Newspaper Page Text
r ' mich’ Joiir little Im# W^nple*! jkxir bi&b.ihil!” s4!d the ctiMniriJi 'ji Htl< vian. ’‘l’ve always heard.’* she replie I "TH people grow to look like those ti \ m* much with, but this is qtHte a r .r< r’:n« hie case. Wr only ad apted the <! r lit tle fellow last tfpek.—Ohirtigo Record- Herald. ~ Tho Coining Jury. Lawyer (a few years hence)—Make your mind easy. The jury’ will dis agree. Prisoner—Sure? Lawyer—l know it. Two of the mem bers are man and wife. Mrs. Mary E. Meserve, of Salisbury, Mass., was cured of Anemia, a disease in which there is an actual deficiency of the blood, by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People She says: “The first symptom was an unusual paleness. Later the blood seemed to have all left my body. I had shortness of breath and fluttering of the heart; was de pressed, morose and peevish. I suf fered for two years. Physicians did 8 me little good but I am now a well fl woman because I took twelve boxes fl of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.” fl ..These pills really make new 4 blood ana have cured obstinate I cases of rheumatism, scrofula B and erysipelas. They are es- I pecially useful to growing girls. I THE FISH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRIEND *‘A good many years ago I bought a FISH BRAND Slicker, and it has proven a valued friend for many a stormy day, but now it is getting old and ^'must Juve another. Please send me a price-list.” (The name oftbl* worthy doctor, obliged to be out In alt aorta of weather, will be g' v cn os application.) A - ^™<3 K -« TOWER CANADIAN COMPANY, Limited Toronto, Canada BRA^ Wet Weather Clothing, Suita, and Hats for all kinds of wet work or sport KING OF FIRE KILLERS Agents wanted bi every county; sells easy; pays big; liberal Inducements to workers. Our men are making big money-why not you? Bend for particulars lu full to the hYRICIDE MFG. CO., 4 4 Murray St., New York. TWO 80 s FOR SALE 1 will »• 11 80 acres flue farm land 2 miles from Napoleon, county s iat of Logan county. N. D., on Soo road, tor ssoa. halt cash. Will sell good 80 two miles from Forestburg, on C..M. & St. P., In Sanborn county. 8. D., for ssoo, $450 cash. School houses within eighty rods of both. GEO. W. KELLEY, Woonsocket, S. D. (<)oo Drops) VwM - 'law alt IF c It AMrgetablePrcparaUcnforAs slmilatingtfteFoodandllegula- ling ttic Steinachs and Bowels of IM l\ I S/( HII liKI.N Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuP ness andßest.Conlains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. noft of ou a-siMuaptraax P^J^Soxl- , » 1 I p I J Aperfcrl Remedy forConslipa Ron. Sour Stouiach.Diarrboea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oF NEW~ YORK. XI b I .inlh.. 01d’ ‘ } j Dost s J^C In i s EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. GEOROE TRITIUM. It lhcil4ed Hi® father, Ltit Several <■ tiler Guenwr, Said Nothing. "W 1 at we ought to have,” snid the s:irmisj< uul precocious George, mi 8-- yimr-oill resident of Germantown, while .it luiidieoii the other day, “Is bread made from pure trltlcum’ flour. I'njj tired of these everlasting experi ments." ami he surveyed Ilie pile of corn muffins on the table with dis pleasure and scohi, says the Philadel phia llecord. George's mother, knowing the capa bilities of her young hopeful for caus ing embarrassment, did not ask what trltlcum flour was or take occasion at that time to point out George's fail ure In good manners In so loudly de claring Ills dissatisfaction at the food he found on the table. In the even ing. however, while on the porch with visitors, and after George bad retired, she said to her husband: “George Is asking for bread made of trltlcum flour. What Is that?" The husband hadn’t the slightest idea, and frankly said so. A lawyer In the party, when appealed to. hummed and hawed a little, and said It was probably some new-fangled Idea George had gathered at school, per haps the name of a new breakfast food. Another visitor suggested that George might be a josher, and upon this the party spelt the word back ward, rearranged the syllables mid did other things known to puzzle solvers. “I'm going to look It up,” said George's eldest sister. She went into the house and returned half an hour with dust from the encyclopedia and dictionary over her hnnds, but she was triumphant. ■ "Why, it's wheat," she said. “It's simply the botanical name for wheat.” George's father was Inclined to be proud of bls boy, but the visitors at once startl'd a discussion of the Kus slau-Jupnuese war. Piso's Cure tor Consumption promptly relieves my little 5-year-old sister of croup.