Newspaper Page Text
OCA Oestrich of WeUliver was -n turday. E. G. Brown is visiting at his week. Jarvis of Glentana was ood visitor this week. Ehlers, Fe iera Veterinar obey, was in town Sunday. Clara Ogden, the Raymond her, was in town Monday. Porter from the Raymond ood was in town Monday. Pet tr Marron was in from the first part of the week. . Fish of Sybouts, Sask., a Plentywood visitor this nd Mrs. Tbd Curtin, from Raymond, were in town on Mrs. Carl B. Bull of Red e county seat visitors on Margaret O'Grady, who is ar Redstone, was in town ndolph of Midby was in Saturday on business wis Mote left last Satur a visit with relatives in nt Grayson of Antelope ness visitor at th$ county y. Erickson is spending the Bainvilie, looking after tters. Albert Dahl, from east were in Plentywood this irrss. Grosturth, the Dagmar s in thte county seat on ess Tuesday. L. Houston, principal of te. at the dance at Home turday night. reman is decorating his the Davis addition with of white paint. ently of Westby was in eat on professional busi day of this week. -41 Mrs. David E. Mc d daughter Padrice Stoion Day !a. Froid. E. Paul of Redstone tywood Monday after ng to business matters. 1 ° Mann, one of t'hq pio of thr Welliver district ywood visitor this week. uisa Dahl and Miss ansen, of this city, were Redstone Monday qve e ePadi to Mrs. Grant Stoner of r'Q: business visitors to j. it pital the first of the e Dobbin, agent for the of e Insurance company., has been in town this 1snt Christiansen and Bert s ot Saturday night and e Swastika ranch near isa Dahl entertained a r friends at a birthday City cafe last Friday s. Dahlin leaves this visit with her husband United States Army at Texas. * Murphy, County Sup of Schools, has been rural schools of the e past week. fall pigs at $10 ut 80 bushels cleuand per bushel. 1). J. Ohn, of Plentywood. 24t es Duffy, one of the era, has accepted e Kolln)an Compre` summer months. radenburg of the con offc has returaed t on the foad sa a r several weeks. Gundermon e of the ra reubtg i re emu b W~ Tree. -Mrs. IL H.Hekm f ao is visiting her p ts,-M and M Ir Helland of this city this weeL. ---The business houses of Plenty wood closed for the enstie day an May 0th, on account of Decoratios Day. Mrs. William Ator was in town Monday. Mrs. Ator is very much interested in the Red Cross work, having already knitted twenty pairs of socks for the boys at the front. ---C. W. Westphal and A. West phal, from near Outlook, were in Plentywood Monday. They report that they have almost completed th ir seeding on one thousand acres of crop. Eugene- Lampson of Weyburn, Saskatchrwan, who has been visiting with his niece, Mrs. 'Geo. `L. Prodc now, of this city, returned home last week. -John O'Grady, of pear Raymond. who was injured by falling from his disc- several days ago was in town Saturday and - is improving very rap*ily. -For Sale-Five casings and in ner tubes; casings, 36x4 and 36x4%, one casing practically new. Write" or phoi*e Westphal Bros., Outlook, Montana-price $75. 7tf. -FOR SALE-Twenty red polled For sale. Twenty Red Polled bulls from one to 'two years old Price $100.00 to $150.00 including pedigree. Fort Comfort ranch, 20 miles north of Raymond, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Adams, accom panied by Mrs. W. R. Mack and Mrs. Caroline Christiansen,. autoed in from north of Raymond and atbend qd the show at the Orpheum last Friday night. -Wm. Hass, Robert Kahle, Ar thur fteuber, Clair Stoner and Mr. Erickson of Outlook, motored to Plentywood last Sunday and spent the afternoon attending to matters of business and pleasure. -Chas. N. Bain, the founder of the town of Bainville, was a Plenty wood visitor last Saturday. Mr. Bain is one of the pioneers of this county and is now proprietor of the New National hotel at Bainville. -.