OCR Interpretation

The Libby herald. [volume] (Libby, Mont.) 1911-1913, September 07, 1911, Image 7

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053292/1911-09-07/ed-1/seq-7/

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By Lydia E. Plnkhiam's
Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Md.--"I send you here.
with the picture of my fifteen year old
...... daughter Anlce, who
was restored to
it[ 1;.li.health by Lydia E.
'ii Pinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound. She
ilwas pale, with dark
cic circles u n d e r her
S eyes, weak and irri.
€:ii table. Two different
doctors treated her
..:. and called it Green
-'.,' Sickness, but she
S.: ;.., grew worsu all the
time. Lydia E.Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound was rec.
ommended, and after taking three bot
tles she has regained her health, thanks
to your medicine. I can recommend it
for all female troubles."-Mrs. L. A.
CORKsAN, 1103 Rutland Street, Balti.
more, Md.
Hundreds of such letters from moth.
ers expressing their gratitude for what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound has accomplished for them have
been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass.
Young Girls, Heed This Advice.
Girls who are troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, head.
ache, dragging-down sensations, faint.
ing spells or indigestion, should take y
immediate action and be restored to s
health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege., 5
table Compound. Thousands have been c
~estored to health by its use.
Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynr4
MIass., for advice, free.
"Where will you reside?" asked h
the reporter of the young bridal couple. t
"At the Old Manse," replied the
erstwhile Miss Millions.
And this is the way the item ap- d
"Mr. IHardup and his bride, who was
the former Miss Millions, have returned y
from their honeymoon. They will
live at the old man's." a
Housework Drudgery
Housework is drudgery for the weak woman. She brush
es,, dusts and scrubs, or is on her feet all day attending to
the many details of the household, her back aching, her
temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress of
pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed is
not refreshing, because the poor tired nerves do not per
mit of refreshing sleep. The real need of weak, nervous
women is satisfied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It Makes Weak Women Strong
and Sick Women Well.
This "Preserlption" removes the cause
of women's weaknesses, heals Inflam
mation and ulceration, and cures those
tranquilizes the nerves, encourages the
appetite and Induces restful sleep.
Dr. Pierce is perfectly willing to let every one know what
his " Favorite Prescription" contains, a complete list of
ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any unscrup
ulous druggist persuade you that his substitute of unknown
composition is "just as good" in order that he may make
a bigger profit. Just smile and shake your head I
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cures liver ills.
and Pistol_- i
THE uniform ignition, due to perfection of famous
/1 -L1M C primer, makes for sure-fire,
accuracy and penetration.
They minimize personal hazard.
Individually made, tested and guaranteed for all stand
ard pistols and revolvers. ,
Recommended by leading manufacturers.
ý /fat LMC-the perfect shooting combination.
299 Broadway, New York City.
'2,50,'3.00, '3.50 & '4.00 SHOES
WOMEN wear W.LDouglas stylish, perfect
fitting, easy walking boots, because they give ..........
long wear, same as W.L.Douglas Men's shoes.
The workmanship which has madeW. L.
Douglas shoes famous the world over is
maintained in every pair.
If I could take you into my large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how
carefullyW.L.Douglas shoes are made, you
would then understand why they are war- .
ranted to hold their shape, fit better and .
wear longer than any other make for the price c
CAUTION The genuine have W. L. nouglas
name and price stamped on bottom
If you cannot obtain W. L. Douglas shoes in
your town, write for catalog. Shoes sent direct ONE PAIR of my BOYS' $2,82.50 or 1
front factory to wearer, all charges prepaid. W.L. 83.00 SHOES Will positively outwear
DOUGLAS, 145 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys'shoes
The gown is an all-over embroidered
batiste, white-with-light-blue pattern.
The upper part of the sleeve is of
plain blue batiste, tucked closely.
Howard E. Burton, Assayer and Chemist,
,eadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
lilver, Lead, $1.00; Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold,
ec; Zinc or Copper, $1.00. Mailing en*
elopes and full price list sent on application.
)ontrol and Umpire work solicited. Refer
nce: Carbonate National Bank.
"Bronson has gone to Europe for his
Lealth." "How did he lose his
Lealthl'" "Earning the money to go
o Europe. "-Boston Transcript.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
yrup the best remedy to use for their chil
ren during the teething period.
Mrs. Hoyle-What sort of a man did
on get?
Mrs. Doyle-He was a blond man with
brunette heart.
£alvationlsts Give an Impressive E1*
hibit In London, Depicting Scones
From Life.
