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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Being divorced will make no parrici tar difference to .M r. ‘ i .ease. He i— had to support hkuseir for sev. ... years now. A German acruauuL if truiuin,.' ■ team of eagles to steer bis bail > Some ambitions blgb-Uyer may yet . tempt to •'hitch bis । hariot to u s— King Alfonso says bull Ugh lug 1. cruel an i be much prefers horse ric Ing. This remark Is probably tile f.' ner stone of an early Spanish . u.u tlon. "Oom” i'aul and King Eduard art prominently mentioned in couuecllul with the settlement of the South Al ricau war, in spite of the tact th 11 neither of them seems to have mid anything to du lit it. Young Jolin it. 11 ..eleller says. "The man who is pom. ui.b only ju ■ enough money for the ■ necessities '»m life, may u>v bls life lor me good ul others, and that man is a true success. Yes, but where does his fun cume ,u' A lady bus secured an injunction to prevent her husband associating with uuotbei' woman how let some lone some wife secure au injunction to re strain her husband from staying down town after oilicc hours uud there will be precedents sufficient to bring about a reign of joy that shall be all-em bracing The aecessiou of the buy king iu Mad rid was in some ways a demonstration that Spain is till Spam. The occa •lou was seized upon as . n Opportunity for having cluse under the eyes of the assembled foreigners an unusuul num ber of bull tights. and < ach oh au uh usually large scale, it was old Spu :i thfct Inspired the bomWistle address of xht young king to the army. The bar baric uattrrc of bull Hglns seems un able to penetrate the outuse mluds of the Spanish liability. New fouudluuJ dogs, fought by the Life saving Service oi he Seine io us sis. In rescuing work. Lav.- aroused no ehu , comment In Taris, sh - cuntue savers came near to becoming a pMi i <a, is-tie. Eldicule an! nbuse were het.: । i c u then.. ... y were raid io ue <..pei: ivc, s.Upi .. LnctUcli m. At las .■ nt \ s; ape- ;. „ d -v' -i-d aid ex a st. ill.. a r.ut.ibe. or Lis g-s>. lain as .. m>•s. he dro. ea> one i. i. e bridges and leaped Into the : ..: i. 'ih- i. >gs aim .veil no inter,... .u ;n.- ~ gisdltg. hlm keepers count _i_m - uke iiie Ae.i ..i ll:-. p.UU .. ... ,> ;oc riu ~ rTiT v - .1 i,.-...- Lui . rescued the journal:' , i i ~io V arc 1. ' .ineu to u .c t-l :. e t V. h'. they suggest. nrHit.y ta! t.i. View '.but iheru ought to be lie luter tereu -e witu any tin ui. a promised ’to .. . ice tic- mn.c er m l'a.i.Muu juur yaVs's. THE HAhIEEAI MERCAIVTILE CO. I Has ike Largest Stock of Winter Clohing, Overshoes and German socks ever brought to the City. They are of the Best Manufacture, and will keep out the cold winds. Our Stock of Overcoats is complete. We have them for tall Men, shoi t Mei', Fat Men and all other kinds. The prices are right and you should see them before purchasing. Buy a Can of Bee Hive Baking Powder and get a nice present. It is guaranteed Pure and Fresh, and is making GREAT HIT WE HAVE A COMPLETE UNE OF THE FAMOUS M E MET I C XECATE TV O- Si T O 'IZ IE S ♦ ' Tln.ey are the x?est Heaters, and the prioes.are ZRigirt t # ’Wo have el fin© line of* Pendleton, Crog>n. Inlmnlnets upon w^lnch -we cure close jprioes. ; .ifIMK jBMiMWBi-s?E.araai£M£s mi. .wßßrwawra ~~’n® >s3aK29snaMs 'VV'e'W'ciixt Yoixi*'TTrade W- HARLEM MERCANTILE Company HARLEM, - - MONTANA NaatV ITjOUMM* AawrieM <r» May •ttandlng school th* ■Ulloa or two thwt ore hookey. The woman suffragists draw ISO Une on Dr. Mary Welker. She should oithot change ber trousers or go to raising whiskers. Everybody knows that the American people are up to snuff, but It is Sur prising to leurn that they used 14.68 - -000 pounds of It last year. They grow very wise men In New England. A hermit In Claremont. N. U., Is reported as saying that wom en are apt to cause trouble. IVe knew It would happen. An Uli nulsan fell off bls bicycle and nearly cut bls head off ou the edge o' the high col lar be was wearing. Young men, take ^fuming. