*I* -st orstooa--a ti are 'Maon-bt aniar M wotor C Ae s -"Ai - "» - 3 **`*1 -IL 3 AF 'i.45 y - ý ?' ý · y L t .. ontana ý d r 0 MN ae--tt " ~· , MR, 11 US .;· # PW y ;.. Montana- -M 0-tort , Co. I 'J. I t 1-7 "rt+ 4 4 . Eat do It all d pnd o nwatt y* you yt Wh ".t n we l.".. :. Wit q e . .., .> :.+ . .t + ;+++++-,;- ... .. . ... . .+. ... . .. . -.'. .:+. + : + + + + + " !. ,+: - : . :.9 :1d !.+ '.:..:7 + : -..+ . . , , . .. + : " : .+ . + .:. .':++ + : '. . . ,+ -.: .+i :+ : -:,+: : '- .:' . + . . '++ ,+ . ,+ , . : ' .-. , - + + - ·t :di+~ t .. ..+ .. ..... ,e e~ ....., w+a~ B1 ·-...'+·.,+ +++..+ ,+..-+P::: . .--+..+,¢'+. - .. . gyn. r , ..,. . ý . " - ý . - _ t i Fm.: gý ... } r 1 - - Mom t ?%. ý"iJ iK Fem } VR } ''·-%fZ Cx {t ,"If-f X,~~ 8bl"i~~~ei~"· jJ~ ; 444, ~# M1ts IL R ?. . Seiqws~dlis. Comn ,E.t. g a., A. F. Persam, waat Mack, V. ? da~s e 1, Thsd, 90 A. M. lprrood, at Farin B nIa NPterson, iLewiq Oaith, Mr. PMa.a, Mrs. C. Peter son, urn. Bert Faiter. Thursday, 2:30 P. .L-R. at q, June 4 Friday, 9:00 A. M. Fla, vlle, at J. C. Cavanaugh'p. Counmittee-J. C. Cavanaugh, 0. 5. Olson, Mrs. John Albes. F Piday, 2:830 P. I.-Ka-le, at Mar. Millean KranUs's. Committee-Ar cb.e Campbell, John J. Lee, Mrs. c. June 15, FSturday, 2:30 P. M. Sldp., at W. H. Michel's. Committe -osoe Ritehe; men on committee to appoint women. It m~y be necessary for yotr committBe to meet and select t~e eaet Cm-eeting place and advertise before the date1- set above.. Go ahed and advertise meeet.nC cooperte with all mterested cparties. Thanking you for your coop - tion, I am, Your Fellow Farmer, Carl B. Peterson, Soc.-Treas. Farm Bureau Organise tion Committee. The committee bas received the following telegram from Wasiing toea: "Washington, D, C May 25, 1918. The -Department Ariculture paeves your work at orgaayirrg al rmers of your county to 6oop* er.taerith the city agents in &A o at this critical periL . Seat re suits cam only be secured by the united action and the developmAt of a program of work thyough the far mers. This movement deserves the aupplort of every patriotic farmer.' Signed:- W. A. Lloyd, In charge of County Agent Work U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture. The executive committee has ar ranged for a series of Patriotis meetings at which Uncle Sam Hamp ton, farmer Mpeaker, will be the prin lcipal speaker. The meetings will commence Jum 17, and the dates and places are as follows: June 17, Monday, 1:30 P. IL--Co mertown; 8:00 P. M., Dooley. = June 18, Tueaday, 1:30 P. L. Dagmer; 8:00 P. ., Medicine Lake. June 19, W hdzesday, 1:80 P. M. Froid; 8:00 P. A., Biaville. June 20, Thareday,, 1:30 P. 1. Volt. June S, Priday, 1:80 P. .---So be.; 8:30 P. ., Hua ert's 's.haL Jtu,. 22, at ,day, 8:00 P. M. P`atywesa ; 8:00 P. ., Outlook. June .8, Suehy, 1:80 P. o M.- :Je s, mBte , 1:80 P. U.- hx , Thmd a ~g, +:80 P. M. '~ " ,s TMday, 1:130 P. I. a 10 P..-. +.+m +i . ++ + + .- - ++++a ++L++ + + + • - +_ i , . . ; + + . " +. The or set andpr, antd - doe- se , a s ords~ f!ag seh t at he eis -ross, wi, *. ~s th oay Wt haret Sthe e p wa is Ion 1 the `+ , o *r- e, and he hsto b. epeay are tihe grainthe ets oef t .te rtest o the ea Wi he gibs -the r Thee hoto ams ha" printed a ed in his field : *,a o Ut place, Red Cress: the de- Grain Drivdel tcrer-the better he crat.op, the great La.r Erickon, Midby, one adonee. The folowig faurmes. have start ired the iwheat.i r ig, hich ill n stop un arry faW. Burholder in Sheridan oodunty, one are d croni.ss Acre card inhis field: acre red fife wheat. arrGeo. W. Burkholder, Plentywo wood, one acre macaroni.caroni. J. P. Lasaterki, Plentywood, ontwe acre Scotch fife. Ole. W: Thompson, P lentywood, on one acre macaroni. J.Tore Toreson, Plentywood, twon acre macaroni. OleHarry Padlong, Plentywood, one acre macaroni. Tor. . Thompreson, Plentywood, one