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USE HI ARLOWTON FLOUR Montana Flour Mills Company .4.r11 ....- . -- -- I--a-- --*- I.. .. SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF AND NEIGHBOR S| (leo. Lvym, of Two(dot, was in Ilarlowtonl. T''uesday. G. C. Perkins, I'ndertaker, Hlarlow ton, Montana. lIoy (Coburn was in from the Veasey ranch yesterdiay. Aust in 'icrce of Two I)ot was in to the tlebekah's ball. Dance with the Yeomen-June 23rd. Ed. Veasy. a Sweet ( rass county rancher,' was in town Monday. (;lene Thomas, of Shawmut. drove ov.r to IIarlowtoin Monday. .J. \Nheeler Freeiman made a iunsiness triap to1 Iewistown yester day. ('ounty C'ommissioner Frank S. Webster was in town last Sat ur day. Roun(dup) ('oal $5.50 per ton de livered. Monthna IumiberC(o. Ge(;rge( lI,yons of Two Dot saw Iarlowtonm wallolp Martinsdale S unday. J. W\. Norton of Ilthe firm of Nor ton and Lynes returned from helena Monday. Elmer Iho,s, insurance agent. Office Ross li)omin ! House. Mi.'s Marie \Vkher of Twodol at tendied the lIebeklahis ball here 'lihu rs(lay night. .lhohn and D)an Me ('arthy were ill fIrom the ranch Sunlay to visit wvith their father. Spring and summer footwear. Ox fords in hig assortments. Call at Marshall's. .Mrs. F'. S. \Velster and dlaugh ter. Luille. were stopping in l ar lowtoii Saturda(y. SMr. .1ohn Lucas of D)orsey has o()ur t hanks for his name added to our list (of suliscribers. I)nit foirget Yeomen rall-J.lune 23 rdI. '|I'. F.'a(( frlom A nerican Fork iountyV seat Monday. lhev. Sharp, t lhe Evangelist, heldl sev.\er:a iinter's inhg meetinjgs at the .MIt),ihlist church this week. Dr.P.E.Thompson, Resident Dentist Harlowton 'I'lhe . isses Nellie and May IBur do \werl the out of town visitirs ill the c ilt this w ek. I .1. A.\nderson of the Harlow toil mills attended the Elks con vention in .\A.erdeen last week. lThe Iounllupl Fad is the lead ing halberdasheiry in M iusselshell couni Sty. The post oflice is next door. t .1John II. G(arrett, manager 01 the Montana Mil waukee Land ('oahliany, has ret urned to stay. ('.1. .ops. the peirpetual piam mai from (i'reat Falls, spent Nat urday and Sunday in I Ilarlowton. Queensware, crockery, cut glass, sil ver ware and fancy china. A largi assortmenit ill open stock. Call an( see them at 'Marshall's. It' a Pretty Tough Customer whom we cannot satisfy. No matter how critical of qualities or values we seldom have dliffculty in proving that in both respects onr material cannot be surpass ed. Our very best customers are the ktenest and sharpest. They know the character of our service and cannot be lured away Montana Lumber Company Agents for Celebrated Lincoln Paints Telephone No. 32 Mr. and Mrs Benjamin rode in from the ranch on horseback Wed nesday on a little shopping tour. The Midland Lumber Company of Miles City has bought the John I)ierks lumber yards at Two Dot. A beautiful line of rugs and draper ies in different sizes and colorings. A good selection at Marshall's. Votes in the News piano contest will be given on old and new sub scriptions. Particulars elesewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rader of lIedgesviile were in the city the first of the week from Hedgesville. Curtis can give estimates on il stalling city water and can do your plumbing, too. tf Miss Elizabeth Weber is in from her homestead and is spending a few clays with her sister Mrs. R, W. Glenn. Mr. Jellison and Miss Pierce frem the McGreger ranch attend ed the Rebekah ball here Wednes day night. Ranchers protect your crops. Get hail insurance. Elirer F. Ross agent, LHarlowton, Mont. Miss Irene McGregor is dispens- ft el of the cakes and pies at the city bakery during the absence of r Mr. Sullivan. ('harles Hash visited in the country last Sunday and reports f, the crop pIroslpect better than he t has seen any Sunday yet. Paints, kalsomine, wall paper and all kinds of varnish and stains. Put on a spring coat. For sale by Mar shall. Miss Pearl McCall, teacher of piano, arrived from Seattle Sun day and has opened a studio at the home of Mrs. R1. L. McKellar. The Harlowton D)rug company has secured the exclusive repre sentation in this territory for the Victor Phonograph company. How about that knock in your ,ngine? Let Fisher at Curtis' at tend to it, because he is the boy that can andl does. tf Mrs. Nellie Ingalls who taught in the.llarlowton high school dur ing the last terin is seriously ill at ht er hiome in Columbia, Missouri. (atholic clhurch services will be held at the colony south of Shaw o tut, on the