Newspaper Page Text
Milk River Valley News. VOL 1. Tha Modern Woodman will elect effloera Friday evening. F. D. Benedict, the well known cigar man, was in the city Friday. H. D. Colvin, of Havre, was a Harlem visitor Saturday on bnainaae. The Presbyterian sbnrcb baa recently been plastered and caloimined. R. A. Luke, the Helena insurance man, was in town Sunday on bnaineas. A new line ofladiee’ wrappers just in at the French Trading oompanv’a. Ladle's, men's, boys and misses sweaters at the French Trading 00. J. F. Kildnff, tbe popular Malta mer chant, spent Friday in this oity on bnsi ■ms. Qo to the meat market of Olson & Dorrity for all of yodr meats, both freeh and salt Connty Commissioner Frenoh and L Minngh went to Hays Saturday on busi ness. Our underwear cannot be beat. We have a large and varied assortment this season. Frenoh Trading Co. Fresh oysters can be secured at tbe Delmonioo restaurant, served in any style, at any time of the day or night. Pork sausage, mince meat, wierners, bolonga, saner kraut, all home made and pure at the City Meat Market of 8. H Parker. Order your Christmas Trees from Frenoh Trading Co. They will have a load bro ught in about the 15th. of De cember. Tbe man who gets 160 sores of Milk River Valley farm land and can hold on to it for Qve years will be independently rich. John Abren, tbe well known whisky msn of SI. Paul, wae in the city Sunday on one of hie periodical tripe to Ihia city. 'I he Presbyterian parsonngo is now finished and Rev. W. L. Wilaon and family have moved into the new build ing. Poik sausage, mince meat, wierners, bolonga, sailer kraut, all home made am) pure at the City Meat Market, rs S. H. Pai.ker. Elmer J. Oerter, of Missoula, the well known I raveling mar, was in the city Friday interviewinglhe many ruerohante of i Ira oity. John GkypMp, of Dper Lodge, van in town Vloodny, and while here mado ar rangemen I a to ship several car loads of hay to his home. Everybody in Harlem is convinced that the Lorelei keg BDtl bottled beer is the best on the market. Sold at the C'lb aaloon. Try if. 0 sen &, Dorrity carry the finest line of meatß in the city. They will have on hand freeh meats of all kiuds and solicit share a of your patronage. We have just received onr carload of canned good# and are prepared to quote prices at bed rock. Come in and stock up for toe winter, F, T. Co. A fine line of gentleman's clothing will be received by the French Trading hompany this week. We will sell you a nobby suit for 88. Jnst think of it! Buy a Peninsular stove and keep com fortable this winter, >on can go to bed and in the morning yon will have a tire in tbtse stoves. French Trading Co fell tfbem. Last Thursday nftern:>on the Rebeccas of the city met at Mrs. C. H. Barton’s home and organised a Rebecca' club to meet race a month at the homos of mem bers Several transfers of miuing properly in the Zortraau district have recently been recorded in the county clerk’s of fice. The purohuter in each aoae is the lfitby Mining company. Our line of shoes wLich Lave been on the road for a long time will arrive this week. We have some very nobby «t> be in this line. Come m and see them Fiench Trading company. A varied he# of be odiful Chris*mi s presents lire now being dis played by the merchants of the ody. You should bny your gifts early it you wish l«> mnke a good selection. Two inches of the Ipa inful full )a ß t Thursday, and it whs the first of the «•»»<- son. The ll er.i.ometer took n sudden drop at the taro * time, and for neur y 24 hours it hung urognd the 12 bcluw zero mark. Charles and Wilhnm Jarvis, cf Cul bertson, were iu the city Sur day, look ing after tbeir n.ter.eis here. The.' recently burned out in the big fire st CulberteoP, tn t exp. rt hu.n lo t>e iigaiti in business there. Another carload of Wihoxa wagons have arrived. Thi§Fyoik« w*»ll f»r the Wikona. Two carloads in one h«*B«<*ii for the town of Harlem. Say Larhci DEVOTED TO THE GREAT AORIOTTLTURAI, STOCK AND IRRIGATION INTERESTS OF THE mti v RIVER VALLEY. isn’t tbe coming town. French Trading Company hare them. We will pay in trade 40cts. per doz. for fresh ranch eggs, 35cts. for fresh ranch batter, (Mast b« good) $1.50 per owt. for Potatoes. $1.75 per owt for Oats from Nov. 30th. French Trading 00. The hay shipments from this point are increasing daily as the weather grows ooider, and