OCR Interpretation

The producers news. [volume] (Plentywood, Mont.) 1918-1937, June 14, 1918, Image 7

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/1918-06-14/ed-1/seq-7/

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Schulder, Morkel P.
Foley, Lewis Joseph
States, Claude E..
Hamilton, Thomas [ ^`
Iverson, Earl .
Jasmer, Reinhold
Jenson, Neils Peter L ".......
Lies, Peter ..--........ ......S@@bey .
Kornski, Joseph -.........Wolf
Laurinovich, Casimir ...........,.Pott
Paulson, Willie ....-. ..N..Dooley,
Bearsdlee, Edwin Loseria4 ,
Rhodes, Rex Edwin ý .Sco,, _ ,..
Weise, Wilhelm ..................... r& ,
Jacobsen, Carl ..... ....___ _ P
Ault, Thomas Jr. ---.-- Thoeny, Mqnt.
McConnen, William Francis....Wolf Plint, '
Eggum, Arnold .... ........... lve, Mat
Olson, Ole ...a..ry, Wit.,Ii Gary1. 'n.,;. 3
Redding, Bryan G. _..............Groats s, Or,
Burdge, Gilbert E. -...._ _.Dooley. Mont.
Stadstad, Carl ...-.....-. Plentywood, Wt
Retzloff, Jacob P. ............ _.Mounttai
Brenden, Herman .---..Homestesd, Meat.
Ferrebee, Walter Guy ---. Wolf o st.
Mattingley, Jasper Clay M _.-... Bainville,
Gross, Jacob W................... Bowden, NJ1. '
McGillis, Fred ......... ...Wo Pant. Wolf Pat,
Witt, Floyd ...................Wolf Point, It.
artin, Phillip .........__..._ . _Poplar, Mont
Ator, Fred B. ........ -Plentywood, Mont.
errill, Virtor Deo ...__.....Medicine Lake, Moat,.
ok, Christ K. ...--_...... Wolf Poi't, Mont.
wards, William ..__-----...-....Cass Lake, Mian.
assett, Ancel .................... Lismas, Mont
ewtgens, Florian J. ............Poplar, Mont.
yce, Henry ------............... ...Brockton, Moab;
' el, Conrad ................_.... Froid, Mont.
adness, Harry H. .. _.......Scobey, Mont.
mpson, Christ......................Scobey, Mont.
ompson, Samuel .............._Havre, Mont.
'th, Thomas G. -.._......... Celon, Sa&c.
lson, Nicolar.............Erskine, Minn.
n, Gifford H. .................Gary, Minn.
ringer, George F. ......-....-- Madoc, Mont.
lpitt, Walter .._.............._..Scobey, Mont.'
us, John ._--........._..._ Kalispell, Mont.
son, Frank Ebert ............. Froid, Mont.
yers, Emil J. -.....-.---.-.......... Fargo, N. D. -
'dsen, Laurids Madsen ....Vollin, S. D., Boa ý5. b
ward, John F.. Mont.
hell, Dale M. ._._._.... -....._._Redstone, Mont.
pinana, Gensippe .............Glasgow, Mont.
thous, August F. ... Medicine Lake, Mont.
erm, Paul George ._........ Kellogg, Idaho.
guidi, Oliver ..--.--.---.........-Chicago, Ills.
it, Walter ..-...............-... . Westby, Mont.
rts, Verne Kimball ....... _Brockton, Mont.
n, Henry Peter . . Whitetail, Mont. it
William L ..--.---.-........Scobey, Mont.
Charles .--.....--.........--...8t. Joseph, Min+.
pton, John .............. .. Whitefzah,. Mont.
rtz, Fred Paul .....-.. Scohey, Mont.a
,William G............ Hannah, N. D.
on, Melvin I. . ......oly Mont.
rlund, Clifford...............Evanaville, Mina.
c, Carmen Alex .. ......Tary, Ind.
ey, Lester A. ...........Umatilla, Ore.