third and fourth Sun dlays of each monthl at 10:30 a. inm. Irwin R. Judd of Lewistown re m- presenting the National Life In surance ('ompany was looking for business in Harlowton last Satur Sd(lay. l1 I). W. Davies returned home last week after an absen(ce of five )f monthis. Mr. D)avis has been look d ing after minining matters east of here. m0 Ied Folsom, formerly a member - of the Stanford base ball team, (camIe over this week. He has Jiloined the Ilarlowton team and we e . are informed lie will make Harlow ton his hoime in the future. Subscrib for the News. Let Us Handle Your Banking Business W E ASK your attention to our sworn State. ment of Condition on another page of this issue. This is a Safe Bank, Conser vatively Managed Our Motto "Safety - Service - Silence" STATE BDANK O NARLOWTON F. F. Goss of Lewistown was here Saturday and will leave Tuesday for Libby to superintend installation of an electric light in that city. The best line of groceries at a me dium price. Always fresh and clean. Your order solicited by Marshall's. Rev. Dr. Sloan of Helena. preaches in the Presbyterian church Sun (lay morning and evening. The Lord's Supper will be served in the morning. Just received at the Hair Dressing Parlors, an up-to-date line of Ladies' ready-to-wear dresses, coats and hos iery at right prices. Robert Lyons of Pasadena, Cal. came in last night. Mr. Lyons owns some good business property here and has great faith in Har lowton and Montana. John Dierks of Two Dot was in our city Sunday on his return from Billings where he recently bought out the Billings Auto Gar age and tire repairing plant. J. McLeod & Co. are still making cigars at the old stand. They are among the best. F. B. Thurston, former head miller at the mills of the Montana Flour Mills company, was in the d city Saturday and left in his auto c for his new location at Bozeman. v The only vacuum cleaner within t reach of all. A child can run it. For I sale at Marshall's. Elsewhere in this issue will be 1 found the statements of the condi tion of the First National and State Banks and a perusal of the same show a most healthful condi tion of business. Roundup Coal $5.50 per ton de livered. Montana Lumber Co. A dramatic musical entertain ment will be given at the Presby terian church next Tnesday even ing, June 22, at 8 p.m. A good entertainment is assured to all who attend. Tickets 35 cents. The Dixie Minstrel showed in Llarlowton last night. With a Sspirit of liberality we will drop the mantle of charity over what we would much like to say. It was r . For Sale-One folding go-cart, nearly new. Call O. Dahl, freight office, Harlowton. Editor F. T. Ellis and wife of Hedges were visitors in the city Saturday, coming over by private conveyance. Mrs. Ellis went from here to White Sulphur Springs for a visit with relatives and friends. Look at Marshall's big line of furn iture. Big money saved. Mr. I. Caine conductor on the C. M. and P. S. Ry. recently re e turned from Milwaukee, Chicago e and other eastern cities, and after completing a short visit in Butte f he will resume his duties with the company. r Roundup Coal $5-50 per ton de , livered. Montana Lumber Co. e Our town has been full of sheep . shearers for the past week. The sheep shearers are a liberal, jolly set of fellows. They have been quite a help to the trade of our town lately, but we are informed that they have actually been pass ing quarters for 12 and 13c. Just received at the Hair Dress ing Parlors, a complete line of the latest style hair ornameuts; also ready-to-wear garments for ladies. Prices to suit the times. H. F. Richardson, state organiz: er for the Yeomen, instituted a lodge in this city Tuesday night. The new lodge starts out with thir ty-five members on the charter. The next meeting of the organiza tion will take place on the 20th of this month, when several more members will be taken into the society.