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A.. AX is ýýCCa.ý =x_ -,, ý; } -ý ;.. ý +},# ý r." ý , a4 ý£ý * D. C., May 1Z--$ of theories and poes W of legislation on ,the 9oW rm-n is, gal putting into eheet and most .eleait, y systems .1 the wholesale dischasg ot to sand the re-eas of most of these Alelas at a medi lower esalry cation of the dorecWio tor-General McAdoo is establishing icel -yga l from our transportation test amount of service. out this policy the rail canals, freight yards and and watqr terminals of and railroad lines are to into one system under the 's general management. he big reasons why pri ion of railroads broke that the roads had com ly in shutting one an d in keeping the boat the use of terminal con Under the governmentj e o14 feud between the d the public along, the ivers and canals, which the riilroads choked oft tition, is settled. Under nagement freight will e way regardless of one set of stockholders The waterways, which "a low estate of service ce a" rkrival, and many als will blossom once e carri% rs of commerce. 's :ad cotton--emery is not perishable-will rail to water, -as 'ble, over canals, rivers, astwise routes.- Ports, 1N! will be given more harves and docks and y of New England will it by water at a N S) From Pennsylvania carried to Buffalo by and from there by lake go, Milwauk e and for ernment will not wait F and uncertain ways, ofj rise to develop these An appropriation of 4 been asked for to Atlantic and Lake 'll be but a btginning. power barges and the for river and canal being constructed, will oth ars very quickly. ph vers the entire Unit ea Administration is r id any wasteful jour t. When the proper signated for various distance of land haul it in many instances. rs, works will be put t basis. Commissionet d Shipping board was d study docks and har th , and the latest and t mnthods will be used e B the s an opportunity to vement that has ai de in transportation 1 government control, of cost and the in lume of business, can ts that the govern ntly in the railroad hardly possible that consent to go back bersome, costly and 'nor bepefits to ship the simplification of ing. Under the 14d that had - to be ral routes wvim dless controvrey s had to be -eats * es a bill of goods to different claea a different rate ean the large caters malatained expen their buanes shippers the t,. "Th oveca lgnorance, e systes ws W4I . oR new 'ob, 4~ .. : %t yern showi a s_06l4g contrast b. ?Cemis w*he oAft and operated ' psi YRt *erporatlnas as compated w' thos. bult awd opetated by tp iubii. Jud*e V Wirt It of Die, gon, chief Voineet for tM Uiates atDtes shemason service, says that 90 per eN.t-4f the goemusat reclanstiot p oJeacts bee bewn ai 0 Oase; fbile 'only 10 per enat of i. private proj cts heie been A - faectory.i tRDDERAL RUOLAWATJON PROVES THE BEUT A -careful srvey of the ea& the fifteen largest governor t re. clamation projects and the f target projgcts, built an& renra by prtabte corporation shows why the discontent. exists The government Improvements cost an average of $47 an -acre, and the farmer who benefits by the projects, pays no in ; the private companies' pro jects cost $61 an acre; and tte far merzis forced to pay 6 per cent an nually on that cost, The engine- s of the Rlation service' hive done wonderful things for the good of the American nation, They have constructed at a cost of $120,000,000, a series of projects that have brought water *to 1,750, '+00 acres, or 37,000 farms, and when the thirty projects now under was are completed, more than 8,000,000 acres of farming lands in fifteen state a will be brought under cultiva tion, which knows no 4rouths to in terfere with its stea4y production. HITS HARD AT COMMERCIAL BEIBERY The, startling condition of combher` cial bribery in vogue in all ,parts of the country, as 'sh'own, in a spe al report of the Federal Trade commis sion, is cited as another irgument for government operation, w this feature is largely eliminated. "Those bribes," says the comiiasiou, "take the form of commission for al leged services, of money and gratmi ties and entertainment -of various sorts, and of loans of money- all in tended to inf peace employes in the choice of materials. In specific cases on which reports agre made it was found that liquor, cigars, meals, ' theatre tickets, and other valuable prebents wer~e giyea to employes in return for their r~c ornmendatlon of certain goods. Two companies that were flagrant offend ers were ordered by the commission to refrain from these practices. FLAX IS A PAYING CROP. Flax, flax and `moiq flax is being called for by the gover ment. It has become one of the pnost luportaut munitions of war. Nothing. can take its placif for war uses. In the form of IUNSEED OIL; it is used for paints, varnishes; preservations, for treating steel and wood, waterproof ing for tents and sliciprs, treating Gunstocks m many other ways. The Military estab iIients of the United States alone. will use Arve i0 a half mlllo buabes this year. Flax is generally a new grunad crop and fts in well with other am operations. There is less new land for flax, hemqs fewer acres are ussally put in. Flax will do well on clear land. It can be #eeded after the wheat is put in and it nerd not be cut until after all the other grain is harvested. Our natiosaf needs are thirty million buseib, aIet year only I.