,Albert ..............-.-. Raymond.
gaard, Andrew C. .....-.Dagmnar, Mont.
n, Andrews ..... .....-Poplar, Mont.
,Ordlin ..--......---.----Wolf Point, Mont.
t, Andrew ...............--..Erhard, Minn.
etson, Alfred ...;-........Comertown, Mest.B
n, Johnaaes Christen ...Dagmar, Mont.
,Ragnvold ............... Wolf Point, Moat. c
,Oral Glen .... .. .-Comertown, Mont.
, an M.............-.- Madoc, Mont. U
n, John A...............- Wolf Point, Mont,
, Peter ........--- ety Mont.
rson, Oswald ............ ..Dagmar, Moat.
n, Carl...............---- Wolf Point, Moat.
,Barney C., Jr. .. ... ...Medicine Lake, Most.,
rde, Mikkel ............-Chicago, lla.
n, Victor .................Flaxville, care John Road.
n, Ludvig D. ..............Dagmar, Mont.
er, William Bernhiard....Scobey, Mont.
'ske, Peter .........-....-.Scobey, Moat.
n, Nels H. -.........Co.row.Mont. n
(Continued on Page Sh)P
ing Store in Thriving
re Prospering in
in the vicinity of
ys set a mark for
era of the soil thru
in the line of seep
During the past wwi
what has been
venture, when they
E. J. Renwajd "
store and tamd
"a"mr'sto Th.
in R sa5Uoat of a&I
make the deal and
agily took
r, W. Wulf, a
sality and -.
gewn y
A B eTh e w e h .c - o f :J 3 w a s c d h A i t -
ed by Wolf J:b Ns 4b W.*e
This wast. Nt
Baby! W-i Oa, Z
Wolf Nia wu_ ai
don in the M
work. At-a "a,~I* aaus
meat of ''co -4
, 164
l _ thea =1h a
4-who 4e4fn a r s 4. : s..
of thehat ButteS, Wyvite .
could hrd ) W
andW ate a
Wetate.. cs w n s
t a tey co otstate hcodsir hb
Emse -r as t almly stat e that
t the dt ttnes toy; fern
'Mees. by th a;a li,-b eigs ed t
e+aratin . hst. We tdil ht l al
the wo is of the worte mos ; uld e
seo Mr. msas eally s state - that
the eir.would otn shotldk d have
prosecmtim wom en on
evidence furnished by A. C. AL - de
We wish the workers could have
seen how Mr. esans t r. to ns
.rmnt Mr. Wheeler, .beesse he
Rheer) mould not take dictation,
from him.
We wish th toilers -could have
seen how resentthl 'Mr. Evans wa
because the United States district
attorney insised on working for the
government and not-- for the A. C.
M. company.
It would have been e.lighteahy
and instructive, and it was coada
sive proof that the A. C. M. is be
hind the fght on Wheeler, because
he. does not obey orders from the I
sixth *eor.
And Mr. Evans seemed to feel
that the council was with him and
behind every word he uttered.
The subsequent action of the
council would; Jead us to believe, he
was right in his surmise.
Great is the A. C. M., and Evans
is its prophet-we almost wrote
profit. -
The next case to be considered
was that of the Butte Weekly Bdl
lein. Its editors were closely ques
tioned by members of the, council as
to their beliefs and amilations,
stockholders of the company, et1.,,
and the council appeared to emf
iait of the Bulletia star..,
wew in striking contrist to the
tearded utterances of the corpora-4
tion representatives, and we believe
the council has now a iearer insight
into the positir of the Worers 4
t state.
The Bulledn staff were rather
amused to find that soave members
of the. council expected to hear that
B. K. Wheeler was waeanially In
terested in the Bulletin, simply be
cause the Bulletin supported Mr.