-Judith Basin Star, Phil brook. We do a special tailoring that sur passes them all. We lead, others fol low. Go to Marshall's. Stanley Smith was fined $25 and cost for exceeding the speed limit in the city last Sunday. A contest has been started in e the district court at White Sul- b phlr Springs to declare the court I election illegal. The county com- v missioners are made defendants. t Ii. F. Richardson and A. O. s Jones who have been in Harlow- t ton for some time in the interests i of the Brotherhood of American Yoeman, have succeeded in ob- C taining a good charter member- t ship and will install a Homstead t in the near future. The Misses Helen and Charlotte 1 Lane entertained the Girls Inter- g mediate Class of the M. E. church. t The afternoon was spent in play ing various games. Mrs. Freeman won the guessing contest prize. I At 5 p. m. delicious refreshments ( were served. l H. L. Lokensgard of Madison, Mlinnesota, stopped over in Har- I lowton between trains wednesday. Mr. Lokensgard anticipates mov- t ing west in the near future. He expressed himself as being well * pleased with our town and country I and we hope to have him locate here. The Brotherhood of American I Yeomen will celebrate the installa tion of a new Homestead in Har lowton by a grand ball to be given Friday, June 23rd. A short musi cal program will be given preceed ing the grand march. Good music I will be furnished and a most en joyable time is anticipated. Tom and Nick Weber were in Harlowton the first of the week from their ranch near the Snowy Mountains. They have recently purchased a Case plow outfit and seeded a large acreage in spring wheat and oats, In addition they have 300 acres of winter wheat which is said to be the best in this end of the county. Curtis fixes those cuts in your tires. tf Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Glenn and daughter Clara of Viroqua, Wis consin arrived in Harlowton last week for a few weeks visit with the former's sons Robert W., Lewis D. and Morley B. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn will make annual proof on their American Fork deserts before leaving. Patent to their home stead northeast of town was re cegntly received and recorded. J. I. Langston was in town from his American Fork ranch Monday. Mr. Langston came to Montaua from Georgia four years ago. When the civil war broke out he enlisted as a private from his na tive state and served throughout the four years strife with his regi ment under R. E. Lee in the army of northern Virginia. His promo tion was rapid and when the con federates laid down their arms he was captain of Co. E, 24th Georgia Volunteers. Miss Lizzie Brown, formerly of this place now of Victor, Montana, is here on a visit and is the guest of Mrs. I. S. McQuitty. It will be remembered that Miss Brown left Harlowton about two years ago the affianced bride of Mr. A. R. Creigh but their marriage was postponed at the time on account of the illness of Mr. Creigh who is afflicted witn diabetes and the latest advises of phyiscians are to the effect that there is no hope for his recovery and the marriage will never be solemnized. An Enjoyable Dancing Party Despite a severe rain storm t which prevailed early in the eyen- r ing, the grand ball Wednesday ev ening by the ladies of the Rebekah a Lodge Numder 8, was a most en- t joyable affair. In fact many who 1 were present say it was the most enjoyable of any given for many months, The ladies who were the I sponsors of the ball are to be con gratulated for every detail was managed thoroughly and everyone was made to feel at home. A light luncheon of sandwiches, sal ads, cold tea, ice cream and cake was served at 11:30 at the McQuit ty hall and dancing was continued until2 o'clock. We hope for an other as nice soon. How Clouds Are Colored. The color of a cloud depends on the manner in which the sunlight falls upon it and the position of the ob server. It will be noticed that high clouds are always white or light in color, and this is because the light by which they are seen is reflected from the under surface by the numberless drops of moisture which go to form the cloud. Heavy rain clouds, on the other hand. are found much nearer the earth, and so the light falls on them more directly from above, giving a silver lining to the cloud, though the under surface appears black, owing to the complete reflection and abrorp. tlon of the light by the upper layers. Seen from above by an observer in a balloon the blackest rain clouds ap pear of the most dazzling brilliant Swtte,--iDedee Advertiser. . Shold Leek After New Caers The practical and actual experi enced of those pioneer boomers or boosters who have given years of j labor to the work of peopling the west has demonstrated the fact that it is sometimes easier to get settlers into a country than it is to hold them. The new comer has so many discouragements to contend with in a new country that it is up to the older residents to make a determined effort to help the new arrivalk. Along this line of endeavor the people of Ore gon have made great progress and their plan of action was outlined in an address made by C. C. Chap man, secretary