Newspaper Page Text
O!RREEJ Shawmut Shawmut, Mont., June 21, 1911. Andrew Flom took out a load of lumber Monday. Mr. Chamberlain has been in town a few days to sell a team. The Shawmut boys went to Roundup Sunday and came back 1 sad and wan- score, Roundup 5, Shawmut 1. But they had the 1 pleasure of seeing Twodot bom barded to the tune of 16 to 2. ] Among Monday visitors were Dr. and Mrs. McCarthy of Fish I Creek, Frank Campbell and Geo. Davenport from out south, Thos. Edwards of Hedges and Clyde Higgins and Albert Knudson from the bench. Adolph Charlston departed for his homestead south of town Sun day. The Thomas people were in Monday. The C. M. and P. S. Ry. have a crew working about the sidings putting them into better condi tion. It is rumored that a little gun play occurred recently between t*o rather irresponsible parties. No harm was done as fingeis did n't seem to work. A dance is scheduled to be pull ed off Saturday evening at Fay Perry's new store. It seems the second floor is to be devoted to such purposes. Of course every body is invited to attend. The Thomas boys lost a valuable horse in a wire fence this week. Mr. L. A. Hunter was in town Tuesday. Ralph Hubbard of Buffalo, N. Y. and Daniel Rothrock of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived Tuesday from Ober lin. Ohio. The former will go at once onto his claim south of the river. - Among Wednesday's callers were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flom of Mud Creek, M. J. Tracy of Fish Creek and Ed Grunsted and W. H. Fox of Dead Man's Basin. There are a number of teams hauling road material for Hedges Road District No. 16. Floyd Coats was in town from Fish Creek Wednesday, as were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mrs. Fay Perry has been quite ill the past week. We are glad to note that she is somewhat improv ed. Henry Tierney and family ar rived from Wisconain Tuesday to take up their residence south of town. Fred Pettit is now working for F. S. Webster. TELEPHONE SERVICE Rain, Mud, Snow, Sleet and Slush may be avoided by making your journeys and doing your errands over the telephone. If an appointment were bet ter postponed, the telephone fits in better and smooths things out. No other way is so far reach ing, so inexpensive, so satis factory, and so necessary to the progressive business man. It is the modern way and takes the place of a personal visit. Remember that our long dis tance lines reach every village, city and town of any importance in the Northwest, and that to the average business man long distance telephone service is in dispensable. Lewistown Telephone Co. NIAIL. NUGGES Nihill, Mont., June 19, 1911. Crops are looking fine. R. E. Edwards and son have moved their plow outfit to the Dailey ranch where they will break up the balance of that fine place. Fishing parties are the order of the day around Nihill. Road Overseer W. F. Coleman has finished an elegant job of grad ing on the roads leading into Nihill from the-east and the west. Carl Kittleson has returned from from working in the saw mill on Swimming Woman. Mrs. F. L. Layton and daughter Olive visited last week at the E. B. Kittleson home. ER. P. Chapman transacted busi ness in Nihill this week. A. C. Wegener and mother from Harlowton called on friends in Ni hill Sunday. We' understand the prospects are bright for a new lumber yard coming to Nihill in the near future. We expect to have a telephone circuit between Harlowton, Oka, Judith Gap and Nihill, in order to shape the political future of Meagh er county. The base ball, enthusiasts con template organizing a ball team as we have some splendid material. Stanley Allen and Ben Olson spent Sunday at their ranches in the Swimming Woman country. Guy Ewing made a trip to Hob son the past week, business and pleasure. News From Barber Barber, Mont., June 21, 1911. A very pleasant party was given at Hotel Barber last Monday