Wheeler. Scone seemed unale to
understand a paper slstiag &r7
one or anything unless paid. We
do not blame them, as that is As
precedent set by. the dai papers of
the state, and the pqpers with which
they have had experienee
The only opposition t0 the $O:
tin came from the expected so
the Butte Miner, and the - plans'
ss..iats in the persons at C. c
Cohen, associate Aeitor of the- Mi
nar, and "oa $ -[cI tosh, she
tary of the Employers' uoclatieu,
We said oppesition, but ddit
really mean t*at. As a
-f ,, About all the entlemen ue
eeeded in ae Wad their
,Ideas prejudice and ab.smal
We_ h>v -seldom witesed a as
Atl ial kthent ah stn se
Wlne aty a t Or 0 'ufe~
5p- mow. .
r ki
aMSc n be p
e. the se '
1ui wn ltl lie*m for
1* at lif ras the ea.
Mreat h
s ea ttae adplet sd r ge t
'Mr. Mdatoin beet to loea pres.Ue.
o i peJsa oH f n Ba.
empti3p, lobi , bueisred
g* abaIy e thet w.mdt
h ue uersed a lo wm pre; de
and * ees setal. He SPV
[nsy -itence meant
pPla'l and bI. utteraaee. PM
X and more abid and he al
mosadi as to what aetlsa they weald
ym , Mr. M tesh presumed a
ethd too much Qs the good nature
Of.:fe l'angnger.ing s, 'sad
-n~ the Bulletin satff finished
cross-aassinag him, he did not -
h' e a friend in the room, if we
*xeept his co-wrkeer and ellow-aut
ferer, one C. C~ Cohen. Mr. McIn
to h failed to provea single state
ment adverge to the Bulletin, made
by, him, left the stead absolute
ly 4earedited. and about ' theenly
gting be did prove was the fact that
Bulletin has a very considerable
unsence 3n this state.
Thus did Jobh's unfounded pre
aCe and w is surpmng ignorance
proie his undolng.
As to Mr. Cohen's part in the
proceedings, the, less said the bet
ter. We are not vindictive, at least
we try not to be,. therefore, we will
ast rub it in. *iftie it to say, Mr.
Cohen, attempting to justify his
statements cm .oseam ination
ire both a pitllful and- humorous
*ibt. We bhve never had a high.
opinion of Charlks' ability, but his
Peformance bitre the coune con
d $s that there is a lot of
Mbbey behind the 3i1er.
wsensel, -os we baelieve that we all
underatd 'amether better than
we did
' and free discusiaon was in
domged ia. At temes speech was so
free that it was a drug on the
r re l ipse were accord
ed extremely courteous treatment
by the council, some receiving more
consideration than they really de
We are of the minion that the
te y . of e ration represent
atliqs carried "mere Weight with the
~sdai than the testimony of men
Aogoned to earporate cotrol, but we
heagso . t to -ma.e on that
score, it is stlrIy Uatural, in view
.t the e cunmutausee, and what . we
t .d. If the oaeil is satisfied,
S re we.
*W heleve IWver, that the ac
tloue he eU m iail a regard to B.
Li Whais lo a t is one
t ta WthattWe
-orate d t u the *e t tad
to see anat afrlal bedy.-
AR s UR , A # I AT
_ ."emiemt riy
~~dpi e-tened
ý.;ý:' o ,n, -sy ", .:".
P~ Su~sr momi
i# xsgt m
W in and Sit own
WWe will treat you right
pm, VAL E
µ'ý t
Kelly & Goodman, Proprietors
SRobt. R. Kahie
Sells the Champion Cream Saver
A Car I:oiddof
that will leave the fi
tory this year--so buy
while buying is good!
"SATISFACTION," our Motto .
Plentywood Auto
SMachine Shop
Let as do your works All our
k isGuaranteed
ei aid see the Kolsomo tire
Guarqntmetor 5,000 miles,
an _<* *! W T'ra*
RhCasdnpiheng and
s ýE per Auto Re
7, 1,e1 adeMid By
A 9 ý y f fR o o t
ýýý.fy, - ' t .7 ý ;re g, ~ ..,i ý .

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