several hand red tons are be ing shipped weekly to eastern points, soras of it also finding its Vay into the Bitter Root and Gallatin Yalleys. Dr. H. B. Farnsworth, of Missonis, hss located in this oity, where he will short ly begin the practice of medicine. Dr. Farnsworth comes well recommended snd he has rented the Hart cottage, near the charoh, where be will reside with his family. Miss MoFadden, the popular and effi cient school teacher of Cobnrg, spent Sunday here, and left Monday morning for Landusky, where she will spend her holiday vacation with her sister,,who is the present time teaching school at that hustling mountain oity. The Brownie club, which was a social factor in this city last winter, promises to again spring into exieteqes and create enjoyment for the yonng people this winter. A meeting has been oailed by its president. Leu Bateman, to take place next Friday evening with Miss Albion at tbe Pool residence, for the purpose of reorganization. All the yonng people of the oity are invited to participate. Dr. W. M. Williams, Ezra Hoyt, Phil Buckley, Bert and George Heath, who went deer bunting some two or three weeks ago, nloDg the Missouri river, re turned home Saturday. The party was very successful and succeeded in bag ging ‘2B deer, whicti were brought to thi6 city Sunday. They hud a number of odd >xp< riences while on the trip and like all other good Harlemites were glad to get back to tbe only growing town. The editor of this paper, eaya the Chinook Bnllitin, was colled to Ashland, WiecoLein, Thursday, November 16, by a telegrum announcing tbe death of his wife. Mrs. McPherson had been sick for some time, but it was not thought that the end was so near. The cause of her death was tuberculosis of the lungv. Everything that money and loving kind ness could accomplish whs done, but the Lord saw fit to tako her home. She leaves a father, motuer, sister, brother to mourn her departure. Mrs. W J. Hart received the sad nows Friday' that her father, John Murray, had died suddenly, iu Minneapolis, of a paralytic stroke. The funeral tak ing place Sunday afternoon in that city. Mr. Murray wndfci well known old-timer of the twin cities, and was loved and re spected by a 1 who know Lira. He leaves a widow uud 10 children to mourn his demise, of whom Mies Nellie Murray, Mrs. Hart aud Thomas Murray arc well known to the residents of this city. On account of the inclement weather Mrs. Hurt and liltla baby could not attend the funeral. Mr. Murray, Sr., was in his seventy-first year. LODGE POLE NOTES. Doings of Landusky, Zortman and the Agencv Recorded Here. Btork Inspector George Ilall was a Lodge Pole visitor last week. Father Greary was in Lodge Pol# transacting business last week. William Ball und George Conway are hnnling lumber to the Fort Belknap agency. John llealy was a Zortman visitor on October 30. Andrew Whitehorse is Buffering will) a sprLinrd ankle, which will pnt him on the side-track for tt few days. Sub-Agent I>,*A. Kings' wards were bauiiug baled hay from Harlem to the Coburn •utile Company ranch last Wee k. Wd'.iam Granger wont to Peoples Creek on 1. The Ruby Gulch Mining company of Z m Milan hits a body of ore 75 fe**t wiJc» wnicb will uvsrsge 857 to the ton. A Zortiniin freigther passed through here lust week eu route to Huiletn, fter hay. The snow utbrni baa pnt the saw mill out o l i a.iiQPJtf for the pres* nt. John McConnell,George Kulmehun und Harry ilesly are cutting saw togs in ti e i uiouutainM. A at $1.50 p«r lr»x at French Tiaumg Coe. FOR SALE: -One liny hor»#, years old, weight 1,300, broke to rj J«. also To drive, both do'iltio und sis gl . Will trade for young cattle. Call on or addres**. C. >l. Ziwuocn, Fort Belknap Agency, Monlcna. Harlem, Montana, Wednesday, December 7,1904. SHEEP GO OTER A PRECIPICE Fifteen Dashed to Pieces, While Five, Apparently Unhurt, Remain on An Inac cessible Ledge. During the storm last Thursday Charles Cowan, u herder, had quite an experience, in which he lost twenty sheep from his band. He waa in charge of a band of fine bucks, belonging to Cowan Bros, of this city, when the storm struck him. They headed for a precipioe and before be coaid turn them twenty were crowded over. These fell about sixty feet to a narrow shelf about half way down the declivity. Fifteen of them were were dashed to pieces in tbe fall, but