For Your Wife's Sake
Bay a
Standard Rotary Sewing
Steveis-DreyerIdw Co.
Any Price, Any Terms
Aý fcs
Jos. Labrie
Stock Brands of George Plrrie
Notice to the Traveling Public.
I will give $250.00 for evidence that
will convict any person or persons
foi tearing down my fences, leaving
gates open or driving my stock from
thier accustomed range.
George Pirrie
Rothiemay, Mont.
Homestead Locator
I can show you good lands, try me
and see
Reygate, Montana.
State Bank of
Capital $50,000, Fully Paid
Benj. Urner. President
S. A Shaw, Vice-President.
W. O. Straight, Cashier.
Safetyisthe Primary Aim
General Banking business
transacted. Interest allowed
on time deposits. Foreign and
domestic exchange bought &
sold. Collections on all points
promptly attended to.
Safety Deposit Boxes
M. N. Stevens, W. O.Straight
J. Labrie, .U. II. Freezer,
Ilenjamln Urner, S. .A. Shaw,
])r. HI. Holloway.
Correspondence Invited.
Ada in this column will be charged for at the
rate of one cent a word. No ad taken for less
than Rhe.
Jop for change of advertising must be in
this office by Tuesday evening to receive the
proper attention.
Foa SALE-New American Cash Register
and Stimpson Computing Scale, Will sell at
one-third off. A snap for some one. InDuire
at The News Office. 42tf
FoR SALE-Lot and store building on Main
street, Roundup; line business location. Price
$3,500: $1,000 cash, balance three years time.
Inquire at this office. 42tf
We have some fine ranches for sale, located
in the Musseishel and Smith river valIleysand
the Judith Basin. We are also agents for the
San Luis Colorado lands, Call on or write to
Spach & Wbitsel. Twodot. Montana. 3Stf
As I have more good land than I can farm,
.1 would like to lease same to some parties to
farm and will give them a good layout. Write
or come and see me or apply at the Mussel
shell Valley National bank at Harlowton,
GeOROe PIanix,
47-tf Rothiemay, Mont.
If you have a room or building for rent this
is a good way of letting the public know. The
cost is little and the results far reaching,
A position as clerk, good recommendations,
six years experience. Apply at News Office.
If you want a good position, try the want
column in The News.
WANTED-500 men to hold down chairs while
they receive a first-class hair cutor shave at
Tommy Hanzliks barber shop in the State
Bank building 3iftf
LOST-A small boy about the size of a girl.
barefooted with his fathers shoes on. When
last seen he was going up Main street, with
two six horse teams on his way to the 'Urner
Lumber Co. to buy $200 worth of lumber to
build a house and barn.
Our bay horse, weight about 1400 pounds,
has broad white stripe in his face and one
white hind foot, is branded A_ on the left
shoulder. When last seen had a halter on.
Suitable reward will be paid for information
leading to his recovery.
Fred Hendricks.
Bercall, Mont.
meets every Tuesday night in Urner hall.
Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend.
G. C. PERKINS Noble Grand.
Wilson Memorial Methodist-Episcopal
Services in the school house. SundaySchool
3 p. m. every Sunday, Song service and Young
Peoples' meeting 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. every Sun
day except first and fourth in each month
when there will be preaching by the pastor,
Rev. O. F. Krieger. A cordial invitation to
these services is extended to all.
The Rev. J, Phillip Anshutz conducts the
services of the Episcopal church and preaches
in Harlowton the first Tuesday after the first
Sunday of every month at 8:00 p. m. The
public is always welcome.
ReadMarshall's Al.
For results try the want column in The News
Tangen sisters, fashionable dressmaking.
Opposite Post Office. Prices right. 41tf
See Dreyer, the Arceltect before building.
Do you want to sell that. lot. If you do, see
WV. C. Husband.
List your real estate with W. C. Husband
and get results.
If you have a lot to sell, list it with W. C.
Husband, He can find you a good buyer.
The unexcelled Baldwin line of Pianos.
At W. S. Smith's, Lewistown.
$25 buys a nice Drop Head Sewing machine,
at W. 8. Smith's. Lewistown. 28tf
We return everything but the dirt! Leave
your laundry at Tommy Hauznik's barber
shop. Agent for Judith Steam Laundry.
Baskets leave Tuesday noon and return Sat
urdaj. 36tt
See Dreyer, the Architect, before building.
Read Marshall's Ad.
The popular piano is the Hamilton at W. S.
Smith' .Lewistown. 28tt
Those who desire any extra copies of the
Souvenir edition of The news are requested to
send in their orders at once,
Anyone desiring Information regarding
Harlowton and the surrounding country, Ad
dress Attorney W. C. Husband. secretary of
Musselshell Valley Business Men's Associa
tion. Harlowton, Montana.
