O the Ladies aof 1 f
UTLOOK 1ndý.iwr
When in PLEN
ited to visit the ELITE = B PA.a$
Your criticism solicited, o pi e
We give scientific treatmei~t ins it r
rndings. We are experts in the followih:
ctrolic Facial Massage,.Ace ..ýeatments, lýt
t Treatments, Wrinkle .Tratments, _ Instanta
us Face and Neck Bleach, Hair Shamoed~ Hair
ed, Bleached, and Tinted. "Scai reatment th
etricity, Hot Oil Treatiient, Ha.r S ii..
Manicuring for Ladies and Getlemen.
Orders taken .for all kinds of'"Hair Goods
s, Switches, Puffs, Cur ,:a Psches; Swihes
e from combings. Also wigs and To.ipees for
Marinello Toilet Requisites, a preparation for
y need. Free Samples. o Creams and Powders
le they last. Soft Water Champoes. _Advice.
ly given.
rs. F. La. PAGE Prop.
Let us do your work A our
work is Guaranteed
Guaranteed for 5,000 miles,
Heavy Machine Work and Trac
tor Repairing, Blsakancithing and
MaOxi-welding, Expert Ato Re
j - A J S IIIII1 ill M · I TIR4 ·II·il~
You will ne1 him lthis _weather
and be will aone on the juzpp t.,
cause he kngqs that you ,need his
Just a li. at very small cost
will save l e lot of expense in
preserf. ishablegoods. .. &;
Every nts the ICE, MAN
now. yourself; today.
T for CON i TAL OIL_ CO,,., fo 'Pure
uri River I ce phe No 3. Service at
urs. Ligl t heavy .yng,._pne 4L.
rand _View
Roonse ws2 br i ." -
w4 ., R...
- -
r ý ý r z
_w, Mo ,ta+a
-~-~rs. . . Bownof this eity
brof... .. . . .
tor-ney or the district of M rt. .
--Q M. L ems s, a pron tent fai
mer of M felroy, was a contj seat
busine visitor this wee. MCr. Lut
ueds i a stockholder in thme Peoples
Pub'i Compmuy.
-W, P. P A agan a! Minueapoll,. re
presenting the Bankers' Casualty, Ac
ci4ent. Sickness Insuaranne Company
of Minneapolis, was in Plentywood
this week getting the names on the
dotted a sne.
--Mr. Frank Koester, Caahier,- of
te Security Stats Bank of Outlook,
stopped is Pleotywood for a short
time Thursday morning while return
ing to Outlook from Grenora, N. D.,
where he has beenrisitiag his daugh
---Mrs. Caroline Chnstann '.s
bilding a bungalow on Chestnt St.
in the Davis second addition. Contrac
tor S. H. Tacker is doing the work.
Considerable - building has al
re&y been done in this!section of the
town this spring and as this addition
is one of the most desirable parts of
town for redmces It is likely that
before ithe summer passes many more
improvements will be zmde there.
-Mr. Carver of Wibaux, Montana,
a eue organizer of some noteb
mbade a pleasant call at this oSce to
M y,telling about some of the far
mers' organisations in his part of the
state. hie stated that naly all the
farmers beoneged to the Nopart on
League and Equity and that the far
own their own bank and recently pur.
ched the leaping onws paer at Wi
baux with which to fight the farmerao
-The endless 'chin letter at last
meets with an osfice which is worthy.
Someone shas conceived of the idea of
sending five thrift cards with a stamp
on eachicard to five of his friends,
who. in tuxri do likewise, creating an
endilesa chain. Madoc has a splendid
start already end is doing its share in
aiding Uucla sam. The war saving
stamnps willarpass the Liberty Loan
at this rate. You will be getting your
card ~pnm. Wbtch for it.--Scoby
-Mr., t Slaow pl y o o obftt o
was a vsisisr to the toa~ty capitol ia
Thursday and whle in the city. made
this oec a easant call becoming a
stQFkhoJl r in the hoples Publisb t
,Company ad .ordering the "greSl
family jouinal" pent to his home one
a week for the next Ave yars. Mr
SIoner will have another "ie.
fore of the why story for as aezl
wPek tJthat1 be of a lwt 'tatrt tc
farmers oat Sheirdan county sad
A- . Wlheeler, Public Admini
`couatya dIA of thi
eaisrs of the aFMd terrto
:4; SRlb city last Monday oN
4i a.E Mr. Wheeler is nwm
Iesetasthmastb~s pro
services Umv to
:m t in hi presl
1aspeas vad hi
1B th
!r ai jB*r in
f4go }' ý 'eai
3 s yý _ LZ f
lIcee to1 u·nload u po her the
pf damask they had had the Io gest
a stck, one froes which they ha4
old the most cloth. She surveyed
he display as before. At last with
Sgreat air, the clerk said, "Now,
nada, I am going to show you same.
ing verynew and most original, just
iand extremely choice." He. bet
down under the counter and with
great impressiveness proeduMi the
timeworn pattern. "Now, padam,"
said he, "I want yog to take particu
lar not.ce of this origind jatteu .
The central design is in the y.Mle.
while the border runs around th
&Ige." His customer in delight
-boght the entire piece. Should-po
tatoes be dressed up in finer clothes,
tiveo a French name, and reased
in price ? Or i it plain commeon ae se
linked with a desire to help the oun
try a suffclient motive to increase
their use.
Will serve your needs.
sold drinks a specialty.
5. WEISS, Proprietor.
t~~a gf~in ~ie~~rine
At a recent meeting of the
Montana Council of Defense, it
Was ordered that all mayors of
towns and cities within the State
be requested to urge upon the
sity of planting and maintaining
war gardii s. Teo w-h-r'
the daily newspaxe , r d I take
in seeing the urgent need of ev
ery one having his or
war garden. Many t L
cities throughout
have set apart certain tracts oP
land, giving the schoorti Mi
an opportunity to plan
dens under the leadership and
direction of the local teachers
and school superintendents. So -
far, to my knowledge, no efort
has been made in that direction,
which in a measure is regretta.
ble, if conditions were and are
such that it could have been
done, here in Plentywood.
The manhood of the nation
has gone forth to the battlefields
of foo..dto es tf ofýee ho _
ma nne ~ tl"
crop failk r eb, d to a
point where it is abeeluately -
eseary fao-s all to do ver
an Ia more happy times so .
abndantly s
.1a b l V.
5;- ,-cA. .
'4ai s. ~l~i~j~~
,yl! . .::
Walk in and Sit Down
S. lreat yo u right
Kell 9 E l
Robt.' Kahle
Sells the Champion Cream Saver
You are HUMAN
You have to buy more or less hardware
at times.
You want to buy at that place.
send Wai BiI catngs To The
I..ead Aceyleoune Weing
der heads, p. .,let, etc.
",; : b * ,
4 .` e.2
t", 6ý t~-~'~?9
1 kýý{.1,- "ý Y~ w- 'eM' ,' f t