the other five were apparently unin jured. The leage, however, upon which tbe bucks lodged, is not accessible, and nnleee some means of taking them off is contrived, they will perish. We have just bought u fine line of the following goods: Ladiee wrappers, shirt waists, over skirts, under skirts, dressing sacks. They will be in just as soon as the railroad will bring them. It’s the BaNhhr Lin*. Thai’s all we have got to say. French Trading Co John Moore, alias Frank Collins, who has been confined in the county jail for several montlr awaiting trial on a charge of burglary ..omrailted at Cut Bank, appeared in Il»- diet riot court last Mon day morning and entered a plea of guilty. He wae sentenced to one year in the penitentiary by Jndge Smith.—Cho tean Acantha. State Game Warden W. F. Scott has appointed Leonard J. Lownde’ of By □ am, as deputy game warden for the counties of Flathpnd and Teton, the position having been vacant for eeverul weeks owing to the resignation of the former deputy. J. H. Boucher. Mr. Lownds Las gone to Fhitb»*ud county aud will at once Hssnme the respon sibilities of his new position. One coyote will hang around a aurup at night, pud create the impression that a pack of at leost forty big wolves are booking for a chance to eat the campers. But an imestigntion will reveal that the single coyote is lean and hungry and cowardly, and that he does not weigh twenty pounds. Likewise, oue kicker in a town will create the impression that theie 16 all kids of indignation against every respectable citizeu and good measure. A sad-looking young man went into the local drug store this week. “Can you give me,”be asked, “something that will drive from my mind the thoughts of sorrow una bitter recollections?” The draggist nodded, and put him up a little dose of quinine and wormwood, aud rhubarb, and epsom salts, and a dash of castor oil, and gave it to him; and now the young man can think of nothing in the world except new schemes for gening tne aete out of his month. The Montana Fedralion of Women's Clubs is doing a good work iu trying to establish a syslsm of traveling libraries for the smaller towns and funning com munities of the stale. In nearly all the eastern and middle slates, and in eome of the western uni southern slates, trav eling librares oru doing a world of good. The officials of the Great Northern road have very generou6ly promised free transportation lor ten traveling libraries in this slat*. Life is ofieu dull for those living in smull comm unities, and a trav eling library is a boon for adults and children who have no books at home and . no public library accessible. Why can ] not Harlem a cure ono of ibeee libraries. iLo uiultir buouid bo looked into at once by the citiz-ns. A New York dispatch eaye a few reuohn n riptrim.iit unde, li.ksti 1-t e, cilh by the i;i« >• ot K »bt Orange, N. J , bus pti-teil h surce-a. A |:rtiflt us ue>re than u iUU per cent on Him IcYesi. met,l In.h realized nniJ Dial.lm have be* ij finuithed for every public liepeflllleut. theCltv bab a Stuck of bay auil cal a uoilb £4,50b lo bliuw Cor uu ax I euuilure of s'd,otA), TL.m fai miug u pet. - ; lion bata been carried uu itt White Oak' R.du* , alicr-. Ibttdly owns a large liaii., I wbiuh it *»i »lipt>u.ed wa* nb.b.a iiliiJ Aldcioinu P.ri.ham Yu tiley ptillbimiuii a city (..rut l>r..j >ot. .Many of the European riliee and o.nßoaii farm anti foievt lai il i sod derive good revenues frou them il H baltm fir a city ui own and run a (*'"< i bau for a cor| oration to own btnl rtui tbo city through ibe city < ouuctL Cupid brand of pickles, sold only by the Frenoh Trading 00. When water ift had fnr irriuatioD Miik River Valley will limoiiij the ureaieet and moat prodnotiveor all the valleye of the Urea'. Northwest. Instead of ship, ping farm' produce away from here in oarload lots it will then go ont is tram load lots to the markets of the world. December weather for the lsaL ‘24 yesre is the subject of a report made by Weather Observer Ling. This show, that the mean or normal temperture for the 24 years was 22 begrees above zei o, the average tempature for the month was 33 above and the coldest was the mocth following when the thermometer remained around zero, the average tem perature being four degree above. The ooldest day waa on Christmas 1884, the hard winter when cattle died by