of the Portland Commercial Club at the recent boosters' meeting in Helena. "We see to it," said Mr. Chap man,"that there are arganized in all of the one hundred and nine town auxiliaries of the Commercial club, women's auxiliaries and glad hand clubs, as we call them, new comer's clubs, so that the new-com er, when he arrives, when he alights from the train, is met by somebody with a badge indicating that he is not a real estate man ( and we have some pretty good real estate men in Oregon at that), but that he is a representative of an organ ization of the business men and the professional men and the farm ers of that community; and we see to it that the women get organized in the women's auxiliaries, not to boom their locality, not merely to engage in the effervescent phases of advertising, but to extend a cordial welcome, to call upon the women when they arrive and see that their little wants are attend ed to, to see that they are made to feel, somewhat, at home in their new environment-they have come a long way when they come to Oregon, way across the Continent al divide; they are tired and weary and often discouraged; very often hopes have been arroused in their breasts which they have begun to fear cannot be fulfilled,-and it is up to us of Oregon, as it is up to the residents of all of the great northwest, to see to it that these arrivals, when they do come, are welcomed cordially and hospitably . and that we do everything within our power to make them feel that - they are at home, that they are one of us, and that they stand shoulder to shoulder in our work in upbuilding an empire. That, we feel, is of vital importance and we are working very much along that line." There is room in Montana for action of this kind; even in Har lowton. The News learns that the story we re-printed from the Lewistown Daily News in our last issue, where in it was stated that E. F. Bur meister had pleaded guilty of vio lating the game law, was axl error as the case was dismissed in the courts at Harlowton and Big Tim ber. Horse Owners Attention C, P. Irish announces that about the 15th of June he will begin to ride the range within 75 miles of Judith Gap to gather up his horses, and any parties having horses on the range can notify him, giving brands, description and reward they wish to pay. Address C. F. Irish, it Garneill, Montaua. SSCHEUBER DRUG COMPANY Druggists and Stationers .. Sweet's Golden Weft Chocolates. Are the sweetest and best in all the world. We have Sweet's complete line. . . Try a box The most complete Line of FOUNTAIN DRINKS In Harlowton TIT ALL[I'S O TAMN (lOIRT, Il! I D[ KIll IR fo ! (m[IlS PIANO CONTESBT O WITH BIG RUSH (continued from page 1) savored ever so lightly of unfair ness. Contestants may approach their friends in full knowledge that con ditions of this contest are absolute ly fair; that every candidate has exactly the same chance and that every vote will be counted for the candidate turning it in, and that the responsibility of the News and the Harlowton Grocery Company is not a question of guess work. This is a generous, dignified appeal to the sober, serious-minded people of this part of the country. LOST-Two dark brown mares brand ed HD (connected) on left shoulder and heart over anchor on right should er. Strayed away from my place in township 5, range 18, section 26, five weeks ago. Please notify and be rewarded. REv. M. T. O'Brien 51-2t Shawmut, Mont. ORDINANCE NO. 35 An Ordinance relating to the pub lishing of Ordinances of the Town of Harlowton. Be it ordained by the town council of the Town of Harlowton. Section 1. That all Ordinances passed oy the town council of the Town of Harlowton, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, shall be published in one issue of either a daily or weekly newspaper publish ed in said town. Section 2. This Ordinance shall have full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved this 8th day of June, 1911. E. F. MoQurrrvTY Attest: Mayor. S. K. CAMPBELL Town Clerk. 50-it. Miss Pearl McCall Teacher of Piano Studio at ,:- Mrs. R. L. Keller FIRST NATIONAL BANk Of Harlowton Notana Capital - $50,000 A general bankingbusiness trans acted. We write exchanges on all parts of the world. , Pay interest on time deposits. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED A. C. Graves - - President Guy H. Davis - Vice President F. P. Marrs - Cashibr Did Tou vr Stop To Think Of the Merits of a good Shave, Hair Cut or Massage If So, Call on RED, THE WINNER, W. C. Quaills, Cenral Ave., Harlowton, Montana