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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
A PAPER LUME I. NTYWOO NUMBER 3 ig' " ILL FARMERS ALLOW SINISTER INFLUENCE TO GET THEIR FRIEND? NOT THEN GEE BUSY RIGHT NOW ited States Senator Meyers, Who as an Ear for the Clink of the 'Golden Buck" Responds to His asters Voice, the A. C. M. fight of the people against the in Montana has opened. wers of big business through rvile tool in the United States Henry L. Meyers, are oppos re-appointment of B. K. as United States District y in this state. The reason e is a man that cannot be d by them and when he made us speech at the co-operative at Great Falls last winter romptly marked him for r. past, too often, fair minded ciLls who took a stand for le, have beet theoitiod be the fact that the opposition tates District Attorney B. W usiness Huns Have Slated Lor {gttyr. ematically to achegve t who opposed them and id not rush to the resse nds. - . J. Walsh has endorsed and it is our duty to st t we are in favor ifice the man who without fear or favor. g of the sto ckholder of Publi u Comipany at May firt, the signed and ý 1 TOR FROM MONTANA: GREETING. We, 'the undersigned citizens of Sheridan County, Montana, feeling that the people of this state require the services of a United States Dis trict Attorney, who does not Wear a "copper collar" and ;realizing that certain interests in this stat opose the appointment of the. IK4 B. K. Wheeler for the reason thebihey can not control him Lnd his fote to. fur ther their own selfish aims and we having implicit faith and confdeone in the ability, integrity, faithfulau" and patriotism of said Honorable S. LWheel y, 7h gmuemdd yob. H"ioate R. K.Wer tu M' tt th - s1 is hf~aI eci~I~itb~w~uee{ Z oý.ý t- ý ý 8At Being an Eipet Ma iaic .He Answer6 the Cal of Unc - Sam. Leaves sonf." Ira E. Worley, rWho i rntly re signed as the secretpzy ad tesoZer of the P ,6p1a P idt Pany and who hs bean v .eJ o 9rp3ic ing 't cmi psay aast= thi. paper, has e1iate4 il United States Army as g an yr Gas and Steam engine sman. Mr. worl4 in ka4 yder o *i perlence in these n w no doubt be ..: i thi s a g. Mr. Dili othS State tana, wfdd hil~on prior to his en. tinlt. His msay fi4 O d withi him, the best of r*, a ri a very snc easseuI army esar for Ulu. AGAI BNOVR Neweappers i e. asph *M Where are c gel betlon of Frak A. Vankrligma of which .j~º -is,, llk $632o uOOO 123 of wanaeas 1os Angsk@ anlel& th ns ment ad a Ihthuue l Sectary edeld hac denounced te feaIoa of the sy dicate and says t plans, for a nioht house at. t polat Ipy consequen ce been s1nagnd The Vasty pasyu4a bought the land In' 1918 fo- r4ý9.O fansc and now dedfiad over $5000 an *a0. H. W. Bari g A. F. Mcltab Ncdew 8. 1. Hasri,* Viatywor L. C. - Plhstwnd P. V. Gelrou _W fq ttr# d W. L. NichbL 214*t DirnL *Lsth a a. Bmer fltmt ake W. 1a"fl t4 3 W.Fnuteen 'caq GAZ Rasts,'* Jih QOi$P wa i a 4 *r 5. . -i att rIm, Town Kaiser. Stop u6b LAI Speech at Butte TURRAN NPA k dtoans congresswoena 3Jea Raahfn, wa denied tle privd1t of using the High School Audi an at tatte for the purpose of tiLberty Bind speech a few ago. The "copper , collared" of the school board who op he On ioru for all mannen of of th, sco decided that the 4ciel sperker on behalf of the Lib etl Loai coul4 not hve'the use of -.'build ;g and thereby deliberately the Irenident and all patri ý1] sricaiain the face. SRantin was undounted by this rpfupl and in her usual plucky man Aer, clu precaz ously to th Irma $ it.t were locked against her .$b government of the United and made her speech in the lg of a blhiding snow storm. Thli refusal on the part of the Pro u *hool Brd of -utte is a di uet eas of intetference with t sale Itirty~ Beads sa shows pklinly taw1 Abigan ted interests of tate are not beyond giving aid co~rt -to the enemy and that ( Me at homie to &eal with th Linerty lesa and did her part in a `oble iuaaer. , fro-Nun del fy press f .the city of Butte rsiusei to give tMd9m.ting any publicity such, as laussally given by American 'aly. apers. In spite- of this an es~rmeus crowd of honest, hard working ople gathered to hear her wAd a mubstsatal -subscription for the Liberty B4 was made. The comnmop -pple are. going. to 'fnance this war asp well as fight it and the opposition .to Liberty Bond speakers by .the old guard politicians will sure ly seal .their doom. The sentiment of the comma people at Butte and elsewhere was well ekpresskd br one imaky miner at Butte attbis meeting who aid "Miss Rapic, I ,want to giver. tis bnfletsb they can :hrry and clean the 1er. 