tbe thousands all over the territoiy of Montana, practically denuding the great open range of Montana of ita herds. The prevailing winds have been from the southwest. One of the things in life past finding out is why a man who delivers one or two political speeches in v campaign to s aoore or more of people it credited' with saving a candidate from defeat — hia presence obanging the political com pinion of the bailiwick—while tbe editor who rune the eonntry weekly, is part and parcel of that community—in faot, that eonntry—and publishes column after coluaan of mental pabulum week after week in the interest of the om didale, is rarely mentioned aa having taken any part in the oampaigu. Tbe country newspaper is carefully read, and the contents digeated and discussed by the father, n.o!ler ULd grown eons in nearly every home lor miles around, while the stump spanker has uue or two n.rn-bcie rs u few fi m : -li«e in the imedi ole neighborhood to listen to him foi one night only. Home day the country weekly will get its just deet-rle, recognized eveD by tbe politicians as the great aud potent factor, the purveyor of politoal information, the silent yet irlluenlial worker that molds the opin ions of those who by their votes bring success to the pnrty candidates. Hutprduy morniDg u yonng Harlem lady wae oailed before daylight, and aa tho morning was cold she caught up her toilet and started down stairs intending to drees where there was a good U e bui iu her haste she got oue of her tootsy wooteies entuugled in her robe de nuil at the top of the stairs and then did what a sensible young lady should have dime, viz. sat down and slid. It is naid than tbe bump, bump, bump as she jolted from one stair to another was something terrible to listen to. The family heard her coming although she forgot to toot her whistle at the grade coastings, and all rusLed to the foot of she staiis to greet the young Isdy'e arrival, and when the door flew open there the Miss sat with her wardr be clutched tightly in hor arms, for she did not lose a single garment iu the wild slide she made for the stove. No bones were broken and tbe lady, says than there was do lay-over stations on tbe way, as ehe had a through ticket usd she eaya furiber, that ihs farther she weot, the faster Ibe speed became. 8h» did not lose her presence of mind, sod whn sorrowing relatives crowded uroand to view tbe rm she moreily said good rooming, and assured luern that ehe always came down, states thak way when ctae wus in a hurry. Last Wednesday th» St. Luna expo sition. officially came to ao etui. Be gardisg tbe magnitude of the exposition Lbero bee been i.o difTareocs of opioioD, bnt concerning its qnahly Ibm bare been. plouty LO jay tbai it. did not come np to tbe Btuudard of tbe big Chmago ebuw. Fiosnoiallv it ie, of conrea, not expected that tbe fair wiil pay auy diridends to sockliolilera over and adove llieir (>n«im.L investment. Very ■ likely if they get bank n small part of wliat they put into the veulura the/ will I be lucky. Tbe [inopleof St. Lmiiie Lava inn le 1)11/ while tbe tiu shone, aud Ibersi IS no liaison to believe that tbe riaopU Ilf tbit eity linve lott anythin* by lie. expoeiWon. Tbs government loan of! d4.Sf‘OjOOU b is been repaid in full, and this le reyardt d as quite an achievement. Next year eotm-D tbe Lewis & Clark centennial up. eittini in I‘ and from n'l ac» uult it proiniHee to la. one if Ibn liebt shows of ils kind evcj piven mo fbe cfHX'ilry. With Ibe olese if the i Cortland fair it niny lie ei’iertnl that i | tbe i I|aiei!iivr> hneine. s will base n rest 'in tbke coiiutiy for nimijwa lucuuc. j (Jrntnnhtedly ll be, been overdone and ibe r.>tu)tl-* banefltn bav v not ceuerslu lieou ro/aidid ns roman.snralw wi b! tb* outlay, Probably after the hnliou ti all time to rnlili ilo brn.tli after tbe ion of eX|Hiblitons il baa bad in the |«asi teDJenrn, New Vork mil s-t into the rin* with tbe biggest and beet vxpobilion iho world liu ,vet seen. Popular Cartoons. The art of uewnpaper illustration in ita present form is a development us re oeut yeurs. Newspaper cartoons have become a most popular feature of up-to dßte metropolitan daily papers. Tbe unique and catchy drawing now appear ing daily on the front page of the Chica go Record-Herald is one of tbe meny epecial features of the great pHper. The Record-Herald has