night by Mr. Floodberg. About 25 young people were present. The evening was spent in playing games and various other amuse ments. Everybody present reports Mr. Floodberg a splendid enter tainer. Messrs. Earl and Fern Simkins are home from Buffalo, Montana. Mr. Bartz was in Harlowton last Monday. A party was given at the home of Mr. Pete Nelson last Wednes day evening. A good time is re ported by all present. Mr. A. J. Skordahl was in Har lowton last Tuesday. Miss Emily Werness is sewing for Mrs. O. B. Lovely this week. We do a special tailoring that sur passes them all. We lead, others fol low. Go to Marshall's. IHER NARROW ESCAPE By MOLLIE K. WETHERELL Copyright by American Press ASSO' clation, 191L Pepita was a Mexican girl livips with an aunt in southern CaliforniA. Pepita was an orphan and had inher ited a patch of ground, on which the two lived. Near by was another Mex leap family consisting of father. moth er and one son, Enrique, just comning of age. Enrique and Pepita, being neighbors and there being no other young men and women near by to dil vert them from each other, naturally loved. One day a man was seen digging in a patch of ground adjoining Pepits's property. He was an American and, though roughly dressed, gave evidence of being a gentleman. Seeing Pepita standing looking at him curiously, he went over to where she was and ask ed for a drink of water. Pepita got it for him from a spring back of the house, and the stranger chatted with her. She asked him what he was dig ging the hole for, and he said be was prospecting. There had been no hunt ing for the precious metals theft be fore, and Pepita did not understand what he meant, The stranger came over occasionally after that for a drink of water or to borrow something. He said his name was -Whomas Burkhalter; that he was the 44 of a gentleman in the east. Hip'hadn't got on well with his tather and had come out west to shift for himself. Pepita thought him very fine. After looking at his white face Enrique's brown visage was not at all attractive. Enrique noticed a change in her, but was at a loss to account for it. One day a man came to Burkhalter', hole. He was a well dressed man and wore a diamond stickpin in his neck wear. Pepita saw him and Burk halter standing together talking and looking over at her house. The stran ger went away, and that evening Burkhalter came over to see Pepita She asked him about the man who had visited him, but Burkhalter was un communicative on the subject One thing Pepita noticed-that he was very attentive and deferential to her. Burkhalter during the next four. of five days did as much courting as IF usually done in months, sometimes in years. He quite carried Pepita off tier feet. She discovered that Enrique knew nothing at all about making love Enrique was much distressed. What could he do? But Enrique had more sense than Pepita and knew a little more about the world, though not much more. At any rate, he had sense enough to suspect that Burkhalter had some motive in devoting himself tc Pepita. He went to an old rancher who had always been kind to him and told him his trouble. One day Enrique went to Grigsby, the rancher, and told him that Burkhalter had asked Pepita to marry him. "That's all talk," said Grigsby. "No, no," cried Enrique; "they are to be married tomorrow. Pepita doer not wish it so soon, but the man in sists. Bhe would like to raise a little money so that she may get some new clothes to make her appear worthy oi so fine a husband." Grigsby thought, He was turning something over in his mind. At lasi he said: "If Pepita is going to be marries she will not need her farm. What sht needs is a little cash. I will buy her property. Go and ask her for what she will sell it But say to her that I will not buy it unless she keeps my offer a secret You may tell her I will give her $600." Enrique sorrowfully bore the mes sage and returned with Pepita, whc