-Arthua Reuber, castier of the State Bank of Outlook, and G. A. Brattland, the Outlook real estate man. wrre county seat visitors on Thursday. -Joe Ostrich of Welliver was in the city tolay displaying a handful of wheat about six inches long, re moved from his farm. The wheat has a splendid root and has about four stools to tbis root. -Petur Nordby of Raymond was in the county seat on business the first of the week, aid paid this of fice a pleasant visit, taking advant - age of thie opportunity to add his name to the rapidly growing sub scription list of the Producers News. -Mr. I. C. Smith of Flaxville, one of the stockholders in the Peoples Publishing Company and reader of the Produders News, was a county seat visitor today, and took advan tage of the opportunity to look over the plant in which he is interested. --4. O. Brenadal, who resides .$ teen miles east of the county seat and gets his mail at Antqlope, was in Plentywood on business today and took advantage of the opportunity to call at this offie and subscribe for The Producers News. -Froid Tribune: A bouncing baby boy arriifi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Joucks last Sunday atd needbeR to say the parents are justly proud of the. little chap, who, by the way is t first son in the family. The new arrival has been named Jehn Thomas, Jr. I--diter Barey owler of th Aabetdo t " 'att :S _ o_ e s "5a M kr_ Yom..s ".-. pI . --8absy GlIna: Mr . L 7 . m spent bdneedy at i, wbire she attes4 te 4 b el out" play for te he ,s t o e ed Cress, under sthe rapersios a Ed Gray of Harlen. Mrs. Grayt expectid to arrive ia Scotpy day to -rma nge for an t ,a "home talent" play to be prespi*4 in June. -A traveling sign painter has been doing she artistic work on lhe windows of tbe -Plentywood busi ness houses lately and tp followbng busnaess houses hawe blssosam forth with new window signs: Le land hotAI, Elgin cafe, IPage Beau ty parlor, Donaldson garage, Bolster hardware 4nd the First Nationl bank and thle Pioneer Press. -Howard Weller, who M ft here several weeks ago to enlist in the United States navy, writes to his friends here that he was unable to pass the physical examination re quired for that serviie and that he is now with his parents at Man kato, Minnesota, but will try to en list in some oth*r ,sion of the service, if possible, within a short tine. -Many persons have complained during the past week relative to horses running at large thruout the town, which have done tonsidorable damage to gardens. The owners of these animals are subject to heavy penalties and will be prosecuted by the irate gardeners unless they keep the horses penned up. "'The war gar dens of this town are worth protect ing and should be protected. -John A. Davis, formerly of this city but who is now residing at Sco bey, was in town the first of the week. Mr. Davis, in spite of his eighty years of youth, is actively engaged is farming on a large scale near Scobey. He takqs an active interest in all war news, inasmuch as he served this country during the Civil War, and now- has two sons with the. colors. -John Anderson, ond of. the lead ing farmers of Froid, accompanied by his brother, stopped in Pl wood for a short time :MomdIy en route to visit their mther (Saskatchewan. They were in Mr. Anderson's Maxwell. Wids here the brother consulted With Post master Oakes relative to enlisting in the United Staies navy. John Lee of this place accompanied them north on their trip to Canada. -Atty. Leonard A. Brown, form erly of Proid, who joined the Avia tion service last December, is now stationed at Fairfield, Ohio, with the 260th Aero squadron. He writes to local friends that his wife is now visiting with him and that he ex pects to be call@r for foreign serv ice in the near future. C. IH Dick man, formerly principal of the " Froid schools, who enlisted at the same time as Mr. Brown, is now station ed at Omaha, Nebraska, in the 80th Balloon company. LUTHERAN CHURCH. English Confirmation services on Sunday morning