beeu fortunate in se curing obe of the beet young artists in the country to oarry ont ita policy of presenting each day a humorous aud good-natured cartoon. Mr. Ralph Wild er is one of the comirg young men in newspaper work. His snouts* has been as it has lieen rapid. He shows nil of the good natnred humor and the brighter Bide of everyday common life which has carried his work to a very popnlar success. His drawings are oh all of tbe subjects of very popular inter est, political arid otherwiee. Current eventa are vividly portrayed in a way that pleases, yet often giving just criti cism in a way that does uot offend. I hrougb hia excellent worh ou eastern magazines Mr. Wilder first attracted un iversal attention. The Record-Herald recognized in him at once a oartootust of nnnsusl promise, and eongratulntas tta readers on having been fortunate enough te enpsge him. Contact* KcDoi aid'a Election. A unit affecting tbe \ thee of sheriff of ChoUteau ooocty for the nest two years was commenced in Ihe district court to day by the thing of papers oo behalf of John Buokiey, contestant,, ia which it is alleged that Frank McDonald, who was recently elected Lo that office, lack* cer tain necessary ideation*. Ibe statement of »on let-t charge■» that McDonald could not be a legal cnuili oaie lor the office of sheriff, aixd bin Duron not 1* gully upon the official bailor, because he was not a citizen Ls the Unit- j art Stales, having been born iu a foreign , ut} and uot having become a.eilizeu I of ike United StaUa. By reason of this alleged cireu instance, the statement says he as unqualified nod barred by the cons titui ion aud lows of the slate of Montana from be’ng elected to the office of sheriff of Chouteau county- or nuy other office. Ihe contestant clause he ia the only qualified pers >n who any votes for the office of sheriff, and asks that a bpeeiiil session or lerm of court beheld in aom jrdauce »/ith ike provisions of the Meutauia Blames, that the coolest ru ay b" tried and determined in tne mauner provided by law. Ihe contestant is rep resented iu tbe omlter by. Atioriraya l hosv E. Brady* of Great Falls, huA W. lowlier of Fort Benton. A special session of the hetrict court will be held ou the Istii inst. for lb* pur pose of trying the above sou. McDcuuldqiu his answer says that he was burn iu Boaiou, and what at the age of five >cara he went with his parable so Walem, where he resided for sonra tune. While the amt is causing considerable, talk, it is not believed ihbl McDonald will hose 'us office. r A carl md us Stock Goiljuxt Freach rrudjbg Go’s. F«ST ia*VOCATL DIRECT fWMIWLS “There was a great deal of talk during tbs campaign about .who was tbe tint man in Montana to sifrocato- direct (wimeriee,” said a formas resident of Meagbsr county, today, “but Ibe members of no partionlar party pe tal) I.shed their claims to the Fatibfnclioo of tbs publit. The man who Grsi pul.koty advosated tla* intrwduation of thadixeot primary in Montana politics was Alex H Rhone, then, editor and [ireprietor of tbe Meagher County News aiul now edetar and propnietes of tbe IL-fuin unac, et I’lnisa. Mentaua. ITue wiissoiuo .If yen r* ttJ &boDe nut only advocated the direct primary idea in bis paper, but he aWo ] tried, to get the republics us of MeaqU-i (uiiiutv to adopt ill in relation to tbeir ~ pricmujsa Bed county eouventions. Tbu time, were nokripe, br waver, for tucb n |depiirjnre aaii Mr. Rhone failed. He i iviib, however, tlie first, so t.u- as I 1 know or have beard, who advocated the direct primary id-a fur tbo slate of Muutaus.’* Mot A Sick Dav Since. I I was taken severely sick with kidney j trouble. I tried all ports of medimnos, I nonenf wbiob relieved ins. One day I siw iui nd. cf your Electric Ritters and determined In fry that. After taking a few does* I fell relieved, und soon tbere- I lifter WBS entirely cured, nm) have not linen h Hick dsy sim-«p Neighbors of [ mine have been cured of Rbenmarism, Neuralgia, Inver and Kidney troubles | end (lonsml Debility." This ir wbat B. | K. 1!m8>, <d Kreruont, N. C. write-, only 'oo‘, at McO.UjUWJ Drtlg^iet, ROUND UP NOTICE. r* - • . Headquarters, Pipe and Bowl Reach, Home Ranch on Cherry Creek. Denver P. O. Colo., Not. 23, ‘O4 To All Live Stock Outfits: By order of t» e Denver Roundup District lx>chl Committee ou Live Stock Conventions, I hereby