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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
IL W. Wright, of Baeo, was in Harlem Monday on bnatoeee. County Oommiamonar French was a Helena visiter Saturday ^painoea. ■A. L. Jordan, of Kalispell; was among the Harlem visitors the first of the week. 0. Maloney and wife of Woody Intend, were in town the firat of the week on a shopping tour. Alfred Watkioa proved up on hie homestead Monday afternoon before United States Commissioner Elder. It ia understood that the ladies of the Catholic church cleared MS on their election day dinner and anpper. There are 4 good many Missourians in Montana who claim to be from Arkansas ainoe they read the result of last Tuesday. Born—To the wife of Mr. Maynard, last Thursday morning, a bouncing girl baby. Mother and child are -doing nicely. The French Trading company have just received a new lot of men’s fur eoats also a lot of lap robes, buy one and keep warm this winter. Geo. E. Heath, the Zortman merchant > was in Harlem Saturday proving up on ’ a desert claim near this city. On Thanksgiving day Dr. Williams will hold a chicken shoot near this city. Bring your guns and have a good time. Mias Mary McDonald, the matron of the Ft. Belknap school, left Friday morning for Tuecon, Aris., where sh^ will act in the seme capacity. Olson A Dorrity carry the finest line of meats in the city. They will have on hand fresh meats of all kinds and solicit share a of your patronage. [ J. 0, Daubenspeok, a Malta teamster, was adjudged bankrupt yesterday. He owes 93,236.70 and has assets amounting to $1,515, claimed to be exempt. Jack Brown, the well known old timer efHays, was in the city Monday and while here paid this office a friendly visit. He 14ft bis name to* be enrolled with the rest on the big list. The handsome majorities given the republican county candidates, particu larly those who were seeking reelection, is a most eloquent endorsement of their pest administration of the affairs of the county, and an expression of confidence that the affairs ot the taxpayers will continue in the hands of good and com petent servants. * _ A Runaway Bicycle, Teriminated with an uglyv out on the log of J. B. Ornea, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a etuborn uloer unyielding io doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bncklen’s Arniea Balve cured It’s just as good for Burns, Scalds Skin Eruption and Piles. 25c, an Mo Ginness. Druggist WEMCH TRADIKC €O®FMY^ HAM-EM, MOIVT. ■ X y APPLE TALK! We have ordered a carload of apples. They are (to be as good as those we had last year. We will accept orders fiom now until the car arrives and we quote the price at $1.50 per box, same to be delivered from the car. After they are un loaded and stored in our cellar the price will be $1.75. See that your order is placed now- : : : : : : . Pinto Raw aS. Itate are the best that can. be made. They are sold under a guarantee bond and are of the high est grade of work and material. If you see a man that is always cheerful you can bet that his house is heated with a Peninsular heater and his wife cooks on Peninsular range. We Keep Them I OUR PRICES AM (IB SILL HOLD YOUR TRADE ■ Did you see the fur coals Zt the de partment store. Look at the line of stoves at, ths de partment store. Go In the meat market of Olson & Dorrity for all of your mrats, both fresh and salt. Mrs. E. E Wood will bak» bread for the publi^ during the winter. Leave orders at residence. Onr apples will arrive this week, e-ven varieties, engage your winter’s supply. They are very late io arriving but they will be fine stock. French Tiading Co. We have in onr furniture department a fine assortment of rugs and art squares that will make a nice "Xmas present, for your wife. French Trading Co. Ae Harlem meiK market of Ols.m A Dorrity carries a full line of vege tables. If you do not see what y6u want ask for it. The ladies of the Presbyteri n cbnrcli will serve a Thanksgiving dinner in the Odd Fellows hall Thanksgiving after noon. Turkey and pumpkin pie will be the leading features. Special Notice. Dr. Dickscn, the Chinook deut st. will be in Harlem the first four days in every month for the purpose of doing all kinds of dental work. Wait for him Coal For Sale. Wo will ch-liver a good gride of coal in Har)»m for 8" per ton. Sol i at the mine for 83 Mineis located funr milesnorlb westof Harlem on Thirty Mile creek. Leave orders at Sadler’s. F. JniMrar, 0. E. Holder. Propriel ore. COO pounds of saner brant just re oeived at Bartu.i’e. Dane Hey Pews like all other Due hay tools, the b-et at Bar’orAi. New York eutiug applet ut ihe de partment store. Take