was delighted to get so much money for what was really not suppos4d tc be worth more than half the amount offered. Grigsby drew up the papers conveying the property to Enrique and placed a mortgage on it payable to himself. "Now," he said to Pepita, "you nhy tell whom you like that you have sold your farm." In the evening Burkhalter came tc see his fiancee and asked her if she would be ready for the wedding the next day. Pepita said she would and gleefully told him she had sold her property for the enormous sum of $600. Then she showed him the money she had got for it He stood looking at her with a blank expression for some time, then told her to put her name on the back of the check and he would ride to a town ten miles distant and draw the money. She must be ready for the ceremony by the time of his return. She did as he bade her, and, leaving her, forget ting the kiss, he departed. Pepita waited all that day and the next for her lover, but be came not Nor has he come to this day. Peptta's aunt at last told her that he must have gone away with the money tfr the farm. What should they do? Their bome was sold, and they had nowhere to lay their heads. Meanwhile Grigsby had gone to the hole Burkhalter had left with experts and had found that Burkhalter had struck a vein of ore too narrow to pay. but beginning to open up in the farm Pepita had sold. Then -came Enrique and showed her his deed to her property and tpld her that it was likely worth a fortune. And so it was. Grigsby furnished the means to develop it, and it was sold for a large amount. Enrique forgave Pepita and they were married, but the wife never forgot her folly and her husband's common sense. Try A Vacuum Cleaner. It cleans your carpet and keeps it clean. Costs only $8.00 at Marshalls. t Curtis fixes automobiles. $25.00 Reward. The above reward will be paid for return of the following described horses: 1 pair of gray mares, brand- e ed A triangle on right shoulder, both have harness marks, weight 800 lbs; 1 bay mare branded box E on right hip, weight 600 lbs.; 1 sorrel horse, star in face, white hind foot; 1 sorrel mare, stripe in face, 2 white stock ings in front and I behind. Stock has been gone about 11 days. E. F. BURMEISTER, 48-tf. Shawmut, Montana. DIRECTORY Professional and Business Cards. W. C. HUSBAND, LAWYER Will practice in all state and fe deral courts. Conveyancing col lections Corporation law and real estate. Oftice, Central Avenue. Harlowton. - - - - - - Montana TRAVELER'S CAFE LADIES AN D GENT IEMEN'S DINNING ROOM Meals at All Hours TOY BROS. Proprietors DR. S.K. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Main Street. Harlowton, - Montana. L. F. WHEELER Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished on short notice. Work guaranteed sat isfactory and terms reasonable. Ryegate - - Montana RICHARD WRIGHT Contractor and Builder Jobbing Promptly and Neatly Done P. O. Box 255 Phone 56 Black [larlowton. - - Mont. Urner Rooming House OVER URNER'S STORE Pleasant Rooms, Electric Ljghted Steam Heated RATES - 75c and $100 L. D. GLENN ATTOREY-AT-LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in all state and fed eral courts. Conveyancing and col lections. Office in The First National Bank block on Cen tral Ave. Harlowton. - - - Montana. I.0.0. F. CARBONATE LODGE No. 39 meets every Tuesday night in Odd Fellows Hall above the Harlowton Grocery Co's. store. