Newspaper Page Text
f N AWL stimated That the Total 50,000 Dollar.-Orig h Incendiary-Suspect A , , trous fire Wednesday morn yed nearly a whole block iness district of Antelope4 a loss to property owners $150,000, and a loss to the m which it. will take it le time to recover. e fire started is not posi wn, but it is thought to of incendiary origin and by the name of Foss, who staying at Antelope for ks, is said to have threat the Grayson Bros. store and the fire is thought rted in the oil warehouse ,r of the main building of store. s arrested the morning fire by Deputy Fire Mar Hein of Plentywood and the county jail. Foss denies that he had do with the fire and it he is pretty well fixed, rted that he had, $5,000 n his person. was discovered about 1 eaday morning and be nce could be secured it ALCALANDER SET fWR BY JUDGE-JURY LR1{AUU hn Hurly was here from n Monday and set the the criminal cases to be term of court commenc 7th,i 1918, at p p. '-Vu s will be set for trial after the criminal cases of by the court. There one hundred civil cases ' 1. The following crim ere, set for trial: Love, June 17th-H. M. ny for defendant. Evans, June 21st--Bab ry, attorneys for defend Lough, June 24th--T. M. rney for d fendant Dempsey, June 25th attorney for defendant. Porter, June 26th-A. T. rney for defendant. Rose, June 27tB-H. M. ey for defendant. Moyer, June 27-Geo. rnuey for defendant. Lutness, June 29th-D. rin, attorney for de Olsen, June 9th-David in, attorney for defend Nic' ey,, July 10--David in, attorney for defend eiser, July 11th--J. J. rn y for defendant. rickson, July 12th- A. attorney for defendant. rney Onstad and his Greer, will represent Montana in all of the ned cases. e jurors were 1lrawn who are as follows: n, Poplar. nnes, Wolf Point. uth, Wolf Point. SCulbertson. Whitetail Froid. , Dagmar ter, Lanark. Pl..atywood. e, Flaxville. Madoe ,Frold. ta.,mied. I'rofmi4.; * POaP j~-~~~ had gained swak a strit that the saving of the Griayso satei was. oit of the question, d at ma" . i seemed that the tr hu a sos tion of the city was do a a call was phoned to lentoywood - help. The way the Plentywood fbe 4. partment respoded was ertail a credis to that department, for in ial an hour or less it was on the s of action, as was,a crowd of people from the county seat, who went dowi in their automobiles, and all hinds went to work, soon 'getting the dames under controL It is estimated that the loss on the Grayson Bros. stock And bSdking Is $~sooo; Island building, $o000; Wal ler Bros. stock, $25,000; Gottleib & Bowman, plate glass, $800; and other minor losses not estimated. All were partially coveied by in surance, Waller Bros. being partie larly fortunate in Iaving taken, out a large :policy, in the sa, of $8,000, but a few days prior to the fra. The fire did a clean job and it is fortunate that the entire village was not destroyed, as the tows has oo water system. Jas. Jodu,.m , Dpley. Wyman Sady, Datleview Wm . q. L1 e, . . right, G. C. Bants, Outloo. Oscar Huse, Whitetail, Orla W. Jay, Flaxville. Fred Marsh, Dooley. Ralph Conner, Poplar. Clarence Chamberlain, Poplar. Hans Anderson, Poplar. Oscar Borgrud, Seips. Nels Hough, Flaxville. Ben Bensen, Outlook. Charles Mann, Scobey. Hardy H. CooWar, Dooley.. Martin Sindt, Plentywood. Jas. H. Huff, F rd Robt. Smith, Plentywood. ,Otto F. Golts, Dateview. H. C. Fraley, Homaestead. Edgar Salevold, Frold. C. H, Monrean, Navajo. Harold Saunders, Dooley. John Lindbloos, Outlook. W. G. Wachter, Vdicae Lake. Oswald Anuerso Deiar. Arthur ChristijUlsn, Antelope. Sanfeil - Barrtt, Watina, C. i. M neson, Pl Perry Campbell, Wolf Pmalt. Glen M. Ring, Whitetail. Eugete , ~akeRi. Chas. L. Smit, Ptip . Eddie Lund, Sebey. Obert A. DLl, Antelope. Alva Mmer *hold. Jothn . C. C. Pte o R. * Cost . K4, t ý- t t, r MI Epiett it is t about pIWO ;0w Ohe rp i es`ie x' - * It t eo Joicy p t E. EBut ander -fe; core." 11 Coun~ty pW `firthater,. - Wednesday, away`ed ': Mir. Jos. Doi PPpj Pion r Press. When we say St une the ternm The County as it were, in s s did not want to be n : pubtic oa g arhl, or the tt think and not B e .f 1ekn n morat new#iip&er public s helrs a chance to make a bhi ane Ly printing. Nao they had sowething on They wefe trying to way to deliver thde teaut contract to the Psepeer sw *** tlle Pwrs ...ardel *.. (for what is law, otrsh e malities, or the publi htesuI tween friends) aS te. other printers ob-ea county " adprths .ut Viae' ikghdqi laO d q Oa So, they s they cold be by it r. I. y used siv n . Angslle eposhiered -o" n- the vry paper, Sald i the \neer not get this cotract--, wea h be grave doubts q ,u in other wori, It *l4hd be al to become "siaky." t is ra that certain members of the ty' Boal#i of i tdriis - we8faz.~l volved wit these beaks sd bemuse of which the beaks hae ampre ith then than i geod for _ Asb lie interes. Thaee institrisas, at course, believe ipi' 'faety tlit"'. In the second plc. there is a-i , we undrstand, in the county sW house, and the' Planr"3 Press - aUy is the apE (i aof ade holders who at. Vioery a pas to be rut.ed 4i teir.R -ie stteq eassme cdb. Wtbi. Ilu no -qi, vere e the giu ence of the PioHasm press. ever thia ray, be, tboe ie.asP. na not serve this yr f; i an se sad in order to = br Ith.ierisnig u ore toi ty pow~ sty~ of~ enin 4-Y i, }# , f - +'r - b If, k"' *Oh Wn 'for ad to i Mia tahit was for W*.*f mtt liu the sqel r d5 d tat up at the - a~·~ ~ tV Antelope Iada OqSceshioner )Eatkin W akhen tte printing :. R to be let' and he was e ~i~uL~b1that it. be tt~a MonayJose IL mo r + 4 p en e t mpress St airs lkc Matkin eahaticafly 4 h wi ts, ar before the - bore *ha contract Slet pa bid. a was as 4t u* p would be done Ltbwt gbivg Iai"a as opportunity - ba that -ust body - - his d. Mr, fRedmond, * a tya uad or, also promised that he would write beWhre tis Matter was taken g * t i*g blas pportunity to be shnat~ ' sea of et a , CuAertson waablgt fawr Mr. Weinrich, cnm frtg thle suthern paert of x S , o 'the evening before, to the county r& the Wd'asey Star Cham tM o asked him at that iM 'lmg&tfl cmeitract for the coun was to be iet and said Jet he would lik4 0 b - opb ty to be pres r.=t f .its-bid. He was told br M ats sm siomer that thes `twnd be taken up at the rter mueetaiq Medy June 3. 4r hq.4-4tr of rSrh te theta fl~it~ r Ob:tard of 'yw wpml Ike to bsibit a bi as ti by the commission _hat ,gubteiven this op ea thbt th' matter woatld Wa6 the regular June j agz~ s tat spa-recipt_ of they sand ruaing °the la .ta paper to tthe S t the Peseer Press hadj i uv ~~-r a~e CatCst for Uie county :a rotad tfee sickle eax p"camou..fb It came to be Iff"WJRItoOWT j torl ib e~ditor .tf .z ~2 enucad up the a~Wei rmdVardr c'p, the crief S said ijqed of the bidsbit~i'B :ItL y.-u4, t the adjourn - of w the reg*Ur ,.t ; - -3 , when she~ ,:ý .; m ld b e 'le t. B h e ;~iýJ tft ,herwa told wbs Pda Freet oit repeat .ushe rod - , . h a .y, . al II r Is>miaswn Metinp e Which awe aPart of tihe County and wie t Your Uc .e Sam. ' j lhe aiwtlon sale. *ideh the Plen tywood thapter of theRedCroas will put on at be county seat, Satorday, 1; rMi1 h atl mesas be tihe I ~igest. thing ever pulled off in this Ssetion af-the state. .A..Antelope, last week, set the pace, i.alizing nearly $2.00, and the rlentywood citizens say that -if - telope can do so well, the county capital can raise $10,000 and they have set out to 'do it. And it can be done. : If you have anything to donate, .ring it in and hunt up coammittee; it matters not what it is. If yOs cannot bring it in before the sale, write to the Red Cross Auction Sale Gommittee, Plenywood, telling what you have, and if you can't do that -_jng in your donation on sale day and it will be taken care of by the proper parties. The sale `ill co amace