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BriMsat lacwd aM NawMM* Mss. The suooww* which has attan 1< William E. C cat is, the fsmbtu qb. respondent of Tia Chicago Rzookd. Huhald, is rarely attained by uewa pip writera. Begta ninzbis career in Chimtg in 1872 aa reporter, he rapidly rose to th position of managing editor. He resign ed that position on receiving a gov ernment appointment as secretary o! South America, while in this position, producing several populnl volumes as the result of his literary lab >rs. After ward cooperating with Secretary ..f State James G. Blaine, Mr. Durtia orgn lied the work of the bureau of Amen republics, with the result that he was placed in charge -of that organization, and at the world’s Ualutnbian Exposition be distinguished himself by his labors n tbe executive head of the latin-Americao department. As correspondent ot tb- Ohtcago Record-Herald Mr. Curtis’ travels have carried him into every sec tion of the United States as well aa into ali quarters of the globe. Hie China And -Japan letters were published in book dorm; likewise his letters from England, 'Germany and France, as well as those written during his travels in Mexico and South America. No newspaper correspondent peeeeseee tbs facility shown by Mr. Curtis in writ ing on any of the diversified subjects embraced in tie correspondence and making it luminous. Nor is any cor respondent followed so closely year after year by the thousands ot readers of the Chicago Record-Herald. On his recent trip to the Holy Land Mr. Curtis’ letters have been read more doiely than ever, and bis discriptione of that interestin/ section of the globe as it appears to-day have been quoted everywhere. A daily letter from Mr. Curtis appears in the Chicago Record-Herald. PrlnceVlenry says he saw a third ot the United States geographically. The ■an must-be a human telescope. Disastrous Wreck Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lucg troubles. But since tbs advent of Dr. King’s New Discovery ror Consumption, Coughs and Cold", even the worst oases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer neces sary. Mrs. Lois Cragg dt Dorcbeeter, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King’s New Discovery, This great-remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by MoGinnore Druggist Price 50e. and 8100 Trial bottles free ^|^""^| , ^ 2^ 'TEZZjJI^ - ^. jbl. JBx- ^XL .XL ^CTXkh. JBLmL JHwLd ® With the Latest Thing Out Town and Country Club Ladie’s Shirt W e should have had iThe most sensible, these Sept. Ist. So^ G ^O y |The neatest thing many being worn the WTgOjf. for Ladie’s Wear in. factories cannot fill ■]||pJpsH summer or winter the orders. TW^cwN-ocr S that ha s come out. ’ 1,1 "" ■ <—' -' '• • >«ww7» ' M jzzzm .x-iMnm ■» . - , L « | RHTUSF IPFtEJSJEIXT'T’S We have a very le v articles left that would make nice return presents and you can get them cheap. I HARLEM’S DEPARTMENT STORE, H - BARTO " p^or? . wo^—— — —— —— ■nTJtrrn UI —aMMK. n«. • 1 ■ ■bi i I id Look out for the automobile when the bell rings. Why will people suffer the hardships of the Klondike and Cape Nome '.vlien money can be made so easily In poli tical In her lecture on "Mere Man ’ Sarah Grand, advising the wives, said of the busband, "Feed him and Hatter him.” O, Divine Sarah! A woman who got married to a. wid ower two mouths ago has run away, deserting her eight helpless stepchil dren. How could she be so cruel? x - ■ Have you noticed an extra nickel In your pantaloons pocket? Director of the Mint Rogers-has reported a uet gain in the per capita circulation of tive -euts. The Duke of Cornwall and York has become the Priuee of Walts and Earl of Chester. When last beard from, how ever, Ernest Ttiompsou-Setou bad the same name. Poor Schwab. It has leaked out that he gets only sll2s,turn a year for being president of t^v steel trust. The neigh bors must wonder ho., his wife can afford to hart o man; nvw things. When div - j v.tmuu are so over joyed Unit they uj.,3 their lawyer and try to kiss the judge It is time for young women to try to be careful In the selection of a husband. It la bet ter to be an old maid than to be kiss ing lawyers and judges In the gladness of release from a marriage that never should have been. ought to be some way to do price a clergyman of his authority to perform the marriage ceremony when be makes such misuse of it as did the minister who married a boy In knicker bockers to a girl still In short dresses. — ——■=== Let us be thankful for our political blessings. They may not be all we should receive, but we are so much bet ter off than most other people that an American is liable to feel, after the manner of the pharisee, that he Is not as other men, and that his country Is not managed after the manner of man agement given the effate despotisms. GOALICOAL! The best Coal to be foil'd in thi section of the country is now on sale at the mine of Murray and Forbes one mile north of town, where it can be purchased in quan tities to suit buyers at $3 per ton. DELIVERED IK CITY $5 PER TON If you use a ton of this coal you will burn ho other. Does not clinker and burns freely. Give it a trial. Murray & Forbes, PnOPRIRTORS. THE Nev M Hotel W. J. HART, - Proprietor. Rates $2 per Day Uo. First Class Bar in Connection. HARLEM, MONT. CHAB. PEMBER. TONSORIAL ARTIST. Hot eel Colt Baths Every Saturday Agent for Great Falls Steam Laundry HARLEM, MONT. NOTICE I! GREGORY.the Travel ing Photographer, Has decided to refrain in Harlem until the first of the year. All work first class and satisfaction guaranteed. He makes a specialty of family groups and children. You uro cordially invited to cell at the BROWN TENT ami ere OUR WORK. For Sale One porcelain bath, tub and bowla complete. Solid oak extension dining table, with aix chairs to match, one kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, nearly new, Bramells carpet, size 20x80, three beating stoves, all in good condition. Will sell the above cheap for cash. In quire of W. J. Hart, at hoteL BLACKSMITHING-. On Credit. ILTJLiBEJR.- For Cash Only! A. EELfS. the Delinouieo l^estauriint MRS. N. COONS, Proprietress. MEALS AT ALL HOURt north SIDE. HARLEM MONT. SrmmkK Cabvek, President. E. 8. Swarr, Vice President Cues. E, Owens, Cashier. First National Bank. GHINOOK, MONTANA- Paid Up Capital Stock, $60,000. Thia bank la insured by the Aetna ludemuity Co., and will be reimbursed for lots by burglary or hold-up. We offer to depositors, absolute security, prompt ami careful attention and the most liberal treatment consistent with safe and profitable banking. Issue dralle ou all prin cipal cities ot, the wo'rld and pay interest on time deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THE ELITE RESTAURANT MRS. M. B. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Good Table Board $5 per week. Everything neat and clean. We solicit a share of your business. E. A. SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE WITH JOHN C. ELDER HAHLEM, - - MONTANA ITHTI Pli' &00homesteads on va- U 1 lUIII government land On the big thi 16 mi Jap north of Harlem. Rood water can bo obtained at a depth of from 16 to Mi feet. A gooe crop of »a«B and Wax rubied this year without irrigation. Pick out your homeetead and I file before JOHN C. ELDER, U S. LAND COM., - HARLEM, MONT.