London.-Ten thousand people at*
tended the demonstration given re
cently by the, Salvation Army at the
Albert hall. Old, white hatied and
almost blind, General Booth presided
in person. "Only with my inner sight
have I been able to witness these
transformations and miracles that the
love of God has wrought," he said
after patiently sitting through the dif
ferent scenes that were played before
an attentive and interested audience.
First was depicted a night on the
Thames embankment at one 6f the
army's shelters. Gradually the great
arena in the hall filled with hundreds
of destitute and homeless men, to
Gen. William A. Booth.
whom food and encouragement were
given by the officers present, in illus
tration of their nightly task in various
cities. The same men were seen later
busily sorting out great sacks of waste
paper, showing how employment of
some description was found for even
the most unpromising material.
Work among the little ones was
demonstrated by a parade of forty
gray gowned, white capped nurses,
carrying in their arms tiny babies,
some only a week or two old and
many of them prison born. A crowd
of hungry, ragged children followed,
dancing round an Italian hurdy-gurdy
and fighting and playing with each
other. Food and coffee were distrib
uted to the boys and girls, who had
been brought up from the slums that
very afternoon as actual specimens of
the raw material upon which the army
is working.
Then came the children of "The
Nest," as the girls' home at Clapton
is called. As the neatly dressed
brigade, consisting of about fifty lit.
tie girls-all of whom have been res.
cued from drunken and brutal parents
-trooped into the hall, where they
danced and formed themselves into a
zareba, loud applause resounded
throughout the building. A number of
woman officers followed, visiting womr
an prisoners in Jail-realistic demon.
strations being given of refractory
cases who refused to go back to their
The industrial and land colony at t
Hadleigh, Essex, where more than
1,000 acres of land is being farmed
and intensive garden culture is car
ried on, was represented by a pro
cession of gardeners, beekeepers, shep
herds, poultry and dairy farmers, car.
ying poultry or dairy produce, fruits t
or vegetables or the implements of a
their labor. The farm proper carries f
more than 1,000 head of horses, cattle, ,
sheep and lambs and pigs, grows large t
quantities of grain and roots and will
soon be busy haymaking and harvest.
The work of the emigration depart.
ment was also indicated by means of
tableaux and statistics were given
showing that the army now carries on
its social agencies in fifty-six coun.
tries and preaches salvation in thirty.
nine languages, while it possessea 954
social institutions, 621 day schools and d
twelve military and naval homes, in u
addition to more than 100,000 officers c
of all ranks. t
Bastile at Mansfield, Mo., Needs Only
a Handle to Be the Real
Mansfield, Mo.-"Jug" as used to
describe the city Jail at Mansfield,
scarcely could be considered a word
of slang. For the Mansfield jail, built
of solid concrete in the proportions of
a huge jug, needs only a handle and
The Mansfield "Jug."
he change from a door to a neck and
,ork to make it a jug in fact. Perhaps
t doesn't matter a great deal, any
-.y, for the jail isn't often used, and
t was just as well to put a little
lense of humor in the structure.
e Local Folk Testify-Stomach Trouble
Conquered and Rheumatism
e Pangs Overcome.
a One of the most remarkable feat
o ures about Prof. J. M. Munyon is the
extraordinary amount of attention hE
has attracted. Here and all over the
country, the immense crowds thai
have been flocking to see him, and the
large quantity of mail he receiver
daily at his headquarters, Munyon'i
Laboratories, 53d and Jefferson Sts.
Philadelphia. He receives mail anc
visitors from every city in the United
States and Canada. Most notable ih
the fact that rich and poor come tc
him alike, and a few hours spent at
the side of the physician is a most in
teresting study in human nature.
Many remarkable cases of relief se.
cured were related at the store this
One was that of a man who had
suffered from indigestion and stomach
trouble for more than ten years. He
"I think I had one of the worst
cases of stomach trouble on record. I
could not digest anything I ate. Food
fermented in my stomach and formed
gas, which passed out in the abdomen
and up under my heart, and at times
made me su er so badly I expected to
die. I had intense headaches and fre
quent attacks of dizziness, and I grew
short of breath when I attempted to
walk up stairs. I was also much con
stipated. I came here a short while
ago and took Munyon's full course of
stomach treatment. Now I must ad
mit I feel like a new man. I can eat
anything I want with no distress after
ward, and all of the other symp
tonms of my trouble have disappeared.
I notice particularly that my head is
much clearer and my brain works bet
ter. I am full of ambition and energy
and enjoy life hugely. I can never
tell how glad I am that I had the good
sense to try this Munyon treatment."