~ht and ab milbisi were prod .d. With fir; 40n1. meand ~i lea. knmaneWad the Aeettg of #o w ln a #w af -v gan flex wil be prentalb yes ne e anid Ias ,Sms 4 soaw sere 8AT. & AWtb a51 ~; " yt _ L44tA11 q(,f J YP4 fý l 1.ý ý C ý y ` law 4t ý ' IV -1v 'ý va."z< n ':,ý .>, _ ! k ý'.:= fit. "I:. ý : `;ý; c "ý ý+ ýý ý' r"+'sz- r ...r. Wa~d ar' Mrtoi. :=sue . =o eel M af ot~ _.~ t ' fourms Vursue ye i `tui '. Fear is iýactui Fear is cmnag nary drcu iustnc.. over ~i~r)i of. exercis no diectlow. Fear is uoed by _oW*Srs *u to their mw advancemea* lad Vie=e fit. In other Weo 1,. a ku6i uis.+stt ii state of mind of 't)4 tqpes is takmi advý ~of `fr t Vie! of profit; A' kuvwa- htii falg Is played upon to advance *onanc tm -fr the sav of makl a moeay FFAR its 'th~e orbna undrlying the. rpislo ad h growth of .maay buuinsee tdº which are t oftol as 'sul ate mueritorious and 'which - wuhi :o4 be able to ;Eist without t" bg of You,. f-r. -o ance: You fewr, death. Protmctj therofo iqt. your fawifly f t'u dlS at rellable ANTI FEAR LuUN5 R-~ A$CEV.I .ly. You feur" old a`nt.hui your earalg p "._ !n " th. yaany dayr sped :~ i& YW7: is tatiff. ? 'Tou fmi& hail. Tel* s.~l sib that youn 'ay pr.tii ~ lfz pitres all b wdtta * "l.$ i -r tier.a sas y ing pictures of a Widw With 's. 1ia ,f childe dpgbag DeplssY to the skirts of 66h- Gy' oralg '. -ic theseagin- wait -~i ferting? Hr 1kw wtg y hoels end *spalr-jjj~ ~n ~teIss draw. wisth en Fear ls bu ', is *aospts p s spirace and iaeprat` of `Ve, corporatloss then - .hw ca reap their gudsher auRthr pricly srianu_ Why all thi* fear?;" a~ylptom. creati.p of bogies?" MW e arhi s. ,o flat! W-will not sanl over thelbi and fat 66i -C lub did - tot etb s _tg wag it fst. 'he Fear p4Canýt a. obp e - ~ y- f -1Js1 Y c~. F ss~~~ ,w 4 4h " b i6. * 5r*1~atb t i #m off, 'tei mit wr~l d q. I)b, f t tt )~*' fetouresw ! , fea'f.at1rS . *tale faces *ih e ine.. an rauant he: hasbe~e int - byc-. ~rhis _foss} parents to -the :fltst tmge of ,ear to .coatro iiii Th am~tured mnwi. has pictured :to .hf. beies and ;r&.upti. - he quail~s as :nth h~first *.fear pirI b ncom fit sj4ent4 :an& m~e -V iUer. Let then notscau~ you. STICK. You ice on the track and. you ar, -ru inAhe show. 'There ~would have been nou© a ro- ijs, no steamboat~, "-no .CoIuunMbs, no ~poneers, no dev elopent, -had f ºr dec ided the situation. A ' . , e~of moevjethan a wisbo~u. . Time axid tide waits ,upon no man dies progress -PR' iculJ'b I'IA"AD.8.. OP' MOVJI M5NTS HAVE. LIVED. AND. DIE? O }INCOME TIfA tIEROES )6B GIR~T M1kJN OF' COMING GIENELTION$ -: _ -A $16_;RUBE, WHO IS PATRIOTIC? I lhavbt been laid up since April 23rd .; with a gas tractor bipakint a ntdt. ad was disappointed Satur by *vepiq- whea only part of my .qpairs, for wblch I had been wait .atved.. Because it was after 41 had to. put up sonw talk in O AS, .g _t.t id come. It 4a5Ueh strain to give sMe whapes ttethat I was- refused a few minutes in which to leave a ei s ie 1t was explained -to me that it would not go out 'that night, in . a manner -meaning, "that settles it." So .the doors remained locked sad I had to. make .a special trip Mehoday in order. to send the mes 1~,takign about patriotism, I w like to know what SOME PEOPLE CALL PATRIOTISM. I. it, 'ATRJDTIC for one individ qqi to . =use another to lose several dams;' swing,& just be' a :se it is :: . DAY ON . THE FARM m *s .8OM3 E'IG to our CoJNN TVY Uese daUe tot(fNCLE ' SAN is. GAltbtN fGr MORE GRAIN, api we, the 'ripers, dn'ti tav.any aftei kours. We get to work early a .e can, and 'wsk all hours; wren ;eat qtr z . `p the oieIfine' as i Itd along; - .. It wel4)-the saene thing if it =wae w°R "'1 ke" .s THRY call tbewy, wo ham to drive a team of Wow , .wh a_ ide ARIOICS IAI R Ph A 4 A st oiT e (~~$te* 4.Us Methast th .4Y p Rd iwto s~a tf~ ..sbr WE I. IIi~ -.1l T-77 !4 SIERIDRI4DRUG COkitAN( OUJTLOOMtt4ONT4MA ' KILL ALL THE FLIES To kill one fly inApril and May *111 mean 600,000 less in September. De .elare. War on Flies. "Swat theFly." C. L. CQRBETI. R aarbe In F. G. Budge Pool Hall Outlook,: - - Montana CALL THE ICE MAN You will need him this treather and be will come on the jump be cause he knows that .yon' need his ice.. Just a little ice at very small cost will save a whole lot of expense in " preserving perishable goods. Everybody wants the ICE MAN now. Call him :yourself, today. AGENT for )NTINENTAL ,OIL CO., for Pure Massouri River Ice, Office phone. No 3. Service at A4 .hours. Light and heavy draying, phone 141. ACK'S TRANSFER UNE nm:"s 1 . " ý. : S.. _ . ry ~ r A ~-mp - t o ~s~.b bma%.phmIs at. him one Ea abi~.t "n ow tt cam s ai` tip tt~Unted Stat . BRats. A inds itwes wurtts LS. OSO.O N *And FuvnUw