"As an ideal cough Medicine I regard Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in a class by itself,"
says Dr. R. A. Wiltshire, of (iwynville. Ind.
"I take great pleasure in testifying to the re
sults of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In
fact. I know of no other preparation that
meets so fully the expectations of the most ex
acting in cases of croup and coughs of child
ren. As it contains no opium, chlorform or
.morphorine it certainly makes a most safe,
pleasant and efficacious remedy for the ills it
Is intended."
Stiff neck is caused by rheumatism of the
muscles of the neck. It is usually confined to
one side, or tothe back of the neck and one
side. While it is often quite painful, quick re
lief-may be had by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment. Not one case of rheumatiom In ten
requires internal treatment. When there is
no fever and no swelling as in muscular and
chronic rhe matism, Chamberlain's Liniment
will accomplish more than any Internal treat
A piece of flannel with tapes attached for
holding it in position, slightly dampened with
Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over
the seat of pain is superior to any plaster.
Land Filings and yearly and Final
Proofs can be made Before me.
Harlowton, - - - - : - Montana
Office: Main Street.
Hlarlowton, - Montana.
Will practice in all state and fed
eral courts. Conveyaneiag and col
lections. Office next door to Mussel
shell Valley National Bank,on Cen
tral Ave.
Elarlowton, - - - Montana.
Resident Dentist
In Justice court, of Musielsbel
Township, Meagher County. state o1
Montana, before S. L. Hodges Justice
of the Peace.
H. E. Marshall-vs- R. C. Crouch,
Attachment suit.
You are hereby required to appeal
in an action brought against you, b)
the above named plaint if, in the Jus
tice Court, of Musselshell Township.
County of Meagher, and to answer
the complaint filed therein, within
thirty days (exclusive of the day o1
service) after the service upon you of
this summons, the first issue herein
having been returned siithout being
served, and if you fail to appear and
answer the complaint filed in the
above mentioned court, judgement
will be taken against you according
to the complaint filed in this court.
Harlowton, Mont.. May 5th 1909.
First publication May 7th.
S. L. Hodges, Justice of Peace.
Bids for Grading Near Harlowton Bridge.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of County Commissioners o1
Meagher county will receive sealed
bids on or before June 8th, 1909, at 2
o'clock p. in., for the building and rip
raping road change at the new rivet
bridge at Harlowton, Mont., as fol
lows: Beginning at the south end of
bridge for 1000 feet, the till will con
tain 3700 cu. yards of gravel to-sta
tion 10, then from sta. 10 to 12 & 5(
the road is to be plowed and leveled
Beginning at the north end of bridge
and extending to railroad crossing r
distance of 400 feet; the till will con
tain 1422 cu. yards of gravel. Begin
ning at east side of the north bulk.
head of bridge and extending west o1
the river bank will be rip-rapped for
75 feet 1-1 slope, 2 feet wide on tot
and 3 feet wide on bottom. Begin.
ning at east side of soutu bulkhead
the bulkhead and till on north will bx
rip-rapped to station 10. The tota.
amount of rip-rapping will amount
to 395 cu. yds. and will be paid for as
measured at completion of work..
The rip-rap will be hand placed thrt.
out. The road bed will be 20 feet
wide with a 1 1-2-1 slope as staken
out. As far as practicable this wort
may be borrow-work provided that
the last. six inches of the grade thrt
out its entire length must be of gra
Bids will be opened June 8th 1909.
at 2 p. m. Board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Address bids to Clerk of Board Coun
ty Commissioners, White Sulphur
Springs, Mont., endorsed "bids foi
grading and rip-rapping"
GEO. FOWLIE, County Clerk.
Dated May 4th, 1909.
First publication May 7th.
Notice for Publication. Department of the
Interior. U. S. Land Office at Helena, Mon
tana, May 15, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Josephine Hop
kins, assignee of Charles T. Davis, of Melville
Montana. who, on January 4. 1905, made desert
land application No. 8493 (serial No. 01319, for
Lots I and 2. Section 2. Tp. 5n, R 12 E.. Mont.
Meridian. has filed notice of Intention to
make Final Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before W. O. Straight.
U. S. Commissioner. Harlowton, Montana, on
the 25th day of June, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Augustus Jellison, Albert Ray, of Twodot.
Joseph J. Hopkins. Alfred King, of Melville,
Mont. Frank D. Miracle, Register.
First publication May 21 :,
An ordinance for the suppression o1
houses of prostitution and for the
punishment of prostitutes in the
town of Harlowton.