Another enthusiastic visitor was a
woman who declared that her mother
had been relieved of rheumatism in a
most remarkable manner. She said:
"'My mother was flat on her back in
bed with rheumatism, sciatic, muscu
lary and inflammatory. Dojtors had
pronounced her case almost incur
able and we had about given up
hope of her ever being able to walk
again. I procured a treatment for
her from one of these Munyon doctors,
and 'oday she is able to get about
the house with perfect ease and
can go outdoors, and in fact, do
anything that a woman of her age
might be expected to do. The rheu
matic pains and inflammation have en
tirely disappeared. I think this Mun
yon treatment is a positive wonder
Letters addressed to Prof. J. M.
Munyon Personally, 1kunyon's Labora
tories, 53d and Jefferson Sts., Phila
delphia, Pa., or callers who apply at
that address, will receive free medical
advice. There is not a penny to pay
for the fullest and most painstaking
medical examination. You are made
to feel, whether by personal inter
view, or letter, that the advice is ab
solutely free and you are not under
any obligation to follow it.
Railway Situation in China.
Participation by American capitalists
in the new Chinese loans is causing
closer study to be made into the pros
pects for railway building in that em
pire. Consul General George E. An
derson of HIongkong has just contrib
uted a comprehensive report on this
subject, which has been published by
the bureau of manufactures of the de
partment of commerce and labor as
special consular report No. 48, with the
title, "Railway Situation in China."
Copies can be secured from the
There has been no single greater ob
stacle to the development of central
China than the lack of facilities for
communication. The recent imperial
decree, issued with a view to national
izing the trunk lines of the empire and
the $30,000,000 Hukuang railway, by
which it is expected to rush to comple
tion most of the important railway
lines of central China, augur well for
the extension of foreign trade into the
remote interior. Americans are not only
taking part of the Hukuang loan, but
also of the $50,000,000 government loan
just agreed on at Peking, and will
probably participate in a further loan
of $20,000,000 to be made in ease cer
tain railroad plans are carried out. The
consul general reports in regard to all
these lines proposed, from Manchuria
to Thibet.
One day a grocer addicted to stutter
ing, but who had also a sense of humor,
net a friend on the street and asked:
"H-a-l-loa, Ned, c-a-n you g-give
r-m-me f-f-fiteen m-m-minutest"
"Certainly," replied the friend.
'What is itf"
"I w-w-want to have f-f-five m-m
minutes' t-t-talk with you."
Doctor-You're very run down in
deed. You mustn't take any violent
exercise of any sort. For instance, you
mustn't er-er-what are you?
Patient-I am an anarchist.
Doctor-Woll, you mustn't-er-er
throw any bombs for a long time.
Substitutes for Rubber.
Rubber cansumption has kept so clos
on the heels of rubber production an
price of the gum has risen so rapidi;
in the last few years that nothin;
could be more welcome to the many
facturers of rubber goods and the moto
car people than the discovery of a syn
thetip rubber or some practicable sub
stitifte for rubber.
From time to time announcement i
made that such substitute has beei
found, but the manufacturers and other
interested are always skeptical.
Some time ago considerable interes
was aroused by the report that th,
British scientist, Weichmann, had made
a rubber from the seed of a Sout]
American palm known as taqua nuts
IHe extracted the vegetable albumen
compounded it with an animal albumei
and a suitable solvent, producing, i
was claimed, a hard rubber which hai
all the tensile strength and other goo(
qualities of rubber except that it wil
not stand the action of water ani
chemical agents.
This difficulty, in turn, has, it is as
sorted, been overcome by compounding
it again with a condensed product ol
phenol and formaldehyde. This mate
rial again may be compounded with ai
many substances as native rubber.
Another substitute is proposed i;
Germany. Five hundred parts of ery
throne are dissolved in benzine and the
solutioh is heated for 10 hours at a
temperature of 150 degrees centigrade
A steam distillation then removes the
solvent and the elastic substance thai
remains closely resembles rubber.
The blue that is all blue. Best for
washing because it makes the clothes
clear and white, lasts longer than
liquid blue and produces better results.
Avoid liquid bluing because it is
only a weak solution of blue in an ex
pensive package. RED CROSS BALT
BLUE is sold everywhere. Price 10c,
An Irishman with one side of his
face badly swollen stepped into Dr.
Wicten's office and inquired if the den
tist was in.
"I am the dentist," said the doctor.
"Well, then, I want ye to see what's
the matter wid me tooth."
'I'The doctor examined the offending
molar, and explained:
"The nerve is dead; that's what's
the matter."
"Thin, be the powers!" the Irish.
man exclaimed, "the other teeth must
eli houldin' a wake over it!!"
