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The Harlowon News The I e iA, .1Os ol The M ismhelII New. VOL. 3 HARLOWTON. MEAGRER COUNTY, MOrtANA, FRIDAY,. FEBRUARY 12, 1909 No. 34 KILLED BY TRAIN Lloyd Collier of Garneill, Cousin of Mrs. C. N. Friday of Harlowton, Struck By Train--Near Judith Gap. A sad accident occured near Judith Gap on Tuesday evening when Lloyd Collier, a rancher living near Garneill was struck by a Billings Northern passenger and died an hour later. Collier who had been totally deaf for some time was walking on the track when, the train struck him. He was walking on one side of the road bed, the engine had passed when the steps of the first coach struck him in the head. The train stopped and picked up the wounded man who was uncon sious. The train started for Great Falls but Collier expired on the way KILLED NEAR GILT EDGE. Jeak Taber Shot Da liowa on Stage Rtmt of Qurrel Wedaes.ay Jack Tabor shot and and killed Dan Rowan while traveling on the stage pear Gilt Edge Wednesday afternoon. Besides the driver there were three passengers on the stage from Grass Range to Gilt Edge, Jack Tabor, Dan Rowan and Royal Spencer. The mur dered man and his slayer had been quarreling from the start. Rowan was sitting ma front with the driver when the stage was about a mile out Qt Gilt Edge. The dispute between 1Rowan and Tabor became acute, Ta bor then drew a revolver and shot Rowan. A struggle then took place between the driver and Spencer and Tabor for the possession of the gun finally the gun was taken from Tabor. The driver then whipped his horses into a gallop to get to Gill Edge for medical aid, but Rowan died before the stage arrived at Gilt Edge. 'Tabor was ool sd i . tite 'ai andthl authorities informed of the murder. Tabor had been dritkingconsiderable. Fire Nting. A fire meeting was held in the Ur ner Hall Monday night at the close of the meeting of the business men's association. Fire Chief Bert Rlethen, presiding, had A. T. Anderson read the names of those selected to act as firemen. It was decided that the chief should see each one of the parties individually and get their acceptance. It was thought that twenty-five would be enough if all would report regularly. Church Services. The Presbyterians will hold ser vices in the Urner Hall Sunday even ing. Good singing and good preach ing is assured, Sunday School in the afternoon. You are cordially invited to attend. Rev. Ralston, pastor. The Methodists have Sunday school in the school house every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A profitable hour is always spent in the study of the scriptures. Rev. Crieger, will be here next Sunday, Feb. 14th and will hold services in the evening. Any person attending will be given a waiiil welcome. A BOOST. A .Municipal Judge Writes a Clever Let ter to an Old Friend in Harlowton. Mr. Thomas H. Cummins, who is now employed in the Milwaukee yards here has just received a clever letter written by an old friend in Superior. The writer, F. S. Parker, is now municipal judge of Douglas County, of which Superior is the county seat. Mr. Parker was mayor of Superior for two terms and is now, on his second term as municipal judge. He receiv ed a smali booklet trom Mr. Cummins containing a writeup on liarlowton and its business opportunities, and in reply sent the following letter: Superior, Wis., Feb. 3, 1909. Old Friend Tom: I received your letter and the Musselshell Valley pamphlet last month. I was very glad to hear from you and much surprised to hear from you in that place. I didn't kr.ow but what you were still in Vir ginia. I should judge from reading the (Continued on last page.) near Stanford. Lloyd Collier came to Garneill from Lemonville, Mo. last June and took up a homestead. He was 29 years of age, a machinist by trade and comes from a good family, his father is a Presbyterian minister in Missouri. iHe was a counsin of Mrs. C. N. Friday of Harlowton. Collier was temperate in his habits and has a splendid reputa tion, in fact he was an ideal young man He had been totally deaf for some time which was the ultimate cause of his death. His remains have been sent to his home in Missousi for interment. Steeple is Built, During the week the carpenters have been busy building the steeple fo" the Presbyterian church. The outside appearance of the church is neat and artistic. The steeple that is now almost completed gives the