—Miss L. A. Pearce, 113 Pilling street, Brooklyn, N. Y M Oct. 2, 11)01- The Royal Color. Purple lias always been considered tile royal color. The ill-fated Charles I. was, however, at his own desire, crowned In a robe of white. Although lie was seriously reminded that of the two exceptions to this rule, Itlcbard 11. and Henry VI. who wore white satin robes at their coronations: both had come to a violent end. one at Ponte fract castle and one in the Tower, Charles I. was resolute In Ills decbloh. and, when, twenty-three years after ward, almost to a day, bls body was conveyed to its grave through a heavy snowstorm, the superstitious could not help remarking that the third "white king" had suffered a violent death. Advertising in Japan. The Japanese advance in advertising as in all else. Here is an illustration: "Our wrapping paper Is as strong ns the hide of an elephant. Goods for warded with the speed of a cannon bull. Our silks aud satins are as soft as the cheeks of a pretty woman, as beautiful as the rainbow. Our parcels are packed with as much care us a young married woman takes of her husband." NTnt. Winslow's Boorvrwa Itict for OkHdrm l••lbin«; »oh«a* th« guma, iaflaußßtauoa. al Uva pain, caroa wind ooUa. 16 mom a bo«Ua. A Soft Answer. “You have beeu fighting again, Tom |ny!” “I coaldn’t help it, maiuina. That Stnpleford boy sassed me.” "That was no reason for fighting. You should have remembered that ’a soft an swer turneth away wrath,’ aud given him a soft answer.” “I did. I hit him with a chunk o’ mud.”—Chicago Tribune. ICASTORIA j For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Z I I Z\y M* I Signature ZJiu I Rr h vr‘ I" Ha/ ” S 8 v For Over Thirty Years lOASTORIA tm —wnia w, on.- Oft 8 ® 5 "He comes of n distin guistjed faj»- ,ly, 1 believe.” "Yes. ills people hjv» worn glasses for three generations!"— Exchange. - -V; "If you dare kiss me again I will eall papa!" "1 thought you said your fatbs er was in California'.'" "He Is.” — Houston Post. First Doctor—Then we decide not to operate. Second Doctor—Yes. What do you think we ought to charge hint for deciding not to operate?—Brooklyn Else. Lady—l have nothing to give you, my poor man, but some cold sausages. Knight of the Road—'Scuse me, mum, but don’t your sign say, "Beware 4>f the Dog?” Clarinda—You can’t keep a clog In your new tint? Florinda—No, we had to give Fido away; but Frederick had bis dear little bark put In’ our phono graph. — Cincinnati Commercial Trib une. A teacher was explaining to a little girl how the trees developed their foliage in the springtime. “Oh. yes.” said the little miss, ”1 understand; they keep their summer clothes in their trunks:” ~ • . .. “Doctor,” queried the inqufsiUyc per son, “do you bid levo that the cigarette habit causes weak minds?” “Not nec essarily.” replied the 11. D.; “as a rule it merely indicates them.”—Chicago Dally News. “What's Hint racket down .there?” shouted the old gentleman from the head of the stairs. “/ think," promptly replied Ills up-to-date daughter, "that It was Bob dropping his voice when he proposed to me.” "Macintosh boasts a good deal nbont his family, doesn’t he?” "Yes. I think he claims that the head of his family was the original Macintosh that Noah had with him diirlng that rainy sea son.”—Philadelphia Press. Bridget—Why, Master Tommy, what ever is the matter? Tommy—l’ve hurt my h-hahd in the h-liot water. Bridget —Shure, thin. It serves you right. You should have felt the water before you put your hand In! —Punch. “What is love?” asked the sweet girl, who was looking for a chance to leap. "Love,” replied the old bachelor, "is a kind of Insanity that makes n man call a two hundred pound female bls little turtle dove.”—Chicago News. Mrs. Muggins—My husband is a per fect crank. Mrs. Buggins—All hus bands are, my dear. Mrs. Muggins— But fancy a man who complains that my mustard plasters are not ns strong as those bls mother used to make! Maud —See this ring? Archie gave It to me the other evening. Irene — I thought I recognized It. You 11 find it has a rough place just under the setting that will make your finger sore.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribute. A junior student - Cornell Univer sity, in rendering nn account to bls father of his last term’s expenses, en tered as nn Item: “Charity, thirty dol lars.” Ills father wrote back: “I fear that charity covers a multitude ’of sins.” “Do you think they’ll bo happy now they’re married?” "Well, I don’t see why not. They eat the same kind of breakfast food, take the same brand of dyspepsia tablets, and wear the same make of hygienic underwear." —Town Topics. “I suppose, Senator," she said, "that you try to keep In touch with the finan cial interests of the country." "If I didn’t, my dear girl, I’d have to cut down my livin’ expenses or practice law a good deal harder than 1 do be tween sessions."