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CALABRIA 4I', fp~· Mýi FROM MOORE. Taken From the Column of the Inland Empire. After an abs)ence of five weeks from the city, during whicll lime lie has been confinend in tle Siters' hiospital al Lewistowni, Elmnr Sisson retlurned hone Wednesday. It is Iieedless to sa! that Elimer's many frie(nds were peasedl to see him.e Snre:ak thlievecs are again i perating in this section of tile country and mrnlmy robbelriies f hioimesteader's cal,ins are rep.,rtedl. Amllorlg other places t hat have been visited is E. (). Hledrick's claim, which is located alovt 10 mieis ion rl of Moore. When Mir. Hedrick ret lurued to his home siead last Friday evening lie found thatt everythling in I tlie house had been stolern, tile lhiev'es taking even tie dish p;an. ( ilicers have several p,rties under sourveilanice who are suopec\el oh beirlng inite.iested. Anoltier contestl was added to its Vi.i .moes Ies i, lie Moo ,re Dowliirg team Sal urdlay eveninlg cl Iomn lthey defeated tlie 11arlowton1 Iouvs on i lhe local alleys L y lhe dociive lead of 51,3 pins. The nieiibers of tle l ' eanits Mere: Moore Da;vid, IBascel, lmiiii;min. SmithI aind ( nillri sin: llarhoc.ion Sci h, I uel. ('arlon, Al. Bai'.iey andl. Uo. Anne." After thie tal)es; a high scoret coln test was rlled in chiuh hiomors ' ere carried ottl' to iN le IO avid, vi ho re ci, ved 279 ploinis, having made 11 s: rike-, anid share. Thie scire of tlie ga mmes fothlows: ~l oore II alowt on 1. 815 7108 107 2. 814 741 73 3. 898 725 173 4. 845 730 115 5. 831 796( 36 Total .5)3 Next week thie family ofJ. T. Kitts, rho has a claim west of Moore, will move into tile Gilmnore cottage on e ,onrd A ve. snot ih, tIhus ailordling their childrcn an opportunity to take ad vantage ot tie school facilities of fered in Moore. Miss Kilts returned recently from Ilelena, where shie has been attending Iusintuss college, and has a 'cepted a Ipoit ion in Moore. I). F. Smithi. t ownsie agent forthe Great N rt hreri, passed I lru Moore last. week while (,n his way to HIelena. Mr. Smithl is iotre-le l with several otlleis ill thlre ivex\ tIownsite of Broad view. locate(d ah lt 50 mniles narthi of Billings, and great Ilin.s in tihe boosting line are expectcd for tlhis town "hlen lots :!rnt placed on the mnarket. Tel town is situaled Ii the heart of a good farmling country where Ilir. W. X. Sudduth, oif Billings has beern so sei'cessfIu inn his farming experimnenls. LEWISTOWN NEWS Items Worth Reading Taken From the Fergus County Argus. The sheep inddustry broughlt into Fergus county Iast year niot less than a round million dollars, so that in spite of tihe rapid set t elt lnoertt now go ing on all over thie country antd tihe advance ill thie value of larlis, thiis in dustry holds its ilacen. When lhe term of Hlenry .\vare, of Butte, as state gamie warden expires In March, Lewistown \will have two applicants in t he field fort Ire position. Mr. Avare \was appoinited ty Gov. 'orris to fill tire unexpired terni of Will Sco(tt, reigned. The big sale of the Waite, Elliot & Peck ranch to Wisconsin cahitalists has been closed up, tile ioney having xbeen paid over this week in tire east. The tract comprises 11,(l00 acres at d Is located along tie ,ludil h and Warm Spring creek. A good deal of it is iun der Irrigation and Is probably equal to any land In th county, while some of it is not so desirnble. Tonight Secretary Croft, of the Commercial club, will receive official notice from Helena fixing the aate for IJ!q mulsteor 9O tiOe w!istown Co m tany of the natlional guard. It is ex iectel that lis ceremony will take place next seek. and Col. George Rief, of the Second Montana, formerly cap tain of I) coinl;any, first Mont ana, will he lthe musterilng otffices. Col. Heil served w lit the Montana regiment in the Philippines and is known to many of thb hocal veterans. It is quite likely, too that Inspector General McGuinness, of Helena, will also be hefe. Trhe January term of court began Monday morning and will continue utllil well