church a metropolitan, appearance. Rev. Ralston the pastor of this charge is looking forward to the time when services will be held in the new church. He thinks that in two weeks the building will be in readi ness for use, but it is not likely that all of the finishing touches will have been added. NEW EXPRESS CO. lwalmukee Express Buiness to be Tinred Over to Wells, Fargo & Company. The C. M. & P. S. R. ,. has gone out of the express business. Its ex oprsss aidews ea ki he rs oers the United States 'Eikpress company and this company will have asits suc cessor after May 1st, Wells, Fargo & Company. The management of the Milwaukee originally intended that the Contin ental Express company, which was a creation of the Milwaukee, board should handle all the express over the new Pacific coast extension. Then if it were found profitable and prac ticable the Continenal was to have charge of the express over the entire system. This plan has now been abandoned. The reason given for this change is that the Milwaukee company did not deem it wise to invest a large amount of capital in new equipment for an extensive express service. The pre sent agitation against express rates and for a lower schedule in different sections of the country, has contri buted largely to this decision. The risk of the business, at a time when the road is doing a large amount of improvement work, had weight with the management, and hence the entire business has been turned over to one of the older com panies. SCHOOL NOTES. Monthly report of Grammar Room for the month ending Feb. 5th. 190)0. Enrollment 26 Membership 24 Daily Attendance 22 Percentage Attendance 93 Visitors, Mrs. Cosgriffe Those neither tardy or absent: Eighth Grade-Marne Anderson, Alice Johnson and Jacob Turney. Seventh Grade- Ernest Turney. Sixth Grade-Wilhelmina Galvin. Fifth Grade-Geraldine Galvin and Charlotte Lane. LESKA LA UoHLIN, Teacher. Those neither tardy or absent in the Primary room during month ending Feb. 5, 1900, were as follows: First grade--Ross Good, Floyd Lane, Dee Muggy and Aletha Lunceford. Second grade- Mary Galvin and Flossie Lane, Third grade-Harry Cosgriffe, Ger trude Lunceford, John McParland and Ernest McI)onald. Fourth grade-Laurence Lane. The visitors who registered during the month were Mesdames 11. Cos griffe and R. A. Good. MARY J. DAvise, Teacher. Mrs. Milne left Harlowton Tuesday for Garneill where she will be engag ed a nurse for several weeks. -i C. M . . Depet at t wta MANY NEW THINGS PLANED Business Men Hold Good Meeting and Plan Many New Benefits for City--Meeting Feb.15. The meeting of the Musselshell Val ley Business Men's association held Monday night in the Urner hall was productivs of some good results. The meeting was not as large as the pre vious meeting, but more Interest was manifested in the discussions, and everyone seemed free to express him self on the various projects. Among the first things that came u for discussion was the matter of stocking the Musselshell and its near by tributaries with fish. Mr. Fisher, who has been interested in fish plant Ing in the streams here, stated that the steel head trout planted several years ago had done remarbably well, but that the gl aylings were too young and did not thrive. Hle believed how eoir, th* Iualgs tiat were more mature would do well in the Mussel shell. The fish car pissed through HIarlowton some time ago, and the association thought it must act at once. A committee of three, with Mr. Fisher as chairman, and Dr. Campbell and I. S. McQuitty as as sociates, was appointed to see that the streams around Hlarlowton were stocked with fish. Tha committee has sent in a report of the progress made by the fish planted previously, and an urgent request will be made to the fish hatcheries at Bozeman for fish to stock the neighboring streams. It is probable that about three frys or 150,009) fish will be planted. Mr. Fisher stated latr r that trout weigh ing over four pounds had been caught in the Musselshell, and that the fish were the result of tihe planting done in 1903. Application will be made for some brook trout and graylings that are mature. The next proposition to be discussed was that of securing a new road ma chine for this end of the county. There is no road grader on this side of the summit. The secretary was instructed to correspond with the county commissioners relative to hav ing a road machine placed at