'flien wchi start clean at ;home.t Rankin )flh '410 prpvented from mpnkin for the IAberty Loan by thu pettyj peticiazw of Deer Lodge, Mointan*. this city they refueed be4tte vs sf any hell and prevytt der epe4K by tlqeets of vio It appears that t.e politi cal Fe mn o. eptr Voatana are aiding S d0ermas p egeand4 by seuc. ljarferquces with the I~berty Lf a Persl in s I on P bea ev&*e I >t 4a thip ad n thewa W p s cdtlhwfr the a h hmccy FAIlIRW LCL A~. o . a - t*wCs w *.i eat t' -it *U a fS 414n 5ll isy:ý PE? PUM COPANY'S_ CON Seven Prominent Farmers and Lea gue Boosters Elected--Mwny other Leading Farmers Get Big Vote. Pursuant to the call published in The Producers News, the Special meeting of the Stockholders of the Peoples Puhlisabi Company was held at ti Community Hall in Plen tywood ean the first day of May, 1918. President McElroy called the meet ing to order promptly at 2:30 p. in., and a majority of the stock was found to be represented at the meet ing. After minor routine mztters were attended to, the meeting' voted to -accept the resignation of the board of directors and after several ballots, the following farmers wire elected to All the said vacancies: J. S. Nyquist of Homestead; Clair Sto ner of Outlook; J. JL McElroy of Me Elroy; J. C Gmeavoid, Guy Mellon and G. H. Rowley of Pleatywood and A. F. McLean of Dooley. Many votes were casts for Theodore Larson of Dagmar; J. M. Fletaehman of Cul bertson; Emil Moe of Archer; Ira E. Worley and D. J. Olson of Plenty wood. For }several ballots the r1 suits were in doubt *ATE S IN TUB CWRTY (OERS-KILL THEM ALL Gofer 2xIaa ti n,May 15th to 22&. Gofer Day May, 18. Aivery Sunshiny d&y is a (iofer day. Success is now. Get the Gofers to day. Buy County Poison (your poi son) from the di4ributor in your IocsA town today, put it out and apply to county agent for Free Poison to put on State, Gover aspt and indian lands. Faxmtrs of 1.h township shouMt club together to buy and dis tribute poison on their soldier's land. They ahould also recommend some man as township Gofer Exterminator. He could get *he turmers together and sep that all State, Government Indian and $o14e"s Lands are pois onaed as well as terse ot the Non residents and residat land owners. Get all the Gofers, before the First of June. The poison oats prepaed from 7000 ounces of powdere4 & kmn alka told and tih other necessazy Ingredl ents will be put out is hemidsea Co. this year. The land owners and all others interested in the extermi atiou of the Goftrs must buy the poison bait prepared frosi the 5000 ounces siti the ether 2000 ounces will thea be given away free, to be put out as above stated. Get your possoa today Bid Sheridan Couaty `of Gofers. ¶IEverybody's doing it now" Killing Goters. Dr. w". Be. Dureas Biological firue, U. 3. Dept. Asof uturwe Wash In q, D. C., 6. A. Roosevelt, 8cleaggy Aagistsat, omas of Bio. Army, and r -ames, arrived saturda , AptI1 as inX - eate tb# agaags of the 41,fe (tapaighp~ invr e Gsa y w t as 1*st I* ýt. fou ll , ` s work .. _A r S z . g k. I sfi 4da The Board t Disrectois as nseected is fairly representative of the far mers and the Nonpein League of Fheridan County and no persen can now truthfully say that this paper is not controlled by tbp farmers at Sheridan County. Mr. McLean, one of the directors named is one of the m~mbers of the Executive Co mmttee of the Neapar tisan League of Moantina. Mr. Nyquist has been before the people of this county before as the caqnrdate for the legislature on the Democratic ticket and all of the otherienembes +s thp b.Md are well known farmers of als cosaty. The meetisg was barmo aous is every respect and 4he' stockholders are well satisfied w their invist Ment and with the proipects for the success of this piper. After the election thy new bq'rd met immediately and o zed. J. . McElroy was el presidpat, qty Mellon, vice-preal~ent and J. C. Stunvold, Secretary-T eurer. 1st. His death delay*l the gaoera ment end of the work at least a month.Mr. Roosevelt will have abarge of all the Rqdent control work lp Ka tana. Mr. Newman will hew the deld woek in the Northeas ta 1corser of Montana. 'He is aow mixing all the rest of the poison bait that will be used in this ceouty. These genutlema pap that two ,years ecnstructin wore will make gofers a scarcity. slp humber of acres of State awhoo1 ladin and Government lands in towaship is being calculated a y so that when "the farmers of . htowasaip buy their qcota at C kty Poie ; free bait will be given out for the above lands. Fathers and mothers who pre In terested in both lthbe 4 girls, and the gofers, abshe W dree a ceat apleoo fr very .Pier killed. Pay them whk War $eniag Stamps. Teach the bore and giste to amy* thereby eatermiat. the Gofer. How to Pat oat Pa t. The County Ages oee has hosa NmOsed that sese farmers baw e alected to seed ad oteo lwf ths dIr ections jfor seattaring uicer polesn beit attached to oae semk and have therefre brot sheet the lees of stock The p neomed eat. meet be acatw.d about pmpejrly. If wouise of lre stoek occar, t pe f~e . out the poisn erIlosly , e .foss the dpmsgge that -WOt. Do surs to scatter psi"s bait earedlliy on duns, dry beeagsm s- ia the up e eateto t it is put out p7l "lo t WB4 - R Ab A