along in February. both the c:lvil and crinminal calenders being fairly long oics. Several defendants were arraigniied Monday aind entered Ieir pleas T'uesday. Interest, of course, centeredl in the Froemberg case. Tihe delfeidlant appeared in c:uourt withi his attorney F. E. Smith, anid was greeted byt a number of for mer friends. Froemberg has shaved off his heavy bhitnd mustache, and while this changes his appearance considerably, lie would be recognized ainywlhere by any person well ac qluainted wit h him. ROUNDUP From the Local Roundup in the Record. A. W. ('riss \as in town Tuerday irom llarlow loin. E. P. Bennett of Ilarlowton spent urday in this city. Mrs T. A. hlinderman of tarlow. lon was a Roundup visitor Tuesday. L. i ('arroll, who is Roundup's lmembnller of tile "third" house at Ilelena, was one of tile favored ones to receive an linitationi to tile big banquet given by Senator l)onlon last week. I)onlan was thle Republi can candidate for governor last fall. The clerks employed in tile various recall estalblishmulents in Roundup llet 'Tuesday evening In Sclirump's store for the purpose of organizing a local union. 'T'hose present were all .n favor of tile project and an organi zation Has perlfected. A. Ii. I)avies, who has had charge of I tie statlion here ever since it has been estalblished, has sent in his res ignatioll and sill step down fronm his otficial poshlion F'ebruary 1st. Mrs. latvies, h ho Ias been emlployed by ilhe cornmpany in tihe capacity of opera tor, also sent in hier resignation at the saten time. Tile local union of the United Bro tlierlhood of Carpenters mand Joiners of America tlls week closed a deal for !ot 8 in block 5, upon which they will, in tlie niear future, commence tile erection of a hall for lodge as well as other purposes. Tihe location of tile new hall is on Main street two bloks north of the Wall stare" Work on the building, which will be 24x70 feet in size, ili begin as soon as pos ýille Tt _.. . c.c . -. .,.,n. Nas.,vl!eJ '!':'!j...Ili '9 e--That \VI!t -n J I;ryn"n i:; r!,o choice of Tennes +c: Do. cIyiil( for Il:e iprcsldihntia& :.* tia.l'a in ci n)-'- i.r was dte-,onstrat ,I Iby tl:e i !'acti al!y lil:cni.niOts acilon "t iIn eye:lcIh; e ca::p nl ;Ien ot Ihe plne v-six cr( ,ries of tlli state. The f cci.licnt is vary generally voiced In •esoluilicJis aclljied. T'ed Up by New Washout. Iutte, Mont., June 8.-The North ern Pacifice east from Butte Is again tied lp by a new washout of 600 feet of track near Jefferson Island, a small station In the Jefferson river valley about sixty miles from Butte. Two steel trestlos on the Great Northern are reported as having gone out near Busin. Nurse a Physician. New York, June 8.-After lying In wait for nearly nine hours, Sarah Ko net. a young Russian trained nurse, shot and killed Dr. William Auspttz, a physician, In the vestlbule of an apartment house. The woman sur rendered herself to the police, declar lag that she had shot the physician because he had wronged her. Dr. Auspltz was a married man and con ducted a sanitarium., '2 Dillon is working to secure free nail eelivery. Tle Proles alnt churchles of Boze ran are planning for a great revival o begin Feb. 7. Ilueson Harringer, an eight year ,d bouy of Taft, was fatally bitlen by last week. ii. I). Goughli, stale organizer for it .(.toodllarl or t he World, coin mit 'd suitcde at Livingstone last week. Thomas Barrett, aged Il years, was 'dilled at Anaconda Monday by falling uadcr a sleigh loaded with hay. There are 20 cases of scarlet fever at Great Falls and the authorities are taking steys to check the spread of the disease. The Boston ond Montana company will rebuild the foot bridge over the ,'ails at the works. It was carried away by the floods last June. The agricultural college band, of Bozenman, will begin a tour of the state in April. Lewistown is one of the places on the itinerary. Plans for the federal building at Great Falls have been completed at las.tand bids will be called for by May i. The building is to cost 200, 000. An