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ni!;PRODUC NE A PAPEROFý. POF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE Continuing the OUTLOOK PROMOTER Vol. VI. Number 8 VOLUME I. PLENTYWOOD, SHERIDAN COUNTY, MONTANA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 1918 NUMBER 24 "Save Her From The Hun---Buy Liberty Bonds" UIBERTY LOAN ORGANIZATION >` L. NEI L N HEADS BOND CAM pAlGNVit-USON NEL ASSURES At .a ncting held here Tuesday S_: week the Sheridan Stnization for the fourth L been completed, and . suilhcient to insure oe- the top" very short caLc begins tomorrow, -ro wer in buying the ýL teat the government tl:e organization as wluK; chairman is N. of the State Bank h Cail Bull, vice sttate Bank of tary. George D. Orp:cum theater, *it an4 ha has madertising end St'e past three llbe assistou we 1(: " servinlg t co-mmiytes cov -'C n activities. .. ., ... £ý - county. no clcurtv.ew a -sted in know o are to T ' follcwing Mr tharrespec *.o954 L. V. G. An1der'. . , - -,.-S-. . Du, Reisto; 0 . L.4 Hy1b 0 .T.on, F roidt; E . C. c - no Coi Yosn Bai Class One E.. ( aualif1ed for ndiayservice 'ir this call. L en will en 1, next Tues L . " y Harold _August G. Carl_ n Batolz Bayer -lex McDonald, SHenry Kemp-, -per, Scobey; Hot StOS dag n: Nisls Peter Han D;ai1r Y illiam S. Bergey, ýn~l am L. Burns, Culbert 'no warren 0. Smith, Antelope; I anous S trandlund, Froid; John 4 inzer Pelfntywood, and 'William ab u Flaxville. In the boe we find two Plentywood , John Kranzer and Alex Me l OF DAG MAR BUN ~ -orv al Bb en, chairged wik %1e cosn Marinus labei fr Iteover in the Dagmar~ 1 vr a week ago, asd w1D Was brought to trial h s ~1kie Monday ahd 0'er to a;itCor Sli~e failed to to date ladle NONPARTISAN LEAGUE HOLDS CONVENTION1 DELEGATES MEET LAST SATUR DAY AND MAKE ENDORSE MENTS--JEANNETTE RANKIN ENDORSED FOR U. S. SENATOR Delegates of the different precincts representing the members of the Nonpartisan League of Sheridan county, pursuant to a call issued by the state headquarters at Great Falls. met in Plentywood last Saturday, Sept. 21, for the purpose of outlining the coming campaign and making several further endorsements. Hon. Jeannette Rankin was en dorsed for the United States Senate on. the National ticket. H-on. Charles H. Cooper was en dorsed for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on the Republican Ticket. Hon. J. H. Hall was endorsed for Railroad and Publc Utilities Com missioner on the Demnocratic ticket. Clair S3oner was endorsed for State Senator on the National ticket. A. A. ? ajor was endorsed for the Thice of Cie'k & Rccorder on the Re pubilican tickct. Mabe! V. Thayer was endorsed for the oI ne of County Superintendent an t _e Natiornal tirket. SKh togeotbe with these en a the Wc'iver convention and not *nai- on te h t publican ticket con it tes cndore eme nte for all of Teoiliers to i'e elected. It was d1ecitd to stert. organi in o h 'w o 'rgr ation period im C. Dorman, Superk!t'ndetr t` N. P. League for the Sate o '0ntona, and W. A. MeG>ynn, state campaign manage c wcre present. I 12D sneakers will be sr .1-in 'o'' counz= this fadi a: the Theue will be scLn rwking the wei 'Tiw It!! I b'' : Lean Is Here 1Get Bonv" "W!': lip s on he tion 1r Brctn con t ucd to to n ith his sin, and upon I. 1iving, went inuediatclv to his: to' n r s Bence and killed hii-self. His so1 a "c1 unon the seore just aftrr the ( casc.Lltted and found the man 1-7r on a couch it a pool of bloo'. Sa?' nine wa a wL \Vcalthy rancher 'in business man and no reason can fb found for his rash act. T & R Company to Qui Business Soon Th' Plentywood Tanner & Best Company, according to * Manager ps, are going out of business here about ,the first of the