a look at the underwear at Bar ton's department store. The Best Beer in the city is Lurelei, a Montana production, nt the Ciub Saloon. Try it. For Sale—Thirty Plymouth Hock chickens. Enquire ut Sadler's livery barn. Dune Huy Press, '2BO, at the big De partment Sture. Those knowing themselves indebted to me nre muted to call and settle. G. J. Ringwal o. Busted My machine, but have a new one and am ready to make all kinds of home made pork sausage, head cheese, bolonga and wierners, call in and try them at the City Meat Market of 8. H. Parker. According to Gen. Wood, beggars tn Cuba arc as scarce as sunkes in Ire land. The Czar of Uns- a under file bed. '•,<•.;> ...hi vadlng ibis country -r— ' . — Liter on our Inhumanity will pr-ma bly take the form of iutro-lin-iag j.,0 baii among the Fiilpiqos. Poti'd** who Lave iiiv:>;L:: fed th. matte-- say thut the KV.-e;..-i.m ba: i: u beeumiii" inure common ilmi* ;. ari - few years ;%a. S ale a-;,..-.. PICKLES ANO PRESERVES If you want something to re vive your appetite take home an assortment of Cupid Brand pickles, relishes, preserves or any thing in that line you may fancy. We have the finest assortment i i the city. TH^Y ARE THE BEST THE M EM Hotel XV. J. H ART, - Proprietor. Rates $2 per Day Ux>. I irst Class Bar in Connection. IHARLEM, MONT. Your cash brings you a benefit at Bur ton's in the wuy of a cash discount. Everybody in Harlem is convinced that the Lorelei keg and bottled beer is the best on the market., Sold at the Club saloon. Try it. W. L. Clark, of Chinook, spent Mon day in Harlem. Attorney A. E. Smith was a Great Falls visitor Friday. Harlemites who were so unfortunate as to miss Mire Arbogast's entertainment here will have an opportunity to see it after all at Chinook. The west bonnd flyer will etop here Friday, Nov, 18. A hunting party composed ot W. M. Williams, Ezra Hoyte, Dert Heath and others will leave the city Friday for the brakes of the Missouri river, where they expect to land all kinds of big game. Ed. Nichols is erecting a new house south ot Dodge's barn. Paul Steeneen has gone to Dennison, lowa.iwbere he will visit his parents for a few weeks. Everett Sadler is spending a few weeks with relatives at Dimondale, Michigan. John McConnell is visiting relatives in the east at present. There ought to be some way to de prive a clergyman of bls authority to perform the marriage ceremony when he makes such misuse ot it as did the minister who married a boy tn knicker bockers to a girl still In short dresses. Let us be thankful for our political blessings. They may not be all we should receive, but we are so much bet ter off than most other people that an American Is liable to feel, after the manner of the pharisee, that he Is not as other men, and that bls country la not managed after the manner ot man agement given the effete despotisms. On Credit. For Cash Only! ELMS. the Delmonlco Restaurant MRS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOUR* northiside. HARLEM MONT. Stbphkn Carvbb, President. E. 8. Bwsrr, Vice Presidon t Chas. E. Owens, Cashier. First National Bank, ghinook, Montana- • Paid Up Capital Stock, $60,000. Thia bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co , ami will bo reimbursed tor loss by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, absolute security, prompt and careful attention and the most liberal treatment consistent with safe and profitable banking Issue drafts on all prin k cipal cities of the world and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Busted My maebihe, but have a new one and am ready to make all kinds of home made pork sausauge, head cheese, bo longa and weiners, call in and try them at the City Meat Market of 8. H. Parker. A. Davidson of Malta, was a Harlem visitor Frid^. For Sale Cheay- Owing to my family moving to Kalis-1 pell for the winter I will sell six dozen of the finest. bared Plymouth Rock chickens in lb« Milk River valley. Ad drese, Ham Leb, Dodson, Mont. Doesn't Respect Old Age. It’s shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in tne ease of Dr. King's New Life pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective ot old age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Con sumption all yield to this perfect Pill 25c, at Me. Ginness Drug Store. Underwear " .. ' .1 . * we are prepared to surprise you with our prices. We have made a big cut, and when you see the goods we feel confident you will take advantage of the big bargains we offer in ladies underwear. Children's Underwear our lines are full and our prices the lowest. Notice Kuykendall & Gregory TRAVELING Mrtm You ar© cordially in vited to call and in spect our work. I