Be it ordained by the town council
of the town of Harlowton.
Sec. 1 That all houses of prostitu
tion, houses of ill fame, assignation
houses, bawdy houses, and all houses
of like character, and all houses,
places and rooms resorted to by men
or women for the purpose of prosti
tution or for any immoral purposes
whatsoever located within the cor
porate limits of the town of Harlow
ton, are hereby declared public nuis
Sec. 2 If any person or persons
shall hereafter keep or maintain a
house of ill fame or a house of prosti
tution, or a bawdy house, or a house
of like charater, or any house, place
or room resorted to by men or wo
men for the purpose of prostitutive
or for immoral purposes, within the
corporate limits of the town of Har
lowton, they shall be deemed guilty
of a misdomeanor, and upon convic
tion thereof, shall be tined in any
sum not less than five dollars or
more than one hundred dollars and
costs of suit, and each day that such
house, place or room is kept or main
tained shall be and constitute a se
parate and distinct offense.
Sec. 3 Any person or persons here
after being or becoming inmates of
any house of prostitution, house of
ill fame, bawdy house or house of
like character, or house,place or room
resorted to by men or women for the
purpose of prostitution or for immor
al purposes, within the corporate
limits of the town of Harlowton,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdo
meanor, and upon conviction thereof.
shall be fined in any sum not less
than five dollars nor more than fifty
dollars and costs of suit, and each
day upon which any act mentioned in
this section is committed shall be
and constituted a separate and dis
tinct offense
Sec. 4 All ordinances and parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
Sec. 5 This ordinance shall be in
full force pnd effect on and after its
passage and approval.
An ordinance prohibiting minors
from frequenting saloons, gambling
house etW.
Be it ordained by the board of al
dermen of the town of Harlowton.
Sec. 1 That from and after t he
passage of this ordinance it shall be
unlawful for any person under legal
age to visit, loiter or stay about sa
loons, houses of bad repute, repute,
gambling houses, billiard or pool
Sec. 2 And that no person under
the age of sixteen years shall be al
lowed to run, stay, loiter or wander
upon the streets of the town of lIar
lowton later than 10 o'clock at night
time. without orders from their par
ents or guardians, or a good and
rea-onable excuse therefore; to be
determined by the officer making the
Sec. 3 Any person Wiolattlng any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall
be fined not less than one dollar nor
more than fifty dollars or imprisoned
in the town jail not tes than three
days njr more than, thirty or by both
such line and imprisonment.
An ordinance regulating the stor
age of OIl, Powder and other combus
tibles within the tire limits of the
town of Harlowton.
He it ordained by the board of Al
lermen of the town of Harlowton:
Sec. 1 It shall be unlawful for
any merchant, dealer or oth r person
to keep within the fire limits of the
town of Harlowton any greater quan
tity of Coal oil or Gasoline than one
Hundred gallons, and that in original
packages or tanks equally secure, nor
any quantity of powder greater than
one hundred pounds, kept in original
package nor more than one thou
sand giant powder caps, nor any
other inflamable or explosive material
in large quantities or unsafe pack
ages. And any person violating any
of the provisions of this section shall
he fined not less than five dollars nor
more than fifty dollars.
Sec. 2 No person within the lire
limits of the town of Harlowton,
shall have or keep straw, hav or other
combustible fodder in open stacks or
otherwise than securely covered from
tire, any person who shall refuse or
fail to take care of said hay straw or
)ther combustible fodder alter being
notified by the Town Marshall shall
be fined in any sum not to exceed
twenty-fhe dollars.
Sec. 3 That all ordinances or parts
of ordinance in conflict with this or
dinance are hereby repealed.
Sec. 4 That this ordinance shall
be in full force and effect on and af
ter ins passage and approval.
Dissolution Notice.
To the public- Notice is hereby
given that Clark & Galvin who have
been carrying on a retail liquor busi
ness at Palm Saloon have this day
June 1st mutually dissolved partner
ship and above said business will be
carried on under the individual pro
prietorship of Geo. R. Clark. All in
debtness against said firm of Clark
& Galvin is assumed by Geo. R., Clark
and all out standing bills due said
firm are payable to Geo. R. Clark.
Notice for Publication. Department of the
Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lewistown, Mon
tana. June 1st. 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Laura C. War
ren. of Harlowton, Montana. who. on Nov. 11.
1905, made H. E. No. 4120. Ser. No. 034ltifor e 1-:
nie 1-4 e 1-2 se 1-4. section 14, township 8 n,
range 14, E. M. P. Meridian, has fled notice of
Intention to make Final commuted Proof. to
establish claim to the land above descrihed.
before W. 0. Straight, U. S. Commissioner, at
Harlowton. Mont, on the 7 day of July. 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses: Lycurgus
Fitzpatrick, Joseph Muir. Harry Klock and
Bert L. Moody, all of Harlowton, Montana.