A slight cold is not taken seriously
enough and too often neglected. Isn't
it better to cure that cold right up with
llnmlins Wizard Oil than to let it run
into P'neumonia or Consumption?
"Is this the newspaper office?" in
quired Mr. Titmouse.
"It is," responded the man at the
"Didn't this paper say I was a liar?"
"It did not."
"Didn't it say I was a scoundrel?"
"Jt did not."
"Well, some paper said it."
"Possibly it was our contemporary
down lhe street," suggested the editor,
as he picked up a paper weight. "This
paper never prints stale news."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy
to take as candy.
"Is that you, Frank?'" asked Mrs.
Tippins, in a nervous voice, as she
heard someone moving about in the
darkn i ess.
"It is," replied Mr. Tippins.
"You gave me such a shock. I
thought at first there was a man in the
There wouldn't be _half as much
pleasure in eating on a ning car if the
passenger couldn't look out of the win
dow at poor folks and say in his mind,
"Dare you, you can't do this."
from a bad stomach,
inactive liver, consti
pated bowels,
you should try
It is absolutely
pure, safe and reli
able and will always
do the work.
Irrigated railroad lands at j price to
settlers, on railroad and close to large
market centers. Fruit, alfalfa and
vineyard farms. 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts. Chicken'ranches.
Write for'full particulars.
Mount & Aitken,
9206th St., - Secramento, Cal
A Tonic, Miºerative and Resolvent. The
best remedy for Kidneys. Liver and Bowels.
]redicates Pimp leru ious and Disorders
Sthe skin. asurife t e Blood and gives
Toie, Strength and Vigor to the entire system.
Sp. N. U. ' 1 No. 36
Since May, 1006, Ayer's Sar
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol. If you are in
poor health, weak, pale, nerv
e ous, ask your doctor about tak
ia ng this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative, If he has a better
medicine, take his. Get the best
always. This is our advice.
We publish our formulas
3 We banish aloohol
from our medioines
A4z~ers 5 urgte you to
A sluggish liver means a coated tongue,
a bad breath, and constipated bowels.
The question is, "What is the best thing
to do under such circumstances?" AsN
your doctor if this is not a good answer:
'Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills."
-'Made by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell. Massu.
$50 for a Trademark
$25 for a Motto
The Continental Life
Insurance & Invest
ment Company
Offers These Prizes:
q This is a solid, strong, vigorous, grow
to help the communities which pay the
premiums. It writes the most liberal life
insurance policy on the market, including
sickness and accident benefits.
q The company wishes a DISTINCT
IVE TRADE MARK, illustrative of
its character, scope and purpose.
q Also it desires a Striking MOTTO or
catch phrase. The prize offered is open
to everybody, without restrictions.
q Contest closes September 30.
Q For further particulars, address (men
tioning this paper)
W. F. Penwill, Dist. Supt. Agts.
Eagle Block, Spokane
The Continental Life
Insurance & Invest
ment Company
W. H. Cuanningham, General Manager
McCornick Block, Salt Lake City, Utah
S1oe P olihessa
PlTnet in Quality. larleot in Varlety
•hey meet every requirement for cleanilg ad •
polishing shoes of all kinds and colors.
GILT EDGE the only ladies shoe dressing
that positively contains OIL. Blacks and Polishes
ladies' and children's boots and shoes, shines
without rubbing, 25e. "French Gloss," 10c.
DANDY combination for cleaning and polishing
all kinds of russet or tan shoes, 25c. "Star" size, 100.
QUICK WHIIT'E makes dirty cnnvas shoes
clean and white. In liquid form so it can be
qulckly anid easily applied. A sponge in every
package, so always ready for use. Two sizes, 10
and 25 cents.
If your dealer does not keep the kind yosu want,
send us his adldress and the price in stamps for
a full size package.
20.26 Albany St., Cambrldge! Mass.
Th Oldest anld Largest Manuyacrers of
Shoe Polishes tin the World.
S. EB.
tedslse yser cost of living; have fresher.
better products; add to life's enjoym.ent
eohanee your property's value; feel better,
look better, sleep better. is better We sell
trees, shrubs. buoshes, vines, plasnta o the
theory thbat "good plants well rooted
make good friends well suited.".
Toppealsh Washington ,v,
0. 0. MARTIN, , AND FREE avies.
4o0 Ohatber Oommerse WrIt for InfoHaln
-l - . h .Quickly End
Weak. %ore Ew. .
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10o package colors silk, wool and cotton
equally welland is guaranteed to give . erfect results. Ask dealer, or we send poet paid at 10c a package. Write
for free booklet, how to dye, bleach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG CO., Quincy, Illnoia.

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