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W, C. HUSBAND. N. G. WARD BELEY, Secretary. Musselshell Lodge No. 69 A. F. and A. M. Meets first and third Friday evenings of each month. F. S. WEBSTER S. K. CAMPBELL W. M. Secretary THE BUSY BEE Confectionery, Ice Cream, Fruit; Soda Water, Cigars, Etc. Full Line of Fancy Box Candy. Magazine Subscriptions. ETHEL Z. ROSS, Propr. HARLOWTON, - MONTANA Miss Leona McDonald Dress Making and Tailoring Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing a Specialty. All work given careful attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. Building opposite post office. UNDERTAKING A Complete Stock Always on Hand Wire Orders Promptly Filled G. C. PERKINS With Moody & Wellington HARLOWTON, . MONTANA WOOI LOST-Two dark brown maresbrand ed HD (connected) on left shoulder and Heart over anchor on right should er. Strayed away from my place in township 5, range 18, section 26, five weeks ago. Please notify and be rewarded. REV. M. T. O'Brien 51-2t Shawmut, Mont. Subscribe for the News. Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway Time Card Effective May 29, 1911. Northern Pacific Ry. 11.45 a.m. .... Lv.......Helena......Ar 9.28 a m. 8.00 p.m. 1.21 p.m. Lv......Lombard .Ar 7.36 6.11 p.m. (No. 16) (No. 18) C., M. & P. S. Ry. (No. 17) (No.15) 1.25 p.m. 12.12 a.m. ........Lombard ....... 6.11 a.m. 3.50 p.m. 12.18 a.m. ...........Crane........... 6.03 a.m. 12.30 a.m. ..........Maudlow... ..... 5.42 a.m. 12.53 a.m. .......Josephine......... 5.29 a.m. 1.12 a.m. .........Sixteen......... 5.10 a.m. 1.27 a.m. .........Minden ......... 4.55 a.m. 2.50 p.m. 1.36 a.m. ...Ringling .... ..4.48 a m. 2.34 p.m. .2.17 a.m. ........Lennep....... ..4.05 a.m. 2.36 a m. .....M. artinsdale.......3.43 a.m. 2.57 a.m. ..... ..Twodot......... 3.20 a.m. 4.32 p.m. 3.25 a.m. .......Harlowton..... ..2.53 a.m. 12.50 p.m. 8.33 p.m. 10.05 a.m. .......Judith Gap....... 6 15 p.m. 7.35 a.m. 8.46 p.m. 10.18 a.m. ........ Garneili......... 6.02 p.m. 7.22 a.m. 9.02 p.m. 10.34 a.m. ......... Straw...... ... 5.44 p.m. 7.04 a.m. 9.23 p.m. 10.56 a.m. .......Moore.......... 5.22 p.m. 6.42 a.m. 10.10 p.m. 11.45 a.m. ....Lewistown........ 4.40 p.m. 6.00 a.m. 4.42 p.m. 3.35 a.m. .... ..Harlowton........ 2.43 a.m. 12.40 p.m. 10.57 p.m. 11.04 a.m. ......Miles City....... 7.41 p.m. 6.54 p.m. 12.40 p.m. 12.40 a.m. .......Aberdeen........ 8.05 a.m. 8.25 p.m. 9.15 p.m. 9.00 a.m. .......Minneapolis...... 11.30 p.m. 11.45 a.m. 10.00 p.m. 9.45 a.m. .........St. Paul........ 10.45 p.m. 11.00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 10.15 p.m. ..........Chicago.......... 10.00 a.m. 10.15 p.m. Who's Your Tailor? I We are doing gatpecilal line of Tailoring Differ ent tq other.. a ifrne ding h peciaC l ines e ofTive our cstmes I 1! * 01 All men were created "Free and Equal," but what *a difference in their Clothes. We give our customers the best values for their money. We tailor satisfaction, 'ISuite from $18 to $40 ' ý ýt sliD LOWEST EXCURSION RATES VIA THE (I(A OflhLW IAWf 5 PU [I SOJID RAlIAI The "Only Road" Operating "All Steel Trains Between The Pacific Northwest and Chicago. FROM HARLOWTON, MONTANA TO EASTERN POINTS PACIFIC COAST POINTS AND RETURN AND RETURN Chicago $54.50 Seattle Milwaukee Tacoma St. Paul and } Portland Minneapolis $42.00 Everett St. Louis I $51.00 Bellingham SoxCtadVictoria $40.15 Sioux City, and Vancouver all Missouri $42.00 Austoria River Common And numerous Points Coast Beach Dates of Sale: Resorts June 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 17, 18,24 25 July 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 22 and 25. Dates of Sale: Aug. 16, Sept. 2 and 3. Daily, June 3 to Sept. 15, Return Limit October 31st, 1911. Extensive Stopovers and Diverse Routes permitted. Correspondingly low rates to many other points both East and West. *"THE OLYMPIAN" "THE COLUMBIAN" The All-Steel Trains- ----The Safe Trains For additional information regarding fares, routes, sleeping car reservations, train service etc., call on or write E. A. TAMM, Ticket Agent W. J. KEELEY, D. F. & P. A., Miles City. "The New Nts.I Til.,, The New Line is the Short Line The Lewistown city council had let a contract for the building of a new water works system to Lind strum and Oren of Butte whose bid, $15,700, was the lowest of sev eral submitted. Votes in the News piano contest will be given on old and new sub scriptions. Particulars elesewhere.