eastern manufacturing company will shortly begin the erection of an oat meal factory at Hamilton, tihe first olant of the kind to be built in thi state. The receipts of the Butte postofficf were $1,264.48 less this year than last, showing the effect of the shutdown ir the copper mines and the loss of labeor to the people. Tile Missoula gun club has twentv seven active members. A recentelec tion made O. G. England president. I. H. Montgomery vice-president, and Frank Woody secretary-treasurer. William Bullar.' one time one of the richest stockmen in Montana, was picked out of a snow bank in Great Falls last week. He is now a pauper and verp feeble physically and men tally. George Benninghoff of Billings will build a four-story addition to his hotel, the Grand, in tihe Sugar City. He in tends io incorporate a few ideas g'a Ihered during his recent trip around the world. Ora Reeves and Mrs May IHenry, well known residents of Columbia F'alls, were arrested last week for arson. It is charged that they at tempted to burn the Gaylor hotel at t hat place. Tie heirs of Samuel Sloamawitz, who was killed in the Young's Point wreck on the Northern Pacific last summer, have compromised their damage suit against the railroad com pany for $15,000. Rains and melting snow in western Montana have caused concern to the railrnad companies during the past week. Several bad washouts haveoc cured and preparations are made to meet more. Virginia City is to have a number of dramatic entertainments during January and February. the proceeds of wlhich will go to the building fund of the Catholic church to be erected next summer. A most notable social event recent ly among the Chinamen of Montana was the wedding of Miss Ah Chew Gum Al Yen of Spokane, and Hum Fah, one of the wealthiest Chinese merchants of Butte. A couple of women of the Great Falls tenderloin started to take in the town in men's evening clothes last week, but were soon gathered in by a policeman and had to pay $25 each for their little lark. General Chas. Warren of Butte was selected to carry the news of Taft. In other words, the Butte man will take the Montana electoral vote to Wash ington, where it will be counted for the favorite from Ohio. Rev. John N. MacLean, formerly pastor of Presbyterian churches in Bozeman and Helena, and now of Cla rlnda, Iowa, has been extended a call from the cognregat!on of the Mis soula Presbyterian church. Montana men who were elected on the board of governors of the Rocky Mountain Club of New York recently are: William B. Thompson. Albert J. Seligman, Benjamin B. Thayer, James McEvilly and Dr. C. K. Cole. Noel Legrand, an aged Frenchman of Great Falls, while crazed with drink, made an attempt to kill his wife this week. She escaped and he then set. fire to the home. lie was rescued in an unconscious condition by the fireman. Suspicion has been aroused that Mrs. Anna Wangh and her son, Ro land, who died recently at La Salle. in Flatheadcounty, may have been mnurdered by means of poison ad ninistered in tiheir food. An investi gation is being made. President Roosevelt has appointed Forrmer Senator Paris Gibson, of Greal F'allis. Mont., a menhijer of tile joint coiiinitteeto represent tile federal government and tile various states in lie ma t er of conservation of national I'esou r'es. Jack Pace, who has been secretary of the state fair since the law provid itg for that institution was passed, has resigned his position, and Martin Martin of Anaconda, has succeeded him. Pace will engage in business in Spokane. Some Butte men who were hunting up in the mountains in the extreme western part of the state report that there were several earthquake shocks felt up there a week or two ago. Thley did not state whether it was Old Crow or plain Scotchl that caused the trouble. The state superintedent of public instruction Ihas received statistics showing the school population ol Montana. There are 76,946 school children in the state, of which num ber 13,353 are In Silver Bow county. Cascade county comes second, and Lewis