—Ex. A Little Rusty: "The bride seemed quite nervous, didn't she?" remarked the first Cblcagp girl. “Naturally,” re plied the other: "slpifs somewhat out of practice. It's the first time she's been married since last year."—Phila delphia Public Ledger. Visitor —What a racket the steam makes chinking through the pipes! Flat Dweller (shivering)—Yes. It reminds me of one of Sbakspeare's plays. Vis itor — Which—"The Tempest?” Flat Dwellef —No. "Much Ado About Noth ing.”—Town and Country. A teacher In an East Side school In hying to explain the moaning of the word “slowly” Illustrated It by walk ing across the floor. When be asked the'class to tell him how he walked, a boy nt the foot of the class shouted, “Bow-legged, sir.”—Lippincott’s. "I lost my foot in the war,” said the tramp, "and I’m trying to raise enough money to get out to California.” “What do you want tQ go to. California fur?” asked the woman at the door. “Ob. I’ve beard that there are things which grow a foot In a duy out there.” —Yon- kers Statesman. Friend of the Family—l want to give your husband a birthday present What do' you think would please him most? Mrs. Kutely—Oh, a stlclpn. He says be never has enough of them. Friend—Whut Is his favorite stone? Mrs. Kutely—Tho emerald. (Hanging mi the ’phone.) Isn’t that lovely; I’ve always wanted an emerald pin!—De troit Free Press. Scene: Editor’s sanctum. Printer (rushing In excitedly)—Here's a go. Johnson, the murderer, has Just beeu found Innocent, and the government lias telegraphed n pardon. We’ve got the whole account of tho hanging set up, with illustrations, and the form is on the press. Editor (coolly)—Don't get excited, man. Put over the ac count, in large capitals, “Johnson par doned. Full account of what h« es caped ” AdMM Schley Uses His g -n Pe-ru-na Home. !.r J J ■ .. .'i. I . .i 5 I I^o Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio. < Gentlemen: —“I can cheerfully state that y Urs. Schley has taken Peruna and 1 he- . iieve'with good effect.” ' '- — IV. S. SCHLEY. . S® • v*’ * • • •&&&* Battle of Santiago, Where Admiral Schley Made History, ONE of the preatMt n»vnl battles in the world wna tb<* Eight Off Santiago. Never since the dispersion of the Spanish |~ Armada ha s there A GREAT NAVAL BATTLE. been a more ep- mak- ing victb^f in the onward march, of < ivilizatiuu than in the notable event of July 3, 1808. in which the great hero, Admiral Schley, took a leading port. / It was a groa<‘ paval battle. Without a moment’s warn ing it began. Quick decision, undaunted courage, excellent discipline, resolute selPConfldencu —these combined in Admiral Schley to produce that dash and daring so characteristic of the American soldier. A man must think qu!«cly in these days. Thore is no time for sluw action. New enterprises arise in an hour. Old ones pass away in a moment. A multiUde of great themes clamor for notice. A man must tukO sides for or against by intuition, rather than logical deduction. , , , One day tbis- fighting admiral. Schley, happened to be in company “ ^jth oth- ers who I ADMIRAL’S OPINION OE ^E RU-NA. w e r e tal k i u rl I 011 '» r ‘- om topics of popular interest. Ine sUbjcot of I eruna was Her Big F^ect. A respectable "old gentleman, some ‘ what tight, on entering an omnibus, got his feet entangled in a ludy’s dress and fell headlong. He staggered to bls feet, and looking round, Indignant ly demanded who struck blm. A gentleman present remarked sotto voce:; “You fell over that lady’s feet; nobody ■truck you.” The indignant citizen turned round and surveyed the cause of the accident a moment, uud then, us if by no means satisfied with the cause of bls mishap, said: “Madame, you have got the biggest feet I ever saw!" “Sir!” responded the lady, flushing with anger. “Pray, don’t apologiz.e; It ain’t your fault, but take my advice, sit sideways la the future, and give them the full range of the bus.” Happy Woman. e Mrs. Pare, wife of C. B. Pare,a prom inent res 1- deut of Glas gpw, Ky„ says: “I was suffering from a com plication of kidney trou bles. Besides a bad back I had a great deal of trou ble with the ;ceedlngly va riable, sometimes excessive and at oth ’ er times scanty. The color was high, and passages were accompanied with i n scalding sensation. Doan’s Kidney 1 Pills soon regulated the kl<l”"y secre tions. making their color normal and banished the Inflammation which caused the scalding sensation. I can rest well, my back Is strong nnd sound and I feel much better in every way.” For sale by all dealers, price 50 cents per box. Footer-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ✓ An Ancient Strike. Probably the oldest strike on record Is that of the bakers engaged In bak ing the shewbread for the Temple, which took place two years before the destruction