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i _W I I II i COME ALONG WITH THE COASTING PARTY FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT There's a lot of pleasure in coasting when the sleds shoot down hill like streaks of light ning; with everybody laughing and cheerful. There's a big ooasting oarnival going on in this store just now. Prices have coasted down hill-down, away down-down below the level of cost. At these figures it's a frolic for you, indeed, to stock up your wardrobe. BUY There's plenty of wear yet for these goods this season and also next. There's hardly a woman whose wardrobe is always complete. It's no extravagance to have a waist, skirt or cap for each week day. It makes them last longer and look better. It will also pay NOWA you to change waist, skirt or cap frequently. Clothes need restthe same as humans, animals, 'ools and everything else. *1N.)0 Perale ,,aits. Very neat and $75 cents. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens excellent ererls. ;ale Pce $50 cap cs tuamlls and hoods. New winter styles 40C exce~llenlt ,,eravrs. .tltle Pr~'CC ae rc Some even lower. DO $2 50 Sheer Lawn white waists. Very $1.50 $i.00 Ladies Ecru net waists You know pretilytrimmed. Sale Price they are handsome things and are $4.00 much wanted. Sale Price $4.50 All linn-white waists. Very * 5.00 Ladies' black Taffeta silk; new styles- NOT handsome. Excellent wearers. Silo price$2 .50 they are always. wanted $3.25 BEST SKIRT SALE OF SEASON Tne noted Maderite Skirts, there are no b-tter skirts made than those that go out to the highest class retail sires of the country tromn celebrated W. P. & Co. They n~ake only for first-class stores. Tbe colors are good, all the materials excellent. buttons, sewing, cutting fitting, patterns, style-everything tip-top- AT ani tlhat describes these skirts to aT. All are brand new. We would sincerely advise getting here as early as pus~ible before the assortment is broken, as they will go very quickly. Price range from $2.65 up MARSHALL S THE BUSY STORE PHILIP I. MOULE PHzs. A.C. GRAVES V. PRES. C. N. FRIDAY CASHIIER F. P. MARRS A. CASHIER PIake TO THE PUBLIC It Our Showing increase of Business of the Business Musselshell Valley National To Bank . Attend AT CLOSE OF BUISNESS NOV. 27 1908 TO RESOURCES Our iLoan and ()verdrafts ............ $1)9,022.105 C mer I . S. IBnds and 'remiums........ 12,843.75 Customers Banking Ihouse, Furniture and Wants F'ixture. ......................1,92.t .97 Real Estate ........ ..........1,200.00 Cash arid Sight Exchange........ 23,995.69 Do TOTAL .................... $58,988.46 A LIABILITIES General (kapital ..........................$25,000.00 Urldivided Profits................330.11 Banking l)ue to Oiliher National Banks.....4,390.39 Business I)eposits .... ...................... 9,2 7.96 F TOTAL ................. $58,988.46 AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS. JAN. 27, 1909 Banking RESOURCES Banking Loan.s and Overdrafts......... ...$47,37:3.72 Hours, [. S. l(.onlds and I'reniiums......12,843.75 9 a. m. Banking hI-oue. 'Furniture and "fixtures..................5,105.44 To Real Estale .....................1,200.(00 4 p. m. ('ASII and SICT EXCIIANGE.... 37,347.20 TOTAL...........$103,870.11 LIABILITIES Days capital . ................... $35,0 .00 P ay t:lli'idiel I'rolits.......... ...8..56 & Sat. nights I)EI'tS ITS ............. ........ ... 68,037.55 6 p. m. to TOTAL...........$103,870.11 9 p. m. Showing Inmcreatue Is Deposits Nov. 27 '08 $29,267.96 Jan. 27 '09 68,037.55 INCREASE 838,769.59 Total of Business Nov. 27 '08 $58,988.46 Jan. 27 '09 103,870.11 INCREASE 844,88J.61 A "Merry Widow" House. Merrlam. Kan., Is to have a "Merry Widow" house. Jim Campbell, pro. prietor of the general store at Merriam, is preparing to bhlld a house of nature stone which is to cost X3.100. "We call it a 'Merry Widow' house." said Mr. Campbell, "because the eaves will project beyond the walls such an un usual distance that in appearence it will resemble these 'Merry Widow' hats that the girls a.e wearing." Coal Gas Substitute. Dannert gas is the name given In Germany to a new substitute for coal gas. It is made from oil and coke, and, while not unlike water gas, It is much cheaper to produce. Convicts For Outdoor Art Work. Two hundred convicts will be em ployed in building the north and south state road near Oklahoma City. Okla., in which unusual attention will be paid to secure artistic landscape effects. The road will run along the Arkansas river and other streams, with particu lar attention to securing good views. Along the foot of the creek and Chero ke hills curves will be laid out for the purpose of showing the natural beaut of th. country. CAR JUMPS THE TRACK. One Man Killed and Several Other Persons Injured. St. L.ouis, June 8.