at 11 9'clock at dui church in Plentywood. English 4eivices at the Raymond school at 8 p. -m. English services at our church In Dooley on Sunday evening at 8 A hearty welcome to all. S. . J. Frethenm. LOOK TO US FOR SUPPLISS. "Our boys in khaki -*p for grpte4 that we ark. goingj tom the n eeary sacrum to n t6 it that they 'ave ampl sp s of fod and clothing, of eaono ia tiuaro~ats% ldSan . . `.. lel r.:.. an4hrte 1(4 san atod J a a ofounder s am Mr Teake, our principal, is leiw g for W50scOnpai for the inmmer hern he will be emsilyod " a ýosk cncern. Tim high sdwol so isha this week. Last wee )a graes cdosed. Sdaool starts at the .weal time this fal. Most of our teachers have gone krtheir wacations and we trust that they can make the most of them, as a tqrm of school is very exacting on the strength4 and the sunmer $me -and pure ozone is the best of tonic. . 1Paett, the genial Nelson has been away locating a h stead. We understand he 1as recessful. It is probably near the CGvanaugh settlement. Mft C. J. Cure is expected back thiaj week from the hospital, where sIje and the baby have been for some time. The baby underwent an operation. H. C. Nelson, the implement man, is moving his stock and office to his new place of business in the Owl building which he recently bought. Reuben Saaborg and wife left on this week's train for Red. Wing, where they will while away time anongst relatives until July. Brattla d & Ueland are having an addition added to their office. Chas. Nau is passing the cigars. A baby girl. 4Wm. Gardner has gone on. an ex tied' trip to Iowa and he may see the oil districts before he comes back. C.. C. Karels plans an extended trip for tlih summer, as we under stand, by the auto route. PIANTYWOOD AUCTION SALE FOR RED CROSS HAS GOT A BIG START Following is a list of the articles *ontributed to date for the Red .ross Auction sale to be held at P)atywood on the afternoon of fune 15th: Fred Lundherg,/14-month heifer, C. F. ;MNulty, 1 pig. George 2Jwrly, 1 aboat, 75 lbs. F'red Ibggn asd NWe* Hanson 1 ". box, brake, seat double trees. and aeckyoke. John ,Flaa, 1 10-months old calf. L. C. Christianson turkey gobbler. D. E. Whitmarsih, 100 El Toro cigars. \ Pete Marron, 1 sheep. J. J. Maoney, 1 pig. Forrest Goodman, 1 colt. Theodore Gunderson, 1 full-bl6od Buff Orpington rooster. Judd Mitkin,, fl-.blood register ed Poland China boar. Tom Kerley, 6 full-blood Rhode Island hens. Lev, Hein, $10 coupon book. L. wG. Zeldier, 1 4-burner Quick Meal gas stove. .T. W. Greer, 1 black mule (8 ers old). A.: '. Vollam, 1 kerosene heater. J. M. Harris, 100 Crispettes. J. A. Johnson, half dozeh hats. Mamie fiwrk, 1 Beavr muff Hudson & Crowford P. J. ls"wart, 1 box 50 cigars. Mrs. Forrest Goodman, pair thor oughbred white P.- R chicks. Jap Huntley, raieview, thorough bred Poland China pig. Joa. F. Doti, daistered- Chsa prake female pop. Jos. F. Delia, 500 letter heads, 500 envelopes, boud paper; printed to copy; package of 50 Ladies' vis ibu eard~,. {F r>4," iNota, I Waner lot. Forman & 100 bars laa &ry DoBA 5 s. brm a coffe. - A Ga,,: µ amantle clek. fi I -MAN ~~ -. t Walk in and Sit Down We will treat you right 'THE VALLEY Kelly & Goodman, Proprietors Robt. R. Kahie OUTLOOK Sells the Champion Cream Saver You are HUMAN Therefore You have to buy more or less hardware at times. When you buy it you want itguaranteed. You want your purchase to be an eco nomical one. You want to know the best- place -to You want to buy at that place. Come Here You will get just what you are looking *for six days in the week. Sunday be longs to us. "SATISFACTION," our Motto Plentywood Auto & Machine Shop Let -s- do your woric All our, we ie Guaranteed Cone in and see the Kolsomno tire Guaranteed for 5,000 miles, WE ADJUST OUR OWN TIRES 'Heavy Machine Work and Trac tor pafring, Blackamithing and OwFding, Exprt Auto Re ~ t.oCaetn To The J~i~iiJekin Sý -ý - l i .; " ý ý . ý " 2 ~ 'WELD