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT ON. Department of the Interior, Lend Ctnce at Greet Fallfl, Montana. Deoembrr 13. 1904. Notice, !•* Leieby given tint the fohowng Domed settler Ima ti<l notice of her intention to nia e fii . J proof >n support of her claim, and Mint said proof will be made before John ('. Elder. V S Conm iwioner. at hie office in Bar lem. .M. ntana. on Jannarr I<l«t.C. ' nim. who inuae homestead entry no. 1( '> f rile ew i;ii .rter we quartei. we quarter sw nnnrb-r section 14,it half nw quarter flection 23, T 81 N . R a ■ . Sh- n» m»> the folk >iDg wit neefles to prove her c i tinos-DH residence upon and cultivation of sr ’d 'hi <l. viz: .1» cob A. Gambon, Preston M. Boeley. Mike Its < U r bark, nM o' Har’em. Mo-t»-na. and Albert I*. U i"< ard, < f I) deoD. Montana. J. M. Bi hI.INGAME hcKiatrr. (Find publication. Dee 14th. IVMM 1 GO TO ST. LOUIS in EvR'IHWESTERN LINE AND CHICAGO I FOUB FI*B FA*T TRAINS DAILY • NINNEAPOI I 8 AND ST PAUL • lucmt AGO ।ii i; t ; I Dinct coi uections at Chicago with 12 trains for St. Louis. STOPOVER ALLOWED ATCHICAGO Fer r» f। p nnd other iufor^'n i <»” n^titJicg \V< rids Fair i r.d.lreFH A- M. FEKTOa, < f neri; Ar« nt, Hclern, Mbntana. —OR * T. W. TEASDALE, Or'l Pi>HDper Agent ST. PAUL, MINK. RINGWALD’S CLUB SALOON Finest Wines and Liquore i^^^ Constantly on hand. Ev- STWW eryone welcome. Cour teous treatment to all. NORTH SIDE. H* RL fM. MONT. Go to ttie-== Liverv Stable or W. 1). DOIX'En Fme Teams Furnished on Stiort iTotioe. Hay and Oats for Sale SOUTH SIDE. HARLEM MONTANA. | MWERIGK i SALOON. i < H c - turner, proprietor, j —dealer in— i WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ? * * Only the Very Best Grades Handled in all Lines. * S Fool and Billiard Rccms. t AGENT FOR * lIHOZFTnVLZLISr FTJTtK I Guarantor dl2 years old. Fine for ineilie.t al purposes. ‘ The Best Peer to be Had ir. City. £ i!' 1 Old Friends Always Welcome, -while the Latch String * L is Always Ont to New Onos While in town drop in j and seo ns. 5 SILVER DOLLAR SALOON JARVIS & CIHffICIIIIL, PROPS. WIJVES. LIQUORS AFED CIGARS. SOHLITZ EEKF —HEAR THE MUSIC BOX Opposite Dodge’s Livery Barn. Harlem r Montana. Notice for Publication. Dei>tt«unPDt of the Interior. Land Office i»t Great F«Jta. Montana. Nov, 25. 19<H. Notice is hereby given that the folowing namwl eett'er him hied notice of bla intention to make final proof in support of hifl claim, nnu that Raid proof will be made be'ore Abram D. Gill, U. S. • ommifflioner.’ at his office in Li<d dnßky. Montana, on Janrary 10th viz: John I’. Hoyle, who made hon.pfliea' mtiy N<k 106hV fur the ea*t half northeast quaner. eaet half M)uth east quarter, »eo. 29, tp 21 N, R2l east M. Al Alho that John Finch. Jr . who made bon < Mead entry o. 108S8 f*w the eaat hnif eonth «‘H»t qDßr>r MC. 20. .«>■ rt‘ L '( *ou»h w-t <|':hitvr r. ••. 2\ townflbip 21 »'i ■' ■ 21 ea-1 M. M. They name Lie following witreF«o t» prow* their < ntinoue rce:dtDc« upon and cultivation of HHid hu : „ , , , . , . Walbrp M. Cobnrn, Robert J. ' oburn.lfdh nl Brookside. Mo' John I*. li«'i c, John N. Fifth, Jr., and D. L. Baird; all of Z rtman Montane. ’ ).;M. BURLINGAME. KcgieV* First publication Nov. 20. tOOL DESERT LAND, FI! J M PROOF. NOTICE FDR PUBLICATION. Uniter! StnteeLHnd Office. Great Falla. Morl., Nov 26.1904. Notice in her. by giv»*n that France* E. Watkina of Harlem. Montana, han fill'd notice of inten tion to make proof on her df^ert-land claim no, 6234 for the t-w quarter ee quarter sec. 20, ne quarter sec. 29. w half nw quarter and ao quarter