First pub. June 4 C. E. MCKoiN. Register.
Notice for Pubtication, Department of the
Interior, u. S. Land Office at Lewistown. Mon
tana. June 1st. 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Fayetta Hannes
of Harlowton. Mont. who on July 8 1904 made
II. E. application, No. 3526. Serial No. 03172.
for s 1-2 se 1-4 s 1-2 sw 1-4. section 26. town
ship 8 n. range 15 E. M. P. Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make Final Five Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before W. 0. Straight. U. S. Commis
stoner, at Harlowton, Mont, on the 8 day of
Jub', 1909.
Claimant names as witneses: George l utt,
Andrew C. Graves.Harry Cosgriife and Joseph
Bechard all of Harlowton Mont.
Eirst pub. June 4 C. E. McKorN, Register.
Rev. Krieger will be here Sunday
evening and will conduct services in
the school-house. All are cordially
invited to attend.
The hills are looking fresh and
green around this section of the
country and every one is rejoicing
that spring has really come.
The river has been high for some
time and the mail messenger has to
cross the river in a boat.
Mrs. Words, former agent and oper
ator at Cruse, has gone to Sweetbriar,
N. D., where she has a position, and
her daughter, Miss Maud Farris, has
charge of the Cruse station.
E. E. Crawford made a trip to Hlar
lowton last Friday.
Mesdames Stevens and Wellington
of Winnecook visited with Mrs. E. E.
Crawford Friday. Mrs. Stevens left
Saturday for Maine.
Mrs. Webster and daughters Lucile
and Frances returned to their home
Saturday from Bozeman.
Mr. Brittin, of Fish Creek was in
Shawmut Saturday. He expects to
be out looking after his sheep this
summer and Mrs. Brittin will live at
Big Elk.
Fred Cavill was here last week and
reports a very good lambing this
spring. His record is 97 per cent.
Chas. Clements at the 0. K. Bar
ranch claims 125 per cent. So the re
cord aronnd Shawmut is hard to beat.
Any one interested in the organiza
tion of Sunday schools would do well
to correspond with Rev. Edwin M.
Ellis, of Helena, Mont., or with Rev.
George Edwards of Great Falls,Mont.,
or Mr. JohnA. Sellers, Billings, Mont.
These en are ready to aid in this
work anywhere in the State of Mon
tana. No charge. Write to the
nearest one; do it now.
Read the want Ads.
For Sale.
25x12, 12 oz. duck tent, in splendid
shape, will sell cheap.
T. E. Johnson,
Tri Service
Effective May 23 1908, the Northern Pacific Railway aug
mented its passenger train service by the establishment of
new trains, not alone between eastern and western terminals,
but locally on main lhues and branches in the several states
which it serves.
Its has thus placed In closer touch than ever the differ
ernet sections, the various cities and towns, the thriving
communities, which for twenty-six years the Northern Pac
ific has aided and frosted in growth and progress.
This increased efficiency of service means much to the
Northern Pacific Railway.
Additional lines projected or actully under construction
willstill further increase the scop of Northern Pacific co-opera
tion in the development of the Northwest in the course of
next year or two.
The present through service comprises
Four Daily Electric-lighted
Transcontinental Trains
affording through equipment without change between Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Fargo, Jamestown, Itismarck, Mandan, Glendive, Terry,
Miles City, Forsyth, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Billings, Butte,
Helena, Missoula, Spokane, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Puget Sound.
Direct connections from and to iDulutb and Superior.
Ask for new time tables showing the increased
service in detail.
W. H. Merriman, Div. Frieght & Passenger Agent,
Northern Pacific Railay,BDtte, Mont.
Quality & Quantity """3
A RE two feat ures of our business, having ample
quantity we can at all times take care of your
(lters. We give courteous and etticient.service,
prompt deliveries and best values. It pays to trade
with us. Send us your bills and we will do the rest,
and don't forget- tiention Lincoln Paint, because
we have it, no better made or we would not handle it.
C.L. Hash, Lo. Mgr. Montana Lumber Co.
Philap I. Moule, PRESIDENT
Andrew C. Graven. A. C. GRAVES
Edward M. .JeflIen* VICE PRES.
Guci.avia'.h;, 0. N. FRIDAY
Frani, F. Go.,, CASMIiER
George R. Pirrie F. P. MARRS
JOHN ENGLISH. Proprietor
Billiards, Pool, Bowling
Con fectionary, Cigars, Tobaccos
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks now For Sale