year. Arrangements are being made for a gigantic closing out sale to com rmence on next Tuesday, October 1st, and to continue until the entire stock of goods in that store is sold out. A 1arge announcement of the sale is published in: this issue off The Pro ducers News. A careful reading of the advertisement will give our read ers some idea of what the manage ment will do for them in the way of reduced prices, etc., at the sale. THEY SAY RAY IT AND MISS VENNE ARE MARRIED We don't know, but dame rumor has it that Miss Verne and Ray White were marwd over us Neth Dabot uiny Yzla , and ]MrS. _*sy! 1Lýv ,ma jr. {:{ {ý", r$}, is t "::: ::": "ti Vf ".{lL:}:r":f1 1Y,"}""r':." _ :. % . ;} vY r ly:: }ý }LJ:t" {:S{.;ý. D`':;: '!{": ir:.1r.{"::: :. f:.."..1.. ' 11...E:,.. {' " } {'. 4 r ¢' ,L5 ".{., . r t,1. ".ti!~::; f. "Jý;: ...... v....i " ....:": {" . L' _ 'Fr..".krY fn-" "I'llv"""i:r:{::v fvv::.v {y.. .,. 1v :::::::::.' 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The Stt o' 1Jtna *DLn askod to ra so 1,0Y),e*0. 0:; alc of this amount $250.000.00 h : been )altoOtt to Sheridan Couriy. Uiantywood and vicinity has L con asked to raise- 40,000.00 as its share of the total of thc county. T11 s amount was arrived at by the Con- tv Executive Committee after doe consideration to population, crop con ditions and amount subscribed in pre vious issues. There has already COUNTY FAIR SUCCESSFUL The Fort Peck Indian and the Sheridan County Fair held at Poplar last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, bro e all records of previous attend ance, there being nearly a hundred visitors from Plentywood alone. The fair was a pronounced success. Superintendent of Agriculture L. S. Olson was unable to secure his splen did exhibits, which are still at Hex "a since the showing at the Montana State Fair, but, he said the visitors were surprised 'with the extraordin ry display of grains, grMses .and egtables He said he never ~~asevere "S gI 1 suc u ° This fgure *as takon on a nevy g sine, the U:itad ' tates vent i:l che str"g' dU war J free. donm a.d you c-. only "what the Goddess of y rr to the woIunded zI ficr rd u Aa erica Ly tolkiar u, 4"'w -,T nhis moturo ro:i Franocei FairchiW, a New \'srk 4i in behct of 2:c Foerih Lisety Lcao. A i-._ C,? __. _.~.-.Ci t. . Vr1 --. m e thu c m ttee in e'v e v ay polsie so that the Fouvth )eo Loan ca.'mraign Say be ?HOLT, TIHOROUGH AND INbXI'ENSIVE. _ous for the Fourth Liberty Loan, N. L. NELSON, Chairman, Sheridan County. exhibits nicely arranged. The shcaf and threshed grains, seeds, grasses and vegetables, were of a greater variety than of any pre vious year, and it is conceded that there were more exhibits on the grounds. L. S. Olson captured first, second and third prizes on everything exhibited from this section of the county. If the county fair had been held before the State fair, it is. be lieved that Olson would have taken every premium and blue ribbon all the way down the line. " besides the exhibits there were games, 'sports and races to keep the visitors in a good fram of mind. Jack Duggan of Plentywood, with "Mutt's Special" fliver, was first in a five mile race with a Poplar car. The sheosd day, Duggan was in a ten dlie race with Billy Donhue of Gul barttoC, and a car from Poplar, but bik lost on sccent f es}fine S'iiei o the fdap b1sk Ta 0k. 0s.1. lo JOE BURNRAM MAKES SUPREME SACRIFICE Soldier Who Wrote Splendid Letter Published By This Paper Report ed Killed in Action According to an item which ap peared in the Dooley Sun last week, Corl. Joseph Burnham, "M" Co., 26th Inf., A. E. F., who wrote the inter esting letter which appeared in this newspaper in the issue of September 13th, is reported as having made his supreme