nw quarter sec. 28, t;> 32north, r 24 e M. M. be fore John ('. Elder, U. K Coir ininfdoncr, nt hiH office in Harlem, Montana, on Thursday, the sth day of January, 1905. Also that Alfred Watkins, of Harlem, Mon tana, has filed no*ice of intention to make proof on his desert land claim no. 6236, for the b half so quartdr ne quarter h» quarter, sec. 28 and nw quarter bw quarter eec. 27, tp 32 n. r 24 o M. M. They name the following witnwses to prove the complete iriip tion and leclamation of said Innd; , ...... Asa A. Powell, Lowden Minugh. hh Free stone. Fobert D. Gauaway. all of Harlem, Mont. J. M. BUHLL GAME. Kahler. First publicttion bov. SO, 1904 Dezert Lard, Fin-1 p?oof--Nct:co; for publication. Department of the Intenor, i United State* l^and Office, : Great Faile. Mont., Dec. 13, 1904. Notice is hereby given tlmt John W. Archer, of Chinook, Mont., has filed notice of int« ntion to make proof on b's dcsirt-land claim No. 6233, for tlm S ha'f NW quarter. NW quarter quarter, SW quarter NE <|imrterauction 22, twp. S 3 north, range 21 oast. belOiu W. B. U. H. Commis ► ionor, nt hi» office in Cl inoo l ’. M< utana, on Wednesday, the 25th day of Januaiy, 1905. lie names the follow leg witDo-eea to prove the compute irrigation and r.c'am.tion of said land: . Thomas D< wns. William Fnl'bush, Martin Ol son and Humor I’rttis. all <4 ('hinook. Montana. J. M. BURLINGAME. Begister. First publicat ion Dec. 14. UO4. Harlem camp, no. tw. m. w. a. meet* in the 1.0. O. F. Hall the Segami and ronrth Frid»vs in each months Visiting Neighbors al ways welome. J. A. HATCH, V. C. F V. GRAYBEAL. Clerk. $50.00 BEWAHD! We will pay the above reward for li e ^vrreatand conviction cl »nj party < r j tikes bnaking into our *h< aiing plni*t on Wayne Creek end remor ng picperly 1H ielr« in M I him ack. SIOO Eewzrd I will pe> s]W' revwLrd for ia'omu t cm 'ending to the conviction of party or partus removing timbtrfrom cabiis-'D Wowdy lais nd on land t.wi rd b> me. Tide fn< hides all tnejx taere, and nfl will be treated a.ike Ckbxr MaloNby. D >N’T BE HARD IH»—You will mite the beet chftDce you ever had to make money fast if you do not wrlte^Vonce. Ev« ry (tav's delay i« n oney lost. Biggest snap on earth. Money < oming in dally. A perfect gem for every home. They nil want it. Every ane bnya it. Youshow w hat it will do and it bells itself. Unwise to de lay. Catalogue fro. A grots wanted. Addroee Lodge Pole Supple co., Col. Healey, Manager, Hays, Montana A Has Summons. State of Montana. County of Chouteau, s»c In jus tice < ourt. Harlem Townahip, before Hon. Geo. Vennum, rustics. The French Trading Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Er^d Jennings and C.E. Holder, De fendont, partner- doing bnelneM under the firm name anu style of Jennings Jc Bolder. Ti e iState of Montana to the above named de fendant, greeting: You are hereby aummoned to appearbefoie me. George Venuum, a Jus’ice of the Peace in and for the County of Chouteau, at my office in Har lem on the 7th day of January. A. DL 1905, at 10 | o’c'ock a. m. of the said day, then and there to 1 make answer to the complaint • f tb^above nam i ed plaintiff, jn a certain action 10 recover the sum of Fifty-one and Beventy-eight hundredth* I dollars and the costa of thia action, for money said to be due the plaintiff Upon a balance due R lain tiff upon an account for goods sold and de vered. a true account of which is on file with the Justice herein named, and an attorney's fee of $15.99. And if you fail to api>ear and answer as above requested, iudguient will be Uiken against you accord to the complaint. Given under my hand this 3<l day of December, ; A . D. 1994. Gao. W Vkknwm. E A. Smith, Justice of the Peace Plaiutlff’s Attorney. Harlem, Montana A. P. ROONEY, M. D. Office over Burton's Store lIAKL.F.M. MONTANA