at o'elock sharp, and will be held in foint of the Orpheum theater. The Junior Red Cross will serve a lunch at the Community hall at iwon, and the Red Cross ladies will serve supper at six and a midnight un~ch will .be served at the ddace. There will be a dance in the even ing at Community hail, where there Is.a good floor, and there will be good music. The ladies should not foret' bring in something to donate to the i'pper and to the lunch. Eve~ything i .s for toe RaeB -`d,-. And the kaiser's goat will be on t is ot en. rd whhr It is not reiprted whfýetr or not it will be offered for sale. Next week a complete list of the. zonations will appear in these col inna. 22 mORE CITIZENSw SCALLED TO COLORBS These Sheridan Comity Besy Will Entrain for Camp Lewis. on June 28. The local draft hoard has received instructions to call 122 more boys of class one to report at Plestywood, June 27, ready to entrain for Camp Lewis to begin their dities as sols d~ies of Unnce. Sam. The board has not made the call yet, for it is waiting for more in tornsmiipn in regard to ibe wly wedrs" and- the boys whe regi td on 14ne 'this ianrma; t i is ed at fai t, e . ow, 4 this. paper ,, as r.tted t. inform .the public that it is ibnt for all the boys who know their umber to ba under 2300 to a tn4 to a mal for uih= `t.o he yl toawail i I is Po -2 ~a~rj~oP~·I ~ j( SThere Mn being organized in Shed dair costy a body of farmers which will be known as the Sheridan Coun . ty Farm Bureau. A Farm Bureau is a county-wkld •rg aton of farm men and Wo men and others interested in ail culture for the purpose of coopera ing with the State College of Ag riculture of Montana and the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, to im prove agricultural and home com munity life of the rural people. During the -war it is the principal 'organization .through' which the sec retary of agriculture will work with the farmers of the county. The farm bureau is a national or ganiZation whic aims to organize a bureau in every agricultural county in the United States. There are now 750 organizations, having a m embership of 250,000 men and wo men, and more are being organized every day. Both men and women and every one interested in farming may join, but all offieers and committeemea must be farmers living on farms. The dues are but one dollar a year. There are no paid offiers, all money being used to issue monthly farm bulletins, exchange list and adver tise meetings. The organization is nonpolitical and does not engage in business. Its activities are purely educational. The work of the bureau is to be arried on by a county execatve e6unkittee and appointed commit tees in each commuaity cooperistlg win tlk· cora ty 'iigriic ltur .. get ad his assistants. leea4* the following committee which was appointed by the Exten sion Department of the Montama State Agricultural college, met in the office of county Agent, Mr. Aa derson and County Home Demon stration Age<n, Miss Antoinett Ol sen, to discuse the organisatin of a Farm Bureau in gh8esdn county: Hans P. Madsen, Archer, dair man Carl B. Peterson, Plentywood,; see retary-treasurer. John Stoner, Outlook. Thos. Brockley, Comertown. Lewis S. Smith, Redstone. Mrs. Hans P. Madsen, Archer. Mrs. Carl B. Peterson, Plenty wood. Mrs. John Stoner, Outlook. At the meeting the committee heartily approved of the plan and made akrangements for a series of organ trion ad farmer patriotic meetpk to be held throughout the county. A temporary 'organisation coemattee was appointed for each cugnmunity2 * Colmm y at Cm tee Meetings: June 6, Thursday, 9:30 A. L. O~too., ait 4re Uqsad'Ys. Cor anitto-- W. W Wi.abl, Mrs. An drew Uelsad, Joýa S8aw. d:a P. M---WhitaetE, at . n's. Commttee--4rs. j. P. Nelson, myron , my oes. m., , Fri~, 9:00 A. S e byr, at Frank H hes',. Comultte a RBas r, reank r ghe.s,' Tf,: v itli) - ~Trk~i-~sro~ ~C k e5 EEI