-One man was killed, three persons were fatally in jured, and two score of others were more or less seriously hurt when a suburban street car hound for this city from Greve Coeur lake jumped the track and pitched ten feet over an embankment. The car was running at a high rate of speed when it struck a sharp curve. The accident occurred two blocks west of the city limits. The car was filled with passengers, half of them women and children, re turning from the picnics at the lake. Many women were taken from the wreckage, unconscious and bleeding. One child's throat was cut from ear to ear, supposedly by flying glass. Seven 'terrorIsts Ilanged. St. Petersburg, March 2.-The seven terrorists, including three women, who were condemned to death by a court martial for complicity in a riot again.' the lives of Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholaievltch and M. Chtcheglovltoff, minister of justice, were hanged at Lissy Noes, opposite Kronatadt. 1,ids# ; 1 pp ning 1 Abnut ~Jnuriirf aen d giigbrn Read Marshalls ad this week and save money. White House and Home Brand Co fee at Marshalls. Bell Flower Apples $1.50 a box a Mlarshalls. "Coles" Ori¢inal Hot Blast heaters at Stevens-Dreyer Hardware Co. The Popular Piano is the Hamilton. 28tf At W. S. Smith's Lewistown. We carry EVERY Edison record in the catalogue. EMIL SaXL. Valuable statistical information free, lowest rates and strongest corn panies Life and Fire Insurance that insures. See Stephenson, office Main Street east of Postoffice. 25tf Read Marshall's ad. Bring your job work to the News office. Ladies waists at cost at Marshalls, while they last. Buy a Cap, Tam or Htod at Mar shalls sale, at cost. Say, I sell the earth-small parcels or large chunks. R. B. Stephenson, office Main St., east of Postoffice. 25tf C. F. Wiggs, representing a Chicago house, has been in town this week selling sheep sharing outfits. R. A. Andrews, came in from Bil lings Wednesday. Owl creek coal $8.50 per ton de livered. J.J. Hall, dealer. Phone 12. Harlowton livery stable. Regular services will be held in the Urner hall Feb.6th as follows: morn ing service at 10:30 with Sunday School following, Evening Service at 7:30, Subject of Sermon the"Complet ing power of Faith." D. B. Ralston, Pastor. C. W. Cooper, a traveling, man whose home is in Lewistown, but who represents a St. Paul house made the town Thursday. Lou Weber, whose rrnch is on Care less Creek, came in Tuesday. Two of Roundup's most popular young people paid us a visit this week. They were May Backey and Homer Martin, Mr. A. T. Anderson arrived from Helena Tuesday. A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stevens on Tuesday of this week. Both mother and son are doing well. Ben is tickled green and smiles blandly as he hands out the cigars. A flremen's meeting will be held Monday night at the Urners Hail after the adjournment of the Mussel. shell Valley Business Men's Associa tion Meeting, all interested are re quested to attend. A new line of Signet and metalized rose hat pins at A. F. Robertson's Across street form Post Office. Don't forget the business men's meeting in the Urner Hall, Monday night. Dr. Cabbage is now in Kendall. L. Gottliel, of Butte is the name of the new tailor. Fred Geyser has been on the sick list for some time. Attorney L. D. Glenn arrived home from Eutte Monday. E. A. Hartman, representing a Chicago establishment made the town Monday. Joe Kidd, who had been visiting his many friends in town returned to his home in Castle, the first of the week. Frank Goss, Manager of the Elec tric Light and Watet Co, made a business trip to Lewistown, Monday. Several from here went to Lewis town Tuesday to hear Gov. Hanley give his lecture on "The Patriolism of Peace." M. M. See, from Spokane an' agent for a chemical fire engine similar to ours, witnessed the test made Sunday afternoon. A. F. Robertson, the jeweler, has been absent the past week on a com binerd pleasure and business trip to the twin cities. Rev. J. Phillip Anshutz, the Epico pal Missionary for this district visited here during the first of the week. He left here for Judith Gap, from there he went to Billings. Bert Mecham, and his son George, residents of old Roundup, but former ly of Harlowton came in from the east Tuesday and visited with old friends. They went on to Lewistown to attend court. Word has just been received from P. I. Moule, president of the Mussel shell Valley National Bank. Mr. Moule is in Portland, Oregon. He states that the weather is now very mild and healthful. Those from here who took in the Band dance at Roundup Saturday night were: Engineer Sprague and his wife, Miss Elenora Anderson and G. C. Moore. They returned Sunday and report a splendid time. D. M. Donaldson, of this town re turned the first of the week from a pleasure trip to St. Paul. While away he visited Roundup, Forsyth, Miles City and Easby, N. D. He states that he had a dandy trip. His buil terrier made the trip with him and hlie says hlie is a mighty good chap to have along. George Williams, the sheriff of Meagher county, for whom every per son has a good word came in from White Sulphur Springs