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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
._7.ý.r~- °,"-A... ý° - r ý~°,; q. 7ý Cý''f + y si' "' r1º o 6,{Cý ^"ýe`ý ý t.ý h'tý,, ýý5ýiýý- ý ý ý~ ý+!" T,4ý ýz. ' '.Y? '.k. ý"`ýeý ý. s,. ,' w.'ý r- 'ýý . ý` it .ýj "ýý 4 ý ^-'^'~~ - Y- .. rjý ý ,y' "'ý + Y' .-ýofýn ý« - . . . , = .wWe_:k2 F awym ý, ý ý,t- i 4 I'` r 'ý"i+~hý m . ~ ~ o -Nowý. r"" ý, "., ""ý '- n..'y ,ý z ý. a t s. len ~ ~~~~3 oufasa44 ~ ~, Tye re ermý *.w '+-p", 1r.`. ~a°~ t m p h a.. saa-.-. se T_- """ in .? . 7-', ý. 3 , »+_t L -. t -` - ~ ~ ~ ~ i -f u I `ý a ý ý t ý ý - gýýe ' s-o, ~ýF.ja 9 - ý- . a1ý i ,ý ýfb. r " ý;; "atbe ýsa roc ' "ý".ý " '3 .-:p' :;ýý'i I r 'Y- is 1/ AA THE CITY CF cnor sUEY,-EVENINGS Af. ItfOLX Eatdo It all depet* a yoi et and what y.m py r y well: If you matw. yot fe lt wel ell Id well MiAe m TyuztyOU? T a .wr« 11~vi .. [ý' L"j' ýI ý ..,"- iI'k .-, '[ý ýrý ý ý, eye, / / P;A I t.s *Fta - ce . .1at . G, Courtney prominent A sizen of Aut~pe died .at his home Inr that afty best- a`" y, afte a short iBa .s . Ong a victim of Britht's die ea se, at Sh ripe old age of 74, years. eeralW services were held -from 11 ire fly r~esideý ce, Thaady 'morn-, S e SO, * . pS her le my of -Pleatywood ofuiing. Inter Aet wasde at the Catholic gednetery at mnaope, be being -laid' to test by the hid s tlbe n, Tom, who lost slife pearfer ag hip dtl Sthe arst sherict of eridan county. Te deceased came to Montana and to isa home at Antelope from Lityeas held, Minn., where was a prominent and respected citise n, someeih yers agy. Dresi hdencei rsday in t wen #-he had thade ma ty friend mid was very highly rsetd The funeral was atelo e by many friends from the surrounding towns s vth agese BRING PAN CARS OVELAND FROM TVE 3T;. CLOUD FACTORY A. J. Beversmg - and F. H. Castra, a few days ago, went to Cloud, Minn, where two beautiful Pan cas were dth eret to thay, which had been fr6nd throuh the srrtywood agency, Paentywood Auto a o ne t entame de the A. . vtg .and t for Ctr whretw eutifu Pan cahrs were~ delier tode the, wrip had beseod -'throuabs thse Plntywoo agencyfo the.WtoPhptwor for twrdesd oh lealdatiest bth o ee hew ear won for Na Motor stilkj which Mr. 0. E. Johaem, salesman, firom Fargo, N.-D., is selling in their territory. The above gentlemen import that the crops along the way col not look better. The food truat is not a taxing body, but it takes its bit three times *vry day- froms every man, woman and ckild In the Uadted States. Tim Pioducers News--42 t~. year. rimlwoedBakery Gtoeerioes Butter, Eggs, Cream, Ice Cream and Cold Drinks 9 twI II.Res Friend Sent Hirt Wei AVELY Eewn Plug inumi~ ha c mos ~ Real- Gravely $ l~m'o tkf*c~mdenaSO F Ivýý ""t i .d w of it b o '4 - rte` 91 A 4~ .-A#~*3~-eteau~ge~y, Wedses dat. --August 'lter -ad Fred Engel of Fbuld wefe in Plentywood Thurs .-4. 0. Wigaser the Medicine Leke townolto owner, was a coun ty seemalerthus weOk. -Harry D. Loueks, former county coa toe from Redstone, was in the qty set this week. -Mr. Lee .t bdville, £a&k., Can., is v. igg sit his daugbter, Mrs. ; s- ,.eaig, at the Leland hotel. -.8. L. G e*n, ene of the lead iug et the Froid territory, is Itendiag const as a juror this week. -4hartes Council of Mondak and Russell Man of Welliver are serving as bails in the district court for the present term. -FOR SALE--- fall pigs at $10 each---also .about 30 bushels cleaned Asax at $4.00 per bushel. D. J. Olson, tree miles east tf Plentywood. 