this end of the county that the roads may be put in shape during the summer. President Anderson thought that steps should be taken to begin a park. Hie stated that outsiders had several times mentioned the advantages of a park in ilarlowton. Definate action U. S. SECRET SERVICE IN ACTION -. , 0 D'4M9'@' In this matter was deferred until the next meeting. I)r Campbell thought that the as. social ion should begin agitation for a new school building. He stated that a good school would attract many more families to the town and would also be an advertisement that the town needed. The question of. the size and material to be used was freely discussed. But the sentiment of the association was almost unamimous in favor of a substantial structure of stone with about eight rooms costing in the nightborlhood of $20,000 or $25,. 000. The question of financing the project was then brought up. Several thought the district was in such a good financial condition that the Ihuiti of tihe school could be comn bonds could be easily floated and sold at an advantage. The association de elded to take definate action on the matter of building the school at the next regular meeting. Among the business matters to be discussed and acted upon at the meet ing Monday night will be the aid for the band, and the boosting of the baseball team. The problem of build ing a park will also come up for dis cussion. Perhaps the most impor tant topic, and the one in which every person living in the townm is vitally interested is the building of the new school. The school board is anxious to have sentiment of the association as to the character of the school to be built,and the manner of financing the project. Every male citizen of llarlowton should attend the meeting of the Musselshell Valley Business associa tion to be held in the Urner hall Mon day night, February 15th. This or ganization is doing lots of good for the town. The presence and co-oper ation of every citizen will aid the work wonderfully. It means united action, unitled action meansstrength, strength means the promotion of new projects that are not only beneficial to the town, but are beneficial to every citizen financially. If you don't join come and listen to or take part in the discussions. That alone is an inspiration to those who are trying to promote the general welfare of the town. HINTON ACQUITFED Mahaney's Slayer Is Acquitted By Jury After Six and a Half Hour's Deliberation- Court Adjourned Till Monday. The jury in the Hinton murder trial acquitted the defendant after six and one-halfr hours of deliberation. The trial, which occured at Lewis town, has occupied the attention of people of this vicinity for some time, and people generally believed young Hinton had struck the blow which proved fatal to Mahaney in self de fense. Ilinton, the only eye witness of the killing, was upon the stand Tuesday in his own defense. His story was told in a simple, unaffected manner. lie was subjected to closs cross exam Ination, but his boyish appearance, which is not that of a man of crimi Townsite Man Here. D. T. Smith of Great Falls, the townsite man of ti e Great Northern was in town during the middle of the week. Hie had been down to the town of Hedges and from there drove to the Winnecook ranch to see Mel Stevens. Mel Stevens and Smith are Interested in the town of Hedges. Smith came to lHarlowton to get on his track again, he had a pleasant visit with Tom IIanzlik, whom lie has known for seventeen years. Wanted Washing at home, 1'. 0. Box 363, Hlarlowton, Montana. NEW SALOON Chridtlauom ad alls Coadac Salooa butaina ti Apertmeat Next to Barber Ste. A. I. Christianson, proprietor of the Silver 1)ollar Saloon and W:C. Quails, proprietor of the Qualls bo-. ber shop have joined partnership and will conduct a saloon business in the apartment next to the Qualls Barber shop. The new saloon will open up tomorrow. The rooms next to the barber shop which were previously used by Mr. and Mrs. Qualls as living apartments, have been remodled, re papered and the floor has been cover ed with linoleum. The new saloon will be known as the "Gold Bar Saloon." The proprie tors will make the the Gold Bar a pleasant resort. The building now known as the Silver Dollar saloon is for rent or sale. Astor Company Here on the 7th. A. E. Tubbs, of the Astor Co., will be here on Wednesday night, Feb ruary 17th with his moving picture show and illustrated