and Clark, third. C. B. McCarthy of Helena, who was granted the electric light franchise in Stevensville recently, went to Stevens ville last week to begin work on hie project. He is given six months In which to conmplete the work, but lihe expects to have it finished and the plant in operation within ninty days. The civil service examination set for February 17 at Hlelena has been postponed to February 24. The ex amination is to secure for the govern ment a stenographer and typewriter familiar with German for $60 a month, to work in the geological survey at Washington and to secure other per sons for similar employment. It is at last definately settled that Bishop Carroii, of Helena, will not be the new rector of the Catholic univer sity at W j.lngtcll, I). U. The posi tion wds 3ndered the Heleno prelate, but tie wat unwilling to give up his work in Montana, and his decision is most pleaýing to all who are familiar with his successful efforts since he camne to tljis state. B. 1). Phillips, the big Chouteau county stockmen and mining maq nate, was indicted by the United States grand jury last week on the charge of conspiring to defraud the government out of 32,000 acres of land lying in Chouteau county. M. R. Wilson, who was connected with the land office at Malta, has also been arrested for be ing a party to Phillips' attempted fraud. Phillips is several times a millionaire, and his trial promises to be a sensational one. Judge Hunt this week handed down a dec.sion In tihe famous so-called smoke case in which he denies the ap plication of farmers for the closure of the Washoe smelters at Anaconda, and no damages are awarded to the farmers whose property is alleged to have been damaged. The court will make further investigation as to thme alleged dissemination of arsenic and if conditions can be improved, this will be done by tihe company. Floodwater washed out 120 feet of track on tihe Northern Pacificrailroad at Eddy, ninty-one miles west of Mis soula, last week. This was the first sersous damage done by the high Wa ter caused by the recent warm weath er. It. was necessary to drive piling and build a trestle over the flooded stretch, and it took several hours to repair the damage. During the week a serious situation arose east of Missoula. The railroad yards at Gar rison were flooded and the ice jam at Gold Creek on the Hell Gate river threatened to carry out the bridges. The jam was dynamited. Bridges on the Milwaukee road were washed out between Garrison and Bonner, and other bridges on the Northern Pacific in ure. Protection For Apes. A scheme is being arranged for the protection of the manlike apes in the German colonies of equatorial Africa. It is proposed in the first place that the shooting of these creatures should be strictly prohibited and steps taken for their protection. In connection with this it is proposed to establish in the Kameruns a special reserve for the fauna of the equatorial forest gen erally. This reserve would include a zoological tropical station, with gar dens attached, in which attention would be specially directed to the pro tection and rearing of the anthropoid apes and other denizens of the forest cone. SONTHE TRAIL i i I LEWELLIN DRUG CO. "1 II PURE DRUGS Sundries, Office Supplies, Tobacco, Cigars and Confectionery i A. F. ROBERTSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Prompt Service Fair Treatment Harlowton Mont. Across Street from Post Office Ii We are right in the midst of the Storm Sash proposition, and are filling your orders promptly. In ordering your Storm Sash, remember we carry all of BUILDING MATERIAL and RUBEROID ROOFING We have the most complete 'stock to be found and our prices are right. : : Call and be convinced MONTANA LUMBER COMPANY 'PII()E 32 WE NEED THE MONEY YOU need the HARLOWTON NEWS, so now is the time to subscribe. When a person starts in business he is most always pinched for money at the begining, and it is so with us. We therefore ask all subscribers who are in arrears to pay at once. , __ HARLOWTON NEWS