2-2t -Andrew Igllm, John Litzenhou ser, Dave Pomarleau ,and Al Morin, all of Medicine - ake, autoed to this city y and attended to im portant busincas matters. -Gordea New of Ilhitetail was in Plentywood this wee,. Mr. New has been attending law school at Chicago for the past three years and will re turn to finish his course next winter. -For Sale--Five casings and in ner tbe ;. casings, 87x4^ and 37x4%, one casing practically new. Write or phonw Westphal Bros., Outlook, Monta a--prise $76. 7tf. Jens Jensen and Peter M. Peter soa, two enterpflsing young farmers from near Brdette P. O., on the reservation, were in Plentywood this week. These young men have over 1200 acres of crop sown. --James C. Maguire, the genial landlord of the Home hotel at Bain ville, and justice of the peace at the Junction City, is a county seat vis itor this week, being called as a wit ness in the case of the State versus harles Lans.. -At the Rjentywood Auto A Ma chine 'lp, all hands are at work repairing the county road building macline, in order to get it ready for use on the 'roads between Plenty wood and Antelope, where the coun ty will expend some money. Woik will start as soon as the machine is regdy. -31.l Moe, a well known young farv'er of Archer and one of the stocj.Aolders of the Moe Bros. Co oporatton, a corporation, who wa.s called lato the National army last fail, is inow with the American ex edi~ionary forces, Somewhere-in Fra'ce. Mr. Moe is now Corporal Moe. agd writes to friends and rela tives that he likes army life very~ well and is on the job of "caning the- uhser" until the job is corn pleted. ` --.Pas MAIler of Outlook Plen'ywood this week. -Rose Gibson of Dooley the cunty scat Tuesday. -Harry bavid of Froid a coiuty seat, on business -Ole Aspeland of Dooley Plentywood the Ant of the -Peder and Nels Moe of were in Plentywood last S -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson were in Plent week. --S-Chas. May of Froid was tywood caller on Wednesday week. -0. M. and Peter Lutnea Elroy was in the county g nesd y. ' -U. G. 'Barnhouse, deptg at Westby, was in Ple Saturday. -Lige Crawford of Kalh Plentywood Monday and this week. -Attys. George Cudhie Clifford of Scobey attended Plentywood this week. -Gilbert Bakke, the re lage cop of Scobey, was in ty seat last Saturday. -William May, the Fra meaker, was a Plentywood Thursday of this wreek. -John Lee, one of the farmers in the vicinity of in Pie tywood Monday. -At4y. C. J. Cure of 0 in -Pklatywood the first of on professional matters. -Chas. E. Moore, the life insurance man from in Plentywood Saturday. -Atty. W. E. McGarry ville was in the county week on professional ma -Atty. A. W. Killam was a Plentywood caller day, on professional busi -John Norgo, an farmer residing south of. Lake, was in Plentywood -Myrtle Christiansen ed a position in the oh Sheridan County Abstraet -Orla W. Jay, a pro of the Flaxville country, in Plentywocit this week duty. -Mr. and Mrs, Elmer and family, from north of attended the Red Cross esk tywood last Saturday. --John Dbarshak, a acetylene welder of De gan, has joined the f Plentywood Auto & Ma t -Mrs. Violet Lowe I1 candidate for county su of schools of Sheridan Scohey, was in Plentywood of the week ixrr he in t candidacy. -Mrs. C. 3. Atkinson, presideat of the Horn bank, now farming near a Plentywood visitor the weci.. She was accom little son. -W. C. Adams, one of nent farmers from southa was called to Plentywood 1duty this week but d fafter the jury in the Ja'A I s called on account of srve farming operationis immediate attention. -John Waller, Jack J. Beverung and George Plentywood, 3. C. WigmeQ cine Lake, Jake Knudso' c. lope, are among the of Sheridan county l bought blocks of Pan during the past week. . ..BIG AUCTION S at C. F. Ankerman's, 4 west of Plentywood: 15 11 head milk cows and8 h hojs; farm machinery & e hold goods, too numeroy tion.