songs. Those who have attended the performaces of this company previously known that they are of a high order. Notice. ThI e Fraternal Order of Mohuntain eers will organize Saturday evening Feb, 13th at the 1'rner Hall all mem bers are req(lested to he present. SHAWMUT ITEMS ('To late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Webster and dauglh ters left for Iozeman Sunday. Sig Larson, Tim Connelly and W. C. .lenizen made a trip to larlowton Monday F. Cavill wa.s in Shawmut Monday. Thomas Bros are hauling wood to their ranch. l)wight Crawford now has charrce of the pumping station at Cruse. The station at Cruse is closed now, for which all in the community are very much put out. M N. Stevens was a visitor at Shawmut Friday. Mrs. Stevens and boys have gone to Lewistown for the remainder of the winter. E. E. Crawford went to Harlowton Saturday. V/. E. Giles made a short trip to Shawmut Friday from RIyegate. Miss Kate Olson came down from Harlowton Monday returning Tues day. N. S. Nicholson, deputy United States revenue officer, passed through Harlowton on his way to Judith Gap on Wednesday. nal instincts, went a long way with the jury. His story showed that he struck the blow while in the heat of passion and upon the provocation of q(uarrel. Many thought the facts wouldjusti fy a verdict of manslaughter. But Hinton's testimony seemed to carry weight with the jury and the result was his acquittal. Judge Cheadle, who sat in the case, passedthrough Hlarlowton yesterday on his way to Bozeman, owing to the delayed west hound train, the judge was com pelled to lay over at this point for seven hours. lie adjourned court at Lewistown until Monday. LOGAN FOWELL LEAVES. Gees to Martlmsdle to Mung.e Marsnall Stre- . E. l arehal to Live Here Logan Fowell, the popular clerk In Marshall's store, will leave the first of next week for Martinsdale to take charge of II. E. Marshall's store at that point. Mr. and Mrs.Fowell have a host of friends here who wish them every success in their new location. Mr. Marshall has rented Logan Fowell's house here and will make this his his home. Mr. Marshall is the proprietor and general manager of three stores one at Martinsdale, the other at Roundup and the third here. He will now be centrally located liv ing in Ilarlowton with a store in each of the towns on either side. George Everhart came in from his claim north of Cruse Tuesday for a load of lumber. He will build a bars and a small house on his homestead, he says the country north of Cruse has the banner homestead land. Gets Water Inside of 30 Feet. George Everhart, formerly of Hun ter, N. I)., but who is now holding down a valuable claim north of Cruse, states that there is no need for alarm about getting water on the bench lands in this vicinity. He states that W. K. Wurdman and other homesteaders whose claims are north of Cruse, have had no trouble in getting water. Mr. Wurdman whose clahim is in Section 6, Township 7, Range 18 struck good water in less than 25 feet. New Portable Organ. Hev..J. Phillip Anshutz preached in the school house Wednesday night. lie is carrying with him a new port able organ that gives just as good music as the ordinary church organ. The organ folds up neatly in a leather case and when folded resembles a large suit case. Rev. Anshutz says the instrument aids hiin greatly in his missionary work as there are many places on his circuit, where they have no organ. NEW GALLERY Thomas E. Johnson Will Start Photo graph Gallery in Harlowtoa. Has had Wide Experience. llarlowton is to have a first class photograph gallery. The new photo grapner is E. Johnson, who comes to us from Minneapolis. He will erect a building for a studio back of the store of E. F. Ross Inc. Co. on a lot facing Eckles avenue. The sky light has been ordered and will be here in three weeks. Mr. Johnson has some of his apparat us with hint here. The remainder is in Minneap.. oils, but lie expects to have his studio built and fully equipped by the mid dle of March. Mr. Johnson learned his trade with C. E. Fuller, of Hillsboro, N. 1). Mr. Fuller is vice-president of the North western Photographer's association, and is one of the best artists in east ern North Dakota. Mr. Johnson later went to Minneapolis and worked there. He comes to us with an experience gained from study in several good studios. le already has some very artistic work of his ow-- for exhibi tion.