extend to j y° n * cordial invitation for yourself and your wholeoutfit to be present and par ticipate in a grand general Roundup of all live stock outfits to be held Januaay IDOfi at- tbe Denver Home Ranch- For this occasion all local maverick** and estmy laws will he suspended ano each outfit attending will be entitled to everythiug.tbe£'U*n grt a rope 00. The National Livestock, ihe National Wool Growers’ and Ite Interstate Cattle Growers’ already a-rangeii for a full uLieDdance, bat no one is burred out off thin- occasion. Mes* wagons will run day auu night and there will be thioga doing all.tbe time. While work is the regular diet for the stmkman y«K, as a rule, he ie not advevse to a little pleasure for dessert. Tbe home euifit bee been given orders to have a full supply of the dessert on tap. Ladiee included in the invitation. For those who are abort on blankets and.grub, there will, be ample maw arrangements at the loeol ranohee. Sheep wagons will be given good Joeation oloae to good bedding grounds* aod uhere will be a fall supply. of. wranglers to look after the horses rode. As it is desired that every outfit on tbe range b* represented, your failure to be on hand may ooet yon « few calves or lambs* aa the committee oe this oooosion ex pects each onifit to do its own branding or eav uiui king. Snake bate medicene **ad wolf pvif-nn will be in adequate *app)y. Doses of blackleg vaccine and frheep dip mwy be had from the com* mitiee. All sheep sheariDg will be done by machinery, )uw«t improved. power plants being used, ’there will bo-plenty of hay on hand, and those prefering green grass will find all pastures wide open. No rings or saddle irons - slowed ou saddles. Aa iha general happiness of ad is to be in charge of the committee represent lug the local oui ilp, we would appreciate if if you wodld drop n line to the sec retary staling that you will lie present and the number aud names of those who will be with youu We want one arrange* menls to l>e adequate. Don.! full to show-up, however, no matter* what th# weaLb-r may ba Sincerely yours, •L A. Johnston, Foreman. H. E. Keni ejxx, Secretary. Suqur Beets for Beaverhead. The ComiTatrciiil clnb ot Billings baa raoently takeu steps looking to the- eu. lablistiment of ibu beet sugar industry iu tbe Vellawuluiie valley. A spseiul conaiuittee iiilbe slub vjt-Ued Colotado and other western,atatea.where the- beet sugar industry beiog successful, ly developed, son-the pnepoea of gather ing information, which well be oLgrett practical.value to Ibe prospective-indus try in llm Yellnwatone. valley. Ae a re sult of these, inreetigulions svgpematio efforts will be made bp the progressive citizen*, of Billings unci the adjacent country to bring abestl tbe enaction of a beet, sugar factory u Billing* aud the plautiog of s siifli irul crop iU beets in that wicimuy to ksep tbo duw factory busy. Kxpeiifisents coodnoted sonte year* ago by ttse State Agricultural college at. B turn .a sbowiclconclnaivjaly that beet*, raised in the Bea-erbead valley contain, an sinaont ot saccharine matter consid. embly above tbe average, and that the sod. of our valley is to thn suo ceaafal raising of beet*. Ovsr in Bil lings they figure on a g/oas yield of S3OO per sere. At that rats, even after taking into consideration tbs, increased oobX ot production, the raising of sugar beet* would be a great deal more profitable that alfa'fa or oats. In addition, the re f :se pulp turned out by sugar beet sac. lories makes an .Tgelleol feed for both untllaandebsei ibis feature alooe is «'ortiiy of the most careful consideration |on the purl of ail iotere.led or engaged | ill the slock feeding industry. The Examiner suggests that the new t club, in ooouec-io.'. with the I Beaverhead Oonuty Stockgruvrera and K.inner»’ aasocistion, t iks up this matter | end gire its thorougli ex tminntioo. I Ilnring the past few days n number of I l-ttere have been baialjd to the editor I lliia paper, front Dakota and Montana I points, in regard l to 'b“ ■ cant pruiri* tits that oaiiauil rnicli havoc lo lb» range 1 north of tins city. One is from s gentl*. i man near SpeaitLh, 8. 1)., who is deair ous of handling live or six bands of ! sheep on bis range there, for which snob snitable arum,'emeu a could lie cheerful |ly furnished in regard ta the same by ' 3al'm; at Uijg office. JNO. 38