sacrifice for the United States of America and for democra cy. The item follows: "H-arrv Lurnharm received word from his frother Raish that he had received offcral notice of the dead! of their brother, Joe, while in actio. in France. Joe enlisted at Willo N. D.. niine rion+±s ago." xT:t1 brav' odij:p gave his lfe -Lo ± earth of the despots ard tyrangy: e1 fiught Ii)i .y and dic(1 a ho 'ke many hui'.drdc s of thous ends of otTl boys fiom all over ii Sorld, who have done their bit 'reat struggle. The newr oC death thrills us as we airt- t¾i 'r ticle and we wonder hol rany 'no' similar reports will come to be chron "r ths. - D-p;, of She ran ti 11_ "os 7 o a, 1, ?Jr. Vah!md ti : d'al fe.~~ farmers and cr of4 and Vici t' thro ul t )o thwe2t c:n Jobb r: Cr"dit DuBcm of SL. 'iiu , totry;n rn o t)1' toek a d fi. - tures of *' 1- orme tore, formrV oo:fd 01 T o of thrt or0 th" ar ard con:suuC:s o his t'rtopy cpnnot be fuP>' ap re claxo:d at this {hua for the plans of this co-operrtiv2 buying >di sels;o 'nt}_'i'se i^ .o extens ve that a pcr son has to make a study of the pro position and analyze the principles of the proposition in detail in order to understand the proposition. It is reported that the opposition to the enterprise among the business men of Redstone is very bitter and 't will take careful management at this point of the part of the Montana Stores Co., as the opposition will do all in their power, not to encourage this enterprise, but to discredit it and throw as many obstacles in the way of its success as possible and each member should study the proposition until he understands it thoroughly when it seems sure he will then stick and win. There is always a certain element that fights anything new, especially when the new way or method of do ing, things is going to interfere with1 their profits or future micces. CATTLE DESTROY GRAIN; PARE PAY 5 MINE wo Uveps n the Ree. O~cuoqds , bk 00s~ Ul+i~ .stTewp r BOND BUYERS ROLL OF HONOR THE PRODUCERS NEWS WILL PRINT THE NAMES OF ALL PLRCHASERS IN PLENTY WOOD. The Producers News exnectF :P t Liberty bonds will be sold in v =:y home in town. Uncle Sam t. - portioned to us the neat little i ou $40,000, and we are going to Lay that much and more. LV&IV person who buys all t.e flhns ho o, she can is dAoing "bit" toward defeating the and entitled to ih0 credit of (eoig Ttic namus should have a place ' the f ntywood roll o ' honor, a_ The Producers Ncv- pn to 0 VW,1-111 'We are con f111i' every he' In this comillun 1-ty will be repre (1 by at l ast ota : :. cn t"hi: r'ý? of honor, we arc in that vt ry fl i.' of tMi hom'e- the n*i of each membcr a t :, included i: the list. e shoula i to see this roi of hono.' con,,;n L : of lv`ev ma'n a- t" - : bo' and ;9'1 tJ f \lt. L^o . T! ls ray. of hora bl p1 pi.1+ a"y to ft on 11 I L -'- bu at 1t l ¼e . le do h"t ý" 0 i. ic to ''t 5 1 l 01, : 5E. Former. DGoLey Sky Is Reported Missing Dooley Sun-The casuait li ini last Sunday's papj1.; co:,tainrcci thii name of Elmer Walstad, stating he was missing in action. Elmer' ha.; been in the thickest of the fighting for some, and while it is possible he may be a prisoner, ft is feared by his many friends that he has made the supreme sacrifice. Elmer was for several years employed at the Geo. A. Wright hardware store, where he made many friends by his genial and accommodating ways. From here he went to Opheim, where he engaged in the hardware business with Messrs. Bertelson and Wright. Elmer was among the first of the drafted boys to go to Camp Lewis and sailed soon after for France. destroy grain. Although the fine was a mild one, the court believed it to be an object 1oson 4 for those wbe #lb ,; the qgtiouns aset d n Xrtb. C.1u D.g~