last Saturday. He returned Sunday taking with him Harry Gunn, who pled guilty to the charge of assault and was sentenced to 90 days in the county jail. Old timers say that the present winter is the average Montana win ter. They say that the cold snap of three weeks ago was extraordinary. If these statementsare correct then the winters of Montana are much milder and more pleasant than those of tile sister states farthler east. White Art Velveteen at Marshall's. 3WI FIPE -ETB (Continued from first page) Tom Kirby Len Weber M. Lewellin A. Weston 0. J. Stevens Robertson Tony Dreyer M. Hogi Geo. Clark Lee Hash Geo. Courtney Quails Henry Weber McQuitty Bros Myers Fred Carlson C. N. Friday Fred Marrs Rene Labrie Freeman Allan Bros. Pitney James Weston setting 2 o'clock p. m. Jan. 31st as a trial run of the department with the chemical engine in the fire hall and under the care of Fire Chief Blethen. The following persons have been se lected and from this list, the brigade will be chosen: B. B. Blethen, Chief Nicholas Jenizen J. J. Hall G. C. Perkins Charley Duell Ward Bealey Robert Weber W. O. Straight George Gannon, Assis't Chief Bert Fisher Bill Hale Val Woods Harry Cosgriff JUDITH GAP NEWS items Clipped From the Judith Gap Joural. Yesterday Old Winter tried hard to assert his rights, but he showed un mistakable evidence of having a ser ious kink in his back, indicating that his spinal column is pretty well shat tered. About a million pounds of wool have already been contracted to be delivered to eastern partios by the lo cal wool growers from this season's clip. The contract price has been 20 cants. Stanley's dray team became fright ened at the approach of the passenger train Friday and started to run away. The horses slipped on the ice at the depot and fell on each other, breaking the harness, but otherwise no damage was done. The Milwaukee has decided to drop the name of Ubet and substitute therefore Judith Gap. This is the first intimation Judith Gap people have had that the Milwaukee has a friendly feeling for the town. Now if the officials will make the connec tion at the Y, everybody will take a trip to Lewistown, just to swell the passenger receipts or that road. It is a Wonder, Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the most remarkable preparations yet produced for lame back, sprains and bruises. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. For sale by Lewellin Drug Co. OUR PRICES ARE ALL LEADERS I As the Following List Will Show Dried Fruits, All "FANCY BRAND" Prices per' 25 pound box Apples $3.25 Pitted Plums $3.00 Peaches 2.75 Ralsens 2.35 Prunes 2.25 White Figs 2.25 Apricots 3.25 Half Pears 3.25 100 lb. lots 500 lb. lots Pillsbury's Flour $3.75 $3.60I Monarch " 3.50 3.25 Sugar 6.25 Canned Goods, "EXTRA STANDARD" Tomatoes $2.85 (]t Peas 52.65 Corn 2.26 .., Sauer Kraut 3.00 String Beans 2.50 ' Fruits, Mixed 4.50 SSPECIAL SALE ON CHILDREN'S and BOY'S HOSIERY - We Wish to thank our at prons for favor3 shown Ls in the past, and solicit a continuance of their business. URNER MERCANTILE CO., INC. I Capitol $50,OQO, Fully Paid ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY ~hIf~hPUfEIE~huhS~BUIhhIEU.EIE od Cough Moli**. Coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough are promptly cured by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. There is no better or safer medicine made as it contains nothing that will injure the smallest child. For sale by Lewellin Drug Co. Owl creek coal$8.50 per ton delivered J. J. Hall, Dealer. Phone 12,Harlow ton. It will pay you to read the ads in The News. "Coles" Original Hot Blast heaters at Stevens-Dreyer Hardware Co. $25 Buys a nice drop head Sewing Machine, at 28tf W. S. Smith's, Lewistown. 'The unexcelled Baldwin Line of Pianos, 28tf At W. S. Smith's, Lewistown. Forbes Leslie, from Flat Willow transacted buiness in tow n Wednes day. PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. O. STRAIGHT U. S. COMMISSIONER Land Filings and yearly and Final Proofs can be made Before me. [arlowton, -- : - Montana DR. S. K. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Main Street. Harlewton, - Montana. L. D. GLENN ATTOREY-AT-LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in all state and fed eral courts. Conveyanc.;g and col lections. Office next door to Mussel shell Valley National Bank,on Cen tral Ave. Harlowton, - - - Montana. CALL ON R.R LEE THE ARCHITECTS FOR PLANS Harlow ton, Montana Dr. E. V. CABBAGE DENTIST Office:Hours 9:00 a. m., to 4:00 p. m. Office in the Urner Block Dr. A. M. KNIGHT Resident Dentist LYONS BUILDING HARLIOWTON. - MONTANA W. C. HUSBAND, LAWYER Will practice in all state and fe deral courts. Conveyancing c1l lections Corporation law and real estate. Office over State Bank. Harlowton, Montana BRASEY & STACK LAND ATTORNEY Late Register U. S. Land Office Inquiries Promptly Answered Offices: Laux Building Lewistown. ------ -- Montana KENT & SHANLEY ARCHITECTS 408 Hennessy Building, Butte Mont