acre macaroni. H arry Padis, Plentywood, one aere marquis. C. C. ThompsonWesterberg, Plentywood, one aacre marquis. AGeo. A. MKoman, Plentywood, one acre marquis. red G. Westerberg, Plentywood, one que acre marquis. Ge. J. Munsonhakel, Plentywood, one acre marquis. Win. Leader, Plentywood, one acre red Afife. A. Riba, Plentywool, one are oats. A. Ri, Pleantywood, one aere rye. A. Rim, Plenatywod, on ac(i scote fife. flax. Andrew Fadness, Plentywood, two acres macaroni. L. E. hae, Plentywood, one acre macaroni. Gust Moberg, Plentywood, onE acre fax. Geo. A. Schmaus, Welliver, one acre. macarni. H. J. Otto, Welliver, one acre marquis. J. C. -Gronwold, Plentywood, one acre red fie. Fred Gross, Plentywood, one acre marquias Clyde Holway, Plentywood, one acre blue stem. Lloyd Johnson, Plentywood, one acre macaroni. John Walkowski, Plentyrood, one acre macaroai. Martin ,M. Reitertson, Plenty wedd, one acre macaroni. Harry Godfrey, Plentywood, one acre macaroni. G. R. Hair, Plentywood, one acre red fife., M. Sidt, Plenitywood, one acre Gep. MAIby, Midby, one acre mac arenA. yaran spn cBWIFE CRBT1FICATi S Miss Aga-e Ee Datu ty 1 er .t th gi*-.- s gt in the local school, .lgsof her pupile re idvW tb l Elihth gade earticates ni iOfi thism -uber three s~ m Thre sord spewks e m*tb w~ka ptu ia-dasbrt ~ teads4 as well. ~i~rl~n F , - Arher 7Iy i Utsa week. .-.F 68. A tseue, from 4 Us1e was ini the county Tharday of this week. -S. M. Sterrett of Wily D., was in Plentywood Fy tending to bmalnems matter -Miss Ida Christensen, city, will leave for St. Pau1 day morning to spenid her - Miss Louise Dahl, who employed in this city f£ weeks, will leave for Saturday morning. --A bouncing baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Outlook Saturday. Mrs. the baby are doing well. --M. W. Bain, a well ' er who resides about %,, southwest of Plentywood, business visitor in the today. From now on he the Producers News. -Dr. Glenn R. Bach, de veterinarian, of Medicine in Plentywood Thursday Dooley on professional Dr. Bach is frequently calWg vicinity since . the Plentywo narian, Dr. E. S. Mohr, et the army a few days ago. ANTELOPE RED CROSS SALE A HUGE Nearly $2,500 Was Realiz Cross Auction Sae Last Week. The Red Cross Auction at Antelope last Saturday gantic success. The 1 ever congregated in that attendance and the mass of that had been donated b prices and was the source amount of amusement. One of the mirth p urea of the sale, was in of the kaiser's goat, a spirited contest, as body wanted the goat, Kelly, little son of D. W. Plentywood, donated the it was fnally knocked Gottheb, who paid $105 fi jesty, "Bill", the kaiser'.s. goat has made rapid rip in the past fe* days aid to make Sheridan county FeUowing is an itemi4 the amounts -etted at t - Dance, $235.50,; $148.95; lunch, $259.00; sale, $1,672.25 The following articles sold: One gasoline stove, ling colt, five ana ene grain. BLAINE WILLIAMS PL GUILTY TO Blaine Williams, who with the offense of Second Degree, pleaded District Court last M Judge Hurley sentenced term of not less than tr than four years in the S . at Deer Lodge at hard sentence was suspended good behavior of Will was immediatly zleas.ed parole. The offense wits was charged was an man at thq Plentywood.I winter. Williams is wel this vicinity and his f that he will make good pa&ple and keep out of tO HOMESTEAD MAN EP AMINED Joe Root, a blacksm stead, was examined as by the Judge of the and Docters Campbell last Monday. It appesl has been confined in for the Insane at Ja and at Chicopee, Iows. ` Warm Springs, Montas but he had been dis He was found to be examiners. and will be State Hospital for Warmt Springs. The pears to be harmless from hallýinatos a.d teetbnts at the B ry. Hi. con ~b~`mi bbmilucina ghes i dares of yswte eet very a - 'ses'ln prm - -lT