of the Little Miss ouri liv.r, eight miles south of Medora, ju 11 e heart of a romantic re.ioo then uhuncdl' g with big gun o. IVitbio the cabin are worn overalls, for instanc , niw ' humorously labeled ‘Rooevelt'e H ui lay trousers”, the famous rocker in which he wrote "Bunting I rips oi a Ranchman", and the huge seat hewn out of a log in which lie restsu outside after j many n hard day's work, and watch tbe sun go down. One of ih«iloga that forms thehnt shows a Maltese cross. Rooeevelt'e I particular cuttie brand, fashioned with cartridge shells, driven into tbe wood 1 with bis own band. Since coming to St. Louis, the cabin bas acquired further in'eroeti g associations, for the silver p'ate on tbe door was nailed then* by the presidents daughter, and ber initials iu brass headed nails stud one of the mgs not far from the cross made by her father 20 yenra Indore, when no one drea med that I e would yet live to I* lh *' president of bis country. DIZON GOES BACK TO THE IMfIT CONGRESS Receives a Heavy Vote in al J puts of the State. Legislature is Republican by small Maj on y. County Ticket Elected with a Big Whoop. ROOSEVELT AND TAIRBAHS CARRY STATE OF MNTAIA —— caarwiii / Everett for the Legislature and McDonald for Sheriff Elected by a Large Vote in this Ccunty ^at’unal Election ums Great Politic 1 Landslide for Republicans. I I I HON. JOSEPH M. DIXON, RE ELECTED COXiLESSM AN. The greatest political landslide of roc. :t yt ;.rs occurr n J twday wudi I heodore Roosevelt and Ch irks \\ . I’nirbnnl " went cecL d President and vice pr esident of Ihea * great Unit d .''tales on the re publican ticket. I'liey curried all of th • u übtful hi a ‘ s andthou some, while thod-mo ratio nomine-.; for the mine ulur <-iri d <uh the sold southern states, with possibly i few others. Montana was carrie l by the head of the u« ket, while lovle was eledted governor by a small majority. , . McDonald will in nil probability be e. 'cte l .•Jena <>f 1 " county while the el cthm of Brigham and EverelCW Brc cceded. All of the rest of the republican ticket is ( u elei. in this county. . tt i Tne following was the vote in Harlem: Republican electors democratic electors 21. Dixon lu4, Bnrmiev 2h Lindsay 110, I'oolo 38. Kin - 149 tos l L J - 147 Smith 27. Yoder, 149, Romi ey 24. (mk n bi", Hall 2-> hue 14b, Brown 26. Albov 149, Me Rae 21 CuiiniHg - m 148, (r-nxiwin 24. Harmon 149, Kay 24. Brigham 111, Everett 176, Nowman 13 /.• berth. McDonald 68, Buckley 113. Sullivan 127. O V- 1 4i Boyle 144, Hud son 29 Leet 153, Kei v 21. Lewis 152, Roberts 29 Pray 15<l. Bram -1)11,24 Powers 127, Many 40. Alkinnn 153 Crutchei 28 Brny lUB, Lemmer 66. Lewis 144, N< über 126. Mm ntiJil 163. G. W. vennum aud B. <l. Thompson nere elected as justices of the peace. Constables: Reynolds 72, E. NeDon 98. M. Buckley 108. 65 for amendment, 6 against. .... .. .i i„* At twelve o’clock all of the business meh of the city gathered at the Oasis restaurant were a fine banquet had been spread Tn honor of the great republican victory. The party was at the banquet lab e tor over two hours and many toasts were drank to the republicans. ChM. A. Smith acted as toast master ar.d ho certainly done it in an artistic manner. The viands served were of the liest while the wine drank could not be surpassed in the world. The banquet will long be re membered by those who attended on account of the good fellowship thatbrevailed. , 233 votes were registered here and 194 of these were voted. No cnmolete returns have been received here from any ot the out side precincts, butenoug is known at this time to claim even thing in sight for the republican oounty ticket. We will give.a complete report next week. MANY CAYI Sts ARE SHIMD Ponies bring gocd prices Buyers ante money feeding them. ‘•Ah b- ar ne I cvn learn in the neifbbor> Io »d cf ] JNK) bead <if city nee horses haw ; b • o m».pped from 1 Lis vicinity this yesr t id a prominent bueif.e»- man the nthm day, xbile talking to a News reporter “TLcbh I offpm are shipped fwth east and west, and bring fairly good prec Several hundred be* d of ca*Us have rlso I een flhipped, and tbe country bus benu well cleaned of tbe lower gneW of bo^Bes and cuttie. 1 believe this has •wor the greatest t-bippir g year for live stock in tbe history of this part of Cbos- • an county. ” । here is one eastern firm that Imb di viFed a Wi.y to mi ke money out of Um orc inary cuyuFee; one of tbe firms agent* h a epei t coDHiderable lime in our part of ti e country this summer and ban pnrebaned a larg* number of ibe animal* have Veen ehippt d Rusk This first buys jeurlir.g colts from the Indians aul t KpR ibem to a nn ch s< me where in 'lnHua ib. On ibt rmich the colts am wofl fed for a .'ear. A’ the end of which lime it it; nu'd they bring good prices. & im Mod by f» eding these colts forayear i" thie marner they n.j-ke twice as good h» imu’b a^ liny uid if left on tbe in< ug . in range, and I am told the firm ia making money.” l ine t.ew wnolou b ankets, assorted 'Hri* ti*-s and quaht’^s at French Trading (ompanj. Order your Butterick patterns and IL* Hu water at Barton's bio charge fur postage. The French Trading Co. a-e receiving biily now end np to date novMtirs in the dry goods and nr>l ion line. Yon should got one of those washing machines at Bhrtoc’s. Newest and beet ever placed on the market. Use only about half the water that the others d» Special Notice. Dr. Dicksrn, the ( hiuook dentist, wfll bu in Harlem the first four days m every month for the purpose of doing all kinds of dental work. Wait for him Will Appear Here Nov. 14. During the past dozen years America bas sent us maay enL-rtHiuere. But the two best were Nat Goodwin acd Cyrus Brownlee Newton. Of Newton we mast s y he is a typn al "Yankee.” He poo- net see the dash, bri Haney and rich droil humor commo*, in Lis countrymen. Ho gis fresh, refined, original. He keeps Jkic iiudiimce in Hcon inons roar of laughtac Ha baa Ttnda u deep impression here OS an entertainer of the first rank. Suok • h’e men. no matter from what part of the globe are always welcome visitors to our whores.—Sidney Bulletin. Australia. Prof. Newton will appear at the Odd Fellows ball heie Nov. 14th. Come oak and bear him and enjoy a good UuA BIDS WANTED. \ Bids will be received by tha undersigned, for the sale of aboot 200 head of native cattle, oonsiA ing of about 40 head of three aal four year old steers, the b&laMg coneisting of one and two year cows and calves, up to Mon‘‘w. Nov. 14, 1904 Cat tie now held «■ Lodge Pole Any informatMß deuired will be furnished by L. MINUGH, Administrator of the estate of W. J. Allen, deceased. NO.S4