of the building by Titus. The Temple authorities engaged a number of journeymen from Alexan dria to take the place of the strikers, but the newcomers not bring initiated into the secrets of the trade the de mands of the Jerusalem bakers had to be conceded. A Good Match. Old Lady—Then you arc not inn cried 1 Modern Miss—No, indeed. I «m one of the bachelor girls you bear about ho much nowadays—have a profession, rooms of my own, and ume at the club, you know. Old Lady—Ah, I see. You must let ms introduce you to my dear son; who lives with me. He is one of the. old maid men, you know. Domestic Happiness. Mrs. Neighbors—Men have different ways of making home happy. Mrs. Hamer—-How so? Mrs. Neighbors—Some do it by stay ing at home and some by staying away. Work lor the Lawyers. There are civil suits brought lu this country every year. If the plalntifTs were different in every case, one in eight of the voting popu lation could be said to be a litigant. As it is. the actual number of different litigants is not in excess of 800,(MM) — 400.000 plaintiffs nnd 400*000 defend ants —which is 1 per cent of the total population of the country, now about 80,000,000. The number of lawsuits brought In a year in France is 800,000. In. Italy—ltalians are much inclined to litigation—it is 1,400,000, and Ln Ger many It Is 3,000,000, a very much larg er number, l>oth actually and relative ly, thau tlie number in the United States. Civil actions of all kinds begun last year in Great Britain and Ireland num bered about 1,500,000, or one for nearly every tenth male or female adult in the United Klugdom. tn 1902 there was an Increase of nearly 62,000 over the previous year, and 472,041 actions were heard out of 1,410,484 that were begun. Of the number of appeal cases heard, one lu every three was successful, against one In four or five, years ago. The total cost of British litigation in 1903 was placed at $7;809.875. A Crying Shame. “My, but thfs is a sad play,” remarked the girl in the balcony. “It certainly is,” rejoined her escort. "Why, ever) the neats are in tiers.” r Sale Ten Million Boxes aYe^r. THE FABILVS FAVORITE MEDICINE | CANDY CATHARTIC L BEST FOR THE BOWELS f lor [ Sprains I anci L Strains J St. Jacobs Oil K- *n the world ever as the O KfilTVS* 1 SEB —_ J 4b prompt Mt. eyre for sVUwUAH®wIM *'SwAsA WJUUMA raised—its popularity as a catarrh remedy, its national im< portance, its extensive use. One asked his opinion. Without n moment’s hesitation, hd said: “I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Pvrunl afld I believe with good effect.’’ Like the Battle of Santiago, the thought was sprung upojj him without any warning, and he disposed of it with the sanM vim and decision as he did with the Spanish fleet led by thl ill-fated Viscaya. j His words concerning Penina have gone out into the world to be repeated by a thousand tongues, because he ha^ sid tltam. Like the news of his victory over Cervera, his words o»n --corning 1 i I* e r u ha will be ADMIRAL’S WORDS CARRY WEIGHT. rau<h’ <p by th e multitmles and passed irum mouth to mouth, across oceans ami conti nents. Except for an inborn manly imlependence, in a comrlry of free speech, these words never would have been uttered by au officer in such u notable position as that of Admiral Schley. Except for a world-wide notoriety and popularity, such as Peruna enjoys, no remedy rould ever have received such out spoken public endorsement by such a man. Western Canada’s MAGNIFICENT CROPS FOR 1304 Western Canada's Wheat Crop This Year Will Be 60,000,000 BUSHELS ANO WK4AT AT PREB4MT IS WORTH <1 A OUSHE4 The oat uud barley crop will also yield abundantly. Hplendid prices for all kinds of grain, cat tle and other farm produce for tin g owing of which the climate Is tiusurpiibsed About 150,000 Amedcans have bet tied la Western Canada during the pas’ threa years. Thousands of free homesteads of VU* m rea each still available lu the best agri* ult ural districts. It has been said that the United Statea will be forced to Import wheat «Irhin a very f pw years. Secure a farm hi < minis, and become oue of those who w II pro duce It. Ipply for information to Snp«rint«ndant <d Imrvig-ition, Ottawa. oMa4a, or to Authorial Canadian Go»arnn»»nl Axant: F.. T. Holim*-. 315 Jncknon St , St. Fan!, M nn.. W. IT. IO gen*. Box 11G, W arertnwn. South Dakota: \ 11*n oeR, KU Mew York Lite Building, Omuhu. b»*.b TTfBKN WRITING TO KTTMEUA VT please say you saw iMmlterttMLcenß Wi this paper. 8. C. N. U. - - 1904 BEGGS’ CHERRY COUHI SYRUP cures coughs and[ colds. HH CURES WMfEE All ELSE FAAS. Q ■tag Best < ough syrup. Taatoa Go«>J. Ute Cel In time. Bold by drugrtsu. 1 ■-‘■i'- I —fl* FOK £ Bur ns ‘l and L Scalds J • 4 ' • I t rsr unit ■ Bruises FMeX' an 1 Musiaiig] Llinimciilj