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from next Saturday, or in
rds, May 26th, another
f young men of Sheridan
11 leavrp Plentywood to join
's Army at Camp Lewis,
n, ywhere they will train
months before following
across the sea to do their
rds helping the forces of
toý defeat the vaunting
ro .of autocracy.
re called to register, al
sixty--two, but it is expect
ut fifty will be inducted
service, the othlr twelve
pted for one cause or an
e tywood Home Guard are
to give the boys a rous
t ell and preparations are
way for a splendid qele
the evening before the
0 , vir4, Friday evening,
ea ets are not yet com
rt ever it is given out 'that
Aq i grand ball at the Or
L8 ter, and a general invi
tioa tended to every one to
ba and help make a merry
t the boys will remem
ing hen they are in the
iF over the sea.
sad ºis a list of the boys
join thi colors:
Name Address
ork n, Clarenc;, Willmer,M
do on, Anton Scobey
stem t Nelson, .Minneapolis
ie ton, Brysiat, B,Sloux R
og, Lloyd, Williston
ad on, Joseph, Culbertson
laf, Medicine Lath
er, Ed P, Downs, Ill
en, P T Redstone
pson, Wm G, Grlat Falls
, Lester E, Deer Field,
West to do up the
tisan League--Fell
wn on Job.
inn. May 11.-A comn
sued today by the coun
charging Thomas P.
r of a local publicity
a violation of the cor
act. It is alleged that
was published assailing
rgh, Nonpartisan candi
re formerly employed on
rge dailies at Detroit,
ming west to work on
's Grand Forks Herald,
Grand Forks, N. D., un
nte to kill the Nonpart
in orth Dakota. Not
he lost out on the Her
dagoing to. St. Paul,
in with big business in
ing the League and op-.
vertising bureau, send.
l ~ famuns questioniare to
rs of Mimnsaota, at
he premaed large adver
providing that they
League and publisled a
der furnished bty his
team a sscsdm hto
next 8ub .' wel
* to beWi1
y will be
1070 Roness, Gust 0, Archer
1091 Becker, Jacob J, Antelope
1102 Major, Geo. F, Flaxville
1168 Nrass, Ole, Westby
1202 Quam, Joseph E, Great Falls
1)14 Malsen, Jorannes, Poplar
1242 Marsh Nicholas A, Montevidie
1257 Hermsuson, Albert, Wolf Pt
1258 Matl ews, Odelon, E Redlake 1
1291 Blegen, Ignus, T, Rye Gate, M
1298 Danielson, Victor, Popaar
1309 Johnson, Paul T, Wolf Point
1815 Eliason4 Johb, Pelican Rapids
1328 Boomrod, Ahmed, J, Scobey
1380 Appelgren, John H, Wolf Pt
1338 Tilleraas, Olaf I, Spring Grove
1889 Stodleski, Martin K, Whitetail
I345Jones, (ecil, Bartlesville, Okla
1845 Lofgre, ; Oscar, Glentana
1383 Oswald, Melvin, 8, Fertule, M
1385 Brandt, C H, Mimpapolis, Min
1388 Johnson,; Albur, Broderick,Sas
1406 Glace, Wm. E, Antelope
1408 Hove, Siegurd, Wolf Point
I4 22 Kluestseh, George, Froid
I4'35 Edenl1, Harry Stewartvill
1438 Bauer, Ambrose, Wplf Point
1489x Vendsel, Almon, J. Norman,
1442 Allstead, Oscar, Bonetrail, N.
1448 Milligan, Malcom, B. Plentyw
1454 Jorgenson, Mauins, Minrneaps
1460 ' Shock, Peter, Glasgow, Moet
1474. Thompson, Arthur, Whitetail
1475 Skippell, F. E, 0rlau~i, seb
1476 Dougherty, L. E.: Watf Point
1479 Daanai , y J,. Eraer
1495, Hugiqes, Forest, + Ortonville, M
1497. Mumby Orville, Midby, Mont
1600 Rhmer, Em", Antelope
150I Mmdsen, Louis Y, Dagmaet
1513 Hatvick, Joe, Outlook
1520 Franklin, D, Pine City,, Minn
1526 Flathey, (Brede, Arclpr
1527 Stirn, Gustav Froid
1530 Nelson, Carl Arvid, Wolf Pt
880 Mc Bride, Walter H, transfer
red from Houston, Mo.
The. County Bread . and Garment
Contest is being held today at .the
Court House, in the Court room, un
der the supervision of Miss Antico
ette Olsen, County Home Iemonstra
tion Agent ,az*l Miss Mina Ogilvie
of the eState Collete : at Bozeman.
Representatives have been sent from
Froid, Medicine Lake,. Redstone, gnd
h estby. The contestants are com
peting for a trip to the State Fair t
Helena. Last year the county sent
rour children to the fair, and this
year it is expecled that at least that
number will complete the work 2A
the differant clubs, and we hope to
baaie even more county winners to
The club wok is a aptioual mome
rnent, and the government is spend
ing thousands of dollas each year to
fuither tUe work ameng the ctddreme
It has been said in Washington that
the wo,.o the ahoys and girls in
~h. dlkiuiat ~dubs waudthe d
situation this year. In M e
dmqu it was esthn ted from the
at nt iu thS theyapp ve u
ot he. efood pro d by th
mmeund to mo th
So it.-o Vk
cou8g the boysA b A
ti5 wM -h o
1WJ _
K sdn ppmso
crea. .n4,.1!01&s
d Montana.
dnap r& trial hl etr
day at Miles Ci. Case was disnieaed
on motlao of the d..
Officials are th power. .
"People C R yelled, starped,
and cheered, t the skids : nder
FORb, go etc.
