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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
*•OS oalondors are all the raga at Iba praaant lime. Xmas trees aad tri<Bu*inga at FrenA Trading Co's. The winter evenings are not yet quite long enough tomsks the president's mee eege .popular reading. A pew in a Philadelphia church sold for *I,OOO, witboat an; salvation clause in the contract. - The republican national committee had *400,000 left at the end of the cam- 1 paign. There mast be a couple of hon est men somewhere in this country. Mrs. Chadwick seems to be giving Nan Patterson a hard race for first place in the telegraphic dispatches. Pork sausage, .niece meat, wierners, bolonga, «euer kraut, all home made and pure at the City Meat Market cf S. H. Parker. Thbbb were 3,366.487.215 cigarettes manufactured in the United States last year. This statement wae not found in the mortuary record. Olson & Dorrity carry the flnest line of meats in the city. They will bare on band fresh meats of all kinds and share a of your patronage. State Game Warden W. F. Scott de sires to call the attention of the public .to the fact that Thursday ended the open season for all feathered game with the exception of ducks. From now on' until next fall no one will be allowed to kill grouse, prairie chicken, fool ben, pheas ant or partridge. Wild geese, ducks, brant and swan, may be killed up to the Ist of May. The season on deer and rocky mountain goat will remain open for one month yet and the public, will not be forbidden from killing them till January Ist, 1905, - Railroad men returning from northern •nd eastern Montana report that ranch ers and cattlemen are “hot.” for a railway oommiaeion, says the Anaconda Stand ard. This in claimed to be dne to ths oomplaints over the shortage of cars and the routing of cuttle shipments in some sections. It is represented that the cat tlemen are advocating the adoption of the Texas railway eommieeion law. which contains a provision for a fine and for feiture against both shipper and railroad Under the Texas law h shipper must give ten days’ notice to the railroad com pany when he has a big shipment to make, stating when his cattle will be at the shipping point, and bow many cars he will need. For each days’ deluv in providing cars after the day set, the rail road company mnst pay the shipper a forfeit of *25, and the shipper must like wise pay a forfeit of 825 to the railroad oampany for each day be fails to have his stock at the railroad after the time appointed. ' 'LL V Everybody in Harlem is convinced that the Lorelei keg and bottled beer is the best on the market Sold at the Club saloon Try it. LODGE POLE NOTES, Doings of Laadusky, Zortman and the Agencv Recorded Here. Alex Thumb the princo of cow pniioh ers. and a manipulator of the deadly six shooter, is cutting cur l wood in the Pine Hills of the Little R ickies. Sub Agent D. W. Ring and family, were visitors at. the Midway ranch, on Brown’s creek, Deo, 4, E. E. Wood, a horse buyer, purchased 40 head of horses from the Indians last week. Gabriel Azure wh i has seen the snows of many winters, is on the sick list at h e residence on Dry creek. W. E French, L iudan Minngh and Mr. Phelps, were out to the mountains on business, last week. Pay day at Zortman on the 10th. The boys all got busy. Dick Snell and Antwice Glaser w re over fiom Little Warm after a beef cow for the Zortman market, on the stb. George Kuhnehan went to Zortman with a beef. .Tack Brown was a Lodge Polo visitor last week. Father Edward Greavy held services at the Oatholic cmirob, on Sunday, the 4. Frank Kirkaldie was over from Big Warm last week. John McConnell is cutting saw logs in the Little Rockies. Sub Age t Ring wasover in the mount ains at the head of Bear Gnloh, looking afier some gentlemen who Here said to be getting away with the Indians’ timber N. E. Whetstone Post Trader at Hays was over to the Midway ranch with the horse bnyer, last week. DEPARTMEINTi _ ^2^ M £ - —— c x re ist rvi a s We Have Anything You Want I ZZ~~“J Come and See ~ ** '»> . I =—==l*l^o: i>» ik *ro»=^=:= -* «»> . HARLEM. MOINT The Ball Lumber company sent three loads of lumber to Fort Belknap agency, last week. Dan Knhneban left for Zortman on the 9th met. Head Clerk Hawes of the Modern Woodmen of America, has jqef optifled 235 clerks of the local camps of their dismissal on the grounds of incompe ten< c, and has notified the camps that they have been serving to elect new man in their places. This order is the result of investigation of the manner in which camp clerks have been attending to business, and it will cause a sensation in a good many camps. sls Reward. Lost on election night a coon skin overoeat, with beaver cuffs and collar. Extra long and split high in back for saddle use. Small patch of fur ofT in the lower left hand corner. Will pay the above reward tor any information that will lead to recovery of the above coat. L’ave word nt the Harlem Meat Market of Olson and Dorrity or at this office. James B. Dobbity. Disastrous. Wreck Carelessness is responsible for many a rail way wreck nud the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lncg troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King’s New Discovery ■tor Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds, even the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer neces sary. Mis. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Maes., is one of many whose life wae saved by Dr. King’s New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Threat and Lung diseases by MoGienses Druggist Price 50e, nnd SI 00 Trial bottles free. THE New Mi Hotel . W. J. HART, - Proprietor. Rates $2 per Day Uo. •» First Class Bar in Connection. HARLEM, MONT. CHAS. PEMBER, TONSORIAL ARTIST. Hot anil Goll Ballis Ew Moy fur Great Faile Steam Laundry HARLEM, MONT. NOTICE 11 X • V G-REGORY,theTravel ing Photographer, Has decided to remain in Harlem until the first of the year. All work first class and satisfaction guaranteed. He makes a specialty of family groups and children. You are cordially invited to esll at the BBOWN TENT nnd see OUR WORK. For Sale One porcelain batb, tub and bowls complete. Solid oak extension dining table, with six chairs to match, one kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, nearly new, Bruesells carpet, size 20x30, three beating stoves, all in good condition. Will qgll the above cheap for each. In quire‘of W. J. Hart, at hoteL BLACKSMITHING-- On Credit. LTJMBEFI-- For Cash Only! A. ELLIS. the Deliiionieo Wcstn tu'anf MUS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOLE. north SIDE. HARLEM MONT . Stbi-hbn Cabvkb, President. E . g. SwKETj V i oe President Chas. E. Owens, Cashier. First' National Bank, GHINOOK, [MONTANA- Paid Up Capital Start:, $60,000. This bank is insured by the Aetna Indemnity Co., and will be reimbursed for loss by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, absolute security, prompt and careful attention and the most liberal treatment consistent witb-eafe and profitable banking. Issue drafts oa all prin cipal cities of the world and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THE ELITE RESTAURANT MRS. M. B. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. G-ood Table Board $5 per week. Everything neat and clean. We solicit a share of your business. E. A. SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE WITH .JOHN C. ELDER HAULEM, - - MONTANA IT A (TIT HF MX) hojneateadß on va-^ It U 1 lUIJ cant government land On the big flit 16 miles north of Harlem. Good water can be obtained at a depth of from 16 to K feet. A gooe crop of oats and flax raised this year without irrigation. Pick out your homestead and file before JOHN C. ELDER, U. B. LAND COM., - HARLKM, MONT.