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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
The Schle.c liirlrlent Is su;qx>rp.t ti he settled Tilt IS It? In one w.ij- n bud hnblt Is like u l>,; •ollector it is herd tu get uwuy r.oi:; It is said that King III!wanl In, taken to using snuff. Now. then, lei ■» all sneeze. Wealth doesn't always bring happi Mae, but It nan generally furnish *■ Ketty good Imitation. A man who rattles considerably !u Ha attic is talking of going to tic Berth pole In an airship. Again eouies the old question, "What le the good of money If It will not buy the things that one desires?" A wealthy lady of Chicago has more money than she can possibly use. She can draw a big check aa easily as most pereons can spend a nickel. But the thing she wanted was a child, a laugh ing, rosy cheeked cherub, to put both 'V'us Ofyund her neck and make her realise the real, deep meaning of love; to round oul her life and make her happy. So she looked around and found a bit of a boy, who had cap tured sunshine tangled in his hair and love in bis blue eyes, a brave mouth and a sturdy little figure. He was ene of seven children, and he didn’t know that his mother, a widow, was wearing out her life to provide food fer the Severn The rich lady borrowed the boy for a time lind curried him away to fairyland. She bought fine Clothing for him, toys enough to stock a store, and loved him, too. She had • treat artist paint the child’s por tialt, and she discovered that it was polng tu he very hard to return this human blossom. One day she called en his mother and offered $5,000 for him. ‘‘l’ll udopt him. I love him. Yeu have so many, and 1 have none,” she ventured. And the widow looked •rer her (look and said: “I can’t spore one; no. not for a million dollars,” and she drew her buby to her heart. The good wife of a New York garment trimmer presented him with triplets. It raised his family census to nine. At tbs very liest the father can earn sl2 a week. That Is a situation that would drive some men to suicide. But he ud: "I'm glad they cumc. God has j essed md with them, and we will get long somehow. I haven't one too many:" Child love dwarfs every oth i human passion. It makes men and women curry heavy burdens without n murmur; It makes them accept self denial patiently, and glorifies lives. There Is scarcely a home In the land, ! no matter how great Its poverty, where, for mere money, a man or woman would part with even one of a little dock, and the reason Is human love for Its own blood. * A FULL LINE OF n N. PENDLETON, ORE., BLANKETS /-.V be closed out regardless of cost as we must have the room they V"V M 5 no w occupy for our If New Fall! & Winter Coeds ywAr |o 11 \| Don’t overlook these / El! i!!iNjHEYMI)ST 1© §J 1,.21 wS) oo >v nn XvX a 9 3« 1"O 0 W [ll'Tj fi I We have the largest stock of ll a ®lo* O XjKtsV' i| If Ris!(3 OVERSHOES •SQjoS. g ®l(I 4 0 Blxr tme city Z o° and are sellill^tkem e 0 per cent lem than |OQ §§ . A 3 other merchants t O N A?/ --- ■.. „ , \ Comehiand s WE \ sbb waNT \ /t'OUR THADeN %u Yon su got rook salt at tbs depart ment slora. Stockman and ranohmen should buy their winters (applies at once. It will •nva you money m it it ■ well known feet that case lota oan be bought oheaper than in small quantities. The Freuoh Trading company will serve yon right nod guarantee their goods. Try them. M.W. A. me* Oh FridenVnmoh aoSf f ' K ” ,d “ d Vie id us Neighbor, alwsre welome. * T. GRAYBEAL, ChA HATCD ’ V ' C ' $60.00 BEWABD! We will par the above reward for the arrest and oonvlctioo of anr party or [ertio breeting Into our ehreriDg plant on Wayne Creek and remov ng properly therefrom. M. Hxdssbact. SIOO Eeward I will pay SIOO reward for in formed on leading to the conviedon of party or partiee removing Umber from <«bin« on Woody leland on land owned by mo. Thie Includes all trevparaen. and all will be frontal alike Chuis Malonky l,«t°J T „ RK HARI L P-VO" will mlaa the “n (~, e r hml *« make money feel If you do not write at once Every day's delay la co?, .? I 0 *'! <’ n earth. Money 'l all > a perfect gem for every borne, ih? o' “S" 11 *.»«» on “ hoys it. Yin ,how wbnl It will do and it relle lteolf. Unwlro to de l ' S'i °f n " f r°\ A*™ l * w"nt,M. Addreee fC* e Mo« PIT ' ° " Col ’ Notice of Forfeiture, . ' William D McKenzie, hie heirs or nrsigne* sou ere hereby Dodged that I have expended I'etinwreir ,f ? r i l ?? 3 ' on ? lin,l,Jr, ' < ' "nd forty ■i, ‘ nn< .'u nbo J Hn( l improvements upon the Ihg Chief. Mery lluhy end Twilight quart* IfxJo nnmngclmmfi, situated in Littlo Rockirt* (unorganized) mining district, Chouteau county! Montana, a more particular description of raid plaiinti ih found in the location notices of said lodPH, recorded in the office of the county re coruer of ( hontean county. Montana. That paid Inbor w»ui performed anti the improvements were made for the purpose of holding said claims under the Provisions of section 2324, revised statutes of the United Matos. and the arnend mento thereof concerning annual luhor on min in* claims, for the year ending Dec. 31st. 1908, nnd to make the amount expended on the paid three nlain'P. three hundred ($300) dollare. If wjthm ninety ii«jH after the publication of this notice you fail cr refuse to contribute your proportion of *uch expenditure a* a co.owner >our interest in said claim*. will become the property or the eubsenber, one of your co-own ers, who baa made the required expenditure, ac cording to the tonne cf the said pectlon. Pateil Bent. 21,'lksi. T. y. CARTER, first publication Sept. 21,1904. FOE SALE 65 Cunningham De lano Bucks. 110 Mixed, all grades and all ages. Henry Sureman, Savoy, IMdiit. ■WALD'S msalodnWp Finest Wines and Liquors ' Constantly on hand. Sv- \ BpW eryone welcome. Cour Vvm^ teous treatment to all. / NORTH Sloe. HARLEM. MONT. GrO to t — Livery Stable 'OF- — w. I>. DODGE, Fine Teams Purnislied on SLiort IST otioe. Hay and Oats for Sale SOUTH SIDE. HARLEM MONTANA. : MAVEBJOK H C ' TURNER, proprietor. WIRES, LIQUORS ARD CIGARS Only the Very Grades Handled in all Line*. Fool and Billiard Rccrrts. AGEN FOR— HOFFMAN FUREHTH Guaranteed 12 yearß old. Fine for ineiljciiml purposes. I The Best Peer to be Had in *he City. Old Friends Always Welcome, while the Latch Sti in«; i M Always Out to New Onos While in town dri pin and Bee us. SILVER DOLLAR SALOON JARVIS & CHURCHILL, PROPS. WINES, LIQUORS and cigars. SCHLITZ BEER A SPECIALTY — HEAR THE MUSIC BOX Opposite Dodge’s Livery Barn. Harlem, Montana. Notice. 500 homesteads on va cant Covern -vient land on the Big iHat 1 6 rriilrc, north of Harlem. Good water can be obtained at a depth of from 16 to 30 feet. A good crop of oats and flax raised this year v itheut irrigation. Pick out your homestead and file before «c. United States Commissioner. - HARLEM, MONTANA THE NEWS FOE GOOD JOB WORK.