On of the d sT struck Assistant
Attorne GeaI r% bun down and
be dup '" i.
h p and encouraged
They a llbed a gue Organizers pre*
s a hJ the charges are
not 4aqsscpdth nt
trn ''4was painted
yellow lat aightby
The * McGIynn coin
to phone today. . tte f.llows.
D. C. DORMAINStatedSupt. N. P. L
Sa gt. W. R Paske, forwdpuity
Clerk awl oecrder for .Sheridan
county and -Jack Lounaberry, of Di
ley, retirned from Cmnp Lem
for a i w days .furlough which thy
will spend- attead ug to business af
fairs and vismtig friends \and r.eI
ti"pe in Plentytood and 8hekidai
county. They expect to reeturn t
Camp Lewis on Tqsedsy of next
A ptayAa e e
An - a
mob-- *
Ma0by Will Have
Water iOctoher
contractors with the proper -
w pment can be secured, Spobey
should have its new water system lb
operation about October. 15th," said
£dgiweer Saunders after the Council
meeting Wednesday evening. At
this noeting the ordinances were pas
,md for the calling of bids and other
matterw pertaining to the water and
tiwer jyptems.
M4iinng ,Woship . ... ..10:30 a. m.
&nda School ..........11i30 a. m.
e .Worship ..........8 p. m.
Speech Made by Charles A.
LndberghCandjidate for Gov
erkor, Endorsed by the Non
partisan League, at Rochester,
Minn., Thursday, May 9th.
Every decent citizen in the United
States is convinced tha our war
aims are absolutely just and that the
President's peace program must pre
vail and every decent citizen in the
United States is behind this war- and
Nilling to make every sacrifice to
calry it through to victory. Modern
warfare, however, is not alone a ques
tion of military might. Eevry pro
ductive resource of every belligerent
,nation is being strained to the utmost
and the nation which first falters be
neath this strain will be defeated,
even though its armies seem victor
ious.. Predpction on the fields and in
the factories at home is just as . im
portant as fighting on the battle
Production is an economic problem
as# we must solve this pieblem to
the best. possible advantage before
we can win this war. To participate
in the selutaie. of this problem is the
dat [ºx.re ypatrietlp citizen. Our
byan re hbeldiag firm in the trendhes
abroad. We must play our part at
home byr supporting them with
promsptaes and efflcimncy.
After bitter experience, England,
Franee o Jta Xeund that private
mooras wit. %ta inevitable profit
eering had Laid and these govern
ments were foreed to take control of
the ,essential industries. Russia fail
ed to tale such a step, with the re
sult that the nation's economic srue
tute collapsed and today Russian
armies are practically out of the
field. The lesson ought to be plain to
the people of the United Stats. Our
Government will be forced to control
the basic industries and any delay in
this matter is simply prolonging the
war. We need not go abroad for ob
ject lessons. ?rlvate profits have de
lsyd and handibapped our own war
program. The Hog Island scandal ýs
still fresh in the nostrils of the people
slid more recent ,evelations show
that our aeroplane coestuction pre
gram has been sariously interfered
with by the unconscilo bl greed of
private selfish interests.
The raeilroads broke down under
wasteful and ineffident private man
agenment and the President twas fore
a4 to take them, over to privt a dis
sros netion. Profiteering in
th U- 1mie tied up our shipping
tarough a lack of feeL The piedue
lan of coppe was certailed and car
taelt ddiberately so that hwher pri
ces might result. :The- minlers and
piwcera arewa:ploiting the people at
ba.. 4.y wpzive prices. Our nation.
I# e y ti ahackled by profiteer
ta' B ad itfulnes in many liams
onlIy one remedy and that
a the ad*v.swwi s tof , ols a
jmiwp - Wie t h as coiserp
-.~JvAlbas sh pIaIquI
4 {l~
Lri a
* ~ *sujd
program. That explains why the
Nonpartisan league has been attacked
by the supporters and newspaper
apologists of these profiteers. That
also explains why garbled extracts of
my books are used in an -effort to
show that I, too, am disloyal.
These interests fear to meet a dis
cussion of the facts. They know that
they can neither deny nor defend
their unpatriotic exploitation at a
time when every true citizen is sacri
ficing for his country's good. There
fore, these profiteers and their polit
ical henchmen dodge the real issues
and bring fake charges of disloyality
against others. They do this to di
vert attention from their own nefar
ious practices which will not stand
the light of day. They are trylng to
hide behind the flag, but it is any de
liberate judgment that those same
profiteers are the real diuloya sts in
this ciisip and that if thesahlMbe.
any fring aquads hed- a- AwIars
they should first seek out thee. tral
tors who gouge the government and
exploit the people at eery tars.
Once more I say that the American
people are united to win this war.
Thejyan who says otherwise is lylag
for political effact and these lies
themnelves tend to dtvider the people
and carry aid and comfort to the
enemy. The only "Huns Within our
Gates" that I know of are the men
who stand at the cross roads of com
merce in this crisis and eatort a rob
ber toll when our nation needs every
pound of food and every dollar.
These same interests that are thus
handicapping our fight agEinst auto
cracy abroad are themselves openly
fighting democracy at homae. They
would even suspend the flphts of free
speech and peaceable assemblage, be
cause they know that at meetigs like
these, their disloyalty will be expos
ed elm though thr- subsidised.
newspapers do remain silent.
As candidate of the National Non
partisan League for governor, I serve
notice here and now that this an
American plot will be defeated. We
intend to expose the prteers and
to carry the truth to the people. We
az going to unit. them tlat this
war may have a Democrat manage
ment and direction and in crashiag
the Prussian autocrats abroad we will
